Funny Band

Music Troubles


“Haneul! You are now officially working with us, Super Junior!” announced a happy Leeteuk.

Everyone clapped as the black haired girl sat in front of them with a shocked look. She was excited on the inside but expressionless on the outside like Yesung.

“Yeah!” shouted Eunhyuk hugging Haneul cheerfully without noticing how stupid he looked.

As he let go everyone started hugging her as well immediately.

“Now, first of all, we’re going to make a schedule for the next few days, seeing as you’re only working with us and you’ll be seen with some members and the paparazzi might think you’re dating one of the members, so you’re going to come to interviews with us and you’ll explain why you’re going to be seen with us,” the leader explained.

“Okay, but what do I say?” asked Haneul.

“We’ve agreed that you say that you were working with us and you wanted to become a star like us so we’re helping you out.”

“Okay, simple and easy, said Haneul nodding her head looking towards Heechul who smiled back.

“Great, then get ready for tomorrow, first she’ll go to an interview on MBC Sunday Night Dong-An Club with Sungmin, Kangin, Heechul and I then MBC Love Chaser, then with Ryeowook, Yesung and Kibum on Yesung's MIRACLE Radio Show,” Leeteuk said explaining the schedules. “Then, the next day, she’ll go with Sungmin, Donghae and Eunhyuk to Kangin's M!Countdown Radio Show and last is a press conference with all of the members. Good, so everyone know what they’re all doing?” asked Leeteuk finishing his explanation.

All of them nodded and they went to bed.

The day before, Haneul had gotten her stuff and moved into Sungmin and Eunhyuk’s room. She had only brought the things that she really needed unlike most girls, well actually, she brought barely anything with her.

“Haneul, how come you have so little things?” asked Sungmin looking at the things she brought with her, which was basically a toothbrush, pillow, blanket, brush, some clothes and a few other things. “And how come we have so much?”

“Eh? Aigoo, you have so much things, everything’s everywhere,” replied Haneul gasping.

“We… we need to go shopping, now,” Eunhyuk said pulling Haneul to the door.

“Uh, bwo?” she asked. “We have to go to sleep.”

“Oh… then…. when our schedules are done, we are going to go shopping, more clothes and other things, because clearly you don’t have enough things to become famous, especially the make-up and things for appearance.”

“Okay, fine, but I get to choose.”


“So, what’s our budget for the shopping?” asked Haneul waiting for an answer from one of them.

“U-Uh, a-actually, I never a-actually thought about it,” said Eunhyuk trying to sound a little quiet.

Haneul silently giggled which brightened up Eunhyuk’s mood.

“Okay! Guys, turn off the lights before 1:00 am! Haneul needs some sleep, she has a tight schedule,”  announced Leeteuk.

“’Kay!” the all shouted back to him.

At 12:35 pm Sungmin, Eunhyuk and Haneul’s room still had their lights on. They were chatting on what was going to happen.

“Well, I think, that, I will have a great time being with you guys because, an opportunity like this never would’ve happened if I hadn’t even gotten a single interest in Korean stuff, or even came to Korea,” said Haneul slowly then slowly she smiled at the two boys sitting beside her.

“So, you mean you aren’t Korean? I thought you were, you speak Korean so fluently,” asked Sungmin.

“Yeah, I’m Vietnamese. I was born in Vietnam and then lived in Australia when I was around eight. But then my mum was buying Korean dramas and tried to get me and my family into them, so we watched them and I started learning Korean because I wanted to know more. I came to Korea to study, then I started singing and playing piano.”

“Oh, how long have you been learning Korean?”

“About, seven years.”

“Hm…. cool.”

“Can you say anything in Vietnamese?” asked Eunhyuk looking at Haneul with a cute look.

“Okay,” said Haneul. “…Tôi nghĩ rằng bạn rất dễ thương.” said Haneul shyly in Vietnamese.

The two members started smiling.

“What does that mean?”

“I said, ‘I think you’re cute’,” Haneul explained and they all laughed.

“Is that true?”

“….Why are you asking me that for?” asked Haneul not able to answer as the two laughed again.

She found it funny as well and laughed along with them.

“Can you speak anything else?” asked Sungmin.

“When I was in Australia, I had to learn English.”

“Then say something.”

“You two have the messiest room I’ve ever seen.” said Haneul in fluent English.

“What did you say?” asked Eunhyuk.

Haneul explained to them what she said and they laughed again.

