When He Mistreats You - An EXO-M Kris Scenarios Part 2 of 2

When He Misstreats You - An EXO-M Kris Scenarios Part 2
When He Mistreats You - Part 2 - A Kris Scenario

This is the second part to; “When He Mistreats You” A Kris Scenario. Due a lot of people asking for the second part I typed it for you guys :) And well this second part was interesting to write since I did it really late and really tired LOL so I’m sorry if it’s a little odd~ but I hope you guys like it. So… err – I’m getting really awkward LOL so I just hope you guys like it and read on~ :P

Menrong~ :p

Note: Italic/Bold are ‘your’ thoughts.

Word count: 2,981 words.

Song that were inspired for this part:

B.A.P What My Heart Tells Me To Do {This one inspired the whole scenario [even the first part of the scenario] }

Eiza Gonzalez (Lola) – Lo Que No Fue Sera… Tu Circo… Yo Estoy Aqui… Puedo Sentir… {Yes: there three or four songs are in Spanish}

Bang Yongguk – I remember

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade…


You thought.

Life was crap more then fifty percent of times.

And this was a lesson your parents always kept you away from.


They never prepared you for the real world.


And they never prepared you for heartbreaks.

This was what you were going through. And boy did it , to go through heartbreak.

The only thing that was good about it was you could eat all the chocolate and crying you could do without feeling that bad.

But now you weren’t doing that anymore. You had moved on… Kind off. You’d left your old apartment -and boyfriend- five weeks ago. You had stopped crying three weeks ago. And you were a lot better, but you were still mentally unstable. Hell for being completely heartbroken you looked damn good.

And you had made a complete manse in your life, you changed your job, you obviously got a new apartment -thanks to your best friend, how had graciously agreed to pick it out for you, while you wallow-, and you were stabled on the outside, but on the inside you were a moment away from wanting to jump of a bridge.

You didn’t know how Kris was. You hadn’t seen him at all. And Luhan didn’t necessarily like talking about Kris with you. For that you were grateful, but you knew he was dying to tell you something.

As for the rest of EXO the only one you were talking to -besides Luhan- wad Suho. Suho was good friend with a lot of good advice. And he was good shoulder too cry on when need be.

You sigh standing up from the couch, your stomach had been telling you, you were starving but you had ignored it because you were too lazy to get up from the couch and get something to eat.

You heard your phone buzz when you had opened the fridge to get some milk.

You ignored it and went to go get a bowl along with cereal. Your phone buzzed again.

But like before you ignored it and continued poring your cereal and milk into the bowl. When you went to go get a spoon your phone buzzed again, you slammed the drawer shut feeling completely pissed off with it.

“What!“ You yelled into your phone.

“I’ll ignore that greeting… But omo _______-ah turn on _____ right now!“ You heard your best friend, Jiuen, yelled at you through the phone.
Then you heard the dial tone.

Well how rude… You thought.

You grabbed your bowl of cereal; coco puffs chocolate does wonders when you’re upset, and boy~ had you’d been milking the coco puffs for the past weeks. You sat down and changed the channel to the one Jieun had told you to go on.

You groaned when you saw Luhan and Xiumin talking, it was an interview for EXO-M.

You loved watching these boys to death, but you just didn’t want to see Kris until…… Well never. It really wasn’t good for the whole ‘getting over him’ thing. Even if it was the last thing you wanted.

Yes you had been the dumper not the dumpy, but you had only broken up with Kris so he could focus more on EXO and so you wouldn’t feel so neglected and abandoned. Because that feeling of absolute loneliness wad a and no one deserved to feel that. Walking away from Kris wasn’t the hard part, its knowing he wouldn’t run after you that was hard.

And when you saw Kris you almost chocked on your cereal.

He had dark circles under his eyes – which were obviously tried to be covered up by make up – his eyes were red and puffy, and he looked exhausted.

In plain and simple terms; Kris looked like .

You sat on the couch nervously. You jumped when your phone buzzed, it’s was probably Jiun about to ask how you were so you grabbed your phone quickly. And as quickly as you picked it up you dropped it. You stared at the phone your face completely perplexed as you stared at the number. You knew that number, you had memorized that number, and it had been calling you for weeks five weeks straight, but you didn’t answer any of those times. You couldn’t answer any of his calls.

I don’t want him to call. I don’t want to talk to him, to have to hear his voice and try and figure out a way for him to not tell by my voice how much I miss him. You thought to yourself staring at the phone.

Your phone let out an odd sound – why had you chosen that as your text message alert? – signaling it was text message. You grabbed it and unlocked it. You sighed.

