A preschool, Latin Dance class, Cooking lessons, Night club singing and underground rap battle.

❦ ☪❦ Inevitable Vacation[Apply Closed] ❦☪❦

Currently listening to:

Kim Soo Hyun-Dreaming

I'm working hard today (: I don't know why but the ideas keep flowing out. Oh and an announcement! I'm going to put your requests in the next chapter. Please anticipate it and please keep supporting this fanfiction :D 

-Much love <3


It was raining, the city of Osaka was drenched in rain. It caused many people to stay inside, afraid that a storm would break out. The weather was scary, and very noisy. It was loud enough to wake up everyone in the city, but most people were still sleeping. The two were still asleep in their room undisturbed by the noise going around outside. They had gotten home late last night, so they were very tired.

Hyosun was awake first, stretching her arms out. She got up, and looked outside the window. She saw the harsh winds, but was looking for the sun. The sun will come out soon. This too will pass. She yawned, and the computer she brought along with her. She was already connected to the internet, which was a surprise. Taemin must have set it up a while ago. I have to thank him later.

She went onto tumblr and blogged about her first official day in osaka. Unfortunately, she didn't take much pictures but she uploaded the ones that described it well enough. She also logged onto facebook, where there were messages and friend requests.

She replied to all of the messages, but she had a hard time accepting all of the friend requests. It seemed as if she had gotten popular all of a sudden. Did roses already get popular? We didn't even debut yet. Why do people know who we are? A friend who was online at the time messaged her back. It said to go to a website that had an article she needed to see. The title was "Vacation before Debut. Roses spend time with SHINee."

Hyosun scrolled down, and read the contents of the article. It stated "The first ever SM new system project is vacationing/ training before they debut. They are taught by senior singers. Some are upset but some think it's a good idea." There were all the pictures of the members. She even scrolled down to read some of the comments, that shawols and self declared rosebuds left.

She tried to ignore them, and decided not to tell anyone else. She logged off and  looked in the mirror putting on the happiest face she had. It's okay. Everyone has haters.

We're an awesome group. Around this time, Taemin was already up and cooking them breakfast. He wasn't the best cook, but cooked once for yoogeun in "Hello Baby". He made toast, and set the table. He brought over his computer and called Hyosun. "Hyosun-ah come and eat breakfast now." She happily skipped inside, while Taemin checked his email for the schedule.

8:00-10:00- Go to the zoo. Try to communicate in Japanese.

10:00-11:00-Hold a concert for little kids at a pre-school.

11;00-12:00- Eat lunch with the little kids at the preschool.

12:00-2:00- Take a ballet class together.

2:00-5:00- Take a modern dance class together.

5:00-6:00- Dinner

9:00-10:00- Curfew

Taemin looked back and forth from the computer to Hyosun, making her wonder what he was looking at. "What are you looking at on the computer?" I hope it's not the article I saw earlier. She made her way to the computer and saw it was the schedule for today. "OMG! We get to go to the ZOO?! Heck yeah!" Taemin was surprised at how she excited she was.

They ate their toast happily, and got ready to go out. While they were searching for things to wear, they stumbled upon the shoes that they had when they first met yesterday. Hyosun ran outside and showed the shoes. "Oppa. Let's wear these together. Okay?" Taemin shrugged. "Sure, they're pretty awesome shoes."

The two walked outside and a car was already waiting for them. They turned to each other. "Hwaiting!" They said in unison. Hyosun and Taemin enjoyed the car ride. It was one of those days where the car rides is actually more fun than the destination. Those days were rare, so the two of them cherished them.

They arrived at the zoo, which was filled with little kids. The sun was also out now, and the rain was nowhere to be found. There were tons of food stands and exotic animals they haven't seen before. The first stop was to buy the tickets to go inside which Hyosun insisted she would pay for. Taemin gave into her and let her pay, but he was going to treat her somehow.

Unlike expected, they had fun. They learned things about the animals and the different sounds that they make. They also learned about pitch from the animal trainers. Who knew we could learn here at the zoo? thought Hyosun. It was almost time for a little refresher since they walked around a lot.

