~ The Journey to a Fell Memory ~


This story is an excerpt from two of my most favorite movies. Some of the scenes are similar to the said movies. Those movies are two of my top most movies.

Hope you enjoy it. :)


People says that when you start playing with love and lust, it will always never going to end good. Lust is a ual attraction to a person, playing with it will never going to give you trouble as long as the other party is willing to participate with a loveless attraction. But, when you made a game with love, both of the party will suffer. Physical, emotional, mental and even spiritual. Love is something you can not explain. Love is something that you will have feel it first before they let you see it.


From the cruel game of lust, envy, pride, greed, manipulation. Everything will always end in trust, hope, faith and unconditional love. All the matter is, It will all comes down to who's by your side till the end.


Who will win? Who will lose? Or is it going to be a tie.


Let the games begin.


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