00; I have always love you

I have always love you


"Alright, alright I'm coming!" Sehun ran towards his door.
It was 1am in the morning and a knock on Sehun's door interrupted his beauty sleep. He was tired from work and wanted to ignore whoever was at his doorstep knocking the door continuously however, his instincts told him to get up and see who it was. The knocks was getting more harder and Sehun rushed out, ready to yell at the person who had annoyed him at one ing am. He opened the door harshly, and was about to yell only to be hugged by his best friend. 
Sehun was taken aback as his eyes widened. He felt hot tears down his neck. Still surprised, he awkwarly hugged his best friend back.
"Luhan hyung, what happened?" Sehun asked softly, forgetting the fact that he was sleepy and annoyed a second ago.
"K-Krystal dumped me." Luhan sniffed.
Luhan and Krystal had been going out for 5 months, and Sehun knew Luhan loves Krystal to the point that he would do anything for her. Sehun had reminded several times not to give in too much, because eventually the girl would take him for granted. Luhan was the perfect boyfriend, good-looking, smart, kind-hearted, loyal and girls often take advantage of that. Which is why Sehun decides to remain single because he had seen Luhan broken down a lot of times and he personally thinks that girls are just... heartbreakers. And they say men were the bad ones. Sehun Luhan's back, hoping it would comfort him. Suddenly, he wasn't tired anymore. 
Luhan pulled back the hug and looked at the younger one with his huge teary puppy eyes, "Sehun, can I stay here for the night?"
Without hesitation, Sehun nodded. He told Luhan to sit on the couch and made himself feel comfortable. Sehun went to the kitchen and decided to make hot chocolate for him, Luhan like those whenever he was down. After making the hot chocolate for the older one, he went back to the living room and handed the hot chocolate to him.
"Thanks." Luhan smiled wearily, and blew the hot drink.
Sehun sat next to Luhan, and watches him. His honey-brown hair was in a mess, he looked pale, and his eyes were red and puffy. Luhan sipped his hot chocolate like a deer sipping water from a river, which Sehun finds it cute. Amongst all his friends, he had to admit Luhan was the cutest of them all.
"You know, you should forget about her." Sehun break the silence atmosphere, attempting to make Luhan feel better.
He saw Luhan's grip in the mug tightened, as his knuckles turned white, "I should, huh?"
"All girls are the same, heartbreakers." Sehun bluntly commented, slouching back on the couch, staring ahead looking at nothing in particular.
Luhan looks at Sehun. Sehun was right, all the girls he went out with dumped him. He didn't know the reason why. Now, looking at Sehun's side profile, why hasn't he realise Sehun was handsome? He didn't tell Sehun, but Krystal dumped him just because she wanted to get closer with Sehun, which of course didn't work because Sehun was conversative and rarely goes out. He was rather the stay-indoors type. He somewhat understand why Krystal wants to go out with Sehun, he is really good-looking.
Luhan examined the younger one's features, and found his heart beating at a faster rate. He widened his eyes, and touched his chest. It wasn't the first time that happened. He remembered when Sehun locks his arms with his just for fun, but Luhan on the other hand felt himself blushing. And it was weird because it was not like he was not used to skinship, especially with the same gender. Every touch that he had with Sehun sends his heart beating faster than usual, which Luhan didn't understand why.
'Am I, in love with him?' Luhan gulped, glancing at Sehun.
"Hyung, are you ok? Your face is red." Sehun gave Luhan a concern look.
Sehun reached out his hand and touched Luhan's forehead, to check whether the older one is sick since he was looking rather pale minutes earlier. Again, Luhan's heart beats rapidly at the touch.
"Can I ask you something?" Luhan asked, avoiding eye contact with the younger one.
"Sure." Sehun shrugged, putting down his hand.
"What do you think of... Baekhyun and Chanyeol's relationship?" 
Baekhyun and Chanyeol were two of their friends, and the both of them were going out. 
"I think it's ok though, since the both of them loves each other." Sehun honestly stated.
In fact, Sehun was actually the first one to accept their relationship, while the others took some time to accept it but now they're used to it though. Luhan nodded, his lips turning into a firm thin line. He took that as a good sign for him. However, he still has feelings for Krystal.
"Let's go to sleep, it's getting late." Sehun interrupted his thoughts.
It has been a week and Luhan wasn't in his right state of mind. He was confused over his feelings with Sehun, and he was still in denial that he's gay. His feelings for Krsytal vanished and all of the sudden girls doesn't seem to appeal to him anymore. 
"Hyung, you know you're not a good drinker so why did you drink?" Sehun frowned as he looked at the knocked out Luhan.
Apparently Luhan was drinking all alone in a bar and the bartender had to call Sehun (since he was the first speed dial on Luhan's phone) to pick him up. Sehun placed Luhan's arm around his shoulders and carried the older one back to his car. It was two in the morning, so the road was pretty empty and they arrived at Sehun's apartment in no time. As Sehun was carrying Luhan back to his apartment, Luhan was muttering some words under his breath which Sehun couldn't catch what it was. He laid the older one on his bed. He took off Luhan's shoes and his jeans, thinking it would be uncomfortable for the elder one to be sleeping in his jeans. Plus, the both of them were guys anyway. Sehun glanced at the time, 2.30am. He grumbled to himself that he have work later and he could only catch a few hours of sleep. Not that he's blaming on Luhan, it must be tough on him. 
Sehun laid next to Luhan, afterall he only had one bed. Facing Luhan, Sehun closed his eyes. He was about to drift off to dreamland until he felt something soft on his lips. Furrowing his eyebrows, he opened his eyes and almost got a shock of his life when he sees Luhan's face inches away from his and their lips were touching. The weird thing is, Sehun didn't even bother to shove him or pull away. 
Without thinking, Sehun responded to the kiss. Luhan's lips were soft just like he had imagined. His mouth was warm, despite the taste of alcohol that he had earlier. Luhan's tongue grazed Sehun's bottom lip. Sehun opened his mouth as Luhan inserted his tongue. Both of their tongues were in unison, and Sehun felt a zap of electricity down his spine. The both of them broke apart after somewhat kissing for hours and panted for air. 
Luhan opened his eyes slightly, looking at Sehun with a shaky breath, "Sehun, I love you."
Sehun stiffened. He didn't say anything and Luhan thought he didn't feel the same. Slightly regretting that he confessed out of the blue on bed with Sehun, Luhan was about to get up, even though he still felt a little dizzy/ Sehun grabbed Luhan's wrist to stop him from moving. Sehun placed his forehead on Luhan's.
"I love you too, hyung." Sehun smiled, "I've always love you hyung."
Author's note: I was going to end this with a but I can't write s orz I hope the ending isn't that disappointing. ;u; I hope you like it. n_n
Next attempt ; Baekyeol!
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Chapter 1: Too bad that Ive found this just now. Its too cute! I miss HunHan huhu. Thank you for sharing this Author-nim! :)
Canxiubemybaby #2
Chapter 1: Awawawawawawawawa~! So cute!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 1: Because HunHan defines Love.
Chapter 1: this is nice!! ) sequel perhaps?
They're so cute :D!
So ____in cuuuuuuuuteee! Omg omg omg lemme die! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA