Mysterious Person

My Cute Stalker

It’s the next day and I’m at the café with my friend just to get away from the coldness of my small house –

“Ya Lucy what are you looking at?” I saw her staring at something behind me and she looks kind of excited

“Abi… I think Kai’s in here, I’m not really sure though he’s wearing a hat”

“Aisshh are you serious? Why would Kai come here?” I rolled my eyes

We then decide to go and buy some nice clothes for EXO’s concert we’re going to next week – I found this nice high-waist skinny jeans and some really nice vest but I don’t have enough money for it – I don’t know what to do so I just put them back in – Lucy then poked me on my arm “Ya Look it’s that person that looks like Kai – Why is he in a girls shop?” This girl – I mean a guy can be buying clothes for his girlfriend or mum, but then the longer I look at him he looks familiar and the hat – I’ve seen that before, but it just could have been any old hat so I’m not going to think much about it.

“Ya Lucy what are you doing?” I saw her running towards that guy – Is this girl being serious? By the time I ask her she’s next to him talking to him and I can hear her mentioning me and how I’m suchn a big fan of EXO, He wouldn’t show us his face and he just told her that he’s not Kai and he walks towards the skinny jeans section, I walked towards her and pulled her out of the shop just wondering if she has actually ever gotten embarrassed of all the silly stuff she has done

“He’s not Kai okay? Lucy, just get over it!” She then signs and then we decided to go our separate ways and so I walk home on my own – but then I can feel someone following me – I keep on seeing that man with the hat holding a bag from the corner of my eye so I start to speed walk but when I do that, he speed walks too and then I stop and He stops too!

I got scared so I just normally walked again, Luckily my house isn’t that far from the mall and I’ve reached the front of my house and I can see that guy walking right past me so that was kind of a relief and now I can stay in my home safely – It’s cold and horrible and it feels good to be on my sofa with a blanket on me watching my favourite drama – as I was drifting to sleep I then I hear the doorbell… who could it be at this time? I then walk towards the door and opens the door slowly – I look around and no one was there, what is going on? I then look down and it was a large box with a message on it… Should I bring this box in? Aissh I don’t know if this is going to be safe, But I brought it in anyways because of the cold breeze coming into my house I couldn’t take it anymore, I got the paper and this is what it says



“To Abi,

I’m sorry that I’m scaring you but I just want to get close to you,

My identity can’t be revealed yet but I hope one day you’ll know who I am

Anyway this is a present I brought you as I’ve seen that you really liked it.

Oh I forgot there is also I blanket that will definitely get you warm, Remember you wrap up when you're outside and keep warm inside too

Look after yourself

From KJI”



Who could this be? I then carefully lift up the lid and unfold the soft layer paper that was on top – I was so surprised on how this man knew about this… In the box was the High-Waist skinny jeans and the vest that I wanted from that shop but it was too expensive for me to buy – I looked at it and it was perfectly my size – okay.. this is getting creepy how does this person know my size? And how did this person know what I wanted?

K… J… I,  What could this stand for? I’m in my bed with the box right next to me and the letter under my pillow – I have thousands of questions running through my head at this moment but I must go to bed now because it’s my last day of term tomorrow and then it’ll be the winter holiday

I then hear a soft vibration from my phone, so I opened my eyes but the light is literally blinding me



“From: Lucy

Ya Abi it was actually Kai that was in the mall today! Some people got his signature and some got pictures – I saw the picture and he wore the same clothes that the person I spoke to was wearing apart from when I spoke to him he was wearing a hat!!! Aisshh I’m so annoyed that I didn’t get a signature!!!!! >.< Abi I can’t wait to go to the concert now and I’m spazzing that I actually spoke to Kai sbhdurjngdjhnesdfdfhenj!! ^^

Bye now~”


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Chapter 2: Gosh~ they're cute little fans~ ! XD update soon noona~
and so is lucy. ^^
abi is so cutee. xD