
Dancing In The Moonlight


KyungSoo got up from his bed and getting out of his room he searched for his mother. “Omma? Omma?” He searched for his mother in the kitchen, then on EunJi’s room, and she wasn’t there. “She went out. Call her.” He heard his father saying from the living room, getting surprised. He didn’t know his father was already home. “Thank you, appa.”


The boy took his phone and called his mother. “Omma?”


“KyungSoo-ah, are you ok?”


“Ne. Where are you? Omma, are you busy? Can you come home quickly? I need a ride.”


“I’m going home in a minute. Wait for me outside in 5 minutes.”


The boy hung up the phone and went to the bathroom to check on his face. His eyes were red and puffy, his hair was a mess and his clothes, well, not so good either. In five minutes, he tried to make the impossible. KyungSoo rushed to change clothes, and fixed his hair up with gel, getting his coat and running to the door. “Where are you going?” His father asked. “I have something to do, mom will take me.” He said trying to avoid any conversation. “Don’t you talk to you father like that. What is this something you have to do late in the week that is so important?”


“Appa, can we talk about this later? I’m sorry. But I have to go now.” KyungSoo said and got out from the house before the man could answer him. He knew that his father wouldn’t let this matter go, but now, being already late, he didn’t care about the consequences. He just wanted to make in time to JongIn’s audition.


His mother arrived just in time, and he got in the car before she really stopped. “Where are we going?” She said with a smile in her face. Korea National University of Arts. I know it is far mom, but can you take me there please?” She nodded. “Son, we’ll take at least an hour and a half to get there.” She said getting in the road. “I know. I’ll be an hour late. But it will be ok as I get there.” He said getting nervous, looking to his hand.


“I will take you there with no problem. EunJi is already asleep and if she wakes up… well, you father can take care of her for one night. But I have one condition.” She said putting her son’s face up. KyungSoo faced her with his big eyes, nodding for her to tell the condition. “You will have to explain to me everything. Every little thing. I already talked to your grandpa so I know a bit. But I want to hear the whole history from you. And we have time, so don’t you try to avoid your gorgeous and amazing mother.”  JiHyo said and glanced to KyungSoo with a smile.


KyungSoo sighed and agreed. For the first hour he talked about JongIn, about the dance lessons, about the talks, about the weekend they spent together. Told her about Kai, how they started to communicate, about his confession and about going to JongIn’s house, finding out the whole thing, and now about the letter. After that, he went silent. “I don’t know what to say anymore.” JiHyo listened to his talk, wanting to make some comments but letting it for later. When he stopped, she decided it was her time to talk.


“Kyung, I’m happy.” She said, making KyungSoo look at her with a surprised face. Even if he had the best relationship with his mother, he never thought that was going to be her reaction to the story.


“I’m happy because for the first time in years, I know you are happy. You were always so lonely, you never wanted to go out with your friends. You lived in home only. I love to have you around me, always taking care of me and you sister, but I was worried. I was worried you would not enjoy you youth. I know this is a terrible parenting talking, but you have to enjoy your life as you are young. You only live once. I’m not saying you were a depressed person, but I could tell something was missing. When you started with the dance classes, you changed. You changed for better. You were always singing and dancing by the hallways and all around the house, with a huge smile on your face. I thought it was just the joy of having something new to do, a hobby, a pastime. But when you took JongIn home, I knew it wasn’t the dancing making you so bright. It was him. So I had to say I owe my life to this incredible boy. You can call me mad or anything, but I could tell he liked you from the first time I saw him looking to you. He made bad choices, but everybody makes mistakes, mainly when the person is in love. We are fools in love.”


JiHyo turned to look at her son, who was smiling and blushing by her side. “Tell me, how do you feel about him?” She asked and he looked away. “I don’t know omma. I’m not sure because I never felt like this before. That other night I told you about, when I was at JongIn’s home, he explained to me what was like to be in love. And now that I spent these weeks far from him, I missed him so much, so I think this is it. I think I might be in love with him. I know that it is not right, but I don’t know how I ended up like this. Are you mad?” KyungSoo said not waiting for a direct response, but like usual, his mother acted in the best way she could, taking his hand and holding it for comfort.


“Why would I be mad? Because both of you are boys? Well, that's is not an excuse. Love is love no matter what. I’m here for you. I’m not here to be your mother, but your best friend, you know that very well. Like I explained before, I’m happy for you , I’ll always be at your side to support you. And I will make my best to help you two get together again.” She said depressing the accelerator, increasing the speed of the vehicle, with a excited face. JiHyo felt like she was in a mission and could not fail, making KyungSoo smile.


They were able to get at the university before the time they have predicted before, but still late. KyungSoo got off the car and ran to the entrance of the event, but was stopped by a security. “Hey! Boy! Where do you think you are going?” The man said holding his arms. “I want to watch the auditions, a friend called me here.” He answered not looking straight at the security’s eyes. He was tip-toeing trying to look inside the building, hoping to see JongIn. “The auditions already started a hour ago, they are in the final round. Do you have the ticket?” He said trying to get KyungSoo’s attention. “I don’t have. I didn’t know about tickets. Where can I buy one?”


“There. But young man, the audition will end in like thirty minutes or less, is not worth it to buy the tickets now. You don’t even know if you will see your friend.”  The man said and KyungSoo turned, smiling to him. “I’ll try. I’ll not know if I don’t get in there. Thank you.” He responded and rushed to get his pass to the event. He bought it and ran, giving the security guy the tickets to get in. Yes, he bought one for his impatient mother who asked for. JiHyo was taking a step after KyungSoo, having the time of her life.


They entered the auditorium with the eyes scanning every person in there, looking for JongIn. A girl was on the stage now, having her audition. JiHyo searched for a seat in the front and took KyungSoo by the hand. After getting a seat, she turned to the person at her other side. “Excuse me, do you know if a boy named JongIn… What is his full name?” she asked. “Kim JongIn.” KyungSoo said. “…Kim JongIn, already got his audition? He is tall, black haired, dark skin, cute smile, really good looking and perfect at dancing.” She continued, giving the women the best clues she could. The woman gave her a wistful look. KyungSoo blushed with his mother words.


“Ah, I think I saw him before…” with those words, all KyungSoo’s hopes faded away. “…When all the candidates were on stage. He didn’t audition yet.” and got back to him in a second. His heart started beating fast. JiHyo thanked the lady and smiled to her son. “We made it in time!” she said trying to bright him up. KyungSoo felt very happy, and excited. Excited to see JongIn dancing, to cheer for him, to be there when he asked to, to hug him with the result, no matter if it was going to be good (even thought he was absolutely sure JongIn would get in the university, including the scholarship), and mostly, to get him back to his life.


After the girl they saw when they got on the place ended her dancing, another one entered to take her test, and after that another one. KyungSoo was getting nervous, what if JongIn didn’t get there? What if JongIn didn’t have someone to take him to the place? What if JongIn gave up because of him? His hands were sweating and his legs were shaking. He shouldn’t have left him in times like this. And he was there. He appeared in front of them. On that stage.


JongIn was wearing black & red concept clothes. Red pants, black and red t-shirt, black jacket. He looked nervous, but really handsome and y. He made his way to the center of the stage to introduce himself when he saw KyungSoo there, in the fourth line, right in the middle. He stopped and opened a wide smile. KyungSoo was smiling back to him, making thumbs up, whispering “Hwaiting”. JongIn stayed still for some moments, just looking at the boy, when the judges called him. “Can you introduce yourself please? Your time is running.” One of them said, making him get back to earth and bowed respectfully.


“Hello, my name is Kim JongIn, I’m 17 years old and I’m a competitor for the dancing scholarship. I’ll be performing with one of my friend’s composition, an original song called ‘Baby Don’t Cry’.” The competitors only got one minute to show their abilities, and impress everyone. When the music started, JongIn transformed into a total different person. He danced like a god, with appealing faces and perfect moves. ( 


He was born to dance, and he was dancing for KyungSoo. The judges always said you have to dance for the audience, not to them. JongIn chose someone on the audience to dance for. Someone who made him feel confidant. JongIn finished his performance, getting loud applauds, and some screams from JiHyo. He bowed to the people and to the judges, getting away from the stage. KyungSoo got up from his sit, getting away from the auditorium. “Excuse me, where can I get to the backstage?” He asked to some young girls he supposed to be some competitors, and by luck they were, pointing him the hallway to the back stage. He ran there and waited outside. The door opened and JongIn got from there, running to the other direction. He didn’t see KyungSoo there. “JONGIN!” KyungSoo screamed.  


