Him and Her

Him and Her


First days of a new school year were always boring. We hardly had classes and all we do were chat with our classmates about how our summer vacation went. I didn’t complain before, but it was out junior year already and it was getting into my nerves because all of us were so close that all we had to do was look at each other’s blog and we knew what happened to them. So, chats weren’t really necessary.


Since I live away from school, I stay in the dormitory. And the dormitory itself was really boring. So, I decided to sign up as a volunteer in the freshman orientation program.


It was raining outside so we decided to have the program inside the auditorium.


But fate was rather cruel today. Due to the strong wind and rain, there was a power interruption. And having thousands of people inside a room with no ventilation has perks. For one, it was so hot.


I was fanning myself with my hand when I noticed her. She stood out from the crowd. Why? Everyone else had enthusiasm written already their faces despite the situation while she had none at all. In fact, I couldn’t even read her. She was like an iceberg in a middle of the desert. But then, something about her made me curious but I just couldn’t point it out.



Me? Anti-social? So what? I went here to study and not just to befriend these people. I’d rather go home and read Harry Potter series once again.


I was about to sneak out when I noticed him. His bleached blonde hair reminded me of a certain Harry Potter character...my favourite Slytherin, Draco Malfoy. Well, he didn’t really have the same face as Draco but he had this Draco charm in him.


I knew, I was a cold person. I couldn’t show my expression. But somehow, just staring at him melted me. Who would have thought that a complete stranger would be able to melt an ice like me?



We instantly became friends. How? I didn’t know. Or maybe it’s because we had the same likes and dislikes. We had a lot of intelligent conversation. We argued about what each metaphor, in some of the greatest classical literary books, meant. I let her borrow my books and she did the same. And I like being friends with her.


But I think she still had this protective covering around her. It was as if she didn’t want any other friends. She was kind and nice to me, but not with other people.


My other friends told me that it was because she likes me...romantically...errr.


I like her but...just a friend.




I like being with him. We really clicked. But I couldn’t help but noticed how other stare at me whenever I was with him. It was like they were throwing daggers at me with their eyes.


Why? Was there any rule stating that anti-social people like me weren’t permitted to be friends with a popular person like him?



I think I like her. Yes, I LIKE her. But, what would other people say if I date her? What would my friends say?



Somehow, I was starting to think that he liked me in a non-platonic way. But, why wasn’t he saying that to me? I didn’t mind.


Or maybe, he wasn’t sure that I like him too.


I knew that his birthday was coming up. So I asked his roommate to scatter 17 birthday cards.


I wanted to give him a birthday card for each birthday I missed.



I just woke up and I noticed an envelope on my bed. Still slightly asleep, I just continued staring at it. After a few minutes, I stretched to grab it. I opened it and I realized that it was a birthday card... from her.


I smiled because she remembered my birthday and it was really thoughtful of her to give me one.


Then, I stood up to place the card on my desk when I noticed another enveloped on my desk. I opened it and it was another card...from her. I opened my drawer and there was another one. I opened my cabinet and there was another one. I stared at my mirror and there was another one. I walked towards the door and there was another one...


It was getting creepy.


I read the 17th and hopefully the last card which I was in my desk in the classroom.


“Happy Birthday! I gave you one card for every birthday I missed. I hope this birthday will be different and very memorable to you. Again, happy birthday.”


I shook my head before I muttered to myself: ‘This birthday will really be...memorable.’



A few months after his birthday, he became really busy. Well, it was another school year and he was already a senior. He said that he wanted to focus in his studies because he wanted to graduate with honors so I just left him alone to do pretty much whatever he wanted.


And the next thing I knew, it was already my birthday.


For hours, I waited for him to approach me and greet me. But, he never did.


About an hour before the day ended, I lied on my bed as I was already getting ready to sleep. I stared at my phone and hoped that somehow it would receive a message from him.


It was exactly 10:50 pm when my phone lit up. I excitedly opened the message and just as I hoped for, it was from him.


10:50 pm! He greeted me exactly on the time I was born! How did he know that? Well, that wasn’t important. Now, I could sleep with a smile on my face.



I had been avoiding her for the past few months. And somehow, I was starting to forget her.


My roommate said that it was her birthday so even if it was late already, I still greeted her.



He was so busy or was he avoiding me?


Sigh. I was kind of getting lonely. So, even though I was not so friendly, I still took the risk and befriended some freshman.


She was really different from me but she was nice and kind to me. So, I befriended her. We bonded and we became really close to the point that I told her every secret I had. If I had known that having a girl as a friend was this fun, I should have looked for more friends years ago.



I saw her talking with another girl. At first, I was shocked to see her laughing and talking with another person. I checked if it was the end of the world or something. But it wasn’t. She had indeed...found another friend.


I knew that girl. She was pretty popular amongst the freshmen since her father was part of the school board or something. At first, I thought that she was evil and her pretty face was just deceiving. But then, I guess I was wrong. The girl was friends with her. So that means she’s okay right?



Somehow, I found myself alone again.


I thought that she was my friend. I told her that I was in love with him. But, why did I see her walking hand in hand with him today? Somehow, I felt... betrayed.



I made friends with her new friend and she seemed sweet and nice. I found out that we had the same likes and dislikes. We had intelligent conversations and she said that she reads books too. But, she wasn’t much of a classic literature fan and she was reading romantic novels only. But, she had a lot of friends and she also made friends with my friends. And now, my friends wanted me to date her... and so... I did.




I couldn’t stare at them without feeling hurt. But what could I do? Nothing.


Then, I found myself creating a thicker protective covering around me. I became what I used to be... cold as ice. But, could you blame me for being like this?



I found out that she wasn’t really that great. She was really different from me and I felt that she just used her to get me. Now, I felt bad for avoiding and forgetting about her.


I went to her and I asked for forgiveness. But I couldn’t help but noticed that she was back to being an ice princess. I tried to melt her again, but then, she didn’t allow me too. The once melted ice went back to the freezer and became hard and cold again.



The heart is a muscle and it gets tired too.

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i like this fic so much :'D
charmillesenica #2
Aww. Tch tch. Why did he even avoid her? It's his fault.
Soo sad
AAAAAWWWW! that was painful! it's his fault!!! and i totally understand her..<br />
tsk3. regrets are always at the last part.. X(<br />
<br />
i also like the last statement. "The heart is a muscle and it gets tired too."<br />
<br />
i love this one!!
All his fault. Good thing they didn't end up together.<br />
<br />
Thank you. :)
rizukikun #5
i really like this fic! :)
crowLovr29 #6
I like the last statement " the heart is a muscle and it gets tired too".:)
kristinamay17 #7
Served him right! You go girl.
joanriz #8
it's HIS fault...i understand HER!<br />
thanks for this fic <3
beastlyvip21 #9
can relate with her ... super like ! thanks for the wonderful oneshots