What Is Love

You were walking to your Vocal class now. You saw Luna and you went to her.

"Annyeong!" you said. Luna turned around and smiled.

"Annyeong Jieun-ah!" she said. She bowed and you did the same. You saw two girls standing next to her. "Jieun! This is my unnie, Sulli and my friend, Victoria." You bowed and waved at them.

"Welcome to Seoul Academy!" they both said. You smiled. 

"What's your next class?" Luna asked. You told her that you had vocal. She did an "O" shape with her lips. "We should get to our classes. You could be late to another class on your first day." You giggled and parted your ways with her. You entered a room that looked like a room for dancing. You looked around and saw Luhan and Kris. You groaned and sat next to a wall, away from them.

"Jieun!" You looked and saw Luhan telling you come to over to him. You glared at him and looked away. He sighed and decided to go over to with Kris. Again, Kris was staring at you. You were starting to get irritated.

"What do you want?" you asked Kris coldly. You heard the class gasp when they heard the kind of tone you were talking to Kris. Kris blinked and opened his mouth.

"I know.." he said. You glared at him again. What does he mean as he knows? you thought. You shook it off and rolled your eyes. The teacher came into class.

"Annyeonghaseyo class! We have a new student today~ Please introduce yourself!" the teacher sang. You stood up and introduced yourself once again. You sat back down but away from Luhan and Kris. You felt Kris's stare again. Why can't he stop staring at me?! you thought. You looked at him, annoyed.

"Stop staring at me." you hissed at Kris. He just tilted his head and blinked. You rolled your eyes and looked at the teacher. From the corner of your eye, you saw Kris and Luhan whispering to each other and saw Luhan nod. Then Kris looked at you again and looked back at Luhan. I growled quietly.

Once class was over, I rushed out of class to go get lunch. You got food and sat in the empty table you ate at Brunch. You smiled and felt peaceful... Well, until Luhan and Kris sat infront of you. You growled at them.

"Woah, when did you become a dog?" Luhan asked and laughed. You growled at him again and he stopped. You glared at both Luhan and Kris.

"What do you mean by, I know?" you asked Kris. He tried to make himself look cute, which made you even more mad. "Quit it!" you scolded Kris. He then pouted. You face plamed yourself and sighed. "Leave me so I could eat in peace." you said.

"Why?" Kris asked. You banged your fist on the table.

"Because." you hissed at him.

"Don't talk to him like that.." Luhan said. You rolled your eyes and took your food to eat somewhere else that didn't have people. 

You tried getting away from them but they just kept following you. You turned around and threw your tray at them. They had food and milk all over them.

"Stop ing following me." you said and left them. You went to the bathroom and washed your hands. You rubbed your temples and looked in the mirror.

"Look at you, Jieun. You aren't being yourself." A little you popped up on your shoulder. You got startled and look at yourself. "Woah there!" the little you said.

"H-How did you... Did I.."

"It's just your imagination. Just close your eyes to forget me.... That was a-" You closed your eyes and opened them. The little you wasn't there anymore. Were you going crazy? Maybe you're just home sick? You shook off the thought and walked out the restroom. You looked around and started walking where ever your feet took you.

You got to the roof top of the school that had a nice breeze to it. You took a deep breath and let it out. You felt more peaceful here. You walked towards the edge that had a gate on it. You looked down and saw people talking.

"You like it up here, huh?" a voice said. You got startled and turned around. 

"Kris?" you said. He smiled and walked towards you. Your eyes widened. "Don't you dare take another step." you said. He froze. You glared at him. "What do you want from me?" you asked.

"Nothing." he replied.

"Then why do you keep staring at me?" you asked.

"I know who you are." he said. Your eyes widened. "You're a famous model in China." You blinked.

"And?" you asked. He shrugged. You sighed, "Stop staring at me during classes. I feel uncomfortable."

"Still? I thought you got used to it because, you know. You're famous."

"AND?!" you snapped at him. "I just want to be left alone." Kris sighed. You gripped to the railings and grinded your teeth together.

"Alright. Bye." he said and left. You rolled your eyes. You were finally alone. You looked around and saw a table set with two chairs. You walked over to it and found a peice of paper with English writing on it.

I'm sorry about earlier. Please forgive me. Meet me at the dance room after school. -Luhan

You smiled and stuffed the note in your pocket. You sighed and went back downstairs.


School was finally over. You remembered to go meet Luhan at the dance room. You were pushing through a huge crowd of people that were trying to leave. You stopped at a huge door that had 'Practice Room' on it. You opened the door and saw Luhan with Kris. You sighed and walked in.

"Jieun! You came!" Luhan said and smiled. 

"Yeah.." you said. You put your bag down and sat on the bench. "Why are we here?" you asked.

"You're going to meet our friends." Luhan said happily while Kris stayed quiet. You got up and waved a hand in front of Kris's face. He blinked and violently pushed you to the ground.

"EEP!" you squealed and fell to the ground. Now I know why he's the Girl Hater here. you thought. Luhan quickly helped you up. "T-Thanks Luhan." you said. Luhan smiled and glared at Kris.

