You're enchanting, my prince/bad boy

You're enchanting

Embrace yourself as you read something totally crazy

“Unnie! How are you- Are you crying?!”

Minyoung’s eyes widened as she saw Chunhei, her unnie, crying her eyes out while holding onto a manga. She slightly tilted her head to take a glance at the cover of the book, before a sigh escaped her curved lips.

“Unnie, you’re reading ‘Bokura Ga Ita’ again?” Minyoung knew that the only manga that could make her unnie cry was that saddening slice of life manga that had been praised to heaven by countless people for being a one of a kind piece.

“It’s so sad, dongsaengie…” Chunhei sobbed, “Yano should’ve stayed with Nanami back then. Then he wouldn’t have to face all those hardships on his own. But aish! He’s such a great young man!”

“I thought you liked DN Angel’s Daisuke?” Minyoung said playfully, knowing very well that her unnie’s favorite male manga character changed from time to time.

“He is!” Chunhei defended herself, before blinking her eyes, “Didn’t you say you had to go to the manga shop today to pick up your order?”

“Oh my God, I totally forgot!” Minyoung exclaimed, before rushing to the door, “I’ll talk to you soon then, unnie!”

And before Minyoung could get a reply from her unnie, she had already left. She ran through the streets, the way to her favorite manga shop too familiar for her. As she rushed, her hands clenched around the straps of her back bag, and her hair easily covered her eyes whenever some wind brushed passed her. A happy grin appeared on her lips when she saw the bright sign above the shop.

"Ahjumma! I'm here for the latest volume of-" Minyoung rushed into the shop, but her voice instantly disappeared upon seeing the dazzling face of the unknown boy, "...Who are you?"

The stranger smiled politely, and seeing the little nameplate on his sweater, Minyoung reasoned he must be working here. That, though, was quite surprising, for as long as he had been a customer here, it had always been that one ahjumma who worked here. On top of that, Minyoung was mesmerized by this young man, who looked as though he just jumped out of a manga she had yet to read.

"Hello there, you must be," He quickly glanced on the piece of paper in his hand, "Minyoung-sshi, right?” He continued when he saw her nodding. “My name's Chanshik. I actually just started working here this week, so please take care of me. Here's your order."

He handed her the white, plastic bag with the most charming smile, and Minyoung clumsily reached out for it. She had no idea what was happening to her, but the countless mangas she had read in her life and the daily doses animes she had watched when she was actually supposed to be sleeping told her it had something to do with 'love at first sight' or 'enchanted'. It was only when his polite smile slowly turned into a playful grin that she snapped out of her crazy thoughts.

"You know, I hadn't expected a girl like you to read rated mangas like these." He pointed at the plastic bag, "and not even the mild ones too."

It took her moments before she realized what he was saying, before the cruel reality daunted on her. She quickly looked through the bag, her heart falling as she did. Yes, she could find the latest limited edition volume of K-ON, which she had been longing to get for ages already, but there were also a bunch of other mangas she had no memory of ever ordering. However, it soon surfaced in her mind that she was not alone when she came to the manga shop the previous time. She was with that one particular person, who had kindly told her he would order the volume for her because she had to go for guitar lesson. And that person was no other but...

Jung Jinyoung.

"That bastard-" Minyoung hissed, but was cut off by the enchanting boy.

"So, would you like to pay now for all the mangas you've ordered, or would you like to read them in the corner of the shop first?" And he smoothly pointed to the corner of the shop specifically for people to read their mangas in the shop. 

So there stood Choi Minyoung, meeting the boy who she had minutes ago labeled as her manga prince, while the boy thought she was some erted otaku.

Great, just great.

Jung Jinyoung, you are going down.


“Hello there, Minyoung! How-”

Jinyoung greeted her cheerfully, oblivious to the boiling anger she had successfully hidden from being noticed. It was only when she stood in front of him that the empty smile turned into a wicked one, scaring the hell out of the poor boy.

“Jung Jinyoung,” Minyoung’s voice dripped with awful sweetness as she spoke, “could you please explain to me why I suddenly had to pay for six volumes of Koibana Onsen?”

She held onto one of those volumes with an angelic expression, and Jinyoung could feel the blood rushing out of his face. His hands trembled as he reached for it, but she merely slapped his hand away.

