Go For It!

Go For It! [One-Shot]

A/N: *jumps up and down* AH!  Sorry for the late update!!! >.<;; Last night, I was busy eating dinner and then doing some preparing for school, and then finishing my chores and all that boring stuff  -_-" School is starting in a few more days~ NU~ If you are still in school, I hope that you have a wonderful school year guys!!
Now for my fic...that has been delayed for too long....


Chunji likes L.Joe.  Well, we all know that.  They're friends; best friends, to be exact.  They joke around with each other, and they're even a fan service couple.  But Chunji wants to be more than a "fan service" couple.  Chunji likes L.Joe in a way that he knew he shouldn't, but it couldn't be helped.  He liked L.Joe too much that he thought it should be illegal to feel the way he did.  Heck, L.Joe himself should be an illegal person; nobody has handsome and amazing as the white-blonde haired boy should be allowed to live.  Or that's what Chunji thought, at least.

The golden blonde haired boy pouted slightly, touching his hair, a small habit he does when he's nervous.  He didn't know why he was really nervous; maybe because he and L.Joe were the only ones left at the dance studio, waiting for the van to come back after dropping the other members off at the dorm.  Since they were usually squished in the van, and since the day was a sticky, hot day, they had decided to split into two - the NAP couple, who were already a real couple, and the ChangRick couple, who were also already a couple, went home first, determined not to be seperated.  Niel and Ricky had teased Chunji with a smile that read, "Have fun being alone~," and Chunji had shoved them out the door without thinking, determined not to get embarrassed.

Now he regretted the decision.  He wished that he could just walk home, but he couldn't risk it, not when he didn't bring any sunglasses or hats.  On the other hand, L.Joe was wearing his usual disguise, a cap pulled deeply over his head so that the shade hid his face, and sunglasses, just in case.  Chunji was throwing a mental tantrum and he grumbled some not-so-good stuff before getting up and walking to the door, catching L.Joe's attention.  He needed some alone time, even for just a few minutes.  But, of course, oblivious and curious L.Joe had to come follow him.

"Um...L.Joe...can you not follow me?" Chunji bit out hesitantly.  Usually, he would follow the younger around, annoying him beyond comprehension.  However, today was the other way around.  Chunji wanted to be alone, but L.Joe was in the mood to annoy people.

"But Chunji~ I'm bored," L.Joe said, pouting a little.

God, that pout.  Chunji's lips formed a pout on it's own, and he swore he saw L.Joe's lips curve into a smirk for a split second.  "But L.Joe...I want to be alone for a few minutes.  Please?"

L.Joe shook his head.  "I want to be with you."  The white-blonde boy smirked at the elder's reaction, which was to pout a little deeper.  Chunji's eyes had turned a bit glassy, and his already big, doe-like eyes seemed even bigger...and cuter, L.Joe had to say.  "Aw, come on, Chunji.  You always follow me around when I want to be alone!  Payback time."  

Chunji frowned.  "That's it?" he wondered aloud.

L.Joe smirked.  "Why?  Were you expecting something else?"

Chunji swallowed.  Was L.Joe trying to seduce him with that y smirk?  Because if he was...it was working.

"Ah!  There you guys are!" the driver of the van said, coming up to them in the hall.  "I got worried since you guys weren't in the practice room.  Let's go.  I switched the van, by the way, so you guys can sleep without me interrupting.  That's another way of saying, there's a black glass between the driver's seat and you two."  The driver flashed them a "your welcome" grin before dragging the two behind him into the van.

Chunji cursed.  Why did the driver have to be so "helpful"?  He knew that it was probably Niel's idea.  Ever since that energetic kid learned about Chunji's crush on L.Joe, he had been trying to get them together.  And every time, Chunji screwed up, and usually had L.Joe mad at him for a day or two until he finally got lonely and cried and begged for forgiveness.  That had happened countless times, and Chunji knew it was going to happen again.  Heaving a sigh, Chunji climbed into the very back of the van and curled himself up, trying to get as far away from L.Joe as possible to keep from screwing up.  But, of course, L.Joe just had to come sit next to him and wrap an arm around him.  

Since he was wearing only a tank top, Chunji could easily feel the warmth of L.Joe's arm against his bare skin.  His heart rate accelerated and it took all of his will power not to shove the younger off.  The older of the two just sat there rigidly, breathing in and out, trying to calm himself.  But that didn't really help, as L.Joe's head was suddenly on his shoulder.  Chunji jumped a little and was about to lightly push the younger off when he saw that he was sleeping.  Sighing, he rested his head against the window, planning to get some sleep himself when he felt something wet against his shoulder.

