Loving you

Loving you...

''..oppa do you love me?'' I ask my boyfriend Kyungsoo.

I always ask him that question.. 3 or 5 times a day... every time I can since I'm not certain of when I will hear him say he loves me again. He has been traveling between here Korea and China. He might receive a call right now telling him to pack up his bags and leave to China.

''Minji...I Love you like I never loved a girl before. You showed me how to love, to be myself, to keep my feet on the ground. You have been with me in the bad and good situations. I have loved you since the first time I met you'' answers D.O to my question.

I smile and hug him tightly. This is how its supposed to be. Me and D.O together.

''Minji..do you remember how we met?'' Asked My boyfriend of 5 years as he puts me confront of him and gives me a back hug.

I look at the sun going down.. Finishing another day full of love and passion. This is the first day in months were me and Kyungsoo spent a whole day together without any interruptions.. I'm grateful for that because I really missed him.

''Of course I do silly...how could I forget'' I smile at the memory..


''Unni please hurry up~ we are going to be late!'' I tell my 23 year old sister.

Today is the day that I have been waiting for for months! today will be the day where I will be able to meet my idol, my platonic love..The one that showed me to be yourself without caring what other people say..my inspiration D.O

''We will make it on time Miji calm down~'' Says my sister Eunhee as she puts on some red lipstick.

I look at her and can't help but admire her. She's gorgeous. Curves, big eyes, double eyelids, perfect straight hair and perfect features. I don't look like her in any way. I'm not athletic like her, I have boring eyes and curly hair.

''Minji...go find my purse so we can leave'' says my sister standing up and brushing her hair to the side.

I quickly run to her walk in closet and get her red purse. I run out and give it to her

''thank you Minji..now shall we go?'' says Eunhee as she takes my hand and takes me downstairs

''MOM WERE LEAVING'' I scream as we exit the door.

we make out way into my sister BMW and it hits me.. I will meet Kyungsoo.

You might say that I'm a total freak fan,  a fan that will go days without eating just to stay outside D.O's house and try to see him once..but I'm not.

I had a really unhappy life..I was bothered by schoolmates, I used to be depressed and hurt myself because I wasn't happy with my body..but as soon as I heard D.O's voice everything changed. I found salvation on his sweet voice...as soon as I heard him sing it was as if all my problems were sent away in a flash.  He's the person that changed my life...and I'm really grateful to him.

The concert will take place in a private club. Only about 30 people will be attending...Its a mini concert for the president of SBS birthday and only close friends will be there. My family knows him well and that's why we got invited..

''here we are~'' says my sister as she parks her car in front of the club.

I quickly open the door making sure that my dress doesn't fly up because of the strong wind.

we walk inside and me and my sister make our way to the president

''oh Eunhee and Minji welcome~" says the president as we both bow down in respect.

''sir thank you for inviting us and happy birthday'' I congratulate him and give him our present.

''thank you girls..now please go and sit the concert is about to start'' said the president taking our present and smiling.

we make out way to the front row and I start smiling.. this is it!

the lights turn off and I can hear footsteps walking in the stage.

My heart starts beating fast as the lights turn back on and it shows all 6 of Exo K.

I scan the boys and they are more handsome in person than  they are in TV. 

the music starts and I stand up like everyone else and start singing and dancing to History.

I look at the stage and Spot at D.O smiling at me...

He must think I'm crazy... I've been screaming and dancing since the beginning of the song but I regret nothing~

the song ends and they all make their way off the stage and Super Junior comes in.

Super Junior is a great band but they don't make me feel the way Exo does.

1 hour has passed and there is no sign of Exo..

I've heard that they are still in the building filming something but I don't know where.

People started leaving and we decided to leave too. Its 10 and Eunhee has to work tomorrow at 6

We make our way out to notice that its raining really hard

''Minji stay here i will go and get the car'' says Eunhee as she puts her purse over her head and makes her way to the car.

I stay there looking at the rain and ask myself ''how can a night so wonderful look so sad?''

''Blame mother nature'' I hear someone ask..

I look to my side and I froze as I see who it is..

''hi I'm Kyungsoo nice to meet you'' says Kyungsoo as he put his hand out to me

I take it and say ''I'm Minji nice to meet you''

''what are you doing here by yourself?'' asks D.O as he puts his hands on his jacket pockets

''I'm waiting for my sister..she's getting the car'' I answer as I shiver. its kind of cold outside.

D.O notices and takes his jacket off and puts it around me

''aren't you cold?'' I ask D.O

''I'm fine'' he smiles at me

out little conversation is broken when i see my sister's car park in front of me

''thats my sister'' I say dissapointed..I wanted to talk more to him

''Oh..well give me your phone number...so you can return me the jacket'' says D.O winking.

I smile and give him my phone. he puts his number in and smiles..

''its here.. call me tonight at 10'' says D.O smiling and opening the door for me..

''I will'' I answer as I kiss his cheek and enter the car...

end of flashback

''I was glad you called me'' said D.O hugging me tightly.

''I was nervous but I'm glad I didn't back out'' I say smiling

''I'm glad too...'' D.O breaks the hug and gets in front of me..

I smile at him and he suddenly gets in one knee

''Minji...I've loved you since the first time we have met..I want you to be the first person I see when I wake up and the person that I want to be with my whole life...Minji would you be my wife till death do us apart?'' says D.O as he gets a box out of his pocket and opens it revealing the most beautiful ring I have even seen.

My hands fly straight to my face and I start crying..

he wants me to marry him~

I fall on my knees and kiss him like there is no tomorrow

''OF COURSE I WILL MARRY YOU~'' I say as D.O slides the ring to my finger.

I look at it and smile..

I look up at D.O and kiss him

we will be together until death do us apart..


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Chapter 1: cute.... its so cute