Love Him Like I Did

Yunho had been staring off in a daze as he drank a cup of coffee on the terrace of his room. Yoochun had brought him a tray that had the newly brewed coffee and two pieces of buttered and toasted bread. The man was reading the newspaper that his younger cousin had brought in as well, but it seems as though the things he read couldn’t enter his mind since the only thing that had been in his mind was his young former lover. His beautiful angel. The raven haired beauty that had caught his attention as soon as his eyes landed on the younger man.

The younger lover who hadn’t actually betrayed him.

You idiot. Yunho swore inwardly. If only you listened to him. Memories of what had happened back then came flooding in.

He was standing behind a huge post and that was when he saw it.

All Yunho could see was red as he saw the younger man who had been wrapped around his arms just a few minutes ago wrapped around in someone else’s.

Yunho felt that it would have been okay if it was just a hug between colleagues or what not, but the expression on Jaejoong’s face was another thing. His younger lover was smiling the smile he would usually show him, and after they hugged, Jaejoong had taken hold of the other man’s arm and wrapped his arms around it and began to childishly pull him along.

The older man couldn’t stand it anymore and blindingly in rage, rushed over to the two and yanked on his lover so hard that he felt the owner of the arm he held fall on the ground, but he didn’t care. Jung Yunho does not like to be cheated on, especially by someone who he fell for.

“Get out.” He could hear the words filled with vehemence, which was rather rude, but he didn’t care. No one touches Jung Yunho’s property. No one.

“Yunnie…” Yunho heard the sweet voice of the man behind him call out.

Is that the tone he uses on this guy as well?

“Sir…Let me explain.” The man had said with urgency. “I’m Kim Jongwoon and –”

“GET THE OUT!” Yunho boomed, and this time, the man named Jongwoon let out a light shriek and rushed out, like a dog that had his tail between his legs.

Silence enveloped the two after they heard the slide of the doors, which signalled that Jongwoon had finally left the building.

“Yunnie, that was –”

Jaejoong had been cut off when he saw his older lover turn to look down at him, and what he saw had him swallowing all the words he was about to say.

The coldness in Yunho’s eyes had him trembling in fear. This was the first time he saw Yunho look at him with that eyes since all his lover had provided him was a look of comfort and affection, but this was the first time he saw Yunho’s eyes void of feeling. It was cold, dark…and scary.

“Go home, pack your bags and get out of my house.” The words were like knives that were directed at Jaejoong.

The raven haired beauty swallowed. “Wh-what?”

“Go home. Pack your bags. Get out of my house.” Yunho bit out the words.

“Yunnie, let me explain. That was –”

“Your explanations are meaningless. If you don’t go home right now and pack your bags and leave before I get there, I will call the cops and have them take you.”

Jaejoong’s eyes widened. This was the first time this had happened. Of course he and Yunho had arguments, but in the end, Yunho would have his arms wrapped around his waist and they would cuddle on either their bed or the couch as they watched movies.

But this was the first time they had an argument, that he didn’t know what the source was, and that Yunho was sending him packing.

The younger man’s eyes began to water as he remembered the reason why he was in Yunho’s office building in the first place. That after months of being together, their love was going to bear fruit. He was three months pregnant, and he couldn’t wait to see him that as soon as his appointment with the doctor was finished, he had rushed to Yunho’s office, only to see Jongwoon, Hwaeun’s older brother, walking round in the lobby. It had been a while since he last saw Jongwoon. Though they were in the same modeling circle, he didn’t get a chance to meet the older man ever since becoming a model himself.


He snapped back out of his thoughts and heard Yunho’s voice beginning a countdown.

“Two…Are you leaving or not? I can call the cops now.” His voice was as cold as his eyes when he said that, and Jaejoong could see Yunho’s hand digging inside his pocket, obviously for his phone.

He really was serious about calling the cops!

And that was when his tears began to roll down his cheeks as he got up from the floor after Yunho had harshly cast his arm aside.

