The Plan ;D

Just Realised That I Love You

a/n UPDATE!!!!! whooooop


Yoona’s POV ^^

   Well since the three of them will be living in our mansion and also me, Krystal and Jessica since we were childhood friends and our parents are quiet busy and went to business trip a lot. The plan will be a success!

Just wait, 2min, Jongkey and Lunew shippers!! XD


“That my dear, noona already had planned it” Krystal smirked at Taemin.

“What exactly is the plan anyway? It’s fishy…” Key let out his divaness.

   I hopped off bed and walk back where Krystal and Jessica were. Taeminnie was innocent as always so pretty much yeah… he gave us a confused look. Luna tried to read our mind… which was not working and she started babbling about killing, violence or molesting…

“No, nothing like that! What I trying to mean was you three being absent for a week or so… and we will make them feel what it’s like without with you… so… pretty much making them suffer like that” I smirked.

“Isn’t that mean noona?” Taemin gasped.

   “No baby, that is not mean~ I like it~” Key grinned and patted Taemin’s back. I look back at Luna, who was only nodding,

“What about the people in school?”

“Nyeh, we’ll fix that tomorrow~ you guys just stay here for a week! We’ll bring your homework and things that you wanted or something…” Jessica clapped her hand.

“It’s settled then!” I smiled.

Taemin just stared at us, before he started nodding slowly.

End of flashback

   So pretty much yeah… here we are standing infront of the principal, which was Jung Yunho my lovely uncle and his vice president discussing about the whole thing.

“So you’re saying that you want to make Minho, Jonghyun and Onew how it feels without them?” the three of us nodded.

“Sure!! I would love to see that!!! Yunnie~~” Jaejoong, uncle Yunho’s fiancé squealed.

“Ugh, fine… but how about the other students?” uncle Yunho look at me.

   I gave him a smirk. He sighed at me knowing what I mean, “Fine, fine… what are their girlfriend’s names again? Oh! And they’re so called bestfriends are? Since you guys are doing this” he took out a paper and started to write the names that I told him.

-minutes later-

“Oh My!!! This is so gonna be so much fun!!” Uncle Jaejoong squealed.

“I know right?!!” Jessica soon followed.

I know right?

No one’s POV

Since hours had passed it was almost the fourth period in school, Minho was feeling anxious. He was really worried why Taemin was not in class, ‘it’s not like him…’ he thought to himself. He looked around and saw Jonghyun who kept looking at the door.

“Okay, class. I’ll be out for a minute” Mr. Jung, their Math teacher.

   As soon Mr. Jung walk out, Jonghyun walk to Minho with a worried look, “Dude, have you seen Key?” Minho only shook his head. Onew soon walk over to the both of them with a sorrow look,

“Have you guys seen Luna around? I’ve been trying to call her…” he sighed.

They shook their head no

Again, they sighed.

   But at the tables near the door, there was three girls smirking. “Girls, our plans worked. Now let’s get to the next step” Yoona fished out her phone from her bag and started to make a call with the school principal,

“Hello~~~” a sweet voice answered.

“Jae oppa, now to the next step”

“Sure~~ bye bye Yoona~” he said before he hung up on the phone.

    The students started to question about Taemin, key and Luna. “What a great start…” Krystal giggled. Both of them nodded and started to look at the three gloomy faces on the opposite rows of their table,

“Wow, I didn’t know that they can’t last without them that fast” Jessica gasped.

   They all giggled before hearing the school announcement bell. It caught all of their attention and somehow it made them shut up.

“Hi, there students!!! This is vice president, Jaejoong~ all students are told to go to the student hall now! But there will some students coming to the… to where exactly yunnie?” Jaejoong’s voice questioned.

   It made everyone laugh and commenting how cute his voice was. All of them heard a groan and continued the vice president’s announcement,

“To the… uhh, Chemistry lab 3 on the toppest floor in the building. The people are, Choi Minho, Kim Jonghyun, Lee Jinki, Kwon Yuri, Shin Sekyung, Lee Sungyu(sunny)….” The principal continued with the names.

   The three boys gave each other a confused look, but soon followed what had been ordered. Everyone all started to assemble in the student hall and few of them walking to the chemistry lab. Yoona, Jessica and Krystal started to follow the students to the student hall.

-Minutes Pass-

All students stood in the student hall, giving each other questioned looks. Yunho and Jaejoong soon walked out from the stage and walk to the middle, giving all of them smiles.

“Do you all know why you had been called here?” Yunho started.

The entire student shook their head no.

 “I cannot believe I’m saying this but who oppose Minho’s relationship with Yuri?” Yunho sighed, it quite interesting when the half of the hall raised their hands and the boys didn’t.

“erm, okay? So what is the reason that you boys didn’t raise your hands?”

“Taemin….” They all mumbled softly.

“ What?! Taemin is supposed to be with Minho oppa!” the girls echoed the hall. The boys gasped,

“What? But-“

“Ehh!! No buts, we’re not letting you stealing Taemin from Minho oppa!” the girls screamed.

Krystal’s POV

I cannot actually believe this is going well, since the girls aren’t opposing it but the opposite. Jaejoong oppa was already squealing like a girl and snatched away the microphone that Yunho oppa was holding.

“Who do you want Kim Jonghyun to be with?!”

“Key oppa!!!” the girls squealed.

“What?!!! No!!!” the boys shouted again. “Yah! Shut up already and find someone else!!” Taeyeon shouted from the girls side. Oh my gosh… this is quite funny since the boys are losing to the girls, I look to my side, looking at Jessica who was already laughing her out.

“How about Onew-sshi??” Jaejoong oppa continued.

“Luna unnie!!!”

   The boys gasped louder this time,


   The girls only smirked and turned back to the front. “Okay since all the girls are evil today, I have one mission for you all!!” then, yunho oppa snatched away the microphone again and pushed Jaejoong oppa away to the side with his .

It gave everyone a good laugh.

“Uh-hmm. The mission is not to tell the people in the chemistry lab about this, if one of you gave out this information, you won’t receive a special prize about this! Agree?” all of them nodded, even the boys.

“Well, we want you all to act normal like they are at school and everything and if they ask where Kibum, Taemin and Luna are.. just answer, ‘Bwollayo!’ arasso?!”


“Good! You may be dismissed!!”

End of POV

Meanwhile, while in the chemistry lab was consisted of 15 students in total. Each one of them gave a questioned look to each other not knowing what’s happening,

“Why are we here?” Yuri asked Minho.

“I don’t know…” he pulled his shoulders up.

  Soon a teacher walked in, which was the Art teacher Mrs. Linda(a/n some random name). “Okay, students. Please take a seat until the meeting in the student hall finished”

“Why exactly?” Jonghyun gave her a questioned look.

“For some important reasons :D”

“Where are Key, Taemin and Luna??” Onew questioned.

    Mrs. Linda only gave him a smile before ignoring the question and smirked when she look down to her paper. Onew, Minho and Jonghyun stared at each other before looking back at her. Just before Jonghyun wanted to ask the same question, he was bothered by Sekyung,

“Oppa~ I’m cold~” she lied.

   “Really?” Jonghyun scooted her body closer to him and hugged her waist. She smirked and cuddled closer to him. Yuri wanted to do the same to Minho, but he suddenly gave her a questioned look and said,

“It’s not cold O.O”

   Yuri pouted angrily and glared at him. Minho sighed but soon pulled her into a hug. Mrs. Linda was looking at the scene and started to whisper to herself, “They are the one disturbing… Hmm.” Onew clearly ignored Sunny and stared at his phone.


“Umma, do you have any seven?” cute Taeminnie questioned Key.

“Sorry, baby. Goldfish :P” Taemin pouted.

“Aigoo, so cute~ Noona will give you seven!!”

   Luna giggled and gave him the Uno card. It was really obvious that they were bored and found Uno cards under Krystal’s bed. Clearly they were staying at Yoona, Jessica and Krystal’s mansion for a while since they want the plan to success.

“Hey, that’s cheating! You’re using aegyo!!”

“It’s not included in the rules umma ;P”

   Key made a ‘hmph’ sound before crossing his arms on his chest. The other both people laughed at his reaction and .

“Boom ratata tatata!!”

All of them were startled by the sound and made the cards flew out from their arms. Taemin turned at Key and pouted angrily,

“Umma! I told you to change the ringtone! See at what happened!!” he whined.

Key only rolled his eyes before grabbing his phone and looked at the caller; his eyes widened and look back at them both. Luna saw the expression and ran towards him,

“Key! What’s wrong?”

“I-it’s J-jonghyun!!”

All of them gasped.

“Hello, Hello!”

“Hot summer! A hot, hot summer!”

   Taemin and Luna quickly grab their phones knowing who the callers are. “Omo!! Eottokae??!!!” Taemin shouted. Key quietened him down and soon they were sitting in front of their ringing phones,



*Still ringing*



“ I am the Best!”

“Hello, Hello!”

“Hot Summer!”




“Should we answer them?” Taemin sighed.

“What? No! They will track us down!” Key snapped.

“What should we do then?” he asked again.

 “Fine, let’s turn our phones off. Easy?”

   Both of them nodded on Luna suggestion and turned their phones off.

“My heart feels heavy for doing that umma :(“ Taemin pouted sadly.

“Don’t worry baby, it’s only for a while” Key patted his head before giving him a carton of banana milk that Krystal left on the study table.



the chapter looks longer than the last one... right? hope you all enjoy it and don't forget to comment okay?


okayyy,,, hope u all subcribe and comment...



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i don't knw why the first chapter was posted as rated M... all i know it wasn't me, but.... okay :D


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@ParkMiyoung Lololol i randomly did tht
little point; Luna is a month younger than Taemin. I like your story though :)
its really interesting update soon
Hmmmm seems interesting