They were getting hungry, and decided to buy food. However they had to speak in Japanese. Hyosun and Taemin were reading a book on how to say "two  ice cream cones please." They approached the lady, and asked "Aisukuri-mu kudasai." While holding up two fingers. She understood and Taemin asked "Ikura desu ka?" (How much is it?) She replied with an "go- hyaku- en desu."( 500 yen)

"Oh! It's cheap!" Taemin received the ice cream, giving the strawberry one to Hyosun while he took the vanilla one.  Hyosun bowed politely to the lady and Taemin. "Thank you for the food." Taemin and Hysoun walked away happily, trying to find a bench to sit on. They found a chair shaped like an elephant. They sat on it, trying to be as neat as possible.

Taemin eyed Hyosun's strawberry ice cream. I want to try her ice cream. But it's rude of me to just ask her if I can try some right? Hyosun noticed Taemin and held up her ice cream cone. "Do you wanna share?" He smiled. "Is it okay with you?" She put it closer to him. "Of course it is! Here you can eat some." He said "Ah" while she put the ice cream in his mouth.

"Does it taste good?" He laughed cutely. "Yeah, it tastes good. Here have a bite of mine." He put the chocolate ice cream to . She gladly took a bite, making Taemin happy. It was about time to go to their next schedule, so they went inside the van. Since they had to hold a concert for the kids, they thought of what kind of songs they would be able to sing.

Luckily, the people in the van had sheet music for the songs ooki na kuri no ki  no a de(under the big chestnut tree), arigatou no uta (thank you song). They were allowed to sing one korean song, Balloons by DBSK. They were preparing for the concert and worked hard. I hope that this concert is a success. They stopped to buy food on the way, so that they could make the children happy.

They arrived at the pre school. They almost greeted the kids in korean, but they managed to say greetings in Japanese before they did. "Minna-san, Konnichi wa! Watashi no namae wa, Taemin desu." (Hello everyone. My name is Taemin) Hyosun also said "Konnichi wa. Watashi no namae wa, Hyosun desu." The teacher came in, and they bowed immediately to her. "Hajimemae. Watashi no namae wa Taemin desu. Doozo yoroshiku onegaishimasu."

The teacher was impressed by their manners, and said "I'll leave them up to you. Have fun with your concert!" They sang well. Some kids even got up to dance. Taemin and Hyosun danced as well, to liven up the mood. After the concert was done, it was time to eat lunch. They brought out sushi rolls for the children. Taemin still was surprised. These still look like Kimbap to me.

They enjoyed the children's company and the children loved theirs. When they had to leave, the kids were a bit sad, but they both promised to visit again sometime soon. When they left, they waved constantly until the weren't in sight anymore. Their next stop was a ballet class, which didn't affect their nerves.

Upon arriving, they were told to change into tights. It didn't bother Taemin since on a daily basis he wears skin tight jeans or tight clothing. They were alone in the classroom besides the teacher, so it wasn't embarrassing, but it did put a tremendous amount of pressure on the two. The teacher put on "My memory" in a violin and piano instrumental version.

To Taemin's surprise, Hyosun got the feel of the song into her dancing. The class was so much fun that time passed by quickly. The teacher commented on their good work, as they moved onto their modern dance class. This time, the classroom was full of people. However they were the only ones dancing because the other dancers wanted to watch. The fangirls went crazy and the guys checked her out, but they didn't let that bother them.

It was a hard class especially since they had another class right before it. The two were exhausted, but they still had to eat dinner. They settled for something quick and picked up some Italian food on the way home. To help themselves relax, they ate dinner in front of the TV where Korean variety shows were playing.

They had many laughs because of it, but they also grew more tired. They quickly got ready for bed, off into dreamland yet again.

The sun was shining brightly. There was no noise, no music, just pure sunshine. The room had two sleeping individuals, wrapped up in each other's arms, unaware of the other being so close. They were in dreamland, dreaming about things they wish they could have. The girl was dreaming of her family back home. Their happy faces when they saw her, the amounts of hugs she would receive from friends and family.

It was a happy dream, uninterrupted by the sudden movements of the other person. She was in her happy place, the beach was singing, her hair blowing in the wind. The spirits of the ancient gods, flowing through her veins. The community she's always asked for, was in that one place. In that place, she didn't need a man to be happy. Yet a man approached her, kissing her forehead as if she was a little child. She opened her eyes..

He was dreaming of chicken. The only love in his life that could beat out singing. If he could eat it constantly, he would. He was surrounded by fried chicken wings and drumsticks, kissing each one, as if they were his babies.