Could you? Because all thanks to you, this new part-timer there thinks I’m a erted otaku obsessed with… With this!” And that was the cue for Jinyoung to quickly think of an excuse or to beg for mercy for his life.

“Y-You see… It’s- Well, that day, you had to go, and I…” Jinyoung’s eyes were filled with despair, “I just wanted to prank you, okay?! I’m sorry- Wait,” He blinked his eyes in surprise, “part-time worker?”

“Yes! And you totally crushed my first impression to him!” Minyoung huffed, “It’s your entire fault… So you better make it up to me!”

Minyoung screamed the last part, looking Jinyoung straight in the eyes. However, instead of seeing a guilty expression she had expected to see, she saw one of amusement. Dark amusement.

“Oh my God, I should’ve been there to see that!” Jinyoung exclaimed, “That would’ve been a brilliant sight!”

Minyoung threw him an angry glare, “Jung Jinyoung, stop it…”

Jinyoung ignored her, and instead, rummaged through the plastic manga bag, his eyes glistering with something Minyoung wished she had never seen.  

“You erted bastard.” Minyoung said angrily.

“Don’t be too sad. As if he could’ve been handsomer than me, or in any way better than me.” Jinyoung brightly held a manga in front of her eyes, “Here, for you.”

Minyoung scrutinized her eyes at the book, “What. Is. It?”

“Octave,” Jinyoung grinned when he saw her confused expression, “yuri. Since I highly doubt your ual orientation because you don’t seem to fall head over heels for your own best friend, I might as well help you as you try to accept the fact that you like girls. Don’t worry, I won’t dislike you because of it.”

If Jinyoung wanted to live, he should not have said that. He should have never said that.

“Jinyoung-ah,” Minyoung’s eyes shone with fake cuteness, “you know what’s more funny?”

“What?” Jinyoung asked while flipping through the pages of the manga.

“A Jung Jinyoung who won’t ever to create offspring that will pollute this world.” And with those words, she kicked him hard on the one spot boys cherished a lot.


“Welcome! How can I help- Oh,” Chanshik’s polite smile instantly changed into a grin when he saw it was Minyoung, “it’s you.”

Normally, she would have argued back, or kicked him like she did to Jinyoung all the time. However, it was just someone she was talking to right now. No, it was her manga prince. He was an exception to all her rules. Unfortunately.

“So you’re the manga prince?” Jinyoung asked beside her, chuckling amusedly.

Oh, Jung Jinyoung, you’re so dead.

“Manga prince?” A flash of confusion crossed his eyes, “Me?”

“Minyoung over here told me her manga prince worked here, and I was curious as to whether it was really not a girl, but now that I look at you more carefully,” Jinyoung stepped closer to the counter, leaning on it to take a closer look at Chanshik, “you may as well be a girl. I’d date you.”

If she had a gun, she would have shot him in the head.

Chanshik’s grin only grew wider at this, “I like you.”

Jinyoung nodded his head while wearing an evenly wide grin, “I like you too.”

Minyoung did not know whether to laugh or to cry, for her best friend just made friends with her manga prince. No, not only that, they seemed to be the same kind. The same damn erted kind.

“I can’t believe you two!” Minyoung screamed frustrated, “I can’t believe it!”

“Hey, you got some good mangas?” Jinyoung casually asked, completely ignoring his best friend’s furious screams.

“Well, little Miss there has got some good mangas.” Chanshik said while eyeing her amusedly.

“Ah, that? Yeah, she can be quite the erted kind sometimes.” Jinyoung feigned disappointment, “And here I was, thinking she was the quiet, shy type of girl.”

“Stop lying, Jung Jinyoung!” Minyoung yelled at him, “Aish, bastard!”

“And she’s got some attitude problems too.” Jinyoung added matter-of-factly.

She did not understood why Jung Jinyoung was her best friend. No, she really did not understand why she would ever be friends with such a person like him. She really should stop being so open-hearted when it comes to making friends.

“Here, this one just arrived today. Yuuki is so hot!” Chanshik showed Jinyoung some manga, eyes shining.

“Oh! No way, she’s by far not as hot as Code Geass’ C.C.!” Jinyoung shook his head disapprovingly.

