
Evanescent Dreaming

Jongin sat at the dinner table with his mother and father. He put down his chopsticks and cleared his throat. “I’m quitting dance.”

His mom gasped. “Jongin, what do you mean? You love dancing. Why do you want to quit?”

“Mom, I don’t like it anymore. I…”

“This is good, son,” his father interrupted. “So have you finally realized that guys should do manlier things like taekwondo and not prance around on stage like a girl?”

“I’m not going to do taekwondo either, dad,” Jongin mumbled. “I’m just going to quit dance. That’s all.”

His mom was confused—this was too sudden. “Jongin, did something happen? Are the people in your class being nice to you?”

“They are. I just don’t want to do it anymore. I’m done eating.” Jongin got up from the table and ran to his room.

But his mom still wasn’t convinced. When she was sure Jongin would not hear her, she asked her husband, “Don’t you think something is wrong? He fought with us to quit taekwondo and take dance classes. How could he just let this go so easily?”

“I don’t know,” Jongin’s father replied. “But I think it’s better for him to quit. Do you know how embarrassing it is to tell people that my son is a dancer? It’s not what a man should be doing.”

“How could you say that? All of that doesn’t matter. Jongin loves dancing.”

“Apparently not anymore.”


Jongin skipped all of his dance classes the following week. He hadn’t officially quit, but the eight hours a week he usually spent at the studio were now spent at home. He had only told his parents he wanted to quit, but his friend Sehun could see a change in Jongin’s behavior at school. Sehun had been Jongin’s best friend since they met in fourth grade and now, in their second year in middle school, they were inseparable.

At lunch, Sehun decided to question Jongin about this change. “Jongin, what’s wrong with you lately?”

“Nothing,” Jongin mumbled. But he wouldn’t look Sehun in the eye. “School is just too boring.”

Jongin laughed, but Sehun noticed that his smile did not reach his eyes. He had known Jongin long enough to realize something was wrong.

“Come on, Jongin. You can tell me anything, you know that,” he said with an encouraging smile.

“Fine. Sehun, don’t freak out, okay? I’m quitting dance.”

“What?! Why?!” Sehun yelled. Everyone turned around to look at the two.

Jongin shook his head and looked down, covering his eyes with his hair. “Sehun. I said not to freak out, and now everyone is looking at us.”

“How can you expect me not to freak out?” Sehun whispered. “How could you quit?”

“I don’t want to talk about it. Just drop it, okay?”

The bell rang, signaling the end of lunch. Jongin let out a sigh of relief. He wouldn’t have to explain anything.

Sehun didn’t bring up the topic again as they walked backed to class. He would let Jongin explain when he was ready to.

Right before Jongin could open the door to their classroom, a boy ran up to him.

“Hello! I know you don’t know me,” the boy said, panting. “But I just wanted to say you’re an amazing dancer!”

“What?” Jongin looked at the boy questioningly. Who was this boy? When had he seen Jongin dance?

“Sorry. Like I said, you don’t know me. But my sister dances at the same studio as you and I’ve seen you before. You’re amazing!” The boy wouldn’t stop smiling. Jongin looked at his wide eyes and his dazzling smile and suddenly felt himself blush.

“Thank you,” he said, looking at the ground.

“No problem! You probably already knew you were good though,” he laughed and scratched the back of his neck. The second bell rang—the boy was late for his class. “Oh no! I’ll see you around, then. My name is Do Kyungsoo and I’m a third year.” He ran away, presumably to his classroom.

“Kyungsoo…” Jongin liked the way the boy’s name sounded as it left his lips. He watched Kyungsoo’s retreating figure, getting smaller and smaller, and couldn’t help but wonder when he would see the boy again. Because something in him really wanted to.


“My name is Do Kyungsoo and I’m a third year,” Kyungsoo said, and ran away.

He couldn’t believe it. He just talked to Kim Jongin. Did Jongin notice how nervous he was? Hopefully not.

Kyungsoo had wanted to talk to Jongin for a while. Ever since he first saw Jongin dance, Kyungsoo wanted to tell the boy how amazing he was. He could still remember the first time he saw Kim Jongin’s body move.

The first time he saw Kim Jongin, Kyungsoo was waiting to pick up his litter sister from her beginning ballet class. But while he was watching his sister, he noticed the classroom next to hers. They were definitely not beginners.

His eyes were drawn to a certain boy. He wasn’t in the front, though. He was at the side, clearly not trying to draw attention to himself. But Kyungsoo could only look at him—could only see that one boy. The way he moved, the way he looked so concentrated, the way he looked so into what he was doing, just everything about him—it mesmerized Kyungsoo.

He didn’t realize how long he had been staring at the boy until he suddenly heard his sister’s voice next to him.

“Hey! I thought you were watching me,” she wined, pouting.

“Sorry. These people are really good though. Look at that one boy.” Kyungsoo pointed to the boy who had caught his attention.

“Oh. That’s Kim Jongin. He’s really famous here. All the teachers say he’s the best dancer.”

“Oh really?”

“Yeah! And he’s in his lyrical class right now, which is his best. He’s really good and he’s really handsome, isn’t he? He’s been in every showcase ever since he was nine. That’s the youngest ever at the studio. He’s just the best!”

“Hey, does someone have a crush?” Kyungsoo teased.

“No, no,” his sister laughed nervously. “But I think he goes to your school, oppa!”

“My school? Really?” Kyungsoo was intrigued. How had he not seen this Kim Jongin before?

“I’ve seen him wear the same uniform as you, so yeah! What if you guys become friends? You can introduce me to him, right?”

“Hey, kid. If he goes to my school, you’re way too young for him. You know you’re only six, right?”

“Age doesn’t matter in love, oppa!”

“Oh, love?” Kyungsoo laughed. But he could see why his little sister liked him so much. As he walked home with his sister he couldn’t stop thinking about the boy who captured his attention—Kim Jongin.

The next day at school, Kyungsoo’s eyes wandered everywhere, searching for the boy. And when he finally found the boy he was searching for, he couldn’t help but smile.


AN: I hope it was clear that the last part is a flashback OTL Thank you everyone who subscribed! :) I really don't know how to use this website yet lool but I really really appreciate it :)
and I combined the first two chapters because the first one was really short and it annoyed me :/ And I want to change the title of the story but idk what to change it to -___-

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xiaoxinxing #1
I'm waiting for the moment Kyungsoo is going to convince Jongin to dance again.
xiaoxinxing #2
Omg jongin don't quit!!!
Update soon! Please. T.T