“Why tell us that? Ryeowook and Kangin have a messier room, they wrestle each other and then everything goes everywhere!” exclaimed Sungmin.

Haneul chuckled.

“Then let’s go see.”

They followed her to Ryeowook and Kangin’s room. They were still awake when they entered and saw them wrestling like Sungmin said. When Haneul stepped inside with rubbish, clothes etc. everywhere around the room her jaw dropped.

“I told you, our room isn’t even as messy as this.” Sungmin said kicking a few jackets.

“Omo, bạn có hai sống trong một chuồng!” Haneul gasped in disgust.

The members looked at each other as Haneul kicked a few things out of her way.

“What did she just say?” asked Ryeowook as him and Kangin stopped wrestling.

“Dunno,” replied Eunhyuk.

“Haneul, what did you say?” asked Sungmin tapping her shoulder.

“Oh, I said ‘You two live in a pigsty!’ in Vietnamese,” Haneul explained to them.

All them had a ‘oooohhh’ moment.

“Why is she speaking Vietnamese?” asked Kangin.

“Apparently, she is Vietnamese,” replied Sungmin all of them still staring at Haneul kicking more things out of her way.

“Oh, really? I thought she was Korean, she speaks so fluently. I think better than Hankyung.”

“That’s what I said before, she’s been learning Korean for seven years.”

“Then, Haneul? Do you have a Vietnamese name?” asked Ryeowook getting her attention from kicking his stuff.

“Yeah, uh, Huế,”  replied Haneul. “It’s actually my given name.”

“Do you have an English name?” asked Eunhyuk.

“She can speak English?” asked Kangin.

“Yeah, she lived in Australia when she was around eight, so she had to learn English,” Sungmin explained remembering what Haneul said.

“Yeah, in English, my name is Amber, meaning sky. Also when I was in primary, for four years I had to learn a whole new language at school. It was uh, Chinese, Madarin,” Haneul explained.

“Chinese? Man, she’s like the whole package.” said Kangin.

“Bwo?” asked Eunhyuk.

They all started laughing because of Kangin’s bad choice of words.

“No, no, not in that way, I mean she knows so many languages, it’s like she can learn anything,” Kangin explained.

They ignored him and continuesly laughed their heads off.

“B-But, I’m serious, don’t-don’t take it seriously!”

They stopped laughing after a few moments to settle down.

“So then, heh, can you say something in Chinese?” asked Ryeowook.


“What did you say?”

“Hello everyone! I’m Haneul.”

“Wait, who’s everyone?” asked Ryeowook as they all started laughing.

“Now, what are we going to do after we get Haneul settled down, and everyone gets used to her?” asked Kangin.

“I think, we’re going to be on a reality show called Super Junior Show. I think soon we’re going to go to Thailand as well,” explained Eunhyuk.

“Okay! Guys!” shouted someone down the hallway.

“Oh, Hyung!” exclaimed Sungmin as the leader walked in.

“Hey, guys, time to sleep, it’s already 12:50pm,” Leeteuk told them.

“Okay,” they all said and went to sleep.

As Haneul slept she slightly smiled and before falling asleep she thought, “What a funny band.”

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shinningstars #1
OMO OMO OMO OMO !!!!!!<br />
ANIYOOO !!!<br />
TT__TT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
I TOTALLY LOVE IT. Not only was the main girl Vietnamese... but yeah.<br />
Since I'm Vietnamese, too. xD<br />
shinningstars #3
awww ~ sungminnieee ~ <3<br />
i could imagine him being all cute and such for some reasons ~ lolol
shinningstars #4
aigoooo ! wth was that ?! now it's really hard to choose which one's bf or hubby material ! ><'<br />
update sooon ~
shinningstars #5
Woookie's present was cuteeee ~<br />
but minnie!!!!!! D:
shinningstars #6
awiieee ~ that was sweeeet of sungmin to give her a necklace ~ but wat did woookie got her ?<br />
i wanna know i wanna knowww ! :3<br />
kekeke<br />
update soooooon ~
winterflowr #7
Poor SUngmin...he keeps apologizing!<br />
Update soon!
Haha. Eunhyuk was so happy :)Update soon~
winterflowr #9
Aigoo! She's Vietnamese! lol I'm Vietnamese too :D<br />
Yeah! I could totally understand what she was saying in Viet!<br />
Dang! She knows so many languages!<br />
Thank you for updating!
winterflowr #10
Lol...why is Eunhyuk so happy! Does he like her too??<br />
jk--his dancing~I wish I were there!<br />
Update soon!