Chanshik’s eyebrows were knitted together as he spoke, “I’d rather go for Kallen.”

“This conversation is ridiculous.” Minyoung muttered, but hard enough for them to hear.

“Minyoung-ah! Who’s hotter: C.C. or Kallen?!” Jinyoung asked Minyoung, hoping his best friend would stand at his side.

“You bastard, you’re seriously asking me which girl I like better?” Minyoung glared at him deadly.

He shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly, eyes looking at her innocently. “Of course, you should be the one to know.”

“What? She’s into girls?” Chanshik popped into the conversation, “You seem to be full of surprises, Minyoung-sshi.”

She knew her face was burning red, fuming even. These two were ridiculous, simply ridiculous. Crazy, pathetic, bastards. Well, no, only Jinyoung was a bastard. Time for pay-back.

“You know, Chanshik-sshi, our Jinyoung here,” Minyoung skipped to Jinyoung’s side, eyes shining with evilness, “is very interested… In boys. I hope you understand what I mean.”

The looks on both their faces were priceless. Jinyoung’s expression was one of terrified shock, while Chanshik looked as though he had lost all life and energy in his body. They looked like complete fools.

“You…” Chanshik’s voice trembled as he glanced at Jinyoung, who gulped down his saliva in anxiety.

“Yes, Chanshik-sshi, I’m interested in you… Are you frightened of me?” Jinyoung said, and Minyoung’s eyes widened at the sudden turn of events.

“Of course not,” Chanshik slowly moved his hand towards Jinyoung’s face, “of course not…”

“What the hell is going on-”

“Got ya!” They both exclaimed in unison, bursting out in laughter.

“Damn, you’re good!” Jinyoung said while patting Chanshik’s shoulder before looking at Minyoung. “Aish, did you really think anyone would believe you when you say I’m interested in guys? Girl, you’re so naïve! But Minyoung-ah, this manga prince of yours is a keeper! I like him!”

Then why don’t you go out with him, you bastard.

“Unbelievable,” Minyoung said while shaking her head, “you two are unbelievable.”

She walked out of the shop while continuing to shake her head in unbelief, forbidding herself to ever talk to Jinyoung again.


“I’m not going inside! Damn, unnie, I said no!”

Minyoung tried to escape from Chunhei’s strong grasp, but it was futile. Chunhei sighed while giving her a confused look.

“What’s wrong with you? You’ve been here like a thousand times already!” Chunhei pulled her into the shop, “Come on!”

Why is everyone like this to me these days, Minyoung thought depressively as she followed behind her unnie. She took place on a chair in the corner, too lazy and not in the mood to pick a manga to read. She heaved a deep sigh, her body leaning tiredly against the chair while her face is directed to the ceiling. She used to be excited whenever she was here, but knowing that her manga prince worker here, all happy feelings were immediately gone. Slowly, her eyes fluttered close.

Only to be reminded of that boy’s face.

She was not going to lie that she felt attracted to the boy, and that he was really her manga prince in her eyes. However, he was everything but how she thought he would be. Yet, it did not stop her from thinking about him. She shook her head, hitting her head with her fist, trying to knock some sense in herself.

“What are you doing?”


Minyoung slowly opened her eyes, hesitant to look at the person in front of her. She knew who it was just by the voice alone, but she had wished it was her own imagination.

“I… I was… I just- Aish, why would you even bother asking?” Minyoung asked irritated.

Chanshik grinned. “Wow, someone doesn’t seem all too happy. You shouldn’t talk to your prince like this.”

“I can’t believe I ever called you my manga prince.” Minyoung blew out some air, “I’d rather stick with my dear Zero.”

“Ah, I can be your knight in shining armor too if you want.” Chanshik flipped his hair handsomely.

“I think you got yourself some prince syndrome.” Minyoung said with glaring eyes. “You better get yourself checked. And while you’re at it, take Jinyoung with you. That bastard needs a serious check-up.”

She really was not kidding when she said Jinyoung needed some serious check-ups. Minyoung had always been suspicious that something was terribly wrong with Jinyoung’s brain. Maybe she had made him her best friend out of pity, now she thought about it. Yes, she was still angry at that bastard.

