Two Moons


     The main reason why Lay is so all over his head is because he can't remember anything real. He only has these false memories with his fake family and fake friends. He knows that this all is fake but inspite of that he still lives on as a normal 16 year-old korean teenager. He lives his life as a story with no beginning and probably no ending, because all he wants is to be dead and the best way to do that is to fight until he can't stand up, until his heart stops beating - because that will be the only thing that would have been real in his fake existance.

    However every night he has a feeling that someone is watching him from the deep dark universe. He feels this unexplanable urge to fly up there and know the truth. But what kind of a truth would he find there? Perhaps only stars - dead planets that won't tell him anything...

    But what is the reason? Why does it all start? The reason - Two moons that Lay keeps seing every night. One is the normal one that we see and the other one...Pure Red, usually, but every night it changes colors. Why? That is for me to write and for you to find out...




This feeling again...What exactly is it? Why do i feel that two eyes are looking at me, protecting me. Why do i feel like this? As if i could touch the sky and touch the crimson red moon that is just few inches away from the sparkling silver one. And the smell, of freshly picked roses - red, blue, yellow, black.

   I see it all...The earth is not brown it is white and so many things grow from it - the plants,many houses,trees. And so many feathers - flying trying to find their place in the world. And then there is the beautiful figure that lures me in with words:

"This isn't real. You have to come back to me. I need you. You need me,"

  I don't understand anything at all but i know that it is a her - with beautiful silver hair and a shimering blue dress. The light that comes from her stings but i can't help but to think that i want to touch her, feel her. And then suddenly she speaks again and i know what she says is the truth:

"You're life isn't real...You don't belong here...You belong with me..."

I don't see her face, but i know she is crying. I have to be with her. Just as simple as that and ,as i reach for her with my hands, I window's curtains.


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