Fate and Dreams

Fate and Dreams


It was twelve o’clock in the morning. I should be asleep, but instead, I’m awake. My heart was hammering against my chest and my cheeks were unusually warm. Most people would think that I had awakened from a terrible nightmare, but it’s the complete opposite. I just had a dream that would’ve been incredibly amazing.... if it didn’t repeat itself every night. I had practically memorized every detail of this dream: the setting, the sounds, the people around me, and him. Every day I wonder if he was a real person or if he was just something that my wonderful imagination had cooked up. Running a hand through my tangled hair, I laid my head back down on my pillow and tried to return to my deep state of slumber. Instead of sleeping, though, I replayed the dream in my head like a film reel:

I was in a room full of people who were shoving each other, struggling to get a glimpse of the mysterious figure on a stage. I was curious about seeing this person too, so I began to push some people away to get to the front. Everything was in a state of chaos until a voice suddenly started singing. Everybody stopped and just stared at the figure in awe. Using this as an advantage, I made my way closer to the stage…

That’s when I saw him. The person that I’ve been constantly thinking about.

He had a simple haircut: short, styled brown hair. He was also wearing a pink shirt underneath a black and white suit jacket, along with white pants and black, leather shoes. However, it wasn’t his appearance that drew me in. It was his eyes. It looked like a normal pair of brown eyes at first, but once it made contact with mines, it spoke a million words to me. It expressed a myriad of emotions to me. His powerful and smooth voice gently led me to him. I became a mere puppet that was controlled by his strings. Without hesitation, I reached my hand out towards him and he grabbed it, bringing me onto the stage without breaking eye contact. When I was in front of him, he stopped singing and began to lean in. He got closer and closer…then…

I woke up.

Perhaps it was a waste of time to spend another night thinking about him, whoever he is. I shifted and turned to the side with a sigh, letting the drowsy feeling of sleep overtake me.

The shrill beeps of my alarm clock snapped me out of my deep slumber. Six o’clock AM: time for work. I felt like I’ve only slept for five minutes, when in reality, I had slept for six hours. Rubbing my eyes, I dragged myself out of bed and to the bathroom.

I put on a simple, but attractive outfit: a simple white blouse, black leggings, a coral pink jacket, and pair of gray flats. I ran a brush through my dyed, auburn hair before applying a light layer of make up. Slinging a light blue tote bag over my shoulder, I left my small, cozy apartment and stepped onto the streets of the busy and bustling Seoul. People of all kinds speeded past me: men in business suits, young girls in uniforms, and mothers with children. I calmly made my way down the street and turned to a wide alleyway lined with small shops. I stopped in front of a brick building with a wooden sign dangling above the welcoming door:

Café Macaron.

I entered the premises and was greeted with a loud voice,

“We’re not open--Oh, hi Hyomi! You’re early!”

My manager, Shin Minkyung, smiled brightly at me. She was a bright a bubbly person, perhaps a little too bubbly for me. Out of politeness, I gave her a small smile back before going behind the pastry counter. I hung my coat and bag on a dark brown coat rack and tied a small, black apron around my waist. As Minkyung placed the large, glass tip jar next to the counter, she said,

“We’re going to open up in a few minutes, so get ready! You’ll be working at the cash register today.”

I nodded wordlessly in reply. The morning went by rather slowly. There were a few schoolgirls from here and there and a good amount of random tech enthusiasts who wanted to use our free WiFi. I leaned over the counter casually, examining my nails as if it was the most interesting thing in the entire world.

“Excuse me?”

A slightly deep and smooth voice caused me to look up lazily, but I immediately stood up straight once I realized whom it was.

The guy from my dream.

Standing right in front of me.

I froze and just stared at him, and for a second, I swore that a glint of recognition was in his eyes. Shaking the thoughts away, I cleared my throat and asked,

“Um, what would you like today…sir?”

“A croissant please, and uh…” He gazed at the menu behind me and chewed on his lower lip before continuing, “A caramel macchiato.”

“For here or to go?”

“To go.”

“Okay. That’ll be 2.99.”

He handed me the exact amount of money, and his fingertips happened to accidently graze my palm. I could feel my cheeks grow a little warm as I placed the bills and coins into the cash register. I breathed a sigh of relief, though, when Minkyung came by and handed him his order. He gave us both a grateful smile before leaving.

“So, do you like him or what?”

I glared at Minkyung.

“What? What are you talking about?”

“That customer you just served is Do Kyungsoo. He’s a new singer at one of those fancy night clubs.” Minkyung replied with a mischievous grin.

Of course she would know something like that. She had practically been to every single club in Seoul.

“I-I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

“I heard that you need VIP tickets in order to get in. Luckily for you, I happened to have two, and I’ll be going tonight.”


“Come on, Hyomi. There’s no time to be afraid. You have to take your chance.” Minkyung smiled at me.

I gave her a hesitant look, but…

For once, maybe she was right.

In terms of appearance, I fit in perfectly with the rest of the crowd, but I was feeling the complete opposite. I was uncomfortable at the stares I was receiving. Tonight, I chose to wear a strapless gold cocktail dress, a black knitted cardigan, and a pair of black heels. This club was exactly like the location in my dream, but the people here seemed more refined. Suddenly, the lights of the room dimmed and a bright spotlight shined down on the center of the stage. My eyes immediately landed on the figure that was now in front of the microphone.

Do Kyungsoo, the man with the captivating eyes, and the one that I may have possibly fallen in love with.

Taking in a deep breath, Kyungsoo sang, his baritone voice filling the room like a calming wave. His eyes scanned the room and he stopped at a group of young girls. They began to squeal uncontrollably. Smiling a bit at them, Kyungsoo looked away and continued to look at everyone. My heart literally stopped, though, when his eyes landed on me. My breath was caught in my throat. There was a loud pounding sound in my ears as blood coursed non-stop through my veins and my heartbeat accelerated. Kyungsoo outstretched his hand towards me, as an inviting smile lit up his face. Instinctively, my feet moved forward, and I walked closer and closer to him. Without hesitation, I got up on the stage. He grabbed my hand tightly in his and stopped singing. The crowd, although clearly confused by the scene, remained completely silent.

It’s as if all time had stopped.

“I met you in a dream, but I never thought I’d meet you in real life.” Kyungsoo whispered.

“What was I doing in your dream?” I muttered.

“You were in the audience, just like you are tonight. You came up on stage and we sung a small duet before we…” He trailed off as his gaze moved from my eyes to my lips.

Kyungsoo wrapped an arm around my waist and pulled me closer to him. He slowly leaned down, and as my eyes fluttered close, I felt his warm lips on mines.

That was all I need to know that this was, indeed, not a dream. 

Author's Note:

fail!shot brought to you by tiffusan. OTL that's all i have to say. oh and please look forward to more oneshots because my brain can't seem to stop producing ideas. :/

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Chapter 1: cool~ :)))) SEQUEL~ :))
Chapter 1: This was cute. >·< Good job author-nim!
YES!!!! ...Thank god I gave you this. It turned out a lot better with your writing than if I wrote it. Good job, gull.
-ximini #4