Today was a good day

Today was a good day






“Wow this place is really fancy!” Katie stated as she entered the restaurant. Rory followed her in. “Yeah well, we have a good reason to celebrate, don’t we?” She smiled at Ellen, who just blushed in return because she knew the comment was about her.


A dark haired young man with a smug face walked up to the girls. “So, you guys made a reservation?” He asked, looking the girls up and down. If it wasn’t for his uniform, Katie would have never thought a guy like him to work here. Just from the way he’d walked over to the girls, Katie could see this guy had no manners and she did not approve.  


“Yes!” Katie's friend Sam came forward. “On the name of Bagels”


“Bagels?” The young man chuckled and shook his head mockingly as he checked the computer in front of him. Katie did not like this guy.


After a few moments they were lead to their table. The girls followed the man across the beautiful and really classy looking room. When he arrived at their table, he stopped and made a gesture to let the girls pass. “Ladies first.” He smirked and as Katie passed him, she noticed him blatantly staring at her .


She was not going to let this pass.


“Hey, whatever your freaking name is; a little respect please.” She said plainly. The guy didn’t look impressed with her comment though. “Um, firstly, it’s Kai.” He began, tapping his name card with his finger. “And secondly” He started smiling again. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.” And then he walked off.




 “To our lovely friend Ellen, who is now officially not ‘forever alone’ anymore!” Sam cheered as everyone raised their glass.  “I can’t believe it’s actually happening.” Ellen smiled sweetly. “It seems only yesterday that I met Baekhyun at the mall. I was struggling with which eyeliner to buy when he came in and told me to buy the Maybelline one. It was love at first sight.” She said dreamily.


“And look where you are now!” Sam cheered. “You’re getting married this summer!”


“We’re so proud of you Ellen!” Rory followed. “I knew from the start that this greasy little piece of bacon would be the one for you. But anyways, now that we’re talking about marriage” Rory started, a smile playing on her lips. “When is it going to be your turn, Sam?”


“Yeah!” Katie chimed in excitedly. “When is Krissypoo gonna ask you the big question huh?”


Sam hid her face in her hands in embarrassment. “Guys, we’ve only been dating for a couple of months! It’s way too early.” Rory took Sam’s hands off of her face as she giggled. “We know, we know.” She said, in between giggles. “However, I did happen to overhear him talking to Lulu the other day; something about taking it to the next level.” Sam’s face shot up now.


“What?! Oh my god, what did you hear?!” She squealed. Rory started laughing again. “Sorry Sammy; can’t tell.” She imaginary-zipped with her fingers and shrugged her shoulders. Sam however, wasn’t going to let this go.


“YOU ING TEASE TELL ME EVERYTING NOW!” She said as she frantically shook her friend by the shoulders. Rory couldn’t stop laughing. “Okay, okay! All I can tell you is; he wants to show you something.” she chuckled, as Sam let go of her shoulders. “Something about a wiggle of some sorts, I don’t know but anyways, he seemed really excited to show you.”


Sam was extremely confused by that description but decided to let it go for now and ask her boyfriend about said ‘wiggle’ when she got home.




After a good fifteen minutes, their waiter, Kai, returned with their entrées. He blew the girls a playful kiss and his lips ridiculously sensually before walking off to the kitchen again. This guy was really getting on Katie’s nerves. One more strike! She thought. One more strike and I’ll make him fly to the other side of the room!


Unlike the service, the food at the restaurant was amazing. Their entrée was so delicious Katie would have ordered seconds if it had been possible. The entrée however, was nothing compared to the mouthwatering main course Kai served them next. The girls were all enjoying their food so much that they briefly forgot about their conversation and indulged in the yumminess before them.


About halfway through their plates, the girls were interrupted again by their annoying waiter. “So, enjoying your food ladies?” He smiled, leaning onto the side of their table and flipping his hair as though he was in a shampoo commercial.


“Yes, now can you please leave us alone?” Katie said, not even bothering to look at the rude guy beside her. “Hey, no need to get so crabby missy!” Kai replied, patting Katie on the head and that little gesture was enough for Katie’s patience to run out.


“Listen buddy, if you touch me one more time, I swear I’m gonna kick you to the other side of the room!” She said, getting up from her chair. Before she could do anything though, another man had joined the scene.


