'Yes' To Someday

'Yes' to Someday

"Not gonna happen..."

They were both lying on bed, Siwon’s body was hovering over Kyuhyun’s while his mouth kept on abusing the maknae’s sensitive spot on his neck.

“But baby please…” Siwon whined with his face still buried in Kyuhyun’s neck, causing the latter’s member to twitch in his pants at the electrical currents sizzling Siwon's voice sent through his veins. Kyuhyun couldn't help the moan that escaped his lips, but he quickly shoved Siwon away and climbed out of bed.

“No Siwon. I really hate this” 

“I know. But we’re alone now”


It had been two months since they got back from their ‘honeymoon’ as the other members call it, but since then, they were both immersed in their schedules, plus with the new album coming out, they rarely had any chance for themselves.

After spending two months living together just the two of them with, no disruption and no interruption, the couple became used to it. Being left alone felt really good that even one day away from each other, had become a torture for the both of them.

Thus, in the past two months after they came back from China, Siwon and Kyuhyun had been working non-stop to make up for their break time, which only led to less time for them to spend together. Moreover, when the management finally gave them a week off before starting the 6jib promotions, Siwon’s apartment had to be redecorated at that exact time.

Oh how Kyuhyun was frustrated when he heard about it. Siwon was very lucky to still be alive right now. They finally could spend time together but unfortunately, they don’t have a place to do that.

Well it wasn't like they didn’t try. The dorms sounded like a good idea at first, but it didn’t quite go as planned. Whenever they started getting intimate, Donghae fought with Eunhyuk and needed his friends to coax him, or Sungmin of all times wanted to take a nap so he kicked them out of the room, or Yesung’s turtle disappeared and miraculously made its way to the exact room they were in … and the list goes on and on.


“I miss our days in China. If I knew it would be like this, I would’ve sure stayed there for the extra month. Now it’s too late”

Siwon got up and sat down on the edge of the bed facing Kyuhyun who was leaning on the dressing table, pouting his lips and staring at his feet

“But baby I’m doing my best. Do you think I like us being like this? I want you Kyuhyun-ah. So bad”

Kyuhyun’s eyes shot up to look at Siwon’s. He knew that his boyfriend really wanted the same things as he did. He wasn’t blaming him for anything. It was just that he needed someone to take out his frustrations on. Unfortunately that someone had to be Siwon.

“I’m sorry. I just miss you so much and I want you so bad too. I feel helpless because I can’t do anything about it”

“Come here”

Kyuhyun moved his legs and walked towards Siwon who had his arms opened for him. He slid into his lover’s lap, straddling his legs and sitting on his knees, he then wrapped his arms around the older’s neck.

“Good boy. Now give me a kiss”

Kyuhyun obediently pressed a soft kiss on Siwon’s lips before closing his eyes and resting his forehead against Siwon’s. He immediately found himself reminiscing the days they spent together at the SJM dorm, where they did everything together. They would spend all their times having or just cuddling in bed, enjoying each other’s embrace. He missed those times, not only because of the thing, well although it felt good to not have any restrains whenever he felt the need to make love with his boyfriend, but also because for once, he felt like they were a real couple. Sleeping and waking up next to each other, taking morning walks, even though it was limited at walking to their bench, but still it felt nice.

Siwon smiled at his obedient maknae and wrapped his arms around his waist. One hand caressing the younger’s lower back while the other one slides down to squeeze one of the Kyubutt cheeks.

Kyuhyun jolted at the sudden act. However his eyes soon lit up, and his mouth twitched into a smile. He tightened his grip on Siwon’s nape as he slowly moved his face down until their noses touched.

Siwon flinched at the feel of Kyuhyun’s hot breath on his face, he slid his hand that was resting on the maknae’s back and put it under the latter’s shirt before whispering …

“We have time now. The others are chatting in the 12th dorm. So how about we…”

“Oupsy … Sorry to interrupt guys, but Teukkie hyung wants to have a talk with us” it was Ryeowook this time.

Kyuhyun didn’t bother to answer. He just buried his face into the crook of Siwon’s neck and quietly cursed his bad luck.

“We’ll be right there wookie”

Right on time as expected. Their leader had to call for a meeting just when Kyuhyun was starting to get aroused, which made him all the more angry. Not at a specific person but just angry.

Once Ryeowook closed the door again, Kyuhyun lifted his head and stared at Siwon’s eyes 

“You were saying?”