Yunho wanted to hug Jaejoong while the tears were rolling down his cheeks but he willed his self not to.

Jaejoong had betrayed him.

That was the only thing that filled him mind right now, and Jaejoong’s tears would not stop his determination of sending him away.

He watched as Jaejoong had slowly turned around and walked away, his steps were slow and steady, as if waiting for him to call out to him.

As if!

All Yunho did was watch the slim figure of his now former lover, walk away from his company. Walk away from his life.

That was the last time he had seen Jaejoong, because the night he got home, everything related to the younger man was gone. Shoes, bags, clothes, stuffed animals, accessories…everything. Even toiletries. All that he had given the younger man, however, remained where they were.

The accessory set that he had bought Jaejoong, which had a necklace, ring, earrings, and a bracelet, that had their couple name ‘YunJae’ engraved on it, were sitting in the box where it was usually kept. Even the tee shirt they had asked to be made that had ‘YunJae’ on it was there on their bed. Even the colognes, lotions, whatever make up Jaejoong could put on. Everything was neatly placed in a box that was obviously saying “Please throw me away.” And that was exactly what he did. He had his maids take the box and throw it away, but when the maids were about to leave the room, he had stopped them and had instead requested them to place Jaejoong’s stuff in the attic.

He didn’t know why he asked them to keep it, but he didn’t care. It kind of felt hard to suddenly throw away everything that had been proof they were together. Jaejoong was selfish to leave those stuff behind. It was as if he had silently told Yunho to forget everything that had happened to them. As if they never existed as one entity.

His eyes had widened, however, when he realized he hadn’t seen that necklace in the accessory box that Jaejoong had left.

So he did want to keep something after all.

Deep inside, Yunho had been happy that Jaejoong had taken something with him that will make him remember the older man.

Yunho looked up at the sky as he felt his eyes water as he remembered the painful past that could never have happened had he listened to Jaejoong’s cries.

Would any of this bull have happened if I listened to Jaejoong’s cries?

Would I feel this pain if I listened to Jaejoong’s cries?

Would I feel this loneliness if I listened to Jaejoong’s cries?

Would I feel this emptiness if I listened to Jaejoong?

Yunho…only you would know the answer to that.

Yunho heard an inner voice say as he looked to his side, his eyes suddenly widening as he saw a faint glimpse of his younger lover before the figure disappeared into thin air, leaving Yunho with more questions instead of answers. 





|| A.N.: IDK why I actually wrote this chapter right now xD I'm in a friend's house right now, and since I didn't know what to do in her house, I decided to update a story (I didn't know what, but I decided to work on this story) and since I didn't want to save this story in her laptop as to not become a burden to her files, I decided to finish it xD (I could actually write and finish a story in an hour and a half...what have I been doing with my other stories then?) but anyway, I hope you guys like this story...

P.S.: I'm sorry for any errors because I just wanted to post this for you guys up without checking it...also, I'm so very sorry for not replying to any of the comments anymore...there's just too much now and I can't reply to each one of them, so I'll just say this here for all those who have been commenting. Thank you very much for supporting this story so far and I hope you guys like how the story proceeds :D ||

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liiloo #1
Chapter 20: Sad tht the story updates are stopped.. was quite fascinating read ....
Clumsygirl91 #2
Yunho deserves better like junsu
Why are you all rooting for jaejoong , jaejoong cheated on yunho first
Lovely4372 #3
Chapter 20: Please update!
Hi, I've just found your fic and I really enjoyed reading it. It's been a while you haven't updated it, please don't give up and update moore.
asuwakurakara #5
awesome story :D
kafkis #6
Chapter 20: I hope you update soon!!
Chapter 20: so where are hosu moments? or are there any hosu moments at all?
yunjae78 #8
Chapter 20: Ohh i cried so much in the other capters! Please update and i love this fanfin!!!!!=^_^=
Chapter 20: new subbie here!! your story is realy great. hope you will update soon author-nim :D
maedeh #10
Chapter 20: hi
it was cute thanks