He looked to the side and saw that L.Joe was drooling on him.  Drooling.  Chunji flinched a little and sighed, digging in his pocket for tissues.  When he finally made his hand to the pack, he gently lifted L.Joe's face and wiped the drool off of his chin and lips, and then proceeded to wipe the drool off of his shoulder.  And then L.Joe slumped against him again and Chunji rolled his eyes, staring out the window and watching the scenery pass by.  And then the stupid driver makes a wrong turn and starts heading in the opposite direction of the dorm.

Panicking, Chunji calls out to the driver when he remembered that he probably couldn't hear because of the black window seperating them.  Cursing under his breath, Chunji gently removed L.Joe's arm from him and then tried to make his way to the front to open the glass window, but an arm s its way around his waist again and he was pulled back down.

"Aish!" Chunji groaned in frustration, and L.Joe snapped his head up, instantly awake.  He looked around lazily as if to take in his current situation and then frowned.

"Why are we going in the opposite direction of the dorm?" L.Joe asked.  "And why are we moving so fast?"

Chunji felt like ripping his hair out of his head.  "That stupid damn driver!" he practically screeched.  "I will kill him once he stops this car!"  

L.Joe, seeing what Chunji was trying to do, let go of him and the golden blonde boy climbed over the seats and opened the window seperating the two from the driver.

"Driver ahjussi!" Chunji cried.  All the while, L.Joe was just staring at Chunji's that was right in his face, thinking how nice and yummy it looked.  "Why are we headed opposite of the dorm?"

"Eh?" the driver asked.  He then seemed to finally realize which road he was on.  And then he looked at Chunji.  "Ah!  I forgot you two were on this thing!"  He then glanced at the gasoline meter, which was nearing empty.  "It's getting dark, and the gasoline is almost empty.  There's a hotel up ahead; we can make it there.  Let's stay there for the night."

Chunji sighed.  This driver was beyond weird.  He sank into one of the seats in the middle section of the van and facepalmed, not noticing that L.Joe was staring at him kind of hungrily.

"Chunji," L.Joe said, grabbing the older's hand.  

The said boy turned to the younger and mistook the hunger (for Chunji) in his eyes for fear, being the idiot he was.  "It's okay, Byunghun-ah," Chunji reassured, using his real name.  "We're going to stay at a hotel for the night, and then return home tomorrow.  Speaking of which, I should call Niel."

L.Joe frowned slightly.  The blonde boy was too oblivious and innocent.  He sighed and clambered over the seats to sit next to Chunji, watching him while he argued and laughed with Niel before hanging up.  

"I hope CAP hyung will look after those kids," Chunji muttered before putting his phone away in his bag.  

The car then came to a stop, and the two boys sitting in the back looked up.  They were at a hotel, which was good.  However, although it said HOTEL in big words, it looked more like a motel.  Chunji bit his lower lip and fidgeted lightly, following L.Joe and the driver into the building.  Inside, it was fairly nice.  The floors and the walls were clean, and a crystal chandelier hung from the ceiling, dimly illuminating the lobby.  They all paid for the rooms, except that there were only two rooms open.  Naturally, Chunji and L.Joe decided to share a room, and Chunji missed the split second in which L.Joe smirked.


"Ah~ the shower is more refreshing than I thought," Chunji chirped, coming out from the bathroom.  He had a t-shirt and sweat pants (and underwear) that he had found in the downstairs store.  His hair was still dripping wet but he didn't really seem to care, as he flopped down on the queen sized bed next to L.Joe, who was mindlessly flipping through the TV channels.

"L.Joe, go take your shower, you smell," Chunji commanded, and the younger sighed, rolling his eyes.

"Fine."  The white-blonde haired boy then got up, and Chunji took over the TV, yawning and flipping through the channels.  

While L.Joe went to take a shower, he started to think.  He thought about how L.Joe felt for him.  Maybe he liked him?  Maybe he only saw him as a friend?  Maybe he didn't like him at all?  And then he thought about how to confess to L.Joe...if he ever found the courage to.  He could just send a text message when the younger's out doing something.  He could call.  Or...he could tell him face to face.  Or maybe a letter?  All of those ideas seemed embarrassing, so he put that to the side.  Then something came to his mind.  What would happen if he confessed?  Would they become boyfriends, or would L.Joe refuse him?  Would they be able to stay friends, or will their friendship falter and crumble away, leaving nothing?  