“Don’t worry kyu. We’ll figure something out” Siwon knew that he’d better figure something out because nothing is more dangerous than a grumpy, non-satisfied maknae. Besides, he didn’t like seeing his lover sad, not that he, himself, wasn't suffering even more.

“I don’t think we can do anything until your damn apartment is fixed. How long will it take by the way?”

Well Kyuhyun may looked calm right then when they spoke about the apartment issue, but that was only because he already screamed his lungs out when Siwon told him he would be redecorating the house, so they wouldn’t be staying together while he was in Korea like they were used to do.

To make it even worse, Siwon told him that he would be staying in a hotel. Not the dorms but a hotel. Apparently staying in a hotel was more practical because he wasn’t only busy with the new album but also with his own schedules, so he needed more space. And he wouldn’t find it in a place with nine people.

Kyuhyun of course was very upset about it and he ended up not speaking to Siwon for several days, but he finally gave in and just let this one go.

“huh … n-not long” Siwon stuttered while nervously turning his face towards the door. However Kyuhyun knows Siwon by heart and he knows that his boyfriend is the worst liar ever. Whenever he lies, in addition to the stuttering and avoiding eye contact, he doesn’t blink and something immediately screams ‘liar’. The maknae cupped Siwon’s face with both of his hands and made him look at him.

“How long Siwon?”

Siwon took Kyuhyun’s hands off his face then lifted the younger from his lap and put him down on bed before answering “A-about three weeks?”

“Yah! Where are you going? Come back here” Kyuhyun was left startled at Siwon who ran towards the door. Probably avoiding any punches from the maknae.

“Babe, Teukkie hyung is waiting for us. We’ll talk about it later” Siwon peaked his head into the room and stated, before disappearing again behind the door.


“I LOVE YOU TOO” Came Siwon’s scream from the living room

“Argh … Stupid horsey” Kyuhyun ruffled his hair in frustration but he couldn’t help pricking a smile at his boyfriend’s childish acts.


> Babe, where are you right now? <

“The dorms. Why?”

> Okay stay there, I’ll pick you up in fifteen <

“What? Why?”

> Patience babe. Just get ready. See you soon <

Kyuhyun’s POV
After all these years, I still don’t seem to get this guy. Why do I have a bad feeling about this? I bet he’s planning something cheesy and unnecessary again!

“You’re late. I thought you said you’ll be here in fifteen”

> I know babe sorry. There was an accide-…<


> Yes, I’m fine Kyuhyun-ah. It wasn’t me <


> Babe, are you still there? <


> I’ll be there in five, okay? <

“Don’t rush. I’ll wait”

> I love you <

“I love you too”

Kyuhyun’s POV
My heart nearly dropped to my ankles. I thought I forgot about it, but I think that word still gets to me.

Siwon’s POV
I’m so stupid. How can I mention that! Kyuhyun-ah, please don’t be sad.

Message from: My horsey <3
I’m downstairs. Come out <3

Message from: Wifu <3
Be right there …

Kyuhyun hurriedly headed downstairs to see Siwon. As much as he denied it, he was actually excited to find out what Siwon had planned. But he wasn’t going to let it show of course.

He opened the car’s door and hopped in. They shared a quick peck on the lips because they were outside and so they needed to be careful.

“Are you okay?” Siwon hesitated for a while but he asked.

“I’m fine. Don’t worry about it” Kyuhyun answered without looking at Siwon which made the latter not so convinced that he was fine.

“Are you sure?”

Kyuhyun didn’t really like to talk about it because it brings him too much bad memories, but he knew Siwon was worried about him so he needed to assure him that he was really okay. He turned to face Siwon’s worried eyes, put his hand on the latter’s thigh and smiled

“Yes. Now can you drive already?”

Siwon always thinks that whenever he sees that smile, he falls in love with Kyuhyun all over again. He lifted his lover's hand that was rested on his thigh to his mouth and pressed a light kiss on its slender fingers. 

“Where are we going hyung?” Siwon had already been driving for twenty minutes and he wasn’t telling Kyuhyun anything to where they were headed.

“We’re almost there”

Siwon knew how Kyuhyun was impatient but still, he didn’t want to spoil the surprise. The maknae shifted in his seat and crossed his arms over his chest indicating that he was upset, but it didn’t quite work for him because Siwon was determined on keeping the element of surprise.

“I was playing Starcraft in peace, but you had to drag me along to wherever it is you’re taking me” Kyuhyun said in one breath then pouted his lips, leaving Siwon laughing at his cuteness.