Please ________-ah watch ____. Please just watch it.

“I already am.” You said aloud.

And when the interviewer asked Kris why he looked like that; the thing that came out of his mouth almost gave you a heart attack.


You sighed shifting your position on your bed; you groaned into our pillow and looked at digital clock on your nightstand. ‘2:OOAM’ it red in big red numbers. You let out a frustrated scream.

You hadn’t been able to sleep all night.

What Kris had said during the interview kept replaying in your mind over and over again. And thought you wished you hadn’t seen it, there was a part of you that had loved hearing Kris say those things.

It just kept replaying over and over in your mind; you were ready to rip your hair out.

You sighed rolling on your back; your eyes stared at the ceiling. Did he mean that? You asked yourself.

You sighed and thought back to what Kris had said. You wondered if he really did mean every word he said. You just wondered.

“Before I debuted with EXO, I was in relationship with this girl. I really loved her, I still do. Everything was going really well until I debuted, I knew that I had to keep my relationship with her a secret. And she knew that too. And she understood that completely.” Kris started a small sad smile was gracing his lips. The five members of EXO-M seemed surprised at Kris suddenly admitting this. But Luhan seemed more glad then surprised, he wanted this, Kris was miserable without you and you well… You were the same but at least you tried to hide it. You tried to show your strong side, while Kris didn’t care. He just wanted you.

“But I took it too far and I started neglecting her without meaning it, I didn’t really notice it because she never said anything… And I started to freeze her out more and more. And the more I did that the sadder she got and the less willing she was to keep our relationship going.” Kris took a deep breath. “And finally she snapped. I forgot her birthday, and she couldn’t forgive me for that. So she left. I haven’t spoken to her ever since we broke up.” Kris looked beaten up at this point.

“And I don’t blame here for avoiding me, I treated her horribly, and I regret.” Kris finished. The interviewer nodded it was a breath of fresh air, from Kris’s honesty. “You love this girl?” Kris nodded. “I do. And I regret everything I did to her. And I want her back, but I can’t get her back because she keeps ignoring me. I really want her to talk to me so I can fix everything that happened…” Kris murmured.

You let out another frustrated scream. The last sentence he had said kept replaying over and over in your head. Did he really want to fix it? Did he really want to talk about it? Did he regret treating you the way he treated you?

You didn’t know and honestly you didn’t want to know. You did what your heart told you to do. You did what was ‘best’ for you.

But you were miserable without Kris. But if you had stayed you were going to be even more miserable with him, because he wasn’t the same person he once was. He wasn’t Wu Fan. He wasn’t Kris. He wasn’t the guy you loved.

You closed your eyes wanting to fall asleep, and forget what Kris had said – as if it were nightmare.

You had managed to get at least two hours of sleep, before banging on your door woke you up… You sat up and rubbed your eyes. You stretched your arms with yawn. You got up from your bed, when the banging got louder and louder.

“Yah! Stop that I’m coming.” You yelled walking over to the door opening it. Your jaw dropped the floor when you saw Kris standing there; out of breath, in all of his glory. You slammed the door, only to have Kris stuck his foot in the door. You glared at him. “What are you doing here Kris?” You asked. “Wait how did you even know where I live?”

“I beg Luhan to tell me, when he let it slip.” He said. His voice was horsed. You noted that. I am so going to kill you Baby Face. Wait till I get my hands on you. You thought glaring at the floor. “Don’t blame him, ________-ah. It wasn’t his fault.”

“I’m not blaming him, I’m blaming you.” You told him. “Now what do you want Kris? It’s four ing am.” You said.

Kris sighed. You weren’t in a good mood. That was an obvious thing, but what he didn’t know was if you were angry because of the time or if you were angry at him. You motioned him to come inside, because it looked like it was about to start raining.

“I really needed to talk to you.” He said coming inside. You closed the door, your hand leaning on it for a couple sec0unds. This might be good for me. You thought.

“Alright.” You said. You pointed at the couch and said; “Sit.” He nodded. Both of you sat down. “Talk.” You said.

“I don’t understand why you had to go without telling me. I guess I’ll never know. Life seems so hard since you went your way, but there are still some things I have to tell you.” Kris said. You nodded slowly. “That day you left, your birthday. Which I am so sorry I forgot Jagi. But if knew it would’ve been the last time you walked out the door, I would have given you a hug and kiss, and I would have called you back for one more. If knew it would be the last time I could spare an extra minute or two to stop and say I love you, instead of assuming you would know I do. I should have done all of those things. I’m sorry I didn’t do them, I’m sorry for everything I didn’t do and for how I mistreated you.” You fought the urge to smile, when Kris was saying that to you, when Kris was saying that to you.

