I met him once again.


     Two of the best friends suddenly got seperated when the little boy had to move away across the country to California. Having no communication, the girl grew and so did the boy, still having faint memories of each other. What happens when the girl finds out her first best friend is the one she was fangirling and spazzing over just a few days ago? 


Heyyy~ just a story that is half true for me, I did have a friend who moved away and I have faint memories of him. We still haven't met yet, and I'm not even sure if he remembers me >.< Just a story in memory of him, Daniel, I miss you! 

I guess i should "dedicate" this to all the people who has a situation like I did. It got me being CURIOUS OHHH~ all the time. :l lawlz.

okay im turning this to an informal foword. sorry formal foword people. (doyoustillloveme?<3)so. i've decided the guy will be a person from exo. but i wont tell you who it is now, it'll be reveled when the stories rolling. (ROLL LIKE A BUFFOLO.)(man you exo's are probably like. wtf i've hear that so many times...STILLGOOD. *rollslikeabuffalo*)it's going to be a short story, maybe another one shot idk. but its not gunna be chapters. 

i didnt copy someone elses work dont coppy mine or ill fight you blah blahblahblahblah


and finally. cause i like followers. and i like tumblr. for you tumblr junkies who -ONLY. AND ONLY IF ONLY YOU LIKE MY TUMLR- please follow. ill follow back if i like it :D <3  i have two by the way. the first one will be my personal idgafwhatipostonthis and the other one is more themed. 

http://tkdturtle.tumblr.com/ yes the purple jacket person is meeee. me and my friends did this mv contest of heechuls song and i was dressed as lady hehe. personally i think only he can pull it off :P 

http://againandagainburningmemories.tumblr.com/ i love iu. WHAT? YOU HATE IU? GET OUT. NOW. jk. maybe. but it was originally themed on her song mia or lost child. i really liked the song and i still really like it. check it out if you havent heard it yet. the mv is kinda "weird" just a warning. 


i hope you enjoy my story and as always, please have a good day and be safe~ 


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