“And I thought you wanted to spend time with me. I’m hurt babe” Siwon was really having fun teasing his boyfriend. He didn’t even turn to look at him, afraid he may give in to those y pinkish pouting lips.

“Oh shut up. We can’t even do anything at the dorms behind closed doors, nonetheless in public”

“We’re here”


Siwon parked the car in front of an old building which left Kyuhyun staring from the window at where he was. When he didn’t get any clue, he turned to face Siwon, who was smiling with his famous dimples, amused by the frown on Kyuhyun’s forehead.

“Hyung, what are we doing here?”

“How about I’ll show you” Without waiting for an answer, Siwon got off the car and walked to Kyuhyun’s side to open the car door for him. What a gentleman.

The neighbourhood was quite and didn’t have a lot of houses. It looked old but when Siwon led them to one of the buildings, he could see that the inside looked very well maintained. Kyuhyun’s body trembled when Siwon held his hand, he tried to free himself but Siwon just gripped it even tighter.

“What are you doing? Someone might see us!”

“I don’t care. Come on”

Kyuhyun once again found himself been dragged into an elevator as he watched Siwon press the 5th floor button. Once the door closed, Kyuhyun shifted his hand a bit so it was now entwined with Siwon’s. The older couldn’t help the chuckle that escaped his lips but once he opened his mouth to say some cheesy comment, Kyuhyun, whose face already turned red, kicked his leg as a warning to shut him up.

Once the elevator opened, Kyuhyun carefully followed Siwon’s footsteps as they walked in the hallway. The floor contained two apartments but each one on a side. His eyes were left wandering around as he was marvelling the walls that were painted in black and white. The apartment’s door that they were heading towards was also painted white, while the number of the apartment 7 was engraved in black.

If you look at the building from outside you wouldn’t think that this was how it looked from the inside. Kyuhyun thought.


Not letting go of Kyuhyun’s hand, Siwon unlocked the door and led them inside before closing it again. If Kyuhyun thought the inside of the building was beautiful, then the apartment was breathtaking. Everything was black and white. The walls and the floor were painted in stripes. Kyuhyun was just standing at the entry. He didn’t dare to move. His eyes were scanning the parts that reached his sight while his mouth was in ‘O’

“Do you like it?” Siwon’s voice brought Kyuhyun back from his amazement.

“Don’t tell me you rented this place so we can get laid!”

Not minding to answer, Siwon let go of Kyuhyun’s hand and took off his shoes before stepping inside.

“Aren’t you coming in?”

Siwon turned around when he realized that the maknae wasn't following him. Kyuhyun was standing on the doorstep not daring to move any further.

“This feels so weird. Hyung, please let’s just go”

“You don’t like it?”

“I love it. That’s why let’s just go” 

“You love it? Really?”

“Yes. Who wouldn’t? That’s why let’s GO!” Kyuhyun said in a stern tone and turned around to leave

“Where would we go while we’re at our own house”

“Siwonnie I said … Wait what?”

Kyuhyun was already holding the door's knob ready to leave, but when he heard Siwon’s words he froze in his place.

“It’s our home”

Kyuhyun took a deep breath before slowly turning to face Siwon

“You’re kidding, right?


“But you already have an apartment why would you buy this one?” Kyuhyun was confused at to why Siwon would buy this house while he already has his own apartment. And it was even been redecorated, so why waste money on another one?

“You don’t listen, do you? It’s OUR home babe. Ours” Siwon was again smiling at Kyuhyun’s reaction as he thought to himself that his surprise was working.

“B-but why would you…”

“Okay, listen. If you remember, I already told you that I’m planning on marrying you someday, right?”

“Aha b-but it doesn...” The marriage talk again. Siwon already mentioned to Kyuhyun that he was planning on marrying him when they were in China. It wasn’t like Kyuhyun didn’t want to marry Siwon, because of course he did. But now at that moment, he wasn’t ready yet. So when the subject was brought up again, he immediately got anxious because he knew how Siwon always got excited about the idea of them getting married even though it wasn’t that easy to make it happen.

“I can’t wait any longer Kyu. I love you. I want to marry you”

“Siwon you’re crazy. We can’t get married. We have too much to lose”

“I don’t care as long as I have you”

“Siwon, why do you have to mess up everything for me? ha?” Kyuhyun’s emotions were all mixed up. Why did Siwon have to mention the marriage again when everything was going just fine? Why did he always do stuff without talking to him about it first?

Soon tears started to roll down Kyuhyun’s face. He didn’t know what to do and he didn’t want to see Siwon right now. His feet stepped inside the house and he headed to the first door that he found on his way.