JongIn turned around smiling; he ran back to the boy and took him in his arms. JongIn hugged KyungSoo tight, getting his foot away from the floor. KyungSoo hugged him back. “You are here. You are really here.” He whispered, getting their foreheads together. “Of course I’m here. I promised you. I can’t break a promise.” KyungSoo whispered back. “That means you have forgiven me?” The other asked. “Yes, I have forgiven you.” KyungSoo answered, passing his fingers on JongIn’s hair. “Thank you.” JongIn said, putting him down to the floor again, not letting go of the hug, not moving an inch back.


“KyungSoo, I love you.” JongIn said, kissing the boy's nose. “JongIn, I…”


“Boys, sorry to interrupt you… I really didn’t want to do that, believe me. But… they are going to announce the results right now. We have to go” JiHyo said behind them, and they got apart in time.







I’M BACK AGAIN. Sorry for the late update, as usual. Thank you for commenting and thank you for subscribing even with this bad bad author. What do you think of this chapter? Things will be better and lovely now… or not (?). Kidding…. Or maybe not kidding. Well, I’ll try my best to update sooner this time. Kay? I recommend you to watch the video I put there when you are reading, to get in the mood, if you know what I mean. Kai really dance very well, don’t he? I personally dance more like this:

Thank you for reading! See you soon! Love you all! ♥

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I'm sorry! My life is a mess right now! I know I promised that the next chap would be up soon, and I failed at it again! But I'll try to publish it today! Sorry


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kyunny #1
Chapter 18: Aaahh.. Acompanhava a fic no AS.. E agora vim ler aqui.. Amo demaiis, é muito perfa geentiie..
Amando a cueca do bob esponja do kai ❤, kkkk
Chapter 18: Weeeee New chapter \o
Tava com saudades dessas duas coisas fofas e lindas *-*
Agora irei ler *-*
Não garanto que meu comentario será muito legal, por que estou fora de casa e tive que improvisar em post-its xDd(sim voltei as minhas origens (?))
Meu deus!!
Passou uma semana já!! Que rápido!! Deve ter sido quase uma lua de mel *-*
HAUAHAUAH esse Kai de cueca de Bob Esponja!!! Acho que isso pode acontecer de verdade.... xD
E não sei por que... imaginei ele de meias xD
Ia ser lindo se eles fugissem juntos *--*
Mas é... se o pai do Kyung pegasse eles.... era morte e porão na certa xD
Touche!! ahuahauha
Meu coração parou com a porta abrindo!!!
Respira, respira!
Eles tão parecendo a mulher tentando esconder o amante do marido xD Kai pro armario!!
JiHyo voltou!!!! \oooo
JiHyo, acho melhor não xDD Não vai querer ver seu genro peladinho ne?? Ou será que vai??? *levanta sobrancelhas*
Vergonha pelo Kyung aqui!!!Muita!!!
HAUHAUAHA KiHyo é demais meu!!!
Ela não é uma mãe normal xDD

Ahhhhhh eles vão poder ficar juntos!!!! Gyaaaaaa
Mas deu dó da JiHyo chorando ç-ç
Mas é por uma boa causa!!!!
Eles são tão lindos juntos!!! ç-ç

Esperando pelo próximo *-*
Te amo!
Chapter 18: !New Reader!
I'm so happy KaiSoo are together again^^
His Appa is sho mean :'(
But Yaaay, Kaisoo :P
Update soon~ <3
adrina #4
Chapter 18: yessss!! finally..they are together..
skzexobaby #5
Chapter 18: Ele usa uma cueca do Bob Esponja, não sei pq mas eu acho isso posível.kkkkkkkk Oq vc achou do novo cabelo deles?
Chapter 18: Não sabia que ce era brasileira socooooooorro! Por isso vi a mesma fanfic no animespirit u_u
Chapter 17: Annyeong! It's the one from before, I just wanted to ask when you guys will update? I know both of you are in school already or just got back from school but I really can't wait for the next update >< I just love this story. Mianhe! But please do update as soon as possible. I want to know what happens between the two lovers if they get a long quickly or what the dad might possibly do to the relationship. Until then author-Nims! I will wait~ ^^ Hwaiting with school too by the way~