Scream out loud

Unexpected Love.


This past few months, I'm enjoying going to night clubs. Actually it's all Seungri's fault! I'm one of his Party Buddy so yeah i have no choice. I totally forgot about my school and that's the reason why came back. So i need to take care of my school papers as soon as possible and i will try to avoid going to night clubs.( if i can. HAHA) I need to focus to my studies... 


" Chung Yan University " This is where choose to study and I'm going to take Bachelor of Performing Arts. This also where Seungri,Jiyong,Top and Taeyang studying. I also heard that Yuri of Girls Generation is studying here. That's so cool! Isn't?

Today i'm going to Chung Yan University to pass all my requirements. I didn't told them that i'm going there. Maybe I'm going to inform them when i went there. For now i'm going to prepare and go. 





" Wallet,Check! Cellphone,Check! Requirements,Check! " i said and checked my bag.

I'm so clumsy so i need to check everything before i go. I'm not in mood today but i need to pass the requirements today or else i can't go to school next semester. To be Honest,i'm not enjoying going to school because i'm too lazy to study.If it's not because of my friends i will definitely skip school everyday.


" Woah, Daebak! " 

I was impressed because this University is Big and Beautiful. The Building are modernized. I think i will be lost here even though i have the Campus Map ( )


Aish! I've been walking for almost half an hour but i can't find the Admission office. I need ask for the right direction because it's almost lunch and i don't want to wait until the lunch break ends. 

" Excuse me, Where is the Admission Office? I almost walking for 30 minutes and i can't find the office! aiiish It's so annoying. You know?! " i said it in annoyance.

" Chill Miss. You have a Bad Temper huh? Just take a Shuttle Bus. It's going to Admission Office. " he said and chuckled.

" Oh, I'm so sorry. For being rude. By the way Thank You. " I bowed and went to bus station.

Aigoo, that's what i hate the most to myself. I'm becoming rude when i'm annoyed or not in the mood. I should control my temper because i know that it's not good. Btw that guy looks familiar to me. I think i met him somewhere before? hmmmmm

" Finally! The bus is here. " i said

hmmm. Until now i'm still thinking where did i met him. 

" OH! I KNEW IT! " i said in loud voice and people in the bus looked at me.

" I'm Sorry. " i said and bowed

Waaah, It's Embarassing! Anyway i remembered where i met him! He's the one who helped me at the club when Jiyong is got drunk. He didn't recognized me huh? I told him that i'm going to treat him when i meet him again but i think already forgot about it.

I already gave my requirements and all i have to to is study for the Entrance exam! I really need to pass.

It's Lunch time and i'm going to call Seungri because i want to eat lunch with him.

( Dialling Seungri )

" What's up Min Young ah? " he said

" I'm here at Chung Ang University! Let's eat Lunch together. " i said

" Sorry Min Young ah. I'm not at school right now. "

" Oppa, Who's that? " a girl asked to seungri.

" opps, I'm sorry. I think i interuped your date. OPPA! I'll Hung up now." i said and chuckled.

" I'm really sorry. Bye Talk to you later. "

( End of call)

Too bad, Seungri is not available because he is busy to his Girlsssssss (HAHA!). I actually want to wander around the campus with him. Maybe next time because i'm not really familiar to this place and i don't want to be lost again. For now, I'm going to eat lunch and go home after that.

I went school canteen and i'm wishing that i can see someone i know. Anyway,I ordered Bibimbap for my Lunch and i'm really hungry and my stomach is growling!

" Aww.. There's no available seats? " i said in disappointment.

I looked around the canteen but unfortunately there's still no available seat. 

" Aish! I'm so Unlucky today. " i said and looked for open seat again.

I decide to ask someone if i can share table with him/her. There is a guy who's eating alone! Yay I will ask him if i can share with him.

" Excuse me. can i share a seat with you? because there's no available seat and i'm dying because of Hunger. Please? " i said.

" Omo. Jiyong sshi! " i said and i was totally surprised.

I was clueless that it was him. I'm totally surprised and i'm kinda happy too but i think he's sad again. I can feel he's sad but trying to hide it.

