Head of Clan


“Good morning sir how was your sleep?” Mr Park , Minho’s personal butler asked after bowing

“It was amazing” Minho smiled remembering his dream of Miss Lee, Minho was now 18 and Miss Lee was no longer his personal Nanny but now worked as his younger brothers personal Nanny.

“Good morning Minho” Minho’s father greeted in a formal tone when Minho entered the main room

“Good morning father” Minho answered in an equally formal tone bowing deeply

“DADDY!” Minho’s little brother Minsuk shoved past Minho and ran to his father embrace. Minho felt a pang of jealously watching the intimacy between his younger brother and father.

“Hows my big boy?” His father asked

“My stupid Nanny stuffed everything up as usual” Minsuk glared coldy at Miss Lee who had just entered the room

“I’m sorry sir, I promise I will not miss please Young master again” Miss Lee Bowed 90 degrees. To this day Minho was still captured by her soft beauty, she had such soft kind features and since she was a vampire had not been affected by age what so ever, her face alone gave Minho great comfort and too witness his younger brother treat her so rudely infuriated him.

“I shall hope not” His father stared coldly down on her.



“Mr Park what were you views on my brother’s actions regarding Miss Lee this morning” Minho asked as they sat in a car on their way back from Minho’s lessons

“I cannot really comment freely on those types of matters, but I can say that if you had ever acted like that when you were young towards any of your father’s staff you would have been slapped hard across the face by your father” Mr Park sighed,

“that is because I was my parents duty, they were not interested in having me or looking after me in any way, I was just another duty they had as the head of the Vampires” Minho sighed as he looked out the window

“Sir I know you may not want to hear this but I have worked for generations and generations of your family, long before they were head of the vampire clan back to when the Lee’s where still head clan and I can tell you from experience that if a father did not want his oldest son as head of the family he often killed him off to make way for his favourite son and your father is reaching his 10000 year reign mark which is when he has to pass his title down.  Although your parents may not like you as much as they do your younger brother, everyone else who has ever come in contact with your family knows that you are much more suitable for head of clan than your younger brother”  Mr Park spoke truthfully which shocked Minho.

“Are you saying my father may have me killed off?” Minho asked though was not truly surprised

“Yes sir” Mr Park replied.

“Say Mr Park what happened to the Lee’s after the Choi’s became head family” Minho asked

“Well most of the higher ranked family members were killed off but some of the family was put to work under the Choi’s, the Gardener at current is nephew to the last head of Lee’s. None of the higher ranked members would be alive today anyways, for this was over 50 000 years ago and they were already well aged although their children live on no vampire can live forever”
“Is Miss Lee a descendant of that family” Minho asked

“Oh yes Miss Lee is the Grand daughter to the last head of the Lee clan, but she is still so young. She will be 40 this year I believe, although her body had full developed into adult form, I do not truly believe a vampire has lived until she or he has reached the 100 year mark, by 100 they would have had enough experience but are still so young and full of questions”


“Minho!” Minho’s best friend Taemin  called happily as he arrived at Minho’s house

“Hello Taemin, please keep your voice down, mother is ill” Minho begged Taemin

“Sorry” Taemin apologised in a whisper,

“I DON’T WANT STRAWBERRY ICECREAM, I WANT STRAWBERRY SORBET!” Minsuk voice screamed from down the hall

“oh god here we go” Taemin rolled his eyes following Minho into the room

“I’m sorry young master, but you asked for ice cream” Miss Lee replied

“Are you saying I’m not allowed to change my mind?”  Minsuk yelled

“no young master” Miss Lee replied looking down

“Hmmm that’s what I thought” the young boy sneered.

“Good afternoon Miss Lee” Minho smiled

“Oh good afternoon young master Minho” Miss Lee smiled happily over at Minho bowing quickly

“Minsuk please don’t give Miss Lee anymore trouble then needed” Minho looked sternly over at his brother

“she should learn her place in this house” Minsuk sneered looking down on her

“Why is this still in my face!” Minsuk screamed throwing the bowl filled with ice cream at Miss Lee. The bowl shattered making a deep slash in Miss Lee’s arm. The smell of Miss Lee’s blood filled the room.

“EWWWW what a disgusting smell! HURRY UP AND CLEAN THIS MESS YOU USELESS !” Minsuk screamed before leaving the room. 

“That boy needs a good hiding! No he needs a whipping! Where the hell does a 6 year old learn such language” Taemin grunted in annoyance

“Miss Lee are you ok?” Minho rushed to her side whipping some of the ice cream from her face before picking up the arm that was injured.

“I’ll be fine, I am a vampire” Miss Lee winced as the healing process began. Healing for vampires was not as easy as it sounds; it was painful like being stabbed again and again by a blunt knife. The wound was deep in her arm and Miss Lee closed her eyes tight as the healing came to an end, but a lone tear fell down her face. Without thinking Minho pulled her into a hug, shocking Miss Lee.

“Well I’ll wait outside” Taemin smirked leaving the two alone

“Please Young master you’re getting your clothes dirty” Miss Lee pulled away blushing

“it doesn’t matter I don’t like seeing you in pain” Minho sighed as he picked up Miss Lee’s injured arm

“What are you doing?” Miss Lee asked wearily

“You smell so good” Minho smiled up at her before the blood on her arm that dripped all the way down to her figure tips. Minho followed the trail of blood all the way down to her fingers not letting a drop of blood go to waste; he stared into her eyes the whole time not letting his gaze on her fall for a single second.

 “Young Master….” Miss Lee was speechless

“I’m sorry about my brother’s behaviour” Minho spoke gently as he wiped the side of his mouth

“why do you treat me like this?” Miss Lee asked

“Like what?”

“Like an actual living being, instead of a piece of scum scrapped off the side of the road?” Miss Lee looked away slightly embarrassed

“Because you are a living being, well sorta….. if you don’t count the whole living dead thing” Minho smiled a goofy smile, Miss Lee let out a slight chuckle.

“I’m so proud of you Minho you grew up to be such a fine Vampire, though you still have so much more growing to do” Miss Lee smiled caressing  Minho’s check in an affectionate manner. Minho grabbed Miss Lee’s hand and pulled it up to his lips, kissing it gently making Miss Lee blush a bright red.

“In all the time you have work here Miss Lee you never told me your real name” Minho whispered

“The truth is I can’t remember my name” Miss Lee laughed but not the happy kind of laugh but an empty distant laughed

“How can you not remember your name” Minho asked

“Well the brain tends to forget things of no importance, and no one has used my real name in over 37 years” Miss Lee laughed

“That’s horrible” Minho replied shocked

“Minho it’s time to go Onew and the boys are here” Taemin opened the door to tell Minho.

“I must go” Minho faced Miss Lee giving her a light nod before leaving.


“I see you have thing for the nanny” Taemin smirked, Minho did not reply,

“That’s kinda creepy man, she practically raised you” Taemin laughed, Minho remained silent,

“Not to mention she’s like double your age” Taemin pointed out

“She’s only 40, that’s a 22 year age difference” Minho shot back

“yeah but in human society I believe that is called child molester” Taemin joked

“well what would they think of the 297 years between your mother and father” Minho slyly added

“oh you got me there” Taemin admitted defeat.

“but seriously man what do you think you parents will say?” Taemin dropped the act and asked honestly worried

“Taemin I don’t feel like discussing this right now” Minho sighed pinching the bridge between his nose.


“Sir you’re Grandparents have arrived and wish to see you” Mr Park informed Minho who sighed deeply before following his butler into the foyer where his Grandparents were seated.

“Good morning to you Grandmother” Minho bowed deeply

“Good morning to you Grandfather” Minho bowed deeply again showing respect to both,
“Mr Park you may leave now” Minho’s grandmother glared towards Mr Park, who quickly stood up bowed as a sign of respect than left

“Minho you will be leaving with us” she informed the young man

“I don’t mean to be rude and question your actions but why?” Minho asked shocked by their sudden actions

“Because at current your mother is ill, so we are here to lighten the load and take you away” his grandmother replied

“Mother I can assure you that will not be necessary” Minho’s father suddenly appeared

“Son, we know what’s best and at present we believe your wife needs this break” Minho’s grandmother said calmly

“Then why not take Minsuk instead?”

“We are far old and have not the patience for young children, we will take Minho he is older and more mature” she replied raising an eyebrow as if daring the head of the clan to push her buttons

“Mother I believe I know best for my family” Minho’s father tried once more

“Are you questioning the wisdom of your parents?” Minho’s grandfather spoke up for the first time

“No” Minho’s father sighed in defeat

“Then we shall go in 15 minutes. Minho call a maid to fetch your clothing you will be with us for a long time so pack your whole wardrobe leave little behind for we will not be back for a while” his grandmother commanded


Minho sat silently in the car not knowing what to do, it had happened so suddenly that Minho had no time to think of the consequences it would have on his life, he didn’t think to ask how long he would be staying, what would happen to his lessons, he didn’t realise he would be away from his best friend , his loyal group of friends, he’d be leaving Mr Park his personal butler, he’d be leaving behind Miss Lee…..

“Grandmother, please pardon my questioning, but how long will I be staying with you?” Minho asked

“I’m not sure yet, you will probably stay with us until your father’s rein comes to an end” she replied

“but that’s 8 years” Minho gasped shocked

“to a vampire 8 years is nothing” she sneered

“Why was Mr Park not brought along?”

“Because Mr Park works for your father”

“What? What is this really about?” Minho asked, he had become confused by the woman’s words

“Now that we are in private I can openly speak, We can see the great favour your father in particular has of your brother. But your brother is not leadership material, although you are weak and overly compassionate, but you have potential to learn, where as your brother is spoilt and greedy, if he became the head vampire his greed would blind him and the people would over throw him” his Grandmother explained

“If we did not take you out of the place your father would have had you killed”

“Thank you” Minho replied quietly

“It will be hard work, but you must forget your needs and embrace the needs of the people” His grandfather spoke


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Typewriter #1
I like it so far.

The way that Minho's father acts toward Minho and then the way he acts toward is kind of heart breaking, really. Especially when Minho becomes jealous.

And, ooh! Do I see a possible opulent between Miss Lee and Minho?

I hope you update soon,