“Oh dear, I’m so sorry; is Kai causing problems again?” The new guy said to them, looking truly sorry. Then, he turned his attention to Kai, his face stiffening. 


“What did I tell you about bothering our customers, Kai?” He sighed. “I swear, we’re going to lose all our credibility and it’ll be entirely your fault! Your friend worked hard to build this place you know. He didn’t have to give you this job but he did because you’re his friend and this is how you repay him? Honestly, if it wasn’t for him, you’d still be living in that cardboard house with Taemin hyung! Do you want to go back to that? Have a little respect!”


“Yeah yeah, whatever you say grandpa.” Kai mumbled as he rolled his eyes and walked away like nothing happened.  


“Oh I’m really so terribly sorry!” The new guy repeated, as he turned his attention back to the girls. “He does this all the time but don’t worry, you won’t be seeing him anymore. My name is Suho and I’ll be your new waiter.” He smiled sweetly. “Don’t be afraid to tell me if there’s anything I can do to make your experience more enjoyable.”


After assuring their new waiter that everything was fine and they didn’t need anything, he bowed and finally left them alone.


“Oh well that’s too bad.” Rory pouted. “That first waiter was hot.” Katie stared unbelievingly at her friend.  “He was a total douchebag, Rory.”


“Well yeah. A really, really hot douchebag.” Rory laughed.




Katie was so excited when their dessert arrived. If it was anything like the previous dishes, it would be amazing. She’d ordered a deluxe ice cream because ice cream had always been her favorite. He mouth started watering as she saw Suho carry the plate with desserts up to their table.


“There you go.” He said cheerfully as he set everyone’s dessert down. “I hope you very much enjoy it!” He said and left them to enjoy their final dishes.


Katie grabbed her spoon and dug into her ice cream immediately. “Oh ma goh guish ti is sho goo!” she stumbled out as she tried to speak with a mouth full of ice cream. She twisted her bowl around to scoop up some ice cream from the back when she saw something that made her drop her spoon to the floor.


“Ahhhhhhhhhh!!! Get it out!” She screamed as she stared in horror at the fat fly that was bathing in her ice cream.


Luckily, Suho had heard Katie’s scream and the next second, he was standing beside her looking extremely worried. “Oh my what is going on? Is everything allright miss?” He asked.


“There’s a fly in my ice cream!” Katie pouted as she pointed towards the not so little bug.


“Oh dear!” Suho said, putting his hands to his cheeks. “Oh my, I’m so sorry! I’ll bring it right back to the kitchen and I’ll get you another one on the house, is that alright miss?” And with that, he grabbed the bowl from the table and sprinted towards the kitchen.


Katie was still pouting as she saw her friends enjoying their desserts while she waited for hers to return. After a few minutes, someone came out of the kitchen but it wasn’t their waiter Suho. It looked to be someone of a higher authority as he was wearing a legit chef’s hat. Oh Katie thought. That must be the head chef then.


As the man approached the girl’s table, Katie found herself mesmerized by the beauty of this man. He had short dark hair, only just visible from underneath his chef’s hat and a smooth, milky complexion. He had a pair of big beautiful eyes and equally big, kissable lips. He wasn’t particularly tall or anything but Katie had to say, he looked really handsome in his chef’s uniform.




When he arrived at the girl’s table, he set down the newly made dessert and opened his mouth. “I’m so sorry. I heard you’ve been having some problems this evening at my restaurant and I wanted to make it up to you-” He started but he fell silent as his eyes landed upon Katie. There was an awkward pause in which the chef’s eyes grew inhumanly big while he stared at Katie. After about fifteen seconds he opened his mouth again to whisper. “If you will excuse me” And off he was.


“Um, what the hell just happened?” Sam asked confused. Ellen’s face turned to a smile. “I don’t know but if I didn’t know any better, I’d say the chef’s got a little crush on Katie.” She chuckled. Katie’s own pair of big eyes widened then. “That’s ridiculous, he does not!” She said stubbornly, refusing to believe anything of the sort.


