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Angel With A Shotgun

Sooyoung woke up to the sound of footsteps coming up towards Jessica’s room, though did not move as she sensed it was only Krystal. The door slowly creaked open, through the gap was Krystal taking a peek at the already woken Sooyoung.

“O-oh, you’re awake Sooyoung.”

Sooyoung gestured her arm signalling Krystal to come over. She pointed at Jessica who was still sound asleep and used hand movements, telling her to wake Jessica up while she got ready. Sooyoung opened her wardrobe to find her one uniform and went into the bathroom.

Krystal felt a little cheeky that morning, wanting to wake Jessica up in a chaotic manner. She backed away from the bed slowly sliding her left foot back before running toward Jessica. She took a big leap on the snoring brunette who executed a dolphin like scream on the harsh impacted weight upon her.


Krystal was too quick for Jessica’s drowsy movements and ran away screaming words that half-heartedly shocked Jessica.


“WHAT?!” Jessica looked around frantically to see not another figure in the room. She scurried out of bed and whacked down the bathroom door to find a half Sooyoung brushing her teeth. Sooyoung turned around and stared at Jessica blankly whose cheeks were heating up at the very moment. Electricity surged through Jessica’s eyes as she closed the bathroom door with a bang as well as closing her bedroom door with a bang.


Sooyoung rolled her eyes after hearing loud banging and earthquake like movements under her feet. She quickly put on her uniform and scruffled her hair giving it a unique look. Walking out of the bathroom, she laid on Jessica’s bed, pulling out a pair of wide-rimmed reading glasses and a mini novel, starting to read it.

“Krystal piece of!! Ugh! I’m going to get you soon!!!”

Sooyoung heard loud and fast footsteps forwarding towards the room with Jessica bursting into the room.

“You have exactly 7minutes to get ready. Get a move on.” Sooyoung calmly said slowly setting aside the novel and looking up at Jessica.

“Okay okay! I’m—“

Jessica froze and looked back at Sooyoung, and realising how dashing she looked in a pair of glasses to go with that uniform.

Sooyoung saw that Jessica was in her own world, she waved her hand in front of her face, she made no movement, she walked out of Jessica’s sight, and she made no movement either.

Until then, Sooyoung took the initiative to get really close to Jessica’s body. She took her hands up to Jessica’s shoulders and shouted her name.


Jessica violently jolted with eyes popping out. She saw that Sooyoung was of close proximity and shivered.

“S-S-S-Sooyoung… oh my god.”

“That’s what will happen when you stare into space. Now you have about 4 minutes.”


Jessica burst out of her trance, picking up her uniform and running towards the bathroom.

“Thank you Krystal!”

“No worries!” Krystal’s voice was heard from outside of Jessica’s room.


It was still early morning when Tiffany arrived at school, not many people were there and the sky would be a little dark.  She fidgeted in her chair in her homeroom, anxiety building up over how she plans on telling Sooyoung this situation.

Tiffany decided to sleep for a bit before starting her activities at school. But it was only for a short period of time she decided to wake up before the bell. She stood up in record time, seeing Sooyoung and Jessica entering together with no communication whatsoever.

Sooyoung’s hands were in the pockets of her pants while Jessica walked in with a lollipop in .

Tiffany took a deep breath before heading towards Sooyoung. Even before she even reached Sooyoung, Jessica glared at her without saying a word.

She seems different.

Nonetheless, Tiffany decided to take the opportunity before it was too late.

“Sooyoung, I need to talk to you. It’s really important.” Tiffany gave a hint of desperation in her voice so that Sooyoung would listen.

Eyes gleaming of worry, Sooyoung agreed while Jessica furrowed her eyebrows madly at the two walking away.

When the two were outside of the classroom, Sooyoung lifted her hands from her pockets and crossed her arms while turning away.

“What is it?”

“Changmin came to me last night.”

Sooyoung’s skin crawled, the hairs on her arms stood on edge. Sooyoung’s facial expression turned to one of anxiety.


“Changmin came down and spoke to me last night. I wasn’t sure if I was meant to actually inform you… but you need to hear it. He said you’re getting weaker each time you spend another day with Jessica. They said they’ll capture you at your most vulnerable. You have to let go of her.”

It left Sooyoung’s mouth agape. She was speechless, she couldn’t utter a word.

Jessica needs me!

“You have to let go of Jessica, Sooyoung.”


Sooyoung turned her head to see Jessica approaching the two, and then back at Tiffany who gave Sooyoung a fierce look.

“What’s the hold—“

Lips went straight and pressed onto Sooyoung’s. In Jessica’s eyes it was slow motion and a blur that was unable to clear. Jessica grew cold trying to keep a hold of herself.



one more update~ till i go into some news :o

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because my exams are over, i have a bit more freedom! and i'm trying to think of normal pairing stories LOL because all that i think of is supernatural. ugh.


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Chapter 22: please update soon
Im a little overwhelmed with what's going on, but its so interesting xD
What the heck happened to fany? O.o
Sootuff #3
Chapter 22: Eh?!! What's happening?!!
And what happen to Fany?!!
soosicakelly #4
Wow this fanfics was getting more and more intense. But somehow the plot line was a little bit familiar lol btw update soon!
Chapter 22: OMG! what's happening to Tiffany?
Update soon author
Chapter 22: feelings omfg.
changmin and junsu ㅠㅠ i cannot but yunho why lol
hm wonder what will happen to tiffany and taeyeon and what will they do to soosic.
Chapter 22: WAH! What happened to Tiffany? :O
Chapter 22: This last chapter was just awesome *thumbs up* !!
Tiffany is scaring me~
Sootuff #10
Chapter 21: Gah this is getting complicated!!!
And Sooyoung is getting weaker!!