Siwon was left puzzled at Kyuhyun’s outburst “Kyu, wait where are you going?”

He knew Kyuhyun wouldn’t agree about the marriage thing right away, but he didn’t expect such reaction. He didn’t know what exactly just happened, but he knew his boyfriend was hurt even though he had no idea why.

Siwon soon followed to where Kyuhyun had disappeared to, he tried to open the door but it was locked.

“Kyu, open up please. Let’s talk about this”

Kyuhyun didn’t know what just happened, he just panicked and wanted to hide from Siwon. So he ran inside the first door he found which was the bathroom, and even though his eyes were blurry by tears, he couldn’t miss on how it was big and spacious with the walls that were shaped in tiny black and white squares, the huge white tub on his right and the black marble tiled floor that was glistening. He sat on the edge of the bath tub as he nervously tapped his foot, before answering

“I don’t want to. We were just fine! Why did you have to bring that up again?”

“Because I love you and I want to live with you”

“We’re already like living together. So what a piece of paper would change?”

“That piece of paper will mark you as mine. The whole world would know that you’re mine and that I'm yours”

“You don’t get it, do you?”

“Babe. Please come out”

“You’re an idiot Siwon. We’re idols. We put our fans, our families and our friends ahead of us”

“Why would we? Why not be ourselves and let them accept us the way we are?”

“Because we’re both guys. It’s not that easy”

“We’ve been together for two years and a half Kyu. What’s not easy?”

“We’ve been through hell to get to where we are hyung. But now you’re messing it all up with your marriage talk”

A while later, after screaming behind closed doors, Kyuhyun knew that he was maybe being a bit foolish and that he should talk to Siwon face to face instead of hiding in the bathroom. He noticed how it got silence after his last sentence which made him worry that Siwon had left.


Siwon let himself slid to the floor and rest his back on the wall next to the bathroom’s door. He didn’t know what else to say.

When Kyuhyun didn’t get any answer, he crept out of the bathroom and took a look outside. He didn’t notice Siwon who was sitting on the floor until a voice to his left spoke suddenly and nearly made him jump out of his fur.

“Don’t you love me Kyu?”

Kyuhyun glanced at his boyfriend who was sitting on the floor with his head hang low. He soon felt guilty and he slapped himself mentally for making Siwon sad. He sat on the floor, legs crossed, facing the older.

“What the hell are you saying?”

“I’m sorry. Didn’t I say that I don’t want to see you ever cry again?” Siwon didn’t dare to look at Kyuhyun’s face because he knew he would feel even worse if he caught the tears on his boyfriend's face.

“I’m sorry too. I never intended for you to doubt my love” Kyuhyun held both of Siwon’s hands in his, while the other one moved to caress the latter’s cheek which made Siwon lift his head and face him.

“I don’t doubt it. Kyu…” Siwon said with watery eyes but he was cut off by Kyuhyun pressing a finger on his lips

“Don’t. Let me speak first, please”

Kyuhyun stood up and helped Siwon to stand on his feet too before moving to sit on the large white couch in the living room.

They both sat in the same position they were sitting in earlier. Both of their legs were crossed as they faced each other. Siwon was twisting his fingers together nervously, and Kyuhyun ran a hand over his hair before resting both of his hands on top of each of Siwon’s thighs.

“Siwon I love you. I really do. I know that marriage means a lot to you but that would be okay if this relationship was normal. We’re both guys and we’ve been through a lot of hardships to get to where we are now, especially you. You’ve been torn out between following your faith and being with me. I’m so glad that you managed to find it in your heart and mind for us to be together, and I’m so grateful that our families were okay with it even if it was really hard for them. If we were normal people I would've jumped on you the second you proposed, but we’re not. We’re celebrities and with that come responsibilities. When we do or say something, it doesn’t affect only the two of us but the other nine people too, our friends, our second family”

“But I want our own family. I want us to be able to go out together, going on dates, walking hand in hand … I want us to experiment what couples do. We’re always hiding and afraid someone might see us. I want you to be able to live with me under the same roof, not just spending the night together and then having to disappear the next morning so we won't upset the management"

“Then wait. Please Siwon, let’s just wait. We won’t be in Super Junior forever. Teukkie hyung is going to the army soon, followed by the other members. We’ll be in a hiatus then. I know we said Super Junior will be forever but one day we’re going to get old. That’s why we said, in our forties or fifties, we’ll be doing a concert once in a year”

"You're not expecting me to wait until we're fifty, do you?" Siwon's body trembled in shock. He couldn't even wait for a year and Kyuhyun was telling him to wait until they were fifty?