“Aren’t all of you like this? You all read mangas, because the boys in there are so handsome, so perfect? They have the bad guy attitude, but pure heart, and they love you and only you. Really, guys like that don’t exist.”

Minyoung noticed the little bitterness laced in his words, but decided to keep it to herself for the time being. For her, mangas were not like that. They were also not only for entertainment, to kill time with. Like every other girl, she just dreamed about her own ideal boy. One she tried hard to find in mangas.

The prince of her dreams.

“No, that’s not true.” Minyoung said confidently. “They do exist.”

Because one day, she would find her ideal boy.

When she glanced at Chanshik, her heart skipped a beat.

His lips were curved down in melancholia.


Chanshik was her manga prince. However, he actually was not. And then again, he was. It was quite confusing, really, but the situation is that in Minyoung’s eyes, this part-time worker in the manga shop was not as bad as she initially thought. Yes, he would make stupid remarks from time to time and when he was together with Jinyoung, Minyoung had to suffer a lot. However, behind all that, she found something pure. She found the shining in his eyes whenever his lips curved up sincerely for the slightest moment. She noticed the warmth laced in his words.

She found her real ideal prince in Chanshik.

“Yah, you’re here again?” Was the first thing Chanshik asked when Minyoung stepped inside the small shop.

“Well,” She eyed him before continuing, “I’m here for my order. It’s his birthday soon.”

Chanshik handed her the plastic bag, which she reluctantly held since she knew what was in it. Minyoung silently paid for it and was about to walk out of the shop, when his voice stopped her.

“Is he your boyfriend?”

Minyoung swiftly turned around, unbelief painted all over her face, “Oh boy, no, thank God, no.”

And there it was again, the almost unnoticeable smile lingering on his lips, and it vanished as fast as it came, “I see. He seems like a good boyfriend, though.”

“He’s everything but a good boyfriend.” Minyoung chuckled, “How could you even think that?”

“Isn’t he the kind of guy girls fall for?” Chanshik shrugged his shoulder, bad boy mode on again, “It’s about that player side of a boy that attracts girls.”

Minyoung’s eyebrows knitted together, “That’s not true. At least for me, it isn’t.”

“Then what type of guy do you like, Minyoung-sshi?” Chanshik asked, his eyes boring into hers.

For a moment, Minyoung asked herself why she would tell him what her ideal boyfriend was. It was not like it mattered to him, but something inside of her urged her to just tell. It could not hurt anyways.

“The sweet boy type, with brilliant smiles and cute puppy eyes. He only sees me, and I only see him. We blend together perfectly, and though he may be awkwardly cute sometimes, he’s handsome and manly deep inside. That,” Minyoung smiled brightly, “is my ideal prince.”

“…I see,” Chanshik looked away, “I see.” Then his eyes flickered back to her, “And you called me…”

“My manga prince.” She said confidently.

The conversation died after that, neither of them daring to speak out another word.


Brilliant eye smile, together with a handsomely curved up lips. Soft, dark hair. Tall, not too skinny but well built.

The features of her ideal prince had always been vague, but these days, it could all be summed into one word.


She did not know when it happened – actually, she did – but his face had been the one that welcomed her in every dream she had these days, filling up all the blurry faces. How that had happened, she had no clue, but she did not mind it. Chanshik really was a prince in her eyes, even though his appearance was not like that all. The more time she spent with him in the manga shop, the more he realized that his bad boy attitude was really nothing more but an act. The little gestures had given it away.

And she was sure she was right.


Minyoung quickly rushed to the shop while tightly holding onto her umbrella, the rain pouring down mercilessly. It was raining so hard all of a sudden, but luckily, she had brought an umbrella with her. She quickly stepped into the shop, the warmth welcoming her comfortably.

“Minyoung-ah, you’re here.”

Minyoung was surprised to hear ahjumma’s voice, which she had not heard for a very long time since Chanshik came. Her eyes quickly scanned the place, hoping to find the person she was looking for. She was sure he was working today.

“Ah, you’re looking for Chanshik-ah? He had to go somewhere today, so he had to leave early.”

“Did he say where he would go to?” Minyoung asked curiously.

“He didn’t tell me,” The ahjumma sighed with a warm smile, “but he just left, so if you need him, you can try to look for him. He shouldn’t be too far.”

Minyoung did not waste any more time, and quickly ran out of the shop. She was not sure whether she would able to find him, but it was worth the try. Her hands clumsily tried to open her umbrella, and when she finally succeeded, she quickly shielded herself from the seemingly never-ending rain. Her eyes darted around, trying to think about which direction to go to. Though she was aimlessly running, and occasionally bumped into other pedestrians, she did not want to give up. It made her think why exactly he was worth so much effort, but she did not know the answer to the question.

He just was.

And as if there was magic, she found him in front of her, his back facing her.

He did not have an umbrella, and even though there was some distance between the two of them, Minyoung could see he was soaked wet. He was wearing a black blazer with black pants, with a white dress shirt underneath. In his hands, there were white flowers. He was dressed way too formal. Minyoung furrowed her eyebrows when the traffic light turned green, but he did not cross the street. She noticed his head was hanging down, his whole posture lost of any strength.  Hesitantly, she approached him, her hand slowly extending to put the umbrella above him, preventing rain to further drench him. He must have noticed the sudden loss of contact between the rain and his body, and slowly turned around, his eyes glassy and empty.

It took away her breath, stunned her, but most importantly, made her want to hold him tight.

“Chanshik-sshi... What are you doing out here?” She asked softly, scared.

“W-Why are y-you here…?” He asked monotonously, his voice stolen from any energy.

“Come on, let’s go somewhere inside. It’s cold outside.” She urged while trying to reach out for him, but he quickly moved away from her hand.

“Leave me alone.”

The stern look he was wearing and the way he spoke with utmost seriousness should have made it clear that he did not want her to be here right now, but Minyoung knew better than to run away right now. She just felt that he did not meant any of those words.

“I’ll accompany you to where you have to go, okay?” Minyoung said without looking at him, continuing trying to shield him from the rain.

“I said,” He hissed irritated, “leave me alone.”

“Don’t want to,” She said matter-of-factly, “and I won’t mind standing here with you either.”

It did not matter that she was now the person getting soaked wet, and that she was feeling terribly cold right now. No, it all did not matter, and she knew why the moment he flashed her a smile. Not just a smile, but the smile she had been longing to see every day these days. The smile she could look at all the day without getting tired.

The smile that was truly Chanshik.

And she realized that the question should have never been why Chanshik was worth all the effort, since she knew the answer. Instead, the question should have been why Chanshik could cause her to put so much effort in him, and the answer was so obvious to her.

Because he was Chanshik, and she liked Chanshik.


“Hello there, Eunji.”

Minyoung never thought they would go to a graveyard. She never thought Chanshik would get all dressed up to meet someone who was not living anymore. Most of all, she had not expected Chanshik to come all the way here…

“Where are we going?” Minyoung asked.

“To my ex-girlfriend.” Chanshik answered with a blank expression.

Just for his ex-girlfriend.

He put down the flowers next to her gravestone, “It’s been a long time since I last saw you, but I never thought the next time we would see each other would be like this...”

He sat down next to the grave, his head leaning against the cold surface of the stone, while Minyoung watched him. The rain had stopped, fortunately, but they were both shivering because of the coldness. Chanshik did not seem to care about the frantic trembling of his body, for all his attention was fixed on the person lying in the ground.

“I had wanted to visit you earlier, but I didn’t have the courage. However, since today was supposed to be our anniversary, I thought it would be appropriate for me to at least visit you today.”

Chanshik turned silent, his eyes fluttering close, as if savoring the moment with his ex-girlfriend. Minyoung would be lying if it did not hurt seeing Chanshik like this, but she knew she could do nothing to brighten him up. Certainly not now. She could only accompany him while he visited his ex-girlfriend.

“You know… When I got to know that you cheated on me… I was devastated, Eunji-ah. I asked myself what exactly I did wrong. Then you said that it had nothing to do with me. You said it was… It was because I wasn’t as you thought I would be. I was not the kind of prince charming you expected me to be. I wasn’t the kind of bad boy with a pure heart you desired. I was boring. You said Sunwoo was everything you needed. You said that even though I would color my hair blonde like him, and I would start to wear those clothes he wore, I still wouldn’t be able to be the kind of person you desired. That no matter how much I tried…” Chanshik choked into his tears, “I’d never be able to be the prince that’s in your mind. The ideal boy in your heart Sunwoo could be.”

Unconsciously, tears were rolling down Minyoung’s cheeks too. However, Chanshik was too absorbed in his own thoughts to realize it, and Minyoung had quickly wiped them away.

“I… When I heard that you got into a motorcycle accident… I was so sad. Then I heard that the driver was Sunwoo, and he was supposed to bring you home, but he drove too fast and the both of you died, and I was so angry. However, when I heard from everyone how happy you were with him, how bright you shone when you stood next to him, I couldn’t continue to stay angry at you. I really couldn’t. He gave you the things I could never give to you… So who am I to be angry?” Chanshik cried in agony, “Who am I to be mad at anyone?”

Silence consumed them, before moments later, Chanshik’s soft pleading voice broke it.

“I just hope that the feelings we ever shared… Were mutual.”


“She was my first crush, first love, first girlfriend.” Chanshik said the moment they sat comfortably in a little café near the graveyard.

“I see…” Minyoung merely responded, not knowing what else was appropriate to say.

“She… She was lovely. She was beautiful. She was wonderful, really. And I really thought that we were like bread and butter, made for each other. I really thought that in her eyes, there was only me.” Chanshik grinned sadly. “How wrong I was…”

Chanshik glanced out the window, his melancholic expression tugging onto Minyoung’s heart. It was not like her heart liked the sight, but it also was not the case that she was in the position to do anything. Maybe that was the hardest thing to accept. The fact that there really was nothing you could do to comfort the other, while this person was in so much pain.

“I really wonder if I should’ve acted like a bad guy. Maybe she would’ve stayed then…”

“I…” Minyoung bravely began, “I really don’t think that’s the case, Chanshik-sshi. You’re special just like you are. There’s no need to pretend to be someone you aren’t.”

The first time she met him, she really thought he was a bad boy, but the more she spent time with him, the more she realized he was not like that. He was not born like that. He did not like being like that either.

“In someone’s eyes, you may be boring, but in another’s eyes,” Minyoung’s eyes glistered as she spoke, “you’re one of a kind, the one and only prince she had been looking for.”

“I really wonder if girls seek princes…” Chanshik grinned sadly, “For as far as I know, girls eventually fall for bad boys, players. Boys who always put the girl on top of everything, and treasure them with all they have, always lose the girls in the end…” Chanshik shook his head, “They always do.”

“For me…” Minyoung took a deep breath, the words burning on her tongue, “you’re my ideal prince.”

It was the real Chanshik that had touched her heart that had made her fall head over heels for him. It was not the Chanshik who tried to act different than he really was. No, it was the real Chanshik.

“You’ll get tired of me…” Chanshik said emotionlessly.

“I’m sure I won’t.” She responded, “Never.”

She was not lying when she said she would never get tired of seeing Chanshik’s face, hearing Chanshik’s voice, listening to Chanshik’s awkward talking, being with Chanshik. Because, as far as she knows, that was exactly what she liked. That was exactly what made her fall in love with Chanshik.

Chanshik smirked, “You’re way too confident for your own good.”

“Then… Why don’t you let me show you I’m for real?” Minyoung bit her lip nervously, “Because I really am.”

What had given Minyoung the courage to speak out those words, she did not know, but she was relieved to have done so. Embarrassment, pride, it all did not matter. All she knew was that she did not want to regret anything. Not when it came to Chanshik. It was as if he was a dream, a dream she did not want to lose. A dream she wanted to tightly hold onto, and if possible, never let go.

“You want a date with me?” Chanshik asked emotionlessly.

“No,” Minyoung shook her head, “I want a date with the real Chanshik.”

He looked deep in her eyes, not saying a word, but nothing was necessary to be spoken. The eyes said it all. And the way his lips curved up so genuinely already gave her the answer she needed.



She felt so immensely happy when the moment she stepped outside her house, a smiling Chanshik was the first thing she saw. He looked so enchanting, so charming, though all he wore were casual clothes. It only confirmed once more for her that he was, indeed, her prince.

The one and only prince.

