
Dancing In The Moonlight


“Ne.” It was only what he had to say to Kai raise his hand on KyungSoo’s direction. The last took his hand and smiled. “I don’t have proper clothes for this too…” He said, looking at what he was wearing, making JongIn look to his body also, blushing after that. “That’s just fine for today. Tomorrow you can bring more comfortable clothes…”


“Am I dancing with you tomorrow either?” KyungSoo said widening his eyes.


“If you don’t want to I can find-“


“No! I want to. I’ll do it…” the smaller said. He didn’t really know what was happening to him, why was he acting so strange? Why did he urge to say he wanted to dance with JongIn? And also, he didn’t quite know why he was still holding the other’s hand so tight. JongIn smiled. “Let’s do this then…” He said and let KyungSoo’s hand go, to put the music on.


He rushed and took the latter’s hand again, positioning himself close to KyungSoo. “Excuse me… I’ll have to…”JongIn said and pointed to the other’s waist, signaling what he was about to do. JongIn put his arm around KyungSoo’s waist, leading him to position his hand on his own shoulder. The student did as he told and looked up to his face. “What do I do now?”


“For today, I think you can look down to our foots and copy my moves, and tomorrow, I’ll lead you…” And for the first few hours KyungSoo kept doing what JongIn said, copying the moves really slowly, but paying much attention and working hard to learn it. This was the first time in years that he found interest on learning something new. He wanted to feel the same way he saw JongIn feeling as he danced the other night.


In the end of practice, KyungSoo was better than imagined, making JongIn amazed. “Are you sure you never danced before?” and the other just nodded in response. “Look, it passed 2AM, I think we should go now…” JongIn changed the subject, getting away from the other. The boys went out of the school with no words. KyungSoo noticed that JongIn was accompanying him home again and decided not to be against it. They didn’t exchange a word during the way, and finally arrived KyungSoo’s house. “You are safe now…” JongIn joked and smiled.


“Good night JongIn-ah…” The other replied. Looking at him on the eyes. “Good night KyungSoo-ah…” and stayed like that, looking at each other’s eyes for some moments.  “Ah, I almost forgot… would you want to come and have dinner at my house tomorrow? My mom asked who I was with this past few nights and I told her about you and she wanted to meet you and-“


“I would love to…” JongIn said and immediately put his hand on his mouth. ‘Why the hell did I said that?’ KyungSoo blushed, but tried to hide his red cheeks with a smile as he took JongIn’s hand out of his face. “You can come around 7pm then…” KyungSoo said and let his hand go slowly, turning around and going to his house. Taking a last glance at the taller, who was walking away on the street, looking down the floor.


KyungSoo had a huge smile on his face when he entered home. He could only think about JongIn’s flushed face when he held his hand moments ago. He was so deep in his thought that he didn’t notice his mother presence when walked through he kitchen, to get some water. “Were you with JongIn again?” his mother asked, making KyungSoo drop the water a bit. “Ah! Omma! You scared me! I didn’t saw you there…”and the mother just smiled. “Is he coming for dinner tomorrow?”


“Ne… he’ll be here around 7pm…” KyungSoo said and his face turned completely red. “Omma… can I cook dinner tomorrow?” She smiled at her son. JiHyo knew her son was a perfectionist, and when he was anxious about something, he liked to do it by himself. “Of course honey… what will we have?”


 “I think… kimchi spaghetti… with cheese… maybe… I don’t know… Omma, help me… what if he doesn’t like kimchi?” JiHyo laughed as she put the boy for an embrace. “Kimchi spaghetti that is! I’m sure he will love it! It’s your specialty!” She released KyungSoo and he went to the fridge again. “But what if he doesn’t like spicy food? Should I make a desert too? Omma, we need to go to the super market!” She kept laughing; JiHyo was now sure that she never saw her son this nervous. It was so cute, yet so funny to watch.


