I love you but I think you don't

I love you but I think you don't

- Sungyeol, come here please

I was resting in my room when I heard Sunggyu hyung screaming. I got up and ran to the living room.

- What is happening, hyung? Why are you yelling? - I asked, looking at him

- We need to go shopping. Woohyun and Sungjong can’t go because they have singing rehearsal, Hoya was for the recordings of his drama, so it’s just us. You can go shop with Myungsoo while I and Dongwoo began to prepare dinner? - he asked

Myungsoo? Oh! No. I'm afraid.

I'm in love with Myungsoo a long time ago but I don’t have courage to tell him so I pulled away from him, some time ago. I think he doesn’t care because he's always with Sunggyu hyung and that makes me feel sad.

I looked at Myungsoo and asked:

- I can’t stay in home and help you with dinner, hyung?

- Wae? Don’t you want to go with Myungsoo? - Sunggyu hyung asked, confused

- No….it’s just….. - I said, nervous

- Sunggyu hyung, if you want, I can go alone - Myungsoo said, approaching us

- No....Yeollie, come here, please - Sunggyu hyung said, moving away

I was even more nervous but I approached him.

- What is it, hyung? - I asked

- Yeollie, happened something between you? - Sunggyu hyung asked

- No ... wae? - I asked

- Why don’t you want to go with Myungsoo? - He asked

- I just…. - I said, thinking of an excuse

- You didn’t tell him that you liked him, did you? - Dongwoo hyung asked, approaching us

- Mwoh? I don’t....- I said, even more nervous

- Yeollie, everyone knows that you like him....I mean, everyone except him - Dongwoo hyung said, laughing

- Yah! - I said - He doesn’t know and he don’t need to know

- Yeollie, you have to say.- Sunggyu hyung said, seriously – It’s better

- But hyung….and if he doesn’t like me? - I asked, sad

- Don’t think that. If you never say him that you like him, you won’t know the answer - Dongwoo hyung said, encouraging me

- Okay, I'll just get my coat - I said, smiling slightly

I left the living room and went to my room.

Omo! What I do? I can’t just tell him that I like him.

Of course I already know his answer. He likes Sunggyu hyung, I know he likes, in fact, everyone knows.

I took a deep breath, grabbed my coat and went to the living room. I looked around and I only saw Myungsoo.

- Where do they go? - I asked, confused

- Ah! They went to the shop. They said for us start cut the vegetables. - Myungsoo replied, smiling

- But he said that.....we were supposed to…..- I said – Okay, I’m confusing.

I put my coat on the couch and went to the kitchen. Myungsoo smiled at me and began to remove the vegetables from the refrigerator.

I sighed and began to wash the vegetables. There was a disturbing silence between us.

If only he liked me.

- Yeollie? - Myungsoo called

- Hm? - I asked, looking at him

- Something happened? - He asked, worried

Why he suddenly asked this?

- No….wae? - I asked, looking again at the vegetables

- It's just that.....you.....you don’t have talked to me a lot lately and I don’t know why. Did I do something wrong? - He asked

I froze when I heard his words.

What do I say? Should I tell him now? No .... I can’t tell him

- I’m okay, Myungsoo - I replied, smiling

- I don’t believe - he said, stopping what he was doing

I was even more nervous. I didn’t know what to say.

Does Gyu hyung and Dongwoo hyung told him…?

- Yeollie, why, lately, you have ignored me and you have always been with Sungjong? - He asked, looking at me

- I haven’t ignored you, it's just…me and Sungjong....- I replied, trying to invent an excuse

- You and Sungjong....? - He asked

- We have talked a lot - I replied, smiling - But why do you ask that? You have been with Sunggyu hyung.

- I miss the times that you and I did jokes and had fun together - he muttered

I smiled.

Does he like me?

- Myungsoo....I....I....- I said, trying to find the courage

- You...? - He asked

- Nothing....forget - I replied, smiling

- Ok - he murmured

He turned again to look at the vegetables and silence settled again. Sometimes, I looked at him but he didn’t noticed me, he just kept looking at what he was doing.