“Chanshik,” Minyoung said nervously, “you’re here early.”

Everything felt so surreal, as if she had been in a rollercoaster. It was as if everything had flashed in front of her, and here she was, standing in front of the prince of her dreams. No, not dreams. He was the prince of her life.

“Of course,” Chanshik eye-smile was brilliant, “let’s go.” 

He extended his arm to reach for her hand, and the moment their fingers intertwined with each other, Minyoung felt something inside of her melt. It was like a fairytale, a love story, with her as the main character. With her being the princess, and Chanshik the prince. It was like acting her favorite manga story, but for real.

They both smiled brightly.


“Why manga prince?”

Chanshik asked as they looked at each other. His gentle eyes softly gazed into hers, making her feel comfortable around him. They had decided to go on the ferris wheel, and being all up in the sky was the right moment for the both of them to pour out their hearts.

“That was the first thing I thought when I saw you.” Minyoung confessed earnestly.

“I don’t understand why though, when our first encounter wasn’t particularly a good one.” Chanshik chuckled slightly.

“A-Ah… Those mangas really weren’t for me!” Minyoung quickly defended herself, cheeks turning red.

Chanshik smiled, “I know.”

“You know?” Minyoung asked, eyes blinking in surprise.

“Yeah, I knew it from the start,” Chanshik confessed, “I just acted like that, pretending I didn’t know… Not the best first impression, was it?”

Minyoung shook her head, “It’s okay.”

“It was not very prince-like, though. My image must have been crushed after that.”

It may have, but it had been glued together again, Chanshik-ah.

“Actually, I think it’s what made our own story special.” Minyoung grinned, “Every little detail… It’s what made it our own story.”

Chanshik glanced outside, and Minyoung followed him. The sight was breathtaking, yet calming. It allowed them the peace to think, and for Chanshik, it was really what he needed at that moment.

“I’ve always thought that the first encounter should be perfect. It should be the first building block to a beautiful love story. Our story,” He shook his head defeated, “was all messed up.”

They both looked in each other’s eyes before moments later, an amused smile creeping on both their lips.

“Do you think what I’m thinking?” Chanshik asked with a grin.

“Depends on whether you read me clear enough.” Minyoung grinned back.


Minyoung’s heart started to beat inhumanly fast as she stood in front of the manga shop, hesitant to step inside. However, after taking a deep breath, she confidently walked into the shop.

“Hello there, how can I help you?”

In front of her stood the most dazzling boy, wearing the brightest smile she had ever seen. Her own lips slowly curved up into a smile too as they stood in front of each other.

“I’m here to pick up my order.”

“Ah! Minyoung-sshi, right?” His face lit up as he gave her the plastic bag he already had in his hand, “Here you go.”

“You’re… You’re new here, aren’t you?” Minyoung asked curiously.

“Ah, yes, my name is Chanshik. Nice to meet you.” Chanshik extended his hand to her, which she happily answered, “It’s enchanting to meet you.”

This time, there were no rated mangas, no bad boy remarks. This time, it was exactly as they had in their minds.

“No,” Minyoung grinned happily, “you’re enchanting.”


Oh my, you still here?! :O I... I don't even know what I wrote, lol XD
Oh, and actually, helow a little bit more to end this story comedically, but you don't have to read it :) It's an extra :D
Well, happy birthday dongsaengie, here's your birthday present~ :) Hope you weren't too disappointed~


“Aish,” Jinyoung stood up from his chair in the corner, not able to take the two any longer, “what the hell are you two acting?! I can’t look at it any longer!”

“Ah, Jung Jinyoung! You ruined it all!” Minyoung yelled at him.

“Don’t blame me! You two are ridiculous! I can’t even concentrate on my manga!” He argued back, waving his manga in the air. “I can’t believe you two stupid fools.”

Both Minyoung and Chanshik laughed out loud, while Jinyoung’s face was fuming in frustration.

No matter what, every love story had to be ruined by Jung Jinyoung.

“Where are my rated mangas I ordered?”


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Chapter 1: Waaaa how I wish I have a friend like the almighty Jung Jinyoung--my prince lol <3 I love this! :D
man. i thought it would be a sad ending.but actually is amazing! keep writing.hwaiting