


It was lunch time at school, you were really hungry so you rushed to the cantina to go get food. You didn’t even wait for your best friend Chanyeol to get out of class. When you got there the line wasn’t that long thankfully so you got your lunch pretty quick.

You sat down at a table and began to eat. When you finished you pulled out the book you’ve been reading. You just started to get into the book when you could hear a bunch of girls scream. You did not even have to look up to know that Kris, the school’s kingka had just walked in.

‘Geez do they really have to scream?! They are really close to him they’re going to make him deaf, they’re making me deaf AND I’M NOT EVEN NEAR THEM!’ you screamed in your mind as you tried to concentrate on your book.

You never liked when Kris would walk into a room because he always brought screaming girls with him. It’s not that you did not like him, he was actually pretty nice you had found that out when you worked with him for a project.

So you decided to walk outside to get some peace so you could read your book. But you were in such a hurry you didn’t even see Kris walking towards you. He watched as you ran out the doors with your hands over your ears.

‘I gotta get away from these girls they just scared off _____!’ he thought as he looked around for a way to escape the crowd of girls. ‘The bathroom! Maybe I can climb out the bathroom window!’

He quickly walked to the bathroom and the girls let him have some space. He made his way pass the stalls and sinks to the window. He opened it and slipped out the window. Chanyeol was washing his hands at one of the sinks when Kris climbed out of the window.

‘That for him he had to climb out windows to get away from girls…. I can’t believe _____ didn’t even wait for me to go to lunch?! I bet she’s outside, now I have to go find her!’ he thought to himself as he walked out of the bathroom.

You were sitting down near the large grassy area under the shade of a tree. You were getting to the good part of the book when the sound of someone clearing their throat interrupted  you. You ignored it but another sound came so you sighed and looked up to see who was bothering you.

“Kris?” you said squinting not really sure if it was him or not, then stood up.

“Y-yeah it’s me… Um I was kinda wondering if you would go to the movies with me tomorrow night…. Like on a date?” he asked nervously rubbing the back of his neck.

“Um I-” you started.

“No you can’t go on a date with her!”

You looked to the source of the sudden outburst. It was your best friend Chanyeol.

“Um I think it’s up to ____ to decide whether she does or doesn’t want to go with me.”

“Well she has plans.”

“Oh really?”

“I do?”

“Yeah you do you have plans with me” Chanyeol said as he grabbed your arm and pulled you away. Leaving Kris there shock at the situation that had just happened in front of him.

Once you were far enough away from Kris, Chanyeol let your hand go.

“WHAT WAS THAT FOR?!” you yelled at him.

“I’m sorry! But I just can’t let you go on a date with that guy!”

“You don’t get to decide that for me!”

“But I can’t or won’t let you go on a date with him!”



“Because what?!”

“Because I like you! You are the only girl I ever had my eyes on since we first met! You are my first love!”

“What did you say?” you asked with your eyes widened.

“I didn’t say anything…”

“No you can’t say you said nothing I know you said something. Tell me what you said.”

“I said I like you okay?” he admitted turning red.

“Y-you like me?”

“Yes I do and I have for a while….”

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Because I thought you didn’t see me the same way…” he said looking down.

“Well you should have let me finish what I was going to tell Kris.”

“But you were going to say yes… What girl would say no to Kris?”

“If you would have let me finished I was going to say: sorry Kris I think you are a nice guy and you’re really handsome but I like someone else and his name is Chanyeol.”


“Yes I like you too.”

“….. So what shall we do now?”

“What do you mean?”

“We just told each other we like each other….”

“Yeah and? I thought we already had plans for tomorrow night?”

He smiled at you remembering his outburst at Kris a few minutes earlier.

“So what did you have in mind?” you said taking his hand in yours.

“Dinner and what ever you want to do?”
“Sounds like a plan.”

The two of you walked to your next. class holding hands.

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jopm93 #1
Chapter 1: omg.. ahaha.. well for kris.. all that climbing out the window for nothing ahahahha
barooya #2
Chapter 1: omg~ "Sorry Kris I think you're a nice guy and you're really handsome but I like someone else and his name is Chanyeol"
-xttran #3
Chapter 1: Adorable author-nim ;o ♡
Chapter 1: Lol this is cute! :D
Chapter 1: cute ^^
JensuXP #6
Chanyeol is so cute just putting da girl aways from Kris...I really like all your oneshot :) keep up the good work
Awww cute!