Minju  opened her eyes and saw that Onew was hugging her, and her leg was wrapped around him. She felt tiny kisses on her forehead, causing her to jump up, making Onew hit his head. "Ow!" She tended to his head. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to jump." "Then why did you?" She became shy again, mumbling. "You were kissing my forehead." He couldn't quite understand it at first. When he finally understood, he jumped back.

"Are you serious? I kissed you? Are you sure you weren't the one kissing me?" He remembered he kissed the chicken in his dream. Oh crap. She probably thinks I'm weird now. While he was thinking in the room, she was already out the door to buy ingredients. She bought enough ingredients to make kimchi fried rice. It would be hard to find in Canada, but she was determined.

There was a store nearby to her luck. She carefully picked the ingredients while Onew was looking at their schedule from e-mail. It said:

10:00-12:00- Spend your time at the mountains.

12:00-1:00- Eat a semi late lunch somewhere.

1:00-5:00- Go to karaoke together. Have a competition. The loser grants the winners wish.

5:00-8:00-Eat dinner and attend Latin dance class.

His mind was blown. This isn't training! It's sounds like they're trying to get us together. How am I supposed to tell her about this weird schedule? Minju knocked on the door. "Onew oppa! I'm back please open the door." He went to the door. "How do I know it's you?" She knocked on the door more and put the necklace to the peep hole. "There. Enough evidence for you?"

He smiled. "Of course it is." He noticed she was carrying grocery bags. "Where did you go? Why do you have so many bags?" She set them down and made a grunt sound. "I'm going to cook kimchi fried rice for breakfast. Do you know how to make coffee?" He shook his head, which caused her to tell him to just relax for now. "What are we going to do today?" she asked. She had already started cooking and the coffee was brewing.

He looked at her nervously. "Um you'll find out. But we have to be out before 10:00." He texted his manager. "Manager hyung, why are we doing things that are like fun things? I thought we were supposed to train them formally?" He immediately got a text back. "It's because we're doing it in a different way. It's called a training vacation. You have fun. While you have fun, you learn how to do things together. Technically you're still training. Have fun!"

They ate their breakfast, except this time they were both curious about each other. They began to ask questions about family, friends and what they do with their time whenever they're free of any obligations, etc. Onew was surprised that Minju was from America, and she was surprised Onew wasn't half bad at English.

Throwing away her usual timid persona, she by saying "We shall extend and display respect to all others which reflects our own appreciation of humanity. We shall carry our pride quietly, neither boasting of ourselves nor speaking badly of others - often a dishonest method of self-praise. Yet we must be unashamed of our principles and honest in our criticisms. Please translate it into Korean."

He froze in his spot, unable to speak. She quickly apologized. "I'm sorry for teasing you. It's time to get going now though, so shall we go?" He gave her a sweet smile. "Yup we should go. A van will be waiting for us outside. It's going to drive us around all day." They grabbed everything they needed and headed out the door.

The first activity was to go spend a little time at the mountain. They had either ride a gondola, or hike up themselves. Minju was afraid of hiking, so she suggested they ride the gondola. On the ride, Minju brought out her camera and took a few pictures while Onew looked at the forestry outside.

They reached the top of the mountain, but still didn't know what to do. Most of the time they just stayed there, enjoying the scenery. Surprisngly they walked together at the same pace. After that was done, they had to eat lunch. There were a few restaurants at the bottom of the mountain, so they decided to eat there. Onew wanted to go to the fried chicken store, but Minju grabbed his hand and dragged him to the yakiniku grill.

After that was done, they had to go to a karaoke bar. Minju became timid again, because she wasn't confident about her singing. Onew on the other hand was worried. He forgot to tell her that the loser has to grant the winner a wish. Actually, it was because he didn't know how to tel her.

It wasn't until she was in the middle of singing Nickhun and Taecyeon's My Valentine that he decided to tell her. And that was the last song. He was already leading by a lot, because for most of the songs she didn't sing. It wasn't until then that she gained confidence. She sang the line "I don't feel pain anymore when I think about you now." He interrupted her "This is actually a competition and if you don't do well on this song you have to grant me a wish."

She wasn't being deceived but she felt like crying from the shock. "Do you.. have evidence?" He showed her that part of the schedule. The song was ending, but she couldn't digest it. By then, she had already lost, but had also gained strength. "Okay Onew oppa, what is your wish?"

He had been thinking about it the whole time and said "Don't fall in love with me." Don't fall in love with me. Why would he say that? He's just my teacher. I knew that from the beginning. The atmosphere became awkward, but they still had to finish their other schedule. Onew was the only one who ate dinner, because Minju had lost her appetite.