“I was wrong, ________-ah. I shouldn’t have done that. I shouldn’t have pushed you away.” He whispered. “It was my fault. It was my entire fault, Jagi.” He said. You nodded. You already knew it was his fault for you leaving, but maybe you should have said something. “I was scared. I was scared that when I debuted and the fans would find out that you were my girlfriend. That they might have hurt you.” You didn’t know if what he said was true or not, but the sincerity in his voice was convincing you. And was brining you to tears. “And that thought got me scared. So I started pushing you away, and the more I pushed you away the more I forgot why I was doing it in the first place… And then you left.”

“When you left, I was destroyed. I called you about a thousand times, I texted you even more. I begged all of your friends to tell me where you where, but they wouldn’t budge – you have some really loyal friends by the way – I begged Luhan and Suho to at least give me a hint about where you where. But they wouldn’t budge either. In fact they were glad you dumbed me. So were the rest of the members. Honestly I don’t blame them. I was an towards you. But that’s not the point.” Kris said. You let out a breath that didn’t know you were holding in. You really wanted to know what he was about to say next. No. Scratch that, you needed to know what he had to say next. You just needed to know what he was going to say next.

“The point is when you left; it felt like a part of me was gone. I never really noticed all the small things you did for me, how much of big influence you are in my life.” Kris told you. During his whole ‘rant’ he hadn’t spot making eye contact with you. His eyes were glued to yours. And they didn’t look like they were about to move anywhere else any time soon. “I’m sorry, I really am ________-ah. And I really want another chance with you. Please just consider it. I just want you, and I want to be with you. I promise I’ll treat you better, just give me another chance. And I promise that I won’t mess up this time. But just give me a chance ________-ah.” Kris told you. “I know I don’t deserve it, but I’ll try my best to make sure you have everything you need. And to pay as much attention to you as I can I promise you. Just please come back to me.” He whispered. You looked down at your lap where your hands rested. You thought about this. It really did seem like Kris meant all of this.

You looked up at him, you looked directly into his eyes and said: “ In that letter I left you; I didn’t say all the things that I wanted to say and you can’t take back what you’ve done to me. But I’m sitting here trying to convince myself that you’re not the one for me but the more I think, the less I believe it and the more I want to be with you again, Kris.” You told him, you let out a small bitter laugh. “It’s funny you know?” You asked him. Kris’s eyebrows creased in confusion at that. “It’s funny how the people that hurt you the most are the ones who said they never would. Its funny, most people can be around someone and then gradually begin to love them and never know exactly when it happened. Its so funny how you can love someone so much. And even if you show it, he still has no idea.” You let a small, insignificant chuckle.

Kris stared at you wondering if you were saying ‘yes’ to him or if you were saying ‘no’ to him. “Yah~ what are you trying to say to me ________-ah?” Kris asked. You opened your mouth to say something, but you snapped it back shut.

“I don’t know Kris…” You said honestly. And you really didn’t know. It really did sound like Kris was sorry, but was being sorry enough? “But I’m willing to give you chance…” You whispered. Kris smiled, a genuine smile which you returned but it turned into a frown. “But Kris, you know how I am. The second that you mess up or that you start mistreating me again or anything along those lines Kris… It’s over between the two of us.” You told him, Kris nodded repeatedly. Before pulling you onto his lap and hugging you tightly. “Kris to tight.” You said squirming under his vice grip.

“Hush, I missed you Jagi.” Kris mumbled nuzzling into your neck. “Nice place by the way…” Kris said. “But you’re coming back home with me.”

“We’ll see about that one, Kris.” You mumbled, a smile appearing on your lips.

Well here’s part two to this scenario, I wrote this really late last night so it may be a little confusing.

Please tell if I should post my scenarios on here as well, and if I do I will be taking requets. Please, please, and kashaminda, kashanmida.


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Chapter 1: Author-nim did you post this scenario again on Wattpad?
Chapter 1: :') Love itttt
Chapter 1: TT^TT im crying !! omo so heart touching !!!
Chapter 2: Alavya author. I really do. <3
iHeartKMS #5
Chapter 1: Yay! They finally got back together~ x3
iHeartKMS #6
Chapter 1: Yay! They finally got back together~ x3
Chapter 1: I'm practically dying. This was waay too cute!
Chapter 3: You really should! You're an EXCELLENT author!
Chapter 3: author-nim you shouldn't ask us if you should write a sequel for this when you should already know that you're gonna have to write one... <3 this story is really jjang
Chapter 3: yes you should and yes you are <3 i love thissss