" I can't say no because you might die because of hunger..Have a seat. " he said and smile

" hehe. Gomawo Jiyong sshi. " i said and take a sit

" Btw what are you doing here? " he asked.

" uhm, I went to admissions Office to give the requirments. This campus is soooooooooo BIG! " i said

" Oh i see. We will be schoolmate soon. Yeah it is. " he said and smiled.

" I'll eat first okay? " i said.

" Sure. "

I'm so thankful that i am comfortable to be with him and not like before i feel so awkward when i'm with him. and also my heart doesn't race anymore.

" I want more~ Excuse me for a while. I'm going to buy a food again. " i said and he looked at me in disbelief.

Actually, I ate a lot but never gained weight. They always saying that my metabolism is fast that's why even though i ate a lot i'm not gaining weight. Well i'm so thankful about it because i really love FOOD. I can still remember that i ate 3 orders of bibimbap and 2 orders of ddeokbokki in a row before. I know it's sounds ridiculous but it's true. (haha)

" I'm Baaaaaaaack~ " i said excitedly 

This time i ordered Seollongtang and Kimbap. Jiyong looks like he can't believe that i'm still hungry. Well he need to get used to it if he will going to eat with me because there are a lot of Hungry Monsters in my Stomach. (hahaha)


" yaaaaa.. Seollongtang is the best! Next is Kimbap." i said excitedly.

" Want some? " i offered him.

" No Thanks. I just finished my lunch. " he refused.

" Aigoo, Don't be shy Jiyong sshi. Say ahhhhhh~ " i said and i feed him a piece of Kimbap.

" I thought that you don't want it. " i said and smirked.

After i feed him,i noticed that many people looking at us and they whispering and Mostly are girls. Is there something wrong with my face?! Did i do something wrong? Whatever. I don't give so i don't care.

" What are you going to do after this? " he asked.

" I was planning to wander around the campus with seungri but Seungri is not available today. hmmm maybe i'm going home. " I said.

" but you can wander the campus with me instead of Seungri though, If you want because i don't have afternoon class today. " he said

" really? Then let's start now! Let's go! Thank You Jiyong sshi. " I said excitedly and grabbed his Arms.

I don't why but i suddenly grabbed his arms and pulled him at the same time my heart race! Omo it's back again.

We're done with the Campus Tour and i'm freaking tired but i really enjoyed. This campus is really huge and i'm still not familiar We spent almost 2 hours walking around the campus.I'm Hungry again. 

" I'm going to restroom for a while. " i said.

I excused myself for a while and went to restroom. I went back and i saw Jiyong seating in a bench and it looks like his thinking deep. I think he's still can't move on with his ex-girlfriend. I feel sorry for him but he needs to move on and accept the really that she will not comeback no matter what.

" Still can't move on? " i suddenly asked and he's back to his sense again.

" Can't move on what? " he said

" You know what i mean right? Do i have to say it exactly? " i said.

" Honestly, I don't know how to move on. " he said.

" Why don't you try meet other girls? or have an Blind date or something like that? It can help you i think? " i said

" should i meet other girls? " he said seriously

" Why not? You're Free and Single and i believe that there's nothing wrong with that. Oh! I have an Good idea! Follow me Jiyong sshi " i said

" Where are we going? " he asked curiously

" Just Follow me. " i said and winked.

" but my car..." he said

" We don't need that. You can comeback to school later " i said

We're on our way to Namsan Tower.Why we're going to namsan tower? Well i'm always doing this when i'm stressed or sad. I'm screaming out loud in high places and in beautiful view to rid of my problems. and Namsam tower is the perfect place to do that! I know it's embarassing because there are a lot of people and they might think that we're crazies but i don't care though. haha

Here we are now in the Namsan tower. It's beautiful so beautiful,isn't?

We went to outside facility of namsan tower and we're going to scream there!


" What are we going to do? " Jiyong asked.