They went to the latin dance class, only to find they were paired up with each other. The atmosphere was still the same as before, but they it up anyway. The first song they danced to was "Si me ves llorar por ti". The movements of the song just made the atmosphere even more awkward especially since they both didn't dance that way before. The teachers looked at them like they didn't have any teamwork, which they didn't have.

It was raining heavily, and it woke Jiyeon up. She looked outside of the window, and noticed the horrible weather. She turned away from the window, and walked towards the kitchen to make breakfast. She found vegetables, eggs and meat inside the refrigerator. Surprised, she looked at Key's room. Don't tell me this guy is an expert at cooking. If he is, then he'll probably criticize my cooking.

The last thing she needed was criticism from Key. They didn't get off to a good start last night, but she hoped to make it better at least. He's the one who will determine whether or not she debuts after all. Still, she made a simple omelet before Key woke up. But because she was done before he woke up, she went inside his room and tapped him on the shoulder. "Key. Wake up it's time to eat breakfast."

He groaned and threw a pillow at her. "Did you just throw a pillow at a girl?!"Key laughed. "You're not a girl. You're just a man pretending to be a girl." He got up and looked at the emails through his phone. Jiyeon was kinda pissed. "Aish. Whatever. We should just eat breakfast now, TEACHER." He gave her a glare. "Are you using a disrespectful tone with me?" She pretended to be nice. "Oh I'm not teacher." Yes I was. What are you stupid?

They walked into the dining room together, while Key was reading the schedule for the day out loud.

10:00-12:00-Cooking Lessons.

12:00-1:00-Lunch break.

1:00-3:00-Voice lessons.

3:00-5:00-General Leadership training.

5:00-6:00- Dinner.

6:00-10:00- Prepare for bed.

Jiyeon was listening seriously when she remembered something important. She motioned for Key to start eating before her. She rushed into her room and searched for her phone. She finally found it, and went through the contacts. She saw 'Dongwoon Oppa' listed as her speed dial number 1 contact. Key looked at the direction she was and started eating. She called her brother, hoping that he would answer.

He picked up on the third ring, making her feel relieved. Jiyeon looked at the time and felt she had to eat before it was too late, so she walked and spoke to her brother at the same time. "Oppa! I miss you so much. How are you doing? Sooyoung unnie actually told me to call you yesterday but I couldn't because of the time."

Key was eavesdropping on the conversation, being cautious of who was on the other line. Your brother and you had a very interesting conversation with things such as "I love you more." and Jiyeon was using the aegyo she's been hiding from Key. Okay well not hiding, but it was kind of hard to use aegyo around someone like him. He couldn't take it any longer, and he demanded loudly that he knew who it was.

"Who is the person that you're talking to on the phone?" She looked up, becoming shocked. Her brother on the other line heard everything and was also throwing a fit. "Yah! Why was there a man's voice? Are you living with a man? Don't tell me that's your boyfriend or husband. If he is, I'm going to hunt him down you know."

She tried to calm down her brother first. An angry Dongwoon was rare, and when it usually happened, chaos would break out. "Oppa please calm down. You remember how I had to pack the day I left? It's because I have to live with my teacher before I debut. If I don't go through this then there is a chance I won't debut at all."

Dongwoon got the message as he said "oh, well I guess it's okay then. Just make sure nothing bad happens to you. If he ever makes you cry let me know because I will never let him forget it." She put her brother on hold, and turned to Key. "First of all, I don't know why you're acting like that. We hardly get along so wanting to know who I talk to on the phone is just weird. Secondly, that was my brother. I told you about him before right? Okay problem solved."

She said goodbye to her brother and told him that she would call him again soon. She walked away and took care of the dishes. Key was ready to apologize, which was quite rare. He approached her and said "I'm sorry for the way I acted. I don't know why I acted that way." She turned to him. "It's fine, but because of this I would like to acknowledge our team work isn't the best. We're probably going to have to fix that."

There was a weird silence, when they Key hugged her quickly. They both smiled, but it wasn't more than a friendly hug. She tried to lighten up the mood more and was her usual outgoing self. They headed off to cooking lessons, which made Jiyeon confused. "Why do we have to take cooking lessons in order to debut?" Key said "It's because you're the leader right? It's good to know how to cook to take care of the other members."

