New Story Up!

First Time, First Love [One Shot]

Go check it out bb's! :)

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jerk-lol #1
Chapter 1: So ummmm ........ Y um ......not write chapter two
creolediva3 #2
It's 1AM in the morning, and I'm squealing. nice work :D
Dubuu12 #3
Loved it!! :D
So Good! :'D
AbriMathos #5
Cute~ Love is love. I like that~!! It's true and I love me some Lay fuhsho! Lay would look even cuter than he already is alongside an equally adorable black girl >.< Then they'd have adorable curly haired, dimply smiling kids...and now I'm ranting XD anywho! Loved it!
Cute! I loves it!