
No One And Only You
-[ Yoona ]- Leeteuk oppa already went to his class. Don't know why he suddenly have a class this evening. Did he lied to me ? Maybe it's his reason to dating with Taeyeon. Aish , he always make me waiting for my lunch. I'm already starving now. If Jungmin still here , he'll always come and bought me a lunch. Or he'll picked me for a lunch. It's make me miss him more. I still wearing our engagement ring , both of the rings on my finger. TING ! TONG ! TING ! TONG ! I stand up from the couch and want to open the door.'Ta...da.... lunch for Miss Yoona.' it's Donghae. I thought it someone else but I'm happy he's here. Wait , did he bought a lunch for me ? 'Lunch for me ?' I look at him. He nod and enter my house. I know his style quiet rude but I already used to his style. We're friends for a long time. I close the door and sit on the chair.'You hungry , right ?' he ask me. I nod and he smile. Donghae prepare the meals for me. Looking at what he did remind me to Jungmin. He also always prepared me a meals for lunch. I felt a tears drop on my hand and without I realise , I've cry.'Hey , what's wrong ?' Donghae sit beside me and wipe my tears with his thumbs.'I'm okay. Don't worry.' I told him. I'm trying to stay calm but I'm very choke at the time and can't control myself. 'I know you're not okay. Come on , tell me. I'll always help you.' Donghae said.'You know , the way you come with my lunch and then prepared it to me remind me to Jungmin. He always prepared a meal for me too.' I told Donghae. Donghae tapping my shoulder.'Sorry for reminding you to Jungmin late.' I shook my and now I can feel a little calm after I've told my feeling to Donghae. 'This your lunch. Actually Leeteuk hyung asked me to bought it for you.' so my brother told Donghae to bought me a lunch. 'Thank you. Why don't you eat with me ? It's too much , I can't eat it alone.' he nod and we share the meals together.'I heard there's a new student in our class and Yuri told me that she always looking at you. Is that true ?' I asking him. 'Yes , she always looking at me. Her name is Sunye. I don't like how she glanced at me.' I chuckle when he said that to me.'I think the girl must like you.' I tease Donghae. Donghae smirking and shook his head.'She is not my taste at all.' the way he said like he really have a high qualities of ideal type. 'So , what kind of girl you like ?' He like thinking for a while.'Maybe like you. So innocent , beautiful , talented and kind.' he really make me blush when he praise me.'That's not easy finding someone like me. I'm the only one.' I assert.'Is that so ? If like that will you be my girlfriend ?' I frown when he ask me that question. I also shock at the moment. 'I'm just joking , Yoona. You'll always belong to Jungmin.' he make me shock just now. I smile to him so as he.'We're planning for a vacation at Jeju Island. Do you want to join us ?' he ask me suddenly. I'm thinking for a while. I don't know what I'm going to answer. I really want to Jeju Island but at the same time I feel that I'm selfish for having fun because was just passed away.'I don't know. Maybe I'm not coming.' I told Donghae. He looking disappointed with my answer. I don't want my friends , especially my bestfriend become disappointed. I have to decide something to make sure everyone will be happy.'Okay , Hae. I'll join.' Donghae look at me.'Really ?' he can't believe. I nod and smile.'Okay , so get ready because we'll go there by tomorrow.' I shock with what he said. It's so fast.
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I've post Chapter One and Two. How is it ? You enjoy it okay. I'll keep updating another chapter


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Buffalohighschool18 #1
Chapter 24: Where did jung min 😭 go
Buffalohighschool18 #2
Chapter 23: Oh snap
Buffalohighschool18 #3
Chapter 22: Wow I'm shocked
Chapter 44: i really love this story ~~~
really enjoying story ^^ ~~~
yulyoonhyoseo #5
Chapter 43: wahhhh the ending is so great! but wait i'm just confused about Yoona and Yesung's relationship..are they blood related since you said Yesung is Yoona's Cousin so why did Yesung fell in love to Yoona and confess his feelings it's kinda b'coz they're Cousins anyways this story is sooo good just improve more your english grammar^^ author-nim hwaiting!!! YoonHae FTW!!!
IlyKaliesya #6
Chapter 38: Love this (:
salinaiena89 #7
Chapter 39: I don't know what to say but I enjoyed reading your story :-) fighting
Chapter 43: This is the best ending I ever read! I have read some endings before but they just okay. No story compares to this one! No One and Only You can make the best ending ever! It is the only story that has made me cried at the ending.