Chapter Two

Invisible Reality


Three weeks later-


I came home that day from my dad’s funeral. I walked home slowly in the rain, disregarding the drops that began to soak through my clothing. My heart, mind, and soul were somewhere else. Yes, everyone passes away eventually, but I just… I just never expected it to happen so soon. And to me, at that. Each memory that popped into my head soon felt like a segment of my imagination. I slowly opened the door to what was now my house, and dropped down on the couch. It wasn’t even a second before I curled up into a ball and let my emotions get the best of me.

I awoke when bright rays of light erupted into the room. Slowly getting up, I realized that I had fallen asleep on the couch, just as all of the other past nights. I couldn’t bear to pass by my dad’s bedroom to get to my own. I lightly rubbed my eyes, letting my vision focus. Once my sight returned to normal, it landed on the envelope on the coffee table. The one with the plane tickets inside. I stared at them for quite a while, simply daydreaming. Letting my mind wander was the only escape from the still very sore pain I felt. For some reason, I bent forward and picked them up. I really didn’t know why I did that, maybe out of subconscious curiosity or a yearning for a memory that may come. I stared at the tickets. They were still good, and I still had all of the money saved up.

I slowly began to consider my life if I were really to go to school there. I had enough saved to buy an actual house, believe it or not. I would just need a job to cover utilities and school supplies. If I went there, I could escape from the crippling memories.

Without a second thought, that is what I decided to do.

That day I began to pack the things I would need. I only packed enough to carry me over, as I obviously couldn’t bring the whole house with me. Whatever else I needed I would just buy there. I turned my head every time I passed by my dad’s room, unable to look. When I finished putting everything in my suitcases, I called my best friend and asked her to house sit for me. She was sad that I was leaving, but understood and said she would keep an eye on it for me.

On that same day, I left the past behind, and headed towards my future.

I walked into my new house and gasped. It was small, yet spacious. Already furnished, it held two bedrooms and one bathroom. I immediately began exploring and unpacking. This house was in the middle of the city, so there was a lot of noise, but I didn’t mind. One wall held a giant, wide window that overlooked the whole skyline. It was only a few days away from Christmas, and a thin layer of mist was floating down outside.

It was kind of sad that I would be spending it alone.

I wasn’t going to go to school yet. I couldn’t. I wasn’t ready- at all.

Three days later-

For the last few days, I’ve been doing absolutely nothing. The more I think the more I get irritated at myself as my mind wanders into uncharted territory. It was a deadly occurance.

It was then I decided to do something. To occupy my time and my thoughts.

I would write.

I walked over to get my laptop and quietly began thinking of what I would write. I’ve always had a dream life, a fantasy you could say, the way I wanted my life to be.

I guess that would be my storyline.

I opened word and began typing.


      Her name was Song. 23 years she had walked the earth. Skin porcelain; hair night; and eyes, the masterpiece of her form, were piercing cobalt. Half Korean and half Caucasian bid her that masterpiece, and she was praised every moment of her life for it. Voice melodic; shining smile contagious; and legs, the epitome of jealousy. Contrary to her outer appearance, which many would mistake as bratty, snooty, rich and fake, she was possibly the sweetest, most shy person that walked the earth. Many mistook her for being mute, as the only time her lips opened were to take a breath of air. It took ages for her to open up to a new person, but when she did, it was as if an angel appeared.

      However, not everything went great for the model look-alike. A tragedy struck her, one that no being should ever go through. Abandoned by her mother, she was left to her father’s care. Yet, one month ago a car accident took away that very care. Her father was killed, leaving her on her own, wandering around in a lost rut as she had no will to do anything. Being a college student, she told herself she should continue her education.

      But not in her home.

      To where she could start anew. She moved to Busan, South Korea. Her father was Korean, so she understood all of the language and spoke most of it. She had a vague understanding of how the school system worked, but wasn’t certain. It would certainly take some getting used to.

      The first day of Winter Semester, she walked into the gates of Busan National University. She wrapped her slightly sweaty hands around the strap on her shoulder bag, and curled her toes in her new leather shoes. Her uniform was a beige school girl outfit. The skirt was particularly short on her long legs, and her knee-hi socks only went up to her mid thigh. The cold winter air could easily blow onto the patches of skin that weren’t covered. Her dress shirt was a maroon red, matching quite well with the tan/beige skirt, and her small scarf was loosely tied around her neck. Her winter blazer was a mixture of both colors, completing the outfit.

      She looked around nervously, as she was unfamiliar with the people, scenery, and classrooms of the campus. Song didn’t want to get lost on her first day, but knew that was almost impossible to avoid as a partial exchange student. Of course she wouldn’t know where anything was.