“Catch you breath baby. Relax. He will love it. We can bake a cake for desert if you want to, I can help you. And we can go to supermarket tomorrow morning. Let’s sleep now… you need to rest, and it is almost 3am…” She said and pushed him out of the kitchen struggling a bit, planting a kiss on his forehead before she entered her room. KyungSoo tried to relax and jumped on bed, but still something refused to leave his mind: JongIn.



KyungSoo woke up early in the morning; He went to shower and rush himself to the kitchen. Where he found his mother feeding his little sister. “Good morning omma! Good morning EunJi!” He said and kissed both on the cheek. He took some cereal and joined them on the table. “When are we going to the market?” he said with his mouth still full. “Let me just finish my breakfast and we can go…”



The boy was so nervous for the night. At the supermarket, he took hours to choose every ingredient, always looking for the better choice, even if it was a lot more expensive. He got some things, then put it back on the shelf, and then got it back again. His mother wasn’t mad, just because she was enjoying seeing KyungSoo acting so different, and tried to help.


When they arrived home, he started to clean every spot, organizing all the rooms. At afternoon he decided to start cooking. Not doing anything would make his jitters rise. He chooses to make the desert first, JiHyo said that it would be better if they did it chocolate flavor, and he agreed. KyungSoo made it all very slowly and paying much attention on it, just to be sure it would be perfect.


After finishing, he then went to take another shower, and minutes later, called his mom to help him choosing his outfit. “This is pretty KyungSoo, you look so handsome! EunJi, come and see your brother!” JiHyo said proudly. KyungSoo was wearing skinny jeans and a blue shirt, the top buttons open, revealing a white t-shirt. “Handsome oppa!” The little one said, making her brother smile.



KyungSoo and JiHyo was finishing making the kimchi spaghetti when the doorbell rang. KyungSoo’s eyes widened and he faced his mother. “Go, I can finish it…” He nodded and went to the front door. His heart was beating fast, and when he opened it, instantly smiled.  JongIn was wearing jeans and a cardigan with stripes.  “Hello, I’m here… eh… I didn’t know what to wear so…”


“I didn’t know either… But you look good… better then me for sure…” The last words KyungSoo almost whispered, hoping he didn’t hear it.  “You are really handsome.” JongIn said, making the other blush. Like the other night, they kept there still, looking at each other’s eyes again. “KyungSoo, come in! Dinner is ready!” His mother shouted.


The boys walked in together. “Hello ma’am, I’m Kim JongIn.” He said and bowed to the older one. JiHyo jumped on his direction and hugged him. “Don’t be shy! A friend of my son is my friend too! You can call me JiHyo.” And JongIn nodded, smiling to her. “Oppa, who is this?” EunJi walked in the kitchen and held her brother’s legs, pointing to JongIn. “He’s my friend EunJi. Say hello to him.” JongIn then got down to face the kid. “Hello princess EunJi, I’m JongIn!” He said. “Your dress is really pretty! You are for sure the most beautiful princess I’ve ever seen!” He added and the girl cheered happy. KyungSoo smiled and thought, ‘He’s very nice indeed… and good with kids…’


“JongIn oppa! You are so handsome! I like your hair! Do you want to be my prince?”  She said and hugged him. “Hey, I thought I was your prince!” KyungSoo protested. “But I’m more prince-ish! Yes, I’ll be your prince!” and the boys merong each other.


After the act they went to eat. KyungSoo asked his mother not to tell he was the one who cooked everything, so JongIn kept praising Ms. JiHyo for the delicious dinner, making KyungSoo blush every time he did that. JongIn was an easygoing person; he talked openly with them, about all the subjects. After desert, they talked a little more and KyungSoo’s mother got up, taking the plates, KyungSoo then said that he could clean, and she replied “Absolutely not! You already cooked, so go on and make your friend company.” JongIn got surprised and looked to KyungSoo, who made a face to JiHyo.


They followed to the living room and sat on the couch. “Why didn’t you tell me you were the one that made the food? I praised only your mother… and it was you…” they were side by side. “I don’t know… you didn’t really asked so…” KyungSoo said and avoided looking at JongIn’s face. “It was very delicious, thank you for the dinner…” JongIn said and noticed KyungSoo was looking to his own hand, and a bandage was on.