"That's not what I meant. What I meant is that we'll have our chance because we're not going to be in a boyband forever"

Siwon's body relaxed again but his sad mood hadn't changed. He buried his face in his hands and muttered

“I’m really, really tired of waiting Kyunnie” 

“I know”

“I can’t hold it any longer. One day I’m going to explode”

“I know” Kyuhyun removed Siwon's hands from his face and pecked him on the lips, well at least that was what he intended for it to be but he instead he was pulled into a fierce kiss when Siwon's hands wrapped around his waist and sat him on his lap. 

“I may even spill it out in a conference or something that you are mine” Siwon said when they broke the kiss to gasp some air, but without pulling their faces away from each other

“You wouldn’t do that” Kyuhyun wrapped his hands around Siwon's neck and buried himself in the older's shoulder

“I would. If I run out of patience, then I would”

“But then you’ll be admitting that you’re gay” 

“I’m not gay” Kyuhyun's head snapped up and faced Siwon who was innocently blinking at him

“Oh yeah, so what are you doing with me?”

“Listen. The way I see it, is that I’m in love with someone who just happens to be a boy. I can't imagine myself with another guy. It's only you or no one” 

Kyuhyun unwrapped his hands from Siwon's nape and moved them down to his chest playing with the collar of the older's shirt, then he shyly asked

“Hyung … Do you ever wish I was a girl?”

SIwon frowed at the sudden question. His hand moved to lift Kyuhyun's chin and he saw mixed up feelings playing across his lover's face and fear in his chocolate orbs, which he couldn't help but find stunning. He then without hesitation said 


“Why? it would’ve all being easier”

“It wouldn’t be the same. I love you because you’re you” Siwon cupped the maknae's cheeks and pressed a light kiss on his forehead

“Well I don’t wish you were a girl either”


“Not because I love you because you’re you thing, but because men would be all over you and I don’t even think you would've noticed me”

Siwon didn't know how they end up talking about this kind of subject, but he needed to assure Kyuhyun that he was the only one for him.

“Hey, hey where is this coming from? I know I would’ve loved you no matter what gender I am or you are”


“Because you’re my destiny”

“How so?”

“You really have a lot of questions today" Siwon layed Kyuhyun on the couch and leaned on him before adding "Because I don’t ever imagine myself with someone other than you, and because wherever I go, there is only you in my heart and my mind”

“You wouldn’t love somebody else?” 

Siwon moved his hand slowly along Kyuhyun's body making his cheeks redden   

“No. I’ll only love you”

Kyuhyun once again wrapped his arms around Siwon's neck, tugging him closer and slamming their bodies flush against each other. They fit perfectly like two pieces of a puzzle, neither was quite complete without the other.

“Forever ever after?” 

“Forever ever after”

Siwon's smile was drawn again on his face. His elbow was pressed on the couch holding his weight up, in order to not crush the younger under him, while he raised the other hand and gently caressed a lock of Kyuhyun's hair away from his eye.

They were both looking into one another's eyes, lost in each other's gaze. Kyuhyun could feel Siwon's breath ricocheting off of his face as he slowly inched forward. Every centimetre he moved forward, Kyuhyun could feel his cheeks turning a deeper shade of pink. Siwon closed the gap that separated them from each other by pressing his lips against Kyuhyun's in a passionate kiss. 

Kyuhyun's hands ventured onto Siwon's chest, one moving further up into his hair. He knows that Siwon's kiss was his to have, his solely.

As they were kissing gently, savouring each other's taste, Kyuhyun wanted more, so he stuck out his togue, letting it poke gently at Siwon's lips. The older answered by his own tongue coming out to play. They dove in and out of their mouths, trying to consume each other. 

When Siwon moaned, clearly lost in pleasure, Kyuhyun took the chance to flip their bodies around so he was on top of him. Causing Siwon to break the kiss and stare at the sight of Kyuhyun resting his chin over his chest. His hands then traveled to wrap around the younger's waist.

“I can’t give you children though” Apparently Kyuhyun was still thinking about the marriage thing which made Siwon's heart ache at the sad look on the maknae's eyes.

“We can adopt”

“It’s not the same. I want us to find a surrogate mother. I want the baby to be from you” That came as a shock. Siwon unconsciously raised his body up, making Kyuhyun flung his arms around his neck because of the sudden act 

“Babe, are you serious?”