Since they both were good at cooking, the cooking lesson went smoothly other than a few disagreements here and there. They ate what they made, which was this. They were used to eating spicy food, but somehow the soup was almost unbearable. Luckily, the two had water that they chugged down to get rid of the burn.

Next on their schedule was voice lessons. Key had a unique voice that he showed off in front of her. Together they had to harmonize, which was a bit difficult at first. Key, being the typical Key laughed a few times which left her feeling frustrated, but she let it go. After that was leadership training, which is pretty self explanatory.

The two had a long day, but it was hard to tell whether or not their team work had improved.

When Mika woke up early, she saw that the sky was still dark. There was no sight of the sun, but as she looked at the time, it was still 3:00 in the morning. She sighed, not knowing what to do. She thought about going on the computer, but she decided to take out her ipod instead to listen to music. She thought clearly, especially about how hard she had to work in order to get where she was now.

She laid in her bed until 6:00 in the morning, then decided to wash up. Mika remembered the recipes and the maps she printed the night before in order to cook. She got ready and set out on the now busy streets. They lived deep in the city, so it was hard to tell exactly where she was going. Luckily, the Japanese citizens were kind enough to help her and she reached where she wanted to successfully.

Looking through the recipes, she tried to find everything on the list. She was amazed at how much ingredients needed to be put in just for one thing. The process was also complicated for some. Her first set of ingredients was for breakfast, which she had a hard time choosing. There were many good choices that it as hard to pick one. Mika then chose to make sanma takikomi gohan (Japanese mixed rice with pacific saury). It wasn't that hard to make, which was a bonus.

She made her way back to the house, and Jonghyun still wasn't up yet. She prepared the food first before waking him up. She went inside his room and gently tapped his shoulder. "Jonghyun oppa, wake up now. Breakfast is ready." Jonghyun woke up and grabbed Mika's arm, pulling her down into an embrace. "I don't wanna get up yet. It feels nice to sleep." She poked him. "Oppa, you have to get up now. Don't we have a schedule or something?"

He shot up, accidentally pushing Mika off the bed. "Ow! That hurt!" Jonghyun didn't notice, because he was too busy looking for the schedule. He was searching through his email and finally found it. He read it silently, while Mika was next to him, reading it as well.

8:00-10:00- Voice lessons.

10:00-11:30-Piano lessons.

11:30-1:00- Lunch break.

1:00-2:00- Appointment at the music store.

2:00-4:00- Practice records bought at music store.

4:00-5:00- Early Dinner.

5:00-11:00- Night Club Singing. 

Their mouths went wide open. Jonghyun started to complain. "What is this? Are they trying to make us tired on purpose? Aish. Oh well at least we get to go to a night club." He smiled. She looked over the schedule one more time. When Jonghyun looked at the clock, he realized they were almost late to their first schedule. "Mika-ah, we should get ready to go out we're almost late."

She was a bit sad saying "We didn't even eat breakfast yet and we have to go out?" Jonghyun put his arm around her shoulders and thought for a while. He said "Oh I know! We can bring what you cooked for breakfast and eat it later. We shouldn't let your cooking go to waste." Mika was happy at the considerate comment from Jonghyun. On tv he seems to be different. Is it just me?

They rushed in Jonghyun's car, and used the GPS system to navigate them. They went inside a private room where the teacher was waiting for them. Unlike most teachers, this one was very strict and didn't smile. Even jonghyun's y smile couldn't grab her. Mika had passed it with ease, but for some odd reason the teacher didn't like Jonghyun all that much. When they were done with the class, Jonghyun was a bit sour. Mika comforted him by providing skinship and patting his hand.

"It's okay, not everyone is going to like us." Sunny crossed her mind. She focused on Jonghyun who was now her hand. "Thank you. I needed that. Okay, next on our list is piano lessons. Let's go!" They were more excited this time, as the teacher was way nicer than the last. When they entered, she commented "Oh you're such a cute couple!" It made the two blush, but they said "Oh no, I think you've got it wrong. We aren't a couple. We're just training together." Jonghyun added "I already debuted and I'm helping her prepare for her debut."

The teacher eyed Mika in suspicion as if she didn't believe them. They continued on anyway and practiced "River Flows in You." It was one of the most popular and soothing songs and they both got lost in it. They were so relaxed, her head was on his shoulder and they were able to learn the song almost instantly.

