The Beginning of a New Love Story


Someone in my class likes you.


Enjoy ;D

constructive critisms are wlecomed.


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RingoJuice #1
Chapter 1: OMG!!! Hyukkie so cute!!!
Chapter 1: This is so fluffy~~
AugustL #3
Chapter 1: It's so cute!! I'm sinking in heart flood!
Chapter 1: a perfect story , its cute and sweet.
themasochistic1308 #5
Chapter 1: Hehe. So sweet!!! >.<

OMG!! I want to pinch Hyuk's cheeks so badly!

LOL! Hae is so funny! I can't stop laughing! XDD

Thanks for sharing^^
rossy80 #6
Chapter 1: interesting story......both are in love with each other.....and hyukie so cute when he whines about his love life.......and now his love life just begun with hae....