"What?" Kris asked. Luhan was glaring more intensly at him. Kris pouted and lowered his head. I rolled my eyes and sat on the bench again. Then 10 boys entered the room. One by one they introduced themselves to me. You reconized one of them. Kim Jong In. He froze and smiled.

"Hey Jieun. How was the talk with Park go?" he asked.

"It was good. He's very nice." you said and smiled.

"WOAH! You two know each other?!" Lay asked. 

"Yes~ He's my limo driver." you said. The boys looked confused.

"I got a job. Okay?" he said. You giggled.

"Jong In, can you take me to my apartment? I need to study." you said. 

"But we juth got here!" Sehun said. Yes, he has a lisp. You just smiled.

"Alright. I'll stay."

"YAY!" Sehun said. You rolled your eyes and sat on the floor. You felt someone staring at you and knew it was Kris. You glared at him. I'm not even playing with you Kris. Keep staring at me and you're going to get slapped. you thought.

"Are you okay there?" You turned and saw DO smiling at you.

"Y-Yeah." you stuttered.

"Do you like Kris hyung?" he asked. You growled at him.

"I will never like him." you hissed at him. 

"You're fiethy for a thmall girl like you." Sehun said.

"I'm not small. I'm average height." you said.

"Are they giving you a hard time?" Luhan asked. You shook your head. Luhan nodded.

"Thooo, ith it true that you're a thuper model in China?" Sehun asked. 

"I'm not really a super model. I'm just a famous one. That's all."

"Wow! That'th great! We have a famouth thuper model at Theoul Academy!" he said. You smiled and rolled your eyes.

"Please don't tell anyone. I want to be normal for once." They nodded their heads. You sighed. 

"Jong In. Please take me home." you said. The boys pouted but you ignored them. You and Jong In walked out of the school and into the limo. He turned around.

"Please call me Kai from now on." he said and smiled. You were dropped off at your apartment and entered the building. It was quiet, beautiful, and peaceful. You smiled and walked to the elevators. You got to your apartment and layed yourself on the couch.

"Home sweet home. No drama. Just peace and quiet." You obvisiously got bored and the TV. Nothing looked good so you turned it on a news channel from China. Your eyes widened when you saw a picture of yourself on the TV.

"What the? How did they know?" you said. You got up and called your manager.

"Ni hao."

"Sir. WHY THE HELL DO THEY KNOW?!" you yelled. You were angry. No one in China shouldn't have known where you were.


"NO! HOW THE HELL DO THEY KNOW?!" you yelled.

"I'm sorry Jieun.." You immediatly hung up your phone before you started to yell at him more. Your blood boiled. You turned off the TV and suddenly your phone rang. You head tilted and saw an unknown number. You answered it anyways.


"Jieun! Ith me! Thehun! What are you doing?" he asked. I asked the most important question.

"HOW TF DID YOU GET MY NUMBER?!" you screamed. It was all quiet.

"L-Luhan gave it to me.." You tried to calm down. Being angry will just make you look like a bad guy.

"I'm sorry Sehun but I have buiness to take care of. I'll see you in school tomorrow?"

"Y-Yeah.. See ya.."

"Alright, bye."

"Bye." You hung up and sighed. You walked upstairs. You blinked at the extra three doors. The first room you entered was a bathroom.

"Wooooow..." you said. You looked up and down like you never seen anything like this in your life. You walked to another room which was a bedroom. You tilted your head and walked around. You were curious what the other room would be. So you entered and saw it was another bedroom.

"Why would there be three bedrooms? I only need one." you said but shrugged it off. You walked to your bedroom and closed the door. You looked out the window and breathed in fresh air. You went to wash up and put on comfortable clothes.

"Good night beautiful city of Seoul! Please be good to me tomorrow!" And with that, you fell asleep from an exhausting long day.

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RainyMemoriesInHeart #1
Chapter 5: 'Bring' past tense is not 'brang', it's 'brought'. There are a few spelling mistake...
shinee3112 #2
Chapter 26: THIS IS SO SO SADDD!!
HangmannJR16 #3
Chapter 38: I was crying sooooo muchh!!!!! Your story is so good
Chapter 40: This is the best fanfic I have ever read!! I was literally crying because of how sad it was, yet it is a very good story. Great Job !!! :)
kawaiikai #5
Chapter 40: ...omg... I literally balled my eyes out. :'( This is so sad, yet so sweet! This is by far the sweetest fic I've read in a while ^^ amazing job author-nim!!
whos the girl in the poster?c: i always see her on tumblr but i dont know her name.
I totally couldnt imagine this happening at all.
The beginning was funny and cheerful pretty much and it seemed like any other story where the guy falls for the girl and they end up happily but then it turned into such a sad sad sad story... D:
Chapter 40: finally..*breathing in relief*
ahaha, the ending is just so good. Let jieun n luhan live a happy family :D
i don't think it need a sequel, though. It's a pity for her to suffer again. I vote for making new story instead XD
keep writing, author-nim! ^^
Chapter 40: I still cant believe Kris died...
SO SADDDD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 38: Kris why did you die why?!
I'm crying so hard :(