YOLO [HimJae]

Everyone loves Youngjae


Requested by: anemone

Pairing : HimJae

Genre: Super Fluff

Info: Himchan wants to try the apple game with Jae. It was supposed to be fun but it turned out to be something more.

Himchan’s POV

For the “brain” of the group, Youngjae isn’t that smart.

He actually fell for my plan!

A couple of insults and teases, and I have him right where I want him; standing right in front of me, a determined look in his eyes, and a apple in his hand. Victory!

Why am I doing this, you ask? Cause I want to play with him, too! It’s not fair Junhong got to be so close to my Youngjae. And it’s certainly not fair Youngjae was practically molesting the maknae’s neck, well he would have been if the apple wasn’t in the way.

“I’ll show you I don’t at this game!” Youngjae practically shouted, interrupting my thoughts.

“Yeah yeah, show me then,” I know I’m kinda pushing it, and it’s very possible dongsaeng may just decide to kick me in the crotch instead, but you know, YOLO.

“Well don’t just stand there, come closer dammit!” I wonder if he’s just gonna continue to shout until we’re done. Whatever. I casually walk closer to him until we’re standing face to face, only a couple of inches between us. Youngjae slowly raises his hand with the apple held tightly in it, placing it right before his pouty lips, signaling me to come even closer. I do as his eyes say and move in, pouting my lips to form around the apple, keeping it in place as he slowly moves his hand away.

The fluffy one shoots me a competitive glare, and I do the same, but in my mind I have a whole ‘nother plan to carry out. Just as he slowly starts to try and maneuver the red fruit down, I slightly flick my head back, enough to make the fruit drop, but it was so sudden he didn’t have enough time to catch himself, so his lips crashed right onto mine. Perfect, right according to plan! I’m a genius!

We stay in this position for several seconds, he’s probably in shock (cause my lips are so amazing), but when he finally comes back, he gasps, his face getting redder by the second.

He quickly jerks away, shouting, “Y-yah! You kissed me!”

I raise an eyebrow, “Excuse me? I think you’re the one who kissed me.”

“Y-you purposely made it fall!”

“Your point?”

“Dammit Himchan! What the hell you do that for? What is your problem? That was my first kiss! You as-“ I cut his rant short by dragging him in again for another kiss.

“And that was your second kiss. I sense your third kissing coming soon, as well.” I smirk.

I went to sleep that night with a fading, yet still noticeable hand-shaped mark on my face and sore balls. It was worth it, cause he did, in fact, get his third kiss that day.


I AM SO DAMN SORRY FOR NOT UPDATING THIS IN FOREVER! My mind completely hit a blank! But, I’m here now right? Better late than never, right? BUT WHY THE HELL AM I UPDATING ON THE WEEK OF FINALS!? WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH ME!?

OH GOD THIS IS HORRIBLE WHAT THE HELL!? I’m sorry, you said you wanted it to be “super fluffy” …I don’t even know what this is. I hope you like it to some extent, though, anemone! And why can't I write something of a decent length.

Also, since I have a tumblr now, you guys can request something over there instead of here on AFF, if you want.

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I decided to instead post the TOC in the forword, and i posted the one of the requests!


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Chapter 4: Bangjaeeee...my favvvvvv
Chapter 3: Lmao himchan hahaha
asfiyababy #3
Chapter 2: Wow i was shocked lol “Hello, asfiyababy. Welcome to the best, absolute, perfect bakery ‘Matoki’. What can I get you?” really? Like, really? Lolol :''v
Throwaway-143 #4
Chapter 3: Oh God Himchan, haha. Totally worth it.
Chapter 4: Hahah poor Yonnguk :) but he's still happy Youngjae cheered him on heheh
Chapter 3: Hahahah Himchan still got what he wanted and it was definitely worth it heheh
Chapter 2: Gahhhh too cute :) DaeJae feels
Chapter 1: Hahahah this was too cute :)
Chul1n #9
Chapter 2: "Hello, Chul1n. Welcome to the best, absolute, perfect bakery ‘Matoki’. What can I get you?” REALLY? USING MY USERNAME????!!!
Kyaaaa, it's cute!! Even if DaeJae is my n°1 OTP, I ship YoungJae with everybody, even with JB... Lol.
Bang... *facepalm*