Behind closed doors.

If Memories Weren't Just History

Daia's POV:


You could hear hurried footsteps behind the closed door.

“Daia! You came!” Baekhyun’s light and peppy voice illuminated the atmosphere all of a sudden.

You couldn’t help but let the corners of your mouth turn upwards, “Well of course, since you did call me about a billion times.”

Baekhyun giggled as held your arm and pulled you out of the doorway and into EXO’s flat, “You didn’t answer your house phone so I was worried…” his voice gently faded, “Anyway! Enough about that! I have something that will cheer you up!”

How did he know… how did he know I was feeling down?

“I can tell by your right eye… it twitches whenever you feel upset.” Baekhyun replied as if he read your thoughts.

“You read my—“ you started. However due to the massive smile on Baekhyun’s face leading you somewhere, you thought to not comment further.


Not concentrating where you were going, you walked into a stationary object… Baekhyun.

“We are here.” Baekhyun opened the door infront of him slowly, letting the door eerily creak open.

This is a room you had only been in when it was only you and Baekhyun.

As you gazed upon the grand piano in the corner you immediately smiled and squeezed Baekhyun’s hand in joy.

“You know why we are here right?” Baekhyun released your hand and walked towards the grand piano.

He slowly slid out the sleek piano stool and he sat down and lifted the keyboard cover.

He slid to the left on the stool and patted the right hand side of the stool, “Daia, come here.”

You swiftly nodded and sat beside him. – Yiruma: Maybe


Baekhyun rest his fingertips in fixed positions on the piano keys.

One by one, two by two, chord by chord it was like he was singing… through the piano.

The gentle dynamics, the soft crescendos… it was angelic.

Baekhyun would close his eyes, as if he was feeling the music through his whole body.

Suddenly, you could feel your cheek to be slightly wet.

It was no surprise.

Every time you had heard his piano playing, you felt as if you were in a beautiful garden that would bring you to tears.

A garden where the flowers would sway along with the beat.

If you had to define the word beautiful… Baekhyun’s piano playing would be the answer.

It had been many years already that you had heard this magnificent sound.

You obviously knew that Baekhyun would be where he is now, in a band and showcasing his talent.

But to feel as precious as you did, to hear his piano playing once again, just for you… is a gift like no other.

You felt proud, that no fangirl on earth has been like you here today.

“Daia? Daia?”

Your eyes sharply opened wide to see Baekhyun standing, looking worriedly at you.

Ah. He has finished playing…

“Were you falling asleep during my concerto~”Baekhyun shook his head jokingly.

“Oppa, you know that isn’t true.” You winked in reply.

Baekhyun shivered, “Ew, you know I told you not to call me oppa! It gives me the creeps…”

“Hey! Actually… why does it give you the creeps?” you turned your head at a 30 degree angle.

“Don’t worry, I’ll tell you someday…” Baekhyun ruffled your hair up.

“Ya! Don’t do that like I’m a kid!” you started to give chase after him.

Baekhyun stuck his tongue out cutely whilst giggling.

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Chapter 5: Ah, this were some cute moments. I admit, it's hard for me to read a lot of EXO fan fictions nowadays because of Kris and everything he's done (tho he wasn't in this much, only the last chapter), but I enjoyed most of this!
Chapter 5: Kekeke kris you are sooooo screwed!!!
Chapter 4: Update soon *.*