Then, they were finally able to take a lunch break. The teacher let them stay inside the classroom and eat while she went out for lunch herself. Mia brought out the mixed rice and handed one box to Jonghyun while she ate the other. After one bite, Jonghyun complimented her. "Wow. You're an awesome cook." She smiled, and gave him a compliment back. "And you're good at playing the piano."

They were so hungry from not eating breakfast that the food was gone within just a few minutes. They were full though, so it wasn't that bad. The next stop on their list as to go to a music store. They guessed that they would have to go there and buy some records, but they didn't get what the appointment was for. They walked through the busy music store, and they realized why they had to make an appointment.

The place was always packed, Fortunately, the manager knew they were coming and he sat them down in his office. He went inside and brought back a few records and CD's. The records were classic songs while the CD's were mostly R&B. After much deliberation, they decided to take all the R&B CD's. Since it was a night club, they didn't know if playing the records was a good idea.

Mika and Jonghyun went back to their apartment and diligently practiced the songs. Some songs were fast, while others had a nice and slow tempo. Jonghyun was in the middle of practicing, when Mika got up to make dinner for them. She wanted to keep it as simple as possible, so she just made katsu curry. They ate together while practicing, and they gained energy from the food.

They changed their clothes and got ready to go out. Jonghyun as usual was wearing flashy clothes. Mika stepped out wearing this. Jonghyun was surprised,and thought she was extremely beautiful. When they got there, Sui Ren was playing. Since they didn't have to go on stage yet, they danced to the beat, and the people around them were amazed at their dancing.

After the song ended, they got up on stage, taking a deep breath and took the audience's breath away.

Eunkyung and Minho were disturbed at night. Ibiza wasn't known as one of the pary capitals for nothing. They could barely go back to sleep when the noise woke them up. Throughout the night, they wandered back and forth, trying to lessen their energy and be able to go back to sleep. A few times they would be up at the same time, and they would share a small conversation, then return back to their bedrooms.

They had finally gotten used to the noise and managed to fall back asleep. It as already 9:30 AM, but they weren't awake. It wasn't until Minho's phone vibrated often, alerting him of a new email, that Minho woke up. He didn't bother checking the email, but he did get up. He washed up first and went inside Eunkyung's room. He saw that her phone was flashing, and she had a new text message from Yesung. "Eunnie-ah it's me. You should come back to Korea soon. Life is kinda boring. I'll talk to you later. ^^"

He got a bit jealous, but he remembered the information that his manager gave him. That's her brother Minho, don't get so worked up. It's not good for you. He gently shook her, and said "Eunkyung-ah it's time to get up. It's almost 10:00. We have a schedule today." She opened her eyes and covered her face with a pillow. "What's the schedule?" she asked. He thought, and said "Oh I don't know the schedule yet. I'm going to look for it now."

He left her room temporarily, and came back with his phone. She was still laying on her bed when he read:

10:30-12:30- Ethnic dance lesson.

12:30-2:00-Lunch break.

2:00-4:00 Shopping period.

4:00-6:00- Dinner.

6:00-9:00- Underground rap battle.

She removed the pillow from her head. "Wait. Did you just say undergound dance battle? That's insane! Isn't that illegal?" Minho sat down on her bed next to her. "Eunkyung-ah. I'm not even sure but if it says that on the schedule then I suppose it's okay." He patted her leg. "You should wash up now, we'll eat a quick breakfast and we have to attend our dance lesson." She got up willingly, but wondered what ethnicity's music they were going to dance to.

She came out, and they ate toast and fruits before they left. Minho was driving cautiously, wanting to get there on time, but safely. When they got there, the receptionist gave them costumes to wear. They thought it was a bit weird at first, but they shrugged it off. They couldn't enter the classroom without putting on the costumes so they did what they were told.

Eunkyung was the first one to change, because there was only one person to help the people get dressed. When she came out, Minho's eyes went wide. The yellow color complimented her skin, and her hair was tied back beautifully. When it was his turn, he took a bit longer. When he came out, he was wearing a white outfit and looked a bit girly which made Eunkyung laugh.

He looked down at his clothes. "What's wrong? Do I look funny?" She didn't really want to say it, but she felt being honest was the best thing. "Um, you kinda look like a girl right now." He looked into the mirror and his face went pale. "You are right. I do look like a girl." The girl that helped them get changed laughed, and told them they had to go inside now.