“Yes. But I’ll get to choose her though”


“Because we wouldn’t want her to fall in love with you and refuse to give us our baby” 

“Haha baby that wouldn’t happen, don’t worry” Siwon said laughing while wrapping his arms tightly on Kyuhyun's waist

“And you would be allowed to see her once a week”

“What? Why? But I’m going to want to be in touch with our baby!”

“Nope. I’ll keep you updated. I don’t want you casting a spell on her with your dimples” Said Kyuhyun while cuetly burying his index fingers in each side of Siwon's cheeks

“No one will fall for me just because of my dimples!”

“It worked for me, didn’t it?”

“Fine. But how about you? What if she fell in love with you?”

“Rest assure, it won’t happen”

“Well, what about me?”

“Siwonnie, there’s something that you probably don’t know. The way I act around you is definitely not the way I act around other people”

“Are you saying that you have two faces?”

“Let’s just say that you’re the only one I can really show my affection too”

“Even if you say so, people still fall for you”

“Tsk, we’ll talk about that later. Anyway…”


"How did you find this house?"

"You like it, don't you?"

Kyuhyun took another look at the house as his eyes wander around the spacious living room they were in. He could really imagine them living together in that house. It felt cosy and perfect for them.

"I love it" He pressed a gentle kiss on Siwon's forehead and added “I want to pay for half”


“Because you said it’s ours. So I want to pay for it too”

“But babe you don’t have to. Besides I already took care of it”

“I won’t accept it otherwise”

“Come on Kyunnie! I’m the husband. I should take care of these things”

“We’re both men. We’re equals”

“Well not in bed” That got him a smack on the back of his head

“I can’t believe you just said that!”

“What! I’m right”

“Do you want me to top you again?”

“NO!” Siwon blurt out once the flashes of Kyuhyun topping him crossed his mind. As much as he enjoyed it, it really did hurt so they both decided to stick to what they were really good at. Siwon topping and Kyuhyun bottoming.


“We’re both men”


“You can pay for … quarter?”

“Good enough, since you’re richer than me”

“Aren’t you the cutest boy ever?” Siwon said while pinching Kyuhyun's cheeks and pushing him back onto the couch

“Yes I am. You better not forget it”

“How can I?” Siwon said while pressing butterfly kisses on Kyuhyun's shoulder all the way to his slightly exposed chest.

“Siwonnie …”


“About the marriage thing”

Siwon was still immersed in showering Kyuhyun's body with kisses, but upon hearing the marriage subject brought up again, he paused what he was doing and cupped Kyuhyun's face

“It’s okay. Like you said, we still have time” 

“For what it’s worth, it’s a ‘yes’” 

“For what?”

“‘YES’ for Someday”

The way Siwon's face lit up made Kyuhyun feel proud of himself. His hands traveled under Siwon's shirt tracing his chocoabs while his lips took the older's in another passtionate kiss.

It was as if time had stopped, holding on to each other, trying to make it last an eternity.

Finally done. Hope I didn't disappoint you. I wouldn't want you to hate me!
Thank you for reading  

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Chapter 1: I don't know if I have commented on this already but that "Yes for Someday" just killed me.

I miss them and there will still be a year and a half until Kyuhyun comes back T_T. And Siwon hasn't been his old self. I don't know but I feel like he is holding something back... dunno if it's just me but that's what I feel. He hasn't completely opened up yet since he came back from MS. There's something missing.. and sigh.. I know what it is.. we know what it is. :(
Kyured #2
Chapter 1: 'yes for someday' blew me away.. it's perfectly a sweet ending. thank you for sharing this! ^^
Chapter 1: cutess babies ;u; they are public figure, everything what did they do will noticed by netizen and it's make up for being positif and negative. It's can't be deny. Everything will they do i hope they make it up be better not hurting each other~
i believe you can allow this problem with be good.
Support you always wonkyu.
Angela17 #4
Chapter 1: Sweet... I love this one..
Chapter 1: finally magnae give his answer ^^
i understand very well their situation and u write their situation sooooooooooo real woah so nervous read this story but i have sooooooooooooo much fun ^^
Chapter 1: So practically kyu is siwon's fiance now? Kyaaa just imagine about that make me sooo happy hihihi
Chapter 1: So cuteee <3 siwon must be very upset after hearing kyuhyun's thought about marriage but they will get married so soon :33
Thank you for sharing this!
forogh #8
Chapter 1: wooooooooooooooooooooooooow
i really love it......thank you:)))
andrycinderella #9
love thiss sooooooooooooooooooooooooo much...n love u..hehe