" hmmm We're going to scream! like this. YAAAAAAAAA~ I LOVE MY LIFE~ WOHOOO" I screamed and shout out of my lungs

" Ya! What are you doing? are you crazy?! " he complained

" No, I'm not. Try it! It's kinda refreshing and i'm sure you will feel at ease after this. Trust me. Just shout what ever you want. Okay? " i said and smiled

" But... " 

" don't mind other people. The most important thing here yourself. You don't even know those people so why bother? Come on! Do it! " i said.

" Yaaaaaa~ I know that i can forget you soon! " he shouted

" Finally! " i said and slapped his arms slightly.

He stared at me for i don't know how long and i thought that i'm going to melt anytime. The way he looked at me totally different than usual. I don't know how to explain it but i know it's different.

" Thank You, Min Young ah. I mean Min Young sshi " he said.

" Don't be formal to me. You can just call me by my name. Okay? and No problem! " i said confidently

" Okay, Min Youngie! "he said and smiled.

We're done now with our Shouting session and we're on our way to go home. I will go home separately with him because he will go back to school for his car.

" Ah! " i shouted and tripped.

" Min Young ah~ Are you alright?! " asked and helped me to stand up.

" Ah! I think i sprained my ankle. It Hurts a lot and i can't walk properly. " i said and about to cry.

He knelt down and i was surprised about that.

" I'll carry you piggy back " he said

" g-gomawo Jiyong sshi. "

" I'm sorry i'm so Heavy! " i said

" You're lighter than i expected so it's okay. " he said and smirked

When he said that he will carry me my heart raced and i can feel that i'm blushing. I think my heart is going to explode! Gosh. I don't know what to do. 

" Don't cry over the past because it's gone. Live in the present and make it beautiful. There are millions of reason to be happy and don't waste it. I know moving on is not that easy but time will come that your broken heart will be healed. If you need help i'm always here and don't ever be shy to approach me okay? " i said while on his back.

" Thank You Min Youngie for helping me. To be Honest, I'm not really expressive when it comes to my problem. I'd rather keep it to myself and act like there's nothing wrong than sharing my problem with my friends. I don't want to be burden to them but in your case i'm so grateful that i opened up to you. I feels like i escaped from my problem. Gomawo! " he said sincerely.

" I'm also glad that you opened up to me. It's my honored to help you. By the way you can put me down now. I will take a Taxi and You can go now. Thank You for carrying me." i said and he put me down.

" Here's the Taxi. " he said and helped me to go inside.

" Thank you for today and Take care. Good Night. " he said and Smiled.

" No problem! Always cheer up okay? Good night! " i said

I'm so glad to see him smile sincerely. I can obviously see that he can move on slowly but surely.

Somehow i feel myself cheering up as i look up to see Jiyong smilling. And i also realized that i really like him so much and i don't know what to do about it. I know that there will be no me and him. It's Impossible.


Sorry for the Late Update. I know this chapter kinda longer than the others. I hope you liked this chapter. hehe :)) Thank You. 


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Hey it’s me Kimchiiie. Does anyone still interested in this story? I am planning to continue them and fully commit myself until the end. Leave a comment if you do.


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Ashleybswt #1
Chapter 25: I really hope he doesn’t go back, he needs to show her he has someone that he won’t give them p.
Chapter 24: Update soon!!!
Chapter 24: Pls update
jessicalm145 #4
Chapter 24: I really hope I didn't forget but then I do remember. Lucky u went abroad!! I want to do that.
wanniewagon #5
Chapter 23: Yooohoo...update!! been waiting for this story to update!! Anyway,,i love it!! Authornim Fighting!!
Chapter 23: Update soooonnnn!!!
xoxh3l3nxox #7
Chapter 23: Great chapter but you made me want a bouqet of chocolate ^_^
Chapter 23: omg that flower chocolate thingly looks good XD hahaha so adorable!!
wanniewagon #9
Chapter 22: My GOD!!!! This fanfic is Totally PERFECT!!!! I just love it!!! I even smile everytime i read this...kekeke^^ I'm not so good at giving an ideas..Sorry.... anyway,please dont stop the story...I want to read until the ending... ♥♥♥
LaryssaCatt #10
Chapter 20: Hello! I'm from Brazil, fanfic I read through his translator, I love their stories and I'm looking forward to the next chapter! Thank you = D