Wishlist (One-Shot)

Wishlist (One-Shot)


Taemin POV

I took out my journal when I heard Onew Hyung’s footsteps outside the room.

“Taemin, you should turn in for the night. It’s late.”

“No, I’m doing fine. Having insomnia.”

“You, with insomnia? I would have senile dementia!” Onew joked. Haha, not funny. Hyung could really recycle his jokes again and again, especially when he knows the reason of me staying up. Yes, I’m waiting for someone.

“Hyung, you are not that old.”

“Then tell Key and Jonghyun not to call me old when we are arguing. Our fans said that I could be the maknae, you know?” I nodded my head in response, as Onew waved at me before closing the room’s door.

I stared at the journal again, as I started scribbling on the lines.



I’m really bored, but I can’t sleep because Minho’s not home yet. I just want to apologize for arguing with him last night. I doubt he is coming home soon, so I’ve decided to do a wish-list while waiting for him. I know wish-lists are really girly stuff. 

I dropped my pen and the music player. I lowered the volume when I heard Jong Hyun Hyung shouting at me from his bedroom.

I think Jong Hyun Hyung is in a bad mood. He screamed at me ): But anyway, here comes the wish-list--- actually, I should call it a To-Do list as well.    

1. Tell Minho I’m sorry. 

2. Celebrate Minho’s birthday. Only the two of us.

3. Confessing to me on the radio again, because I really enjoyed it even though I didn’t tell him so.

4. Hold his hand again.

5. Watch soccer and allow him to scream in my ear.

6. Hug him again.

7. Visit Yoogeun together.

8. Ask him to tug me into bed.

9. Hear Minho calling me ‘childish’

10. Turn against Onew Hyung in an age-swapping game again.

11. Have a meal with Minho.

12. Tell him that I like him

13. Make breakfast with Minho.

14. Minho to tell the whole world that he likes me. I hope he does

By the 14th point, my eyes became droopy. I leaned my head against the table, as I looked through the things I have written. I’ve repeated Minho’s name in almost every point I’ve made.

I mean, what’s so good about him that I have to sacrifice my bedtime just to wait for him?

What’s so great about Minho that I actually sulk when I saw him kissing Ji Hye nonna?

I tried to convince myself that I got angry because Minho kissed my favorite nonna. I know that what I said is a total lie, even though I really like Ji Hye nonna a lot; I’m just pure jealous because Minho only did that to me and Yoogeun .

Dropping my pen on the table, I closed my eyes gently, as the song playing on the music player reached it last note and ended.


Minho POV


I walked past Taemin’s room when I heard music behind the door.

Shouldn’t be Taemin sleeping?

I opened the door slightly, peeping into the room through the gap. There, I saw, a petite figure sitting in front of the table with his head leaning against the table. His oversize T-shirt made him look even skinner, as his shoulder was slightly exposed.

Walking into the room, I turned off the music player and gaze at Taemin. Lying beside him was a book and a ball point pen at the edge of the table.  

“Minho?” He mumbled under his breath as he rubbed his eyes.

“Yes, I’m home, Taemin. Are you waiting for me?” He hesitated for a moment and shook his head with disdain.

“No~ I’m not.” Should I tell him that he is bad at lying? I wrapped my arms around his shoulder gently, and whispered into his ear,

“Sorry, Taeminnie. Be a good boy and go to bed.” Taemin nodded his head and walked in a toddle-like manner to his bed. I tugged him in, sweeping the hair that’s covering his forehead.

Kissing him on his cheek, I patted his head and turned off the lights before leaving the room.

I didn’t know that my actions recently made him upset.


Taemin POV

Next day, 7.30am

I woke up as the annoying sun rays shone through the windows and stung my eyes. Sitting up on my bed while rubbing my eyes, my shoulder hit against something hard on the bed. I tilted my head slightly and saw my journal beside me, with a page divider stuck between the pages.

Flipping to the page where the divider lay, I spotted Minho’s handwriting on one of the pages.


Reply to Taeminnie’s wish-list

1. Tell Minho I’m sorry. – Apology accepted                                                                                                                                            

2. Celebrate Minho’s birthday. Only the two of us. – I didn’t know you can read my mind.

3. Confessing to me on the radio again, because I really enjoyed it even though I didn’t tell him so. – I will do it soon (:

4. Hold his hand again

5. Watch soccer and allow him to scream in my ear – let’s do that tonight

6. Hug him again.

7. Visit Yoogeun together. – Let’s do it when school’s over.

8. Ask him to tug me into bed. – I’ve done that last night.

9. Hear Minho calling me ‘childish’

10. Turn against Onew Hyung in an age-swapping game again. – I’ve been planning to do that too. Like minds think the same.

11. Have a meal with Minho – I’m free next week

12. Tell him that I like him – I know that.

13. Make breakfast with Minho. – I will make breakfast for you.

14. Minho to tell the whole world that he likes me. I hope he does – Open the room’s door.

15. Give Taemin something.



I can’t believe Minho actually read my journal. How I wish there’s a hole somewhere for me to hide in. I jumped off my bed with the journal in my hand, turning the door knob in another. As I open the door slowly, Minho plunged forward and hugged me in his arms.

He wrapped his arms around my waist tightly, pressing his lips against my ear.

“Taeminnie is childish. I like you because you are always my baby.” I blushed as we walked into the room in the awkward manner. Minho kicked the door to close it, as he took the journal away from my hand and dropped it on the bed.

He leaned even closer to me, whispering in my ear once again.

“I love you.” I stared at him in confusion, as I realize he was answering the 14th question on my wish-list.

“I’ve told the world that I love you.”


“Because you are my world.” He looked at me and smiled.

“As for the 15th point, close your eyes, Taemin.” I obediently close my eyes gently, not knowing what he is going to do.

Then, I feel something soft and warm against my lips. It caressed my lips slowly for a few seconds, before backing away. I opened my eyes while blushing when I met his gaze.

“I’m sorry, Taemin.”

“Apology accepted.” I giggled, as I hugged him even tighter in my arms.

“Minho, I love you too.”


15. Give Taemin something – I’ve received it, but no gift is better than you. You, Choi Minho, is my best gift.


Author’s Note: Yay, a fluff, finally. Haha, the part where Minho whispered into his ears is from ‘Likecious’ which can be found on facebook. I think it’s really sweet (: But damn, I think I fail at fluff -.-

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Chapter 1: 2min fluff <3333 omigosh i love this ;u;
Chapter 1: make more 2min fluff... :D
Chapter 1: omg!omg! Thank you~!! so cute!<3
chibieru #4
Chapter 1: KYAAAAA THIS! <3