Chapter 2

Why Doesn't He Love Me?

Chapter 2

I grabbed the doorknob and turned. I slowly opened the door.

"Ring Ding DONG! HAHAH."

"Yah, I hate that song Hyuk. It's so annoying."

"Eeteuk, too bad! That song is the best! Oh, this is my friend, Lee Sungmin."

Eunhyuk stepped to the side in the doorway. A cute little boy was in the doorway. he had big eyes, nice lips, but I would say that Kibum looked better.

"Anyeonhaseyo, Sungmin imnida!"

EW. My first impression on him was not good. Anyeonghaseyo? Imnida? Man this boy is clean! His face was so shiny too. What the heck? What's up with his clothes? Sag a little! But he's still cute, but not as cute as Kibum of course.

"So, Min, how old are you?"


"Cut the politeness won't you? I prefer hi, wassup, my name's Sungmin. You don't have to say all that. I'm younger than you."

"He has to say that. I'm his Hyung."

"No one's polite to you so it doesn't matter. Feel at home Min. Oh, and be careful, he's a homo."

I pointed my finger at Eeteuk.

"Rae Rae! Don't worry! I'm not gay!"

"He is. Just be careful and make sure you don't sit next to him. He'll probably feel you up. You know? Unless you're gay too. Are you?"

"No, I'm not. Please take care of me Rae Rae."

He bowed. Is something wrong with him. Bowing to me? Well, I do feel like royalty right now. Hmm. This ain't bad. He called me Rae Rae too. LOL. That Ahjussi had him think my name was Rae Rae.

"Don't worry. I'm sure Eeteuk will behave himself this time."

"Okay Rae Rae shi."

"You could drop the shi part."

"Ah, sorry sorry Rae Rae."

I giggled. Rae Rae sounded funny when it wasn't that Ahjussi saying it.

"Yah! He, a stranger, can call you Rae Rae, but not me?!"

" it up Hyung! You guys always ignore me when I bring a friend over! Yaish! I look way better than him. You can't even greet your cool Oppa Rae Kyung?"

"Sorry Oppa. I was just warning Sungmin about this Ahjussi so i forgot. Sorry. I'll let you hold the popcorn bowl this time okay?"

"Me?! Really?! Alright!"

He ran in the living room and jumped on the couch. Rude. He didn't take off his shoes. He just kicked them off after he landed. He's so cool.

"Min-ah. Come in dude. No need to wait."

"Ah, yeh Rae Kyung."

"You can just call me Rae. It's quicker."


He slowly took his tennis shoes off and put them next to the door. He walked in slowly, gently adjusting himself on the couch. Now how did Eunhyuk Oppa get a friend like that? Me and the Ahjussi still watched Sungmin amazed by is politeness. I glanced at the Ahjussi. i think he was just checking him out.

"Min-ah, Eeteuk's checking you out."

"Yah! I'm not gay!"

"Explain that to Heechul Hyung! He told me to never bring him here again! What are you doing to my friends?!"

"What'd he tell you?!"

"Yah YAH Yah! I'm trying to focus over here!"

Siwon Oppa came outta his room, and walked up to the Ahjussi. Oh no. He took his index finger and pointed it to the Ahjussi's chest.

"Yah, Homo. Remember when I kicked your because of what you did last night?"

"So that was Ahjussi?! Man, I thought it was a cat! Well, that's proof! What'd you do to Ahjussi?"

"I just did something. Go and watch your movie."

"I thought you were working out. How come you're not sweating?"

"Baby Powder."

"So I'm not going crazy! I thought I was the only one smelling it. Whew! What a relief."

Siwon Oppa patted my head and walked back to his room. That's what you call the best cousin ever.

"I hope you get 97 abs Siwon Oppa!"

"I already have enough!"

"Okay! Ahjussi, go sit down next to Eunhyukkie. I'll bring the popcorn. Yah, why aren't you going?"

He turned away and sniffed.

"Are you crying? Yah, adaso! Oppa, sorry. You are not gay slash homo. I'll give you your own bag of popcorn? EH?"


I smiled. Works every time. I walked to the kitchen and went to the microwave. I opened it and grabbed the bag. I pulled the top apart and the steam came out.


It was slightly too hot for my fingers to handle. I dropped the bag of popcorn on the counter. I heard footsteps running.

"Rae kenchana?!"

"Oh, I'm fine Sungmin. It's just my finger. No biggie. You can go watch the movie. Oh, and remind Eeteuk to press play."

"He did. I've already seen the movie. Let me see your finger."

"Oh. Here."

I put my hand in front of his face. The pain was already gone.

"It shouldn't hurt anymore. Does it?"

"No. Just feels weird."

"Hmm. Ah! Toothpaste! Do you have toothpaste?"


"Just rub it on. Here. Wait, where's the bathroom?"


I pointed to the door next to Siwon Oppa's room. He let go of my hand and walked into the bathroom. He grabbed the toothpaste and came back. He squeezed a dollop on his index finger. He put the toothpaste on the counter and grabbed my hand. His eyes were focused on my finger. It's just a slight steam burn. He gently rubbed the cooling toothpaste on my red, slightly burned finger. It felt good.

"Thanks Min."

"No problem. You want me to do the popcorn?"

"Really? Sure! Just give that bag to Eunhyuk. He deserves his own. He'll eat it all, I'm sure. So, we'll have to make more. You know how to make popcorn right?"

"Yeah. Everyone does."

"Say that to that dumb Ahjussi. Well, give that one to Eunhyuk."


He grabbed the bag off the counter and walked to the living room to give it to Eunhyuk. This is the life! he came running back.

"Oh, the popcorn's next to the microwave. Just do what you're supposed to do. Oh, and make sure you make one for Eeteuk. Then me and you can share one."


I hopped on the counter and hummed happily to myself. Min made me feel like royalty. He should come more often.

"So you're friends with Eunhyukkie Oppa?"

"Yeah, I'm from the same school."

"Oh really? Wow. My Oppas must be so popular. OH! So, do you know a guy named Kibum? You know, muscular, cute?"


"Min are you gay?"

"No. Why?"

"Oh, just all of a sudden curious, but back to Kibum."

"Yeah, he's a cool guy. Popular, good looks, muscular, beautiful girlfriend, practically famous."

"G-girlfriend? Who? Is her name similar to mine?"

"What was it? S-Sung Hee? She's one of the best actors at the school."

"Oh. S-sung Hee eh? That's interesting. Oppa never mentioned that he had a girlfriend."

"Oh really? That's weird. He's always talking about her. I would say that they're the hottest and cutest couple there."

"Min-ah? I have a stomachache. You can do the rest without my supervision right?"

"Oh, okay."


I walked to the bathroom and sat on the toilet. I don't know. I guess i was shocked, frustrated, mad, sad. It felt like a slap in the face to hear that Kibum has a girlfriend. Rolling the paper off the roll, I began to wipe my tears. It was like rain. No, more like a silent storm. I was good at that. Crying with no noise. Just the tears coming. I can't believe this. This is the first time I cried because of Kibum.

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update please.... Sounds good.. cannot wait to see next chapter
please update
KimSasaeng #3
seems interesting
Chapter 4: Update soon
pluckfire #5
awww why have you stopped updating? :(