“What happened?” KyungSoo tried to hide his hand but JongIn took it. “Did you hurt yourself?” and the other tried to hide it again, but JongIn was holding it tight. “I… burnt it… I was distracted while cooking and got burnt… but it’s ok… I’m fine…” JongIn caressed on the bandage was “I’m sorry you got burnt…” he said and kissed KyugSoo’s hand.


“Prince JongIn oppa! Come and see my castle!”





So here it is! Omo omo omo! So many subscribers and views! Thank you guys! I dearly lob you all! I already left a note but… I’m sorry I’m being so late to update this, my life is a mess right now, but I’m working on it, so I’ll try to put the next chap up sooner. I’m so sorry! (sobs) So, hope you liked this (I did)! Little -blocking there! Kekeke Isn't KyungSoo cute when he is nervous? GUYS, all my KaiSoo feelings on Sina Live Chat! So many KaiSoo moments that I want to die! Ok, I’ll leave now. But I will left hyper yet super cute YiXing to you guys! (the way he jumps and stops at the end is do damn cute) : 

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I'm sorry! My life is a mess right now! I know I promised that the next chap would be up soon, and I failed at it again! But I'll try to publish it today! Sorry


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kyunny #1
Chapter 18: Aaahh.. Acompanhava a fic no AS.. E agora vim ler aqui.. Amo demaiis, é muito perfa geentiie..
Amando a cueca do bob esponja do kai ❤, kkkk
Chapter 18: Weeeee New chapter \o
Tava com saudades dessas duas coisas fofas e lindas *-*
Agora irei ler *-*
Não garanto que meu comentario será muito legal, por que estou fora de casa e tive que improvisar em post-its xDd(sim voltei as minhas origens (?))
Meu deus!!
Passou uma semana já!! Que rápido!! Deve ter sido quase uma lua de mel *-*
HAUAHAUAH esse Kai de cueca de Bob Esponja!!! Acho que isso pode acontecer de verdade.... xD
E não sei por que... imaginei ele de meias xD
Ia ser lindo se eles fugissem juntos *--*
Mas é... se o pai do Kyung pegasse eles.... era morte e porão na certa xD
Touche!! ahuahauha
Meu coração parou com a porta abrindo!!!
Respira, respira!
Eles tão parecendo a mulher tentando esconder o amante do marido xD Kai pro armario!!
JiHyo voltou!!!! \oooo
JiHyo, acho melhor não xDD Não vai querer ver seu genro peladinho ne?? Ou será que vai??? *levanta sobrancelhas*
Vergonha pelo Kyung aqui!!!Muita!!!
HAUHAUAHA KiHyo é demais meu!!!
Ela não é uma mãe normal xDD

Ahhhhhh eles vão poder ficar juntos!!!! Gyaaaaaa
Mas deu dó da JiHyo chorando ç-ç
Mas é por uma boa causa!!!!
Eles são tão lindos juntos!!! ç-ç

Esperando pelo próximo *-*
Te amo!
Chapter 18: !New Reader!
I'm so happy KaiSoo are together again^^
His Appa is sho mean :'(
But Yaaay, Kaisoo :P
Update soon~ <3
adrina #4
Chapter 18: yessss!! finally..they are together..
skzexobaby #5
Chapter 18: Ele usa uma cueca do Bob Esponja, não sei pq mas eu acho isso posível.kkkkkkkk Oq vc achou do novo cabelo deles?
Chapter 18: Não sabia que ce era brasileira socooooooorro! Por isso vi a mesma fanfic no animespirit u_u
Chapter 17: Annyeong! It's the one from before, I just wanted to ask when you guys will update? I know both of you are in school already or just got back from school but I really can't wait for the next update >< I just love this story. Mianhe! But please do update as soon as possible. I want to know what happens between the two lovers if they get a long quickly or what the dad might possibly do to the relationship. Until then author-Nims! I will wait~ ^^ Hwaiting with school too by the way~