The weird chef returned to the girl’s table minutes later. “Um, sorry about that” He started shyly. “But um, as I was saying. I’m terribly sorry for your inconvenience. I realize not all of my staff is as capable as they should be.” He mumbled. “Also, I’m trying to do something about the flies. We’ve got sort of an epidemic here really. I tried fly-traps but that just doesn’t look classy and I can’t use a toxic spray because that’s dangerous for the customers and oh my, I’m rambling. I’m so sorry. Anyways, I would like to make it up to you. Your entire meal will be on the house tonight.” He stood by the table, blank faced as he ended his rant.


The girls looked at the chef in amazement. This really was a godsend because this was quite the pricy place to eat and the girls were pretty poor.


“Thank you so much.” Katie smiled up at the chef, making the man blush a little. “I hope you can forgive our mistakes.” He said unsurely. “Oh no problem, the food tonight was so amazing that I’m sure none of us even care about everything that happened.” Katie replied immediately. She felt like she really had to let the man know how great his food was because he seemed so insecure. “Oh” He said, pleasantly surprised and blushing even more now. “That’s great.” He started smiling widely now, holding his hands to his flushed cheeks. Damn he’s cute! Katie thought as she observed his little gestures.


“Well” He went on. “Please enjoy the rest of your meal and let Suho hyung know if you need anything else.” Then he fast-walked awkwardly back into his kitchen, holding his hands to his cheeks again.




Katie and her friends indeed enjoyed the rest of their meal as they talked about the planning for the upcoming wedding. Ellen and Baekhyun had decided to just have an intimate little ceremony with their family and closest friends on a hopefully beautiful summer’s day.


“I can’t wait to go shopping for your dress!” Rory said excitedly. “And the bridesmaid’s dresses of course!” Sam added. “Yeah.” Ellen smiled at all the exhilaration around her. “We’ll go do that as soon as possible. Oh and Katie, I’ve been meaning to ask you.” She turned her face towards Katie. “I was wondering- Well, actually, Baekhyun and I were both wondering… would you sing during our opening dance?”


Katie couldn’t feel more honored. “Oh my god of course I will; anything for my soul buddy!” She yelled and she hugged her friend tightly.


After a good half hour of girly wedding talk, the girls finally headed for the exit as they realized they were the only customers left. Suho came to help them with their coats and the girls all thanked him for his kindness.


“Hey, do you happen to know where our waiter from before is?” Rory asked him. “Oh um, he’s up on the second floor, cleaning off the last tables.” Suho replied. “Why”


“Okay thanks Suho! You’re the best!” Rory smiled at him, ignoring his last question and shuffling subtly towards the stairs. “Rory” Katie said knowingly. “What are you doing?”


“Noooothing.” The girl sang, smiling innocently as she slowly crept up the stairs.


“Well, that’s the last we’ll see of Rory tonight.” Katie chuckled as she walked outside with her two remaining friends. “What are we going to do now?”


“I think I’m going to head back to my apartment.” Sam replied. “I need to ask Kris about that ‘wiggle’ remember.”


“We’ll than we’ll do something together right Ellen?” Katie looked at her other friend hopefully but Ellen was shaking her head. “I really need to get a good night of sleep. I have a lot of preparation stuff to do for the wedding, I’m sorry. But I’ll call you tomorrow afternoon!”




Katie pouted as she said goodbye to her friends, leaving her all alone in front of the restaurant. She figured she’d head back home as well so she dug around in her bag to find her mp3 player. She didn’t like walking around at night without it.


Before she could put in her ear pieces properly, she heard the door behind her open again. She turned around to find the cute chef from before. “Oh hi” He said. “Are you heading home as well?” He asked quietly. Katie nodded but then thought of something.


“Aren’t you supposed to close this place up properly before you leave?” She asked him. “Oh, no it’s fine.” He answered. “Suho helps me out with a lot here; he’s closing up tonight.”


There was a pause then in which both parties stared at the ground. “Um” Katie began unsurely. “So you never told me your name.” The boy looked up at Katie with those freakishly big eyes of his, as if he was shocked to be asked such a question. “It’s, um, well, my name is Kyungsoo.” He stuttered out finally.


“Oh okay.” Katie said, realizing only after a few seconds that she should probably reveal her own name. “I’m Katie.” She smiled. Since the man wasn’t talking much, she figured she should just leave him be. “Well, I should get going, there’s a bus waiting for me.” She said. She bowed goodbye and turned around to leave.


