While my guitar gently plays


Will JongHyun be able to make you stay in Seoul, with his charm and unbelivable talent?



You took a few steps backward and a few steps forward as you walked on the ground, watching how the sun lightened up every area of the street. Even though the sun kept shining and the threads of the beams could make anyone’s day better and full of joy, seemed like you got up on the wrong foot. This day was supposed to be the day when you finally get the chance to go to college. It seemed like nothing would go wrong, but for some unknown reason when you came to the Seoul’s school of Arts they reported that the signup date expired a few weeks ago. That was devastating for you, since your first dream was to attend that particular school but now you clearly see that there was no chance nor hope for you. “Guess now I can just leave Seoul for good, there is no reason for me to stay here” you sighed deeply and somehow managed to pursue yourself to keep walking forward. An unbelievable force kept pulling you in an unknown direction but you eventually gave in. “I could talk one last walk through the park” a light smile appeared and you ran on the other side of the street, walking straight to the nearby park. The smell of the summer was long gone, as the autumn period was preparing its cold and unbearable weather. You inhaled deep and exhaled. “Yup autumn is in the air” you nodded a few times just to confirm your statement. Suddenly something caught your ear. You could hear somebody’s voice, in the distance and as you walked and followed the strong notes and high pitches of it, you realized that the mysterious “singer” was sitting on the bench by the lake. He kept strumming and moving his soft fingers over the guitar strings, creating perfect sounds of a catchy melody, which you eventually started humming. Slowly he went over the string, and you could clearly realize that he was singing a ballade, a soft and sweet tuned ballade. Even though you could not really see his face, since he turned towards the lake, your heart kept pounding harder and stronger with every high note he sang out and with every strum of the guitar. You lifted your hand and put it on the area where the heart was, and you could feel it beat, pumping warm blood into your veins. “Why am I feeling like this?” you shook your head and decided that it would be better to back away, to leave him alone. Somehow, you had an urge to investigate more, about this singing angel, this perfection in front of you. “I could just take a small peak, right?” you thought and came closer, so that now you were only a few feet away from this stranger. You did not notice that you stepped on a small branch, which probably fell from the nearby tree, as you did that he stopped playing and turned around. You just stood there, not able to move one muscle, as he kept staring at you, but with a warm feeling in his dark eyes. “I apologize; I just wanted to see…” your embarrassment got the best of you. “ I heard you singing and the melody was so beautiful that I had to come closer and see who you actually were” you bowed your head and apologized once more. He smiled widely, as his eyes sparkled unbelievably bright. “It’s alright, I don’t mind that you were listening to me, please sit” he moved a little on the left, creating room for you to sit beside him. You raised your head and reacted with “Kamsahamnida” and slowly sat beside him as he eventually started singing and creating the melody from a few minutes ago. The way his lips moved while pronouncing the words, mesmerized you slightly. As he sang the lyrics with such passion and lust, you could not help from blushing and coming closer to this perfection. “Why am I coming closer?” you asked yourself and backed away a few steps. “And besides he probably has a girlfriend, why would he like me? We just met” you sighed and looked at the slightly moving blades of grass, tickling your feet with the tip of it. He stopped once more and grabbed your hand, massaging it with the tip of his fingers. “Is everything alright?” “Yes, everything is fine” you were a little surprised by his action, but soon just smiled at him. “Can you play the guitar?” he asked while holding the lower point of its neck, twisting it in circles. “A-a little, why?” you flustered slightly. “Why don’t you play something? Maybe it would make you feel better” he smiled widely. “But I am not good at it” you sighed. “Please, just once” he came closer and showed off his adorable eyes, shining like never before. “Alright” he handed you the guitar and you nervously grabbed the neck and the bottom of it. As you slowly moved your hand over the strings, your hands could not stop shaking. You played something you learned before, a simple note system. “You are very good, but could I advise you not to shake that much when you play” he now was behind you, leaning his muscular chest on your back, as he showed you how to play that last high note. He held your hands and together you moved over the strings and completed the simple song, but also very catchy. “See? You are not shaking anymore” he leaned his chin on your shoulder, which made the heat come to with incredible speed into the flesh of your cheeks. “Yeah guess I am not” you lightly bit your bottom lip. “My name is JongHyun, and yours?” he leaned on the bench and you turned towards him. “Nice to meet you JongHyun, my name is _____” you rubbed the back of your neck lightly. “What a beautiful name” he winked and you gave his guitar back. “T-thank you” you smiled and leaned on the bench too. “Want to watch the sunset with me?” he asked and you nodded not noticing that you leaned your head on his shoulder, as he slowly played a soft melody. “Guess now I have a reason to stay in Seoul, at least for a little way” you smiled and closed your eyes, listening to the tune and sensing the upcoming autumn.


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