Chanyeol: Starting Over


You sit silently hugging your knees to your chest as tears spill freely down your cheeks.

You finally did it. You finally pissed off your boyfriend to the breaking point. Now you’re sitting a park bench alone, abandoned mid-date and single. A harsh wind blows past you making you shiver holding your legs closer to stay warm. Of course you choose today to not wear a jacket or long sleeves (you planned on going to the movies with your boyfriend later and not sitting out here all day but, that’s not exactly an option anymore…).

The logical thing to do would be to go home. You don’t want to though. If you do you may never bring yourself to come out again. Maybe you can just sit here and freeze to death like he said you should. The biggest mistake of his life would finally be erased. A walking waste of time would leave the world.

The world doesn’t need a worthless, unlovable piece of crap like you.

What if he’s right?

You’re nothing.

Are you really?

I hate you and I speak for everyone when I say that.

What if he’s telling you the truth?

Your heart hurts.

Shutting your eyes you bury your head into your arms and sob soundlessly. Your shoulders shake violently with the unheard cries and your chest heaves painfully. Today is turning into the worst day ever. You should’ve just stayed home or better yet just not exist at all.

“Are you alright?” an unfamiliar voice asks.

You jump in a way that makes your legs sprawl awkwardly in front of you. A tall boy with wild curls and lanky limbs leans down at eye level studying you with concern. Wide eyed and confused you hurriedly wipe at the salty tracks running down your face.

“Y-yeah, I’m-I’m fine.” you hiccup knowing full well you aren’t convincing in the least. You’re saying it for their benefit, not yours. No need to get a stranger involved in your self-pity and heartbreak. Besides, you’re just a waste of time anyway.

“You can’t be serious. If you’re fine I’d hate to see you happy.”  he jokes with a rich toothed grin.

You blink.

“N-no, really, I’ll be alright…” you mumble composing yourself with what little dignify you have left.

“I don’t think so,” he shakes his head and plops down beside you, “want to talk about it?”

You blink again.

Is he being serious..?

The unvoiced question hangs between the two of you. Undeterred the boy continues to smile and crosses his legs to rest his elbows on his knees to hold his head up with his hands.

“Come on, tell me what’s wrong.” he prompts with sincerity.

“Uh, you don’t have to… Um…” you’re not sure what to say, baffled by this stranger’s willingness to help unasked.

“Nonsense, it’s not every day you see someone crying alone in a park. Especially on a cold day like this, you must be freezing.” he says pulling off his jacket. You stare at it outstretched in his hand disbelievingly.

“I-I’m fine really, I’ve sat through worse.”

He raises his brows and his mouth parts in surprise.

“That’s not right. Why would you do that to yourself? Seriously, if I ever saw you enduring worse I’d have helped you out. Pretty girls like you shouldn’t have to put up with worse, or even this. Take the jacket, please? And maybe put on a smile? Let’s see how pretty you really are.” he says with genuine feeling. There isn’t any underlying flirtatiousness to his words, he’s just being honest. Even so his words manage to make your cheeks flare with color.

 Your ex-boyfriend never called you pretty, or cared enough to give you his jacket. He definitely didn’t think you worth the effort to take care of properly. Yet, you can’t help but hurt and yearn for the horrible jerk.

“Really, I’m-”

“Nope, I’m listening to that.” he cuts in hopping off the bench. Placing himself in front of you he drapes the pleasantly warm jacket over your shoulders. He even goes as far as to force your arms through the sleeves, carefully lifting your arms from your sides and pulling the sleeves over them. The jacket, unsurprisingly, is far too big. The sleeves hang past your hands a good four inches and if you were to stand you’re sure it’d hang down to your knees.

“See, much better. Now I feel better knowing you’re warm. All I need to do now is get that smile on your face.” He returns to his place beside you with a grin. You’re at a loss for words so utterly taken aback in shock by his selflessness. Seeing you flounder for words he chuckles, which makes his right eye curve into a small crescent.

“How about we start this right,” he clears his throat and extends a hand, “hi, I’m Chanyeol! It’s very nice to meet you! What’s your name?”

The action actually makes the corner of your lips quirk up. If possible an even bigger smile grows on his lips. You tell him your name and take his hand hesitantly.

“It’s nice to meet you too, Chanyeol.”

“Now that we’ve introduced ourselves we aren’t strangers now. So, tell Yeollie what’s wrong.” he says scooting closer with a slight tilt of his head.

“I-I’d rather not…” You’re not being shy or private, you’re being honest. Talking about it would just make you break down again. Chanyeol seems like a nice guy and you’d rather not put him through that or your story at all.

“If you don’t want to that’s alright. I’m still going to make you smile though!” he states grabbing your arm suddenly. Bewildered with little will to resist you stare at him dumbfounded as he links your arms and leads you toward the city.

“W-where are we going?” you ask wondering what on earth he has planned.

“You’ll see!” he replies with a smiling wink.

Chanyeol’s so strange…

The two of you weave in and out of crowds of people and crisscross walkways and streets. At one point you wonder if he just decided to go on a walk, no destination in mind just wandering aimlessly for some exercise. You find yourself trusting him though, his cheerful energy contagiously infecting you.

“Here we are!” he declares stopping with a broad sweep of his long arm. You’re at a loss for words. He led you in a complete circle. You’re back where you started at the lonesome bench.

“Um…” you’re unsure what to say, highly questioning his sanity at this point.

“We’re back where we started, I know. But! This time you came here happy. Think of it as starting over and moving on.” he says sitting down on the bench and patting the space beside him. It’s the same place where you’d been crying and Chanyeol sits where your ex-boyfriend had before he stormed off. Maybe this is starting over in a way. Instead of your horrible ex-boyfriend sitting beside you goofy Chanyeol is here. As you sit you really feel as if you’re starting over, smiling rather than crying, with your new friend, the perfect stranger with a contagious smile.

Looks like your ex-boyfriend was wrong, Chanyeol doesn’t hate you.

That makes your worst day ever the best one.

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Rianka #1

Oh my god, why is Kris just so freaking sweet in this--it just makes me want to crryyyy!!!

Thank you so much!!! AAAAAHHDKDKEKDKDB!!! Now I have Kris feels <---- see the things you inspire in me, you goddess of an author?!

5009000006126 stars out of 5 :DDD
kyoung #2
Chapter 3: LUHAAAAAAAAAAAAN~!!!! <3 OMG.
like the first story! sungyeol biased <3 americano~
YAY!! I'm the first to comment!! XD
Nice story!! I really liked it! you're a good writer!
Sungyeol is so cute~ huhu.. :3