Fluorescent Lights

All The Pretty Lights


From Myungsoo's POV.

It was the first day of high school. The first class of the academic year. In most love stories, the protagonist would be able to recall the day they saw that certain someone with acute presision; from the weather outside down to the colour of the socks they wore that day. To me however, the details were never obsessed over. I don't remember which class it was. I don't remember the teacher, the room, or what was going through my mind when I first laid eyes upon him. There was no spark, no graviational pull towards him, no super-natural telepathic connection that somehow informed me that I'd found my soul mate.
I was sat at the back of the class, preferring to be away from the windows filtering the gradually weakening sunlight into the room. The fluorescent lights ahead were brighter anyway. He sat closer to the front, friends situated around him from all sides. He was the center; everybody around him adored him, wanted to be noticed by him, to talk him, to have him talk to them. I watched the way his elegant hand shielded his mouth from the teacher as he leaned over to whisper to one of his friends. Their face would glow with the joy of knowing that just for a few moments, they were the focus of his attention. He had that affect on people, making their day with a smile or a few words. 
Over the next few weeks, it became evident that he knew of his, for lack of a better word, powers. He was a people-pleaser. He wanted everyone to love him, and they did. That was all that mattered. I watched, as he focused his attention on different people from day to day; determined to make everybody see how likable he was, how friendly and sociable he was, how his attractive smile could win someone over in 5 seconds flat. He never attempted to talk to me though, or even look at me. I sat at the back, ignored as ever before, feeling shadowed despite the artificial lighting.
And so I stared; every lesson I had with him I would watch him. Taking in his pretty face, glossy hair and delicate form. It reached a point where I was sure that, had I the talent, I could have painted him exactly just from memory. He never noticed my staring though, for which I tried to kid myself I was thankful for. It was easy to just stare from a distance, to not get involved. Right? I tried to convince myself of this often, but it didn't stop my heart feeling heavier every time the bell rang and he still hadn't noticed me. 'Is there something wrong with me?' I worried pathetically.
Then one day, the ball rang for the end of class. It had been the 4th lesson of the day, History. The sky outside was over-cast, my socks were black. He was putting his books into his bag, preparing to leave the room to attend the final lesson of the day. He stopped and turned his head in my direction. He looked straight into my eyes, but it was different. There was no welcoming smile fixed on his face, no warm and friendly gaze. Nothing. He picked up his bag, turned, and walked hastily out of the door. In most love stories, there protagonist would be able to recall the day they met that certain someone with acute presision; from the weather outside down to the colour of the socks they wore that day. However, this story truly began on the day that certain someone saw me.


BAM, chapter 1! :D Thank you for reading. ^---^
Please comment and subscribe, it turns my frown upside down. <3
Not going to specify when chapter 2 will be up, because I'll end up being late and annoyed at myself.
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ajs787 #1
Chapter 1: So sad such a good and captivating story got abandoned :((
Angelbabyinspiritluv #2
Chapter 1: Hi ^^ new reader here :) i m looking forword to the fanfic its really interesting n i hope there will be angst (but not too much~ )
Pls update soon :3
Inspirit93 #3
Update soon ~
Dafuq. Why is Myungmyung so ignored? > < It's the total opposite these days. B]
ShawolMvpElf #5
Aww... Poor Myung is so ignored :(
Well I love MyungJong so I hope Jongie starts paying more attention to Myung ^^
analeigh #6
What an interesting way to start off the story. With the way Sungjong looked at him, I'm wondering how their relationship will progress and how their interactions with each other will go.