- So...Gyu hyung and you have a lot of fun? - I asked, a little afraid

- Yes, he is very nice - he replied, smiling

- I’m happy for you - I said, smiling

- And you and Sungjong? - He asked, without looking at me

- Yes, he is really great and funny - I said, laughing

- It seems you are entertained enough… - he said

- It's true - I said, smiling

Suddenly, he screamed. I was alarmed and looked at him. I saw a small cut on his hand

- Gwenchana? - I asked, approaching him

- Yes....it's just a small cut - he replied

- Yah! You have to be more careful - I said, annoyed

- Yeollie...- he said, looking at me

- Mianhae, I'm just worried - I said, looking down

- Yeollie, I miss you so much. We can’t go back to how we were? - He asked

Can we, Myungsoo? I think not.

- No - I answered, without looking at him

He sighed and looked away. I turned back and I prepared to leave the kitchen when I feel someone grab my hand. Several tears fell on my face.

- Yeollie...mianhae - Myungsoo said, when he saw that I was crying - I'll be more careful

- Pabo. - I said, looking down - I'm not crying for that.

- Then, why are you crying? - He asked, looking at me

I looked at him and tried to gain the courage to confess my feelings but I couldn’t. I looked back down and tried to get away but he pulled me into a hug.

- What I did, I apologize. I just want you to come back with me, Yeollie. I miss the times that we had fun together, I really love that moments - he said, hugging me tightly

- Myungsoo....- I muttered, crying even more

He pulled away from me and said:

- Saranghae

When I heard that, I was surprised.

He said that? Or was just my imagination?

- What did you say? - I asked, still surprised

- I said.....saranghae - he said, smiling

I smiled at him and said:

- Nado Saranghae

He smiled and kissed me. I closed my eyes and kissed him back.

That moment seemed like a dream for me but fortunately it wasn’t, that moment was real, he loved me too.

I was really happy to hear those words.

Suddenly, the door opened and we pulled away. Gyu hyung and Dongwoo hyung entered in the kitchen with a few bags and smiled.

- So, you're ready to start making dinner? - Dongwoo hyung asked, putting the bags in the table

- What were you doing? - Gyu hyung asked, suspiciously

- We? Nothing - I said, looking away

- I don’t believe - Gyu hyung said, approaching me

- Hyung, isn’t better we start making dinner? Woohyun hyung, Sungjong and Hoya hyung should be almost here - Myungsoo said

- yeah! It’s better .... - Gyu hyung said, moving away

I looked at Myungsoo and smiled. He smiled at me.

After dinner, Myungsoo stood up and went to Dongwoo hyung. I was curious and tried to hear what they was talking but I couldn’t listen anything so I gave up and went to help Woohyun hyung.


- Yeollie

I was sitting on the couch when suddenly someone calls me. I was surprised and looked back. It was Myungsoo. He smiled and took my hand.

- Come on

He pulled me up and took me to his room.

- What are we doing in your room? - I asked, confused

- From today, it’s no longer my room is.....our room - he said, smiling embarrassed

- Jinja? - I asked, surprised

He smiled and nodded. I could tell he was embarrassed and couldn’t help, I laughed. He looked at me seriously and he didn’t said nothing.

- Gomawo - I said, hugging him

He smiled and hugged me back

Myungsoo, I love you so much. I hope that we can be together forever. Thanks for making me happy!!!


Well .... here it is. I hope you enjoyed.

I was really happy when I saw that you were interested in my story. I hope I haven't disappointed you.

Please comment and say what you thought of the story.

I hope that Sungyeol is having a great day.

Thanks for reading!.


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Chapter 1: Cute!! ^^
It would be better if you could edit it and insert proper inverted commas to signify the start and end of the sentence, as it's kinda hard to tell where's the dialogue if you use hyphens. :)
Grammar aside, I REALLY love this! It's so cute and sweet and asdfghjkl it's about my Infinite OTP. <3
thanks for the story:)
Cute overload!
Nice fanfic author-nim ;-)
awwwww so sweet & cute :D
waaaaahh that's cute affshifjdudbrlpfayqdvudud my myungyeol feels gawd
jimeulk #10
This is really adorable and cute. I liked it ^^