Suddenly, uncertaintly flooded Chunji's mind and tears slowly filled his eyes.  Just the mere thought of not being able to talk, laugh and just be with L.Joe broke his heart, and a tear rolled down his cheek.  He wiped it away quickly, though, but another replaced it.  Sighing, Chunji decided to just sleep.  When L.Joe walked in while he was sleeping, he might just guess that he's having a bad dream.


"Chunji, wake up," L.Joe said, shaking the older lightly.  He himself had woken up to Chunji's sobbing in the night, and he had been up for a few minutes trying to get the golden blonde haired singer to stop crying.  "Chunji...Chunji.....  Lee Chanhee!  I said wake up!"

Chunji jerked awake, his eyes wide and his eyes glassy.  "Wha...huh?"  He seemed startled and he looked this way and that before his eyes landed on L.Joe.  Upon seeing him, the singer made quite a feminine squeal-ish sound and flinched away, as if scared of him or something.

"Chunji?" L.Joe asked, slowly reaching out to touch the other's face.  He saw how sadness and fear was etched within the older's beautiful face and he wanted to wipe it off.

"D-don't you hate me?" Chunji suddenly blurted, his doe-like eyes staring cutely at L.Joe.

"What?" the younger replied, scowling.  "Why would I hate you?"

Chunji blinked.  Then he broke out into a smile.  "Oh.  It was just a dream," he said, sighing softly.

L.Joe pulled the other boy into an embrace, rubbing small circles into his back to calm him.  "What kind of dream was it?" he asked, wondering what the adorable puppy-like singer could ever do to get him to hate him.

"I...confessed to you," Chunji muttered so low that L.Joe almost missed it.

"About what?" L.Joe asked.  

"...Nothing," Chunji said with a soft sigh.  "Go back to sleep, Hunnie.  I'm going to splash some water on my face; my cheeks feel cakey from the tears."  He then pulled away from the warm embrace and went to the bathroom, trying to hide the tears that were slowly starting to show up in his eyes again for no reason.  

"You damn scardy-cat," Chunji muttered to himself once he closed the door.  "Why didn't you just confess to him then?  Stupid, stupid, stupid!"  He slapped himself a few times before he went to the sink and splashed water on himself.  

He tip-toed back to the bed and found that L.Joe was already sleeping.  Not wanting to disturb the boy, Chunji opened the door to the small balcony attached to the room and stepped outside, feeling the cool night air hit him.  He looked in the direction of the dorm and when he found the building, he sighed in relief.  The lights were off, and he didn't see any random patches of white light in any of the windows, which meant that the kids were all asleep.  Nodding in approval, he leaned against the surprisingly durable balcony railing and stared at the city, seeing how the light from the buildings lit up the sky.  

He jumped when he heard a creak behind him, and saw that L.Joe had sat up in bed.  The younger seemed to be looking for something when he made eye contact with Chunji.  Both blondes smiled at each other and L.Joe made his way to the balcony to stand besides his hyung.

"So pretty," Chunji commented, wanting to strike a conversation.

"Yep," L.Joe replied.  Like you.

L.Joe couldn't help but stare at his friend.  He had such clear and fair skin, almost glowing even without makeup on.  He looked absolutely gorgeous under the moon light.  He turned back to the city lights and thought those three words in his head.

"I love you."

L.Joe's head snapped back to Chunji, who was still staring ahead.

Chunji, being surprisingly calm, turned to L.Joe with the ghost of a smile playing on his lips.  "I love you, Lee Byunghun.  Always have, always will.  You were there for me when I needed someone.  You always make me smile.  You can be annoying sometimes, but that's just another thing I love about you.  You make me happy even when I felt sad a few seconds before.  You're perfect, L.Joe.  And I'm glad to have someone like you as a friend."  

The moon light shone on Chunji's beautiful face, enhancing his features.  L.Joe just stared, completely shocked.  And then he felt his lips moving, the words slipping out.

"I love you too."


A/N: Weird ending, but it was better than continuing and ending it even weirder than this.  So...yay~ for ChunJoe.  I deeply apologize for the extremely late update....  I hate school -.-"
As I said in the author's note at the beginning, those of you who are still in school, I wish you guys the best of luck and have a nice year! x
PS: The song...I said I kind of based this story on...doesn't really flow with the story O.o Stupid me~ hehe >.<

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Chapter 1: So cute! I really like.
iphamm3425 #2
I'll Tell My Friends To Read It.. >.<
sound interesting...