Confusion. Where Do We Go From Here?

Changing The Game


Hyesung immediately panicked inwardly. He certainly hadn’t meant to let that slip, but who could blame him? He was getting pretty desperate. “I-I’m gonna go grab a change of clothes.” He started dashing out of the apartment to his own. When he arrived he slammed his door shut and slid to the floor. He felt like his face was on fire as he banged his head against the door. “What have I done?” His mind raced as he considered what would happen from there.

Would Eric come after him? Admittedly he was half hoping that would be the case. Should he go back and face him? But he was terrified. What would he think? At the worst he’d probably say he didn’t feel the same but would still accept him right? But even if that happened, things would be awkward. Or would he blow it off like he’d been doing the rest of his hints? Hyesung thought that’d be even worse. The realization hit that regardless of what happened, things would be different. A sinking feeling settled in the pit of his stomach. He took a shaky breath to calm himself as he pulled himself up and headed to his room to grab some clothes.

Eventually, he was going to have to face him, and it was better sooner than later.

Eric stood there, mouth agape and mind blank as he watched Hyesung fly out of his apartment. The sound of the door slamming snapped him out of his reverie.

“Wait!... what?” He called after Hyesung, barely registering what had just happened. Did Hyesung just say what he thought he said? The words he’d been waiting fourteen years to hear? No way. It couldn’t be. After all he’d been waiting fourteen years. It was very probable he was crazy and just hallucinating, right? But the words still rang clearly in his ears, and he wanted so badly to believe they were true.

The funny thing about a one-sided love though, is that you always expect it to be that way. You’ve been chasing for so long, and honestly you expect to keep running until you die. That’s the way it’s been for so long, why would it change? So Eric couldn’t accept it yet. As much as he wanted to believe it, and run after so he could confirm it and maybe finally have his greatest desires fulfilled, he was too afraid Hyesung would say it was a lie, or deny it ever happened. Rejection was all he’d ever known from Hyesung and he couldn’t bear to face it once more. If Hyesung really loved him, he’d come back, but he wasn’t going to get his hopes up for nothing.

Scuffing his feet across the floor he dragged himself to his bed. With an exasperated sigh he fell into a heap on his bed and curled himself up into a ball, not even bothering to cover himself with the sheets. He passed out quickly, dizzy from the emotions circling around his mind.

Hyesung probably spent about twenty minutes standing outside Eric’s door just working up the courage to go in. He chewed the bottom of his lip as he reconsidered for the fiftieth time that night and turned back towards his own apartment. One of the neighbors looked at him strangely as she passed by.

Hyesung spun back around mid-walk and once again found himself in front of Eric’s apartment. “Stop acting like a kid, idiot.” He scolded himself as he took a deep breath and punched in the passcode.

Peering around the door cautiously he slowly stepped in. “Eric?” he called softly, but saw the man was nowhere to be found. Making his way over to Eric’s room, he looked in to find Eric curled up on the bed in a ball. “Eric are you sleeping?” When he didn’t receive a reply, he made his way over to the bed. “Aish at least cover yourself up.” Hyesung whined as he tugged the blankets gently out from under Eric and placed them over him. He took a minute to admire the sleeping angel’s face, and before he could stop himself, he reached his hand out to Eric’s cheek. He stayed like that for a while.

Standing up and heading towards the bathroom he muttered, “ it , if I already blew my chance then I’ll take it as far as I can.”  He returned a few minutes later clad in his pajamas and crawled under the covers right next to Eric, wrapping an arm around his waist.



A/n: thanks to all my subscribers and for all the comments. I'll try to keep updating frequently. I'm not planning to make it too long so hopefully it'll be finished soon!

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Chapter 5: soo loved it one of the best ricsyung ff I read.
Harumi19 #2
Chapter 5: I loved it!! you're such a great writter ♥
My lovely Ricsung, I'm glad that they get their happily ever after <33
I really hope to read more fics from you, and if it's ricsung, tha'd be great :)
Btw, sorry for my english n_n!
KangRaeWon #3
Chapter 5: God, this must be the best RicSung fanfic I've read. But well, I haven't read a lot kkk Just joking. I really really loved it (: And I agree with Sushii501, when has Hyesung been so decisive? kkk I hope to read another of your creations soon, fighting!
Chapter 5: Kyaaaaaaaaak I love it *A*
I've never read a fic where Hyesung was so decisive before, keke.
I wish I could read more of your fics, you're really good at it ^^
luvlybum #5
Chapter 5: wow.. very impatient hyesungie.. XD Love it
cladiot #6
Chapter 5: That's it?! DANG. I was hoping there'd be some explanation done to the Shinhwa members xD
Great story btw~ loved the Ricsyung fluff!
Kidiua #7
Chapter 5: Forgot all about the dog! But this was cute, I loved it.
Chapter 5: i wish it was longer.. your fic is amazing.. super loved it..

great piece of work..