      “Excuse me?” A shy voice came from behind Song, but as she was daydreaming, it startled her to death. She even screamed a little.

      She slapped a hand over , putting her other over her heart to try and calm it, and turned around.

      “Oh, I didn’t mean to scare you. I’m sorry!” The short girl bowed about 5 times before continuing.

      “I was just wondering if you were lost? You’ve been standing in the same place for the past 10 minutes. I could help you get to your classes if you’d like. Oh, and I’m Jung Ae Sook.” Said girl bowed once more and came back up with a perhaps too-cheery smile.

      Song was about to open to reply when she heard a bell erupt from the campus, signaling she was late for class. With a gasp and a shy smile for an apology, she quickly bowed her head and ran off, trying to find her first class. She got to the nearest building labeled ‘Language Arts’ and took out her schedule, not recognizing this as one of the classes she was taking this semester. Studying it bid her no help as it was completely different from American ones. She had no idea how to read it.

      “Need help?” A boy came up behind her, scaring the daylights out of her for the second time that day. She let out an almost deafening scream and jumped forward, causing the boy to cringe in an attempt to protect his young eardrums.

      “Sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.” Song turned around and faced the speaker, noticing immediately how much younger he looked. Her still racing heart bid her no voice and wide doe eyes. The boy’s hair was short and styled up, giving it an airy look. His eyes looked pure, as did his face, and his smile was more than contagious. You could see his skinny form through his perhaps too-tight blazer, and his hands were slyly tucked in his pockets, shielding his fingers from the cold air.

      He stood there, waiting for a response, but only got a few blinks of the eye. Nevertheless, that didn’t stop his helpful nature.

      “My name is Do Kyungsoo,” He bowed, “Let me help you with that.” He slowly took his hand out of his pocket, so as to not scare her, and slid the schedule from her grip.

      “Oh? You’re first class is on the other side of the campus. I hope you brought walking shoes.” He started walking to the destination, but halted when he realized no one was behind him. He turned his head to find the still unintroduced girl standing frozen like a statue. He wasn’t weirded out, however. He was used to all types of people, and the fact that she was silent didn’t bother him. In fact, it made him want to help her more; made him motivated to make her talk. Kyungsoo walked back and placed his hand on her elbow, gently pushing her forward. She awoke from her daydream successfully and followed him to the mystery classroom.

      “Here you are! Sciences of Aquatic Life and Habitat. Dang that’s a long name. Speaking of names, what’s yours?” The curious boy looked to her and waited for the answer with an interested smile.

      She’s so pretty… He thought to himself.

      “Song.” She mumbled.

      “Hmm?” He asked, unsure she even said anything in the first place.

      “Song.” She said, a little louder this time.


      She nodded.

      He laughed. “Can you sing?” He expected her to laugh with him at the pun on her name, but when he looked up, Song just stood there with her head tilted to the side. Kyungsoo scratched the back of his head, awkwardly letting up on his laughter, and spoke once more.

      “Incase you couldn’t tell, I talk a lot. And if you actually want to be in the class, you better get in there fast. They drop you if you don’t show up on the first day.” He handed her schedule back to her and noticed that her expression had changed.

      She was smiling.

      In all honesty, it gave him butterflies. Her teeth were perfectly white and perfectly straight, shining even in the clouded weather.

      “Thank you!” She quickly whispered. Song bowed and made her way into the class, sneaking into the back and praying that the teacher hadn’t seen her walk in so late. She was always timid when opening up to new people, as she always had a suspicion they would betray her. And in the past, that did happen, so she always put her guard up. Yet, the fact that he was so open to her made her believe that he was trustworthy.

      Little did she know she had left Kyungsoo frozen outside with pink cheeks not caused by the weather.


I got up from my seated position and stretched my stiff legs. That first chapter had taken me about two hours to write. Just remembering everything I wanted to put in it was hard enough. Saving the chapter, I made sure to make more than one copy of it incase my computer crashed, and reread it. It was quite short really, but my attention span wasn’t that large, so it was the perfect length for me. I read it a third time and wished that my life was like that. Or like a drama. Something to keep me busy and give me new experiences. But, the best I could do was use my imagination. I cracked my fingers and back and looked at the time: 1 AM. 

With that, I headed off to bed, brainstorming any ideas that came to mind.

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Oh. my. goodness. meeting. that. dinasour. for. the. first. time .___.
That. was. sooooo. amazing!
I really can't wait for the next update. I seriously can't >.< Update soon!
Nice chapter! Can't wait for more updates. Hwaiting author-nim! n_n