What Is Love
"Jieun get up!" I said. Jieun tried to get up but couldn't. It looked like she sprainer her ankle. I sighed and picked her up bridal style. Luckily I didn't wake up anyone with my loud scream. I placed Jieun on the couch very gently. "Jieun what happened?" I asked. Tears were falling out her eyes and she was wimpering in pain. "Jieun calm down. You're with me now." She looked at me and I saw the pain in her eyes. 'What the hell happened to her?' I opened the lights and looked at Jieun's wounds. I quickly and quietly went into the bathroom to get the first aid kit. I took out some medicine to clean her wounds. She winced in pain but got used to it after a few moments. I placed a big bandage over the cut on her forehead and small bandages on her minor cuts. I gave her tissue to stop her nose to bleed more. I examined her body just in case she got hurt some where else other than her face. All she had were purple bruises on her back and legs. I checked her ankle and it was indeed sprained. "Jieun.." I said in shock. I sighed. I went into the kitchen and got an ice pack and wrapped in around her ankle. "My head.." she said in pain. I ran to the kitchen and got another ice pack for her head. "Jieun." Jieun looked at me. "What happened?" I asked. Jieun stiffened. "Well.. I went on my nightly jog. I stopped at a nearby park and sat on a swing. I was admirning the sky until a hand covered my mouth and grabbed me by behind. He wasn't alone. He had a friend next to him but he seemed familiar. He had this apologetic look but the guy was yelling at him. The boy hit me on the head with a bat hoping to knock me out but it didn't. They hitting and kicking me and the older guy elbowed my back so hard I collapsed on the ground after I got up. Some how, I got away from them and started to run. While I was turning a corner, I slipped and my foot was stuck on a crack which made me sprain my ankle. I heard them so I quickly got up and started limping over here. When I got to the front of the house I started crying in joy because I thought I was going to die. When I got to the porch, my ankle started throbbing and then I fell to the ground." she finished. I was in shock. Who would hurt Jieun like... like THIS?! I made my hands into fists out of anger. "Kris.." she said. I looked at her. "Please wake up the others." Jieun said. I nodded and ran up stairs. I started banging on the doors and beds. "WAKE UP!" I kept yelling. "Its only 3AM.." everyone in the hallway said while yawning. "Jieun is seriously injured!" I yelled. I got their attention. "WHAT?!" all of EXO yelled in confusion. "Hurry up!" I yelled. Everyone ran downstairs and gasped at Jieun. "This poor girl!" Mrs. Lu cried out. "Someone call the ambulance!" Mr. Lu said. Everyone, including myself, started running all over the place to find a phone. -YOUR POV- "Are you okay dear?" Mrs. Lu asked. I shook my head. "The ambulance is coming!" DO yelled out. All of EXO came into the room and all of the were shooting questions from left and right. "Be quiet!" Mrs. Lu yelled in annoyance. "She is injured and in pain and this is what you do? You boys aught to be ashamed of yourselves." Mrs. Lu scolded them. She turned to me. "I'll come with you to the hospital." she sweetly said and smiled. The ambulance came. Two men carried me onto a stretcher and rolled me into the vehicle. Mrs. Lu got in and held my hand. A tear escaped from my eye. "Everything will be alright. Don't worry." she said. -MRS. LU POV- This poor girl.. Luhan must be devistated. I was in the waiting room waiting for a doctor to come. Finally, after an hour, a doctor came out. "How is she doctor?" I asked worriedly. "She.... She will be suffering from memory loss after she wakes up." the doctor said. I barely know this girl but I'm treating her like my own daughter. Especially after what Luhan told me about her losing her mother. "She might also have some brain damage but it isn't anything serious. All her wounds were treated but hopefully she will heal soon. A pretty girl like her doesn't deserve to have all those wounds on her face." the doctor said. I smiled and nodded. "Thank you doctor." "If you want to see her, she's in room 319." I bowed and went to Jieun's room. I saw her sleeping. I sat on the chair beside her bed and held her hand. "Do you know how much my son likes you? How much he talks about you? When ever he sees you, he smiles like an idiot. I don't see why any guy wouldn't like you. But.... why don't you like my son?" I asked. I sighed and walked out the room and called the house. "Hello?" "Ahh Luhan." "Mom?! HOW IS JIEUN?! IS SHE GOOD?! DID SHE GO INTO SURGERY?!" I heard the boys yelling in the background. "YAH! BACK OFF YOU BEASTS! Sorry mom. Where are you?" "I'm at the hospital. I'm on the third floor room 319. Hurry quick." I said. "Yes. We'll be there soon." Luhan said and hung up the phone. I sighed and walked back into her room. "Why can't you give my son a chance?" I asked. I walked to the empty bed and sat down. A few minutes later, the boys bursted through the door. "SHHHHHH!!!!!" I scolded them. Everyone looked at Jieun and started to tear up. "Jieun... Wake up. Omma will burst my brains out because of this!" Jieun's cousin said. "Buing Buing! Wake up!" he continued. The doctor appeared all of a sudden. "Sorry to interupt but I have just recieved news that Jieun is in a colma now. I'm sorry." the doctor bowed and exited the room. Now, Jieun's cousin was a crying mess. Also everyone else. "Jieun! Jieun!" Jaejun yelled. He fell the ground and started sobbing. My poor Luhan was sobbing also. Kris took Jaejun's hand and helped him up. I have known Kris for a long time. It is very hard for him to cry. He only crys about something he really cares about. 'So Kris. You like Jieun too?' I looked at Jieun again, I started crying as well. "Why is it always Jieun?!" Tao cried out. 'Jieun, wake up soon.'
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RainyMemoriesInHeart #1
Chapter 5: 'Bring' past tense is not 'brang', it's 'brought'. There are a few spelling mistake...
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 26: THIS IS SO SO SADDD!!
HangmannJR16 #3
Chapter 38: I was crying sooooo muchh!!!!! Your story is so good
Chapter 40: This is the best fanfic I have ever read!! I was literally crying because of how sad it was, yet it is a very good story. Great Job !!! :)
kawaiikai #5
Chapter 40: ...omg... I literally balled my eyes out. :'( This is so sad, yet so sweet! This is by far the sweetest fic I've read in a while ^^ amazing job author-nim!!
whos the girl in the poster?c: i always see her on tumblr but i dont know her name.
I totally couldnt imagine this happening at all.
The beginning was funny and cheerful pretty much and it seemed like any other story where the guy falls for the girl and they end up happily but then it turned into such a sad sad sad story... D:
Chapter 40: finally..*breathing in relief*
ahaha, the ending is just so good. Let jieun n luhan live a happy family :D
i don't think it need a sequel, though. It's a pity for her to suffer again. I vote for making new story instead XD
keep writing, author-nim! ^^
Chapter 40: I still cant believe Kris died...
SO SADDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: Kris why did you die why?!
I'm crying so hard :(