They went inside and the teacher was wearing a similar outfit. She put on some music, which she started to dance to. She was graceful, yet strong. She instructed them to follow, but the movements required a ton of balance that was difficult to achieve on the slippery floor they were on. They both had straight faces on, as they tried to master the dance.

Towards the end, the teacher was satisfied and told them they could keep the outfits. Eunkyung and Minho turned to each other and politely thanked her. Since it was lunchtime, they walked around and wanted to eat somewhere that has Ibiza's specialty. They ended up going to a restaurant and eating paella. They both thought it was good, and they fed each other without noticing it.

Then they went to shopping center. Unlike people would expect, they walked around together, and Minho was nice enough to hold her bags for her, including his. Most of their items weren't clothes, but things they needed for the house such as more towels, bed sheets and they even managed to buy groceries to cook at home.

Eunkyung looked exhausted, so Minho decided that they go home for a while and rest. She agreed, and they both relaxed in their own way. Well, kind of. Minho was busy putting away the things while Eunkyung went onto the computer and contacted a few of her friends. She brought out her phone and saw the message that arrived this morning. I didn't read this.. She then called Yesung, who answered after the first ring.

"Dongsaeng! How are you? Where are you now?" She smiled upon hearing his voice. "Hi Oppa. I'm doing okay right now. How are you? I heard you're going to be a radio DJ now with Leetuk oppa." He laugehd. "Uh, yeah I'm going to do that with him. I'm fine too. I just was surprised that you called. Yah, you didn't answer my question. Where are you now?"

She nervously played with her hair. "I'm in Ibiza right now." He yelled "WHAT?! IBIZA?! What the heck are you doing there you crazy girl? Yah! Come back home right now!" She put the phone away from her ear. "Oppa, don't worry. It's just for training. When I'm done I get to come back to Korea. Wait for me until then okay?"

Yesung was still furious, but he spoke calmly just for her. "Okay, I'll wait. I have to go now. I love you dongsaeng. I'll contact you soon." "Okay oppa, I love you too. Bye~" Yesung hung up first, and she stared at her phone. I'm lucky he's my brother. She came back outside after a few hours and it was already time to cook dinner. She quickly made quesedillas, and handed some to Minho. "Thank you Eunkyung-ah. Do you want to shower first before we go to the rap battle?" She nodded.

When they were done, Eunkyung took a shower first, and came out wearing the hoodie Minho gave her. He smiled at the gesture and when he came out, he was wearing it as well. It was Eunkyung's first rap battle, and Minho couldn't help her. She didn't do so bad for a first timer, and she kept the knowledge in her mind.

Two months passed, and some progressed while others didn't. Lee Soo Man took note of that, and sent a letter to them.

"Dear Roses + SHINee,

I have kept note of your progress, and I'm not satisfied with it. You are to immediately return to Korea, and will recieve further instruction there. Roses are going to be moved to their dorm, and SHINee can return to theirs. That's all.

-Lee Soo Man."

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jioonful #1
Chapter 1: dang... if i just known this a head of time... then i would have applied.
Congrats ! <3
congrats :D
premiummilk #4
shinee <3

this is great!
@MikaLikesPie I agree with her Idea ^^ It would really be fun♥ ...Well, I have a Webcam too :)
Lubz_Beanz_4eva #7
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__eccedentesiast_ #8
We should all still make a group though :D It would be fun does anyone else have a webcam? I do :D
awwww... this is sooo cute!!
Awww...This is making me cry T^T....I will miss this story and also you unnie~ <br />
And yeah!~ Of course will still keep in touch ^^ oh and that's okay..I know that I'm underage LOL :) but it's okay as long as it's KEY ♥ :)<br />
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I love the ending...The music (did you compose it?) Just wondering 'cause if yes..then you can be a composer in the FUTURE :) ♥<br />
oh oh and the part when Jiyeon kiss key and said that she was his Boyfriend made me happy :) hahah <br />
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You're on my top favourite author in AFF :)♥ I really love how you write and I'm really going to miss you~...ok, I know that I said that many times but yeah I'm really really going to miss you and all of the other characters here :)<br />
I'm going to apply again if ever you make an apply fic :) just like what MikaLikesPie just said :) I also Agree with ChibiXMiku and MikaLikesPie..That would be great let's be a group :) I'm actually serious about this haha~ just inform me if we would :) ♥ I would love to meet all of you in person^^ and I'm also serious about that LOL :)