“Wait!” She suddenly heard. “You can’t take the bus at this late hour!” Katie turned around to see the cute boy had run after her. “There are creepers out at night, you know.” He went on, looking at his feet. “Please let me take you home.” He raised his head to look her in the eyes now. “I promise I’m not a creeper.”


Katie usually wouldn’t take rides from strangers but she reckoned this guy wasn’t really a stranger anymore. Plus, this guy looked about as harmless as a four year old, Katie was pretty sure she’d be safe.


“I’d love to! Are you sure it’s not a problem though?” She said. The boy smiled happily as he shook his head and took her hand. He led her to the background parking lot where they found his car. Katie had no knowledge of cars but she could definitely see this one was expensive.


“Hey, why is the light on the second floor still on?” Kyungsoo said suddenly as he looked up towards the restaurant building. Katie started panicking as she saw the boy gaze towards the second floor window because she knew what was probably going on in there and Kyungsoo was definitely not allowed to find out.


“Suho’s probably just not done finishing up yet, it’s probably fine!” She said a little too nervously. Luckily, Kyungsoo wasn’t the most perceptive of beings.


“But look, Suho’s car is gone. He already went home.” He said. Katie couldn’t think of any other excuses so she did the only thing that her mind could come up with.


“Oh my god! You don’t understand! I seriously, really, totally need to go home like, right now, this instant! Please just take me home!” She yelled through the parking lot as she flung her arms around in the air, startling the boy beside her.


“Okay, okay! I’ll take you home, I’m sorry!” He said as he held open the door to the passenger’s side for Katie. He got in himself and started the engine, completely forgetting about what was going on inside his restaurant.




Katie showed him the directions to her apartment, finding out that they actually lived in the same neighborhood. Not only that. They lived in the same freaking street.


He pulled up towards Katie’s doorstep and switched of the engine. “Here we are” He said quietly. Katie didn’t really know what to say to him then. She really liked him and it was making her more nervous than she should be. He turned to look at her and she felt her face get red. Lucky it’s dark out She thought. He’ll never notice.


“You should really come back to my restaurant another time.” He said then, still looking at her. “I promise there won’t be any flies in your food next time- And I’ll keep Kai locked in the coat closet if you want to.” Katie laughed a little and nodded. “Alright. I’ll come back.” She said. “Although I don’t know how I’m going to pay for it.”


“Well” The boy thought for a moment. “Maybe, you can have a special discount or something.” He said.


Katie once again didn’t know how to respond to that. Was he flirting with her? It seemed like the boy himself was just as perplexed with what he’d just said as Katie was, as he was now burying his flushed face in his hands. “Oh god, I'm so lame." He mumbled to himself. "Um, I guess I’ll see you later?” He said as he regained himself a little but still looking at his feet.


“Um yeah” Katie answered awkwardly as she slowly opened the door of the car. She got out and walked to her door. As she was fumbling with her keys though, she heard another car door open. She turned to see Kyungsoo running up towards her.


“Wait I’m sorry, I was being stupid and I’m sorry.” He stuttered out. He took her hand and looked her in the eye. Katie’s eyes widened at the sudden close contact between them. She felt her heart beat loudly against her chest and waited for something to happen.


“What I meant earlier.” Kyungsoo started and he swallowed hard before proceeding. “Is that I like you. Like, a lot.” Katie noticed their hands getting sweaty and she didn’t know whether it was her fault or his but decided not to care because this beautiful boy was saying the most beautiful words to her.


“I just think you’re really pretty and I want you to come to my restaurant more often because I want to get to know you and I want to impress you with something I’m good at and gosh I’ve never done anything like this before so please don’t hate me if everything I just said sounded stupid.”


Katie was completely petrified by this confession. She stared at him in bewilderment. She tried to say something but nothing seemed good enough.


“It sounded stupid, didn’t it?” He finally sighed.


“No it didn’t.”


“What? really?”


“Yes, really”




Kyungsoo started smiling all goofily then, not really knowing where to look. Katie just smiled at the adorable sight before her. When he’d managed to regain his composure, he smiled down at Katie sweetly. He seemed to be considering something. Katie stared up at him with a puzzled look on her face.


“What?” She asked.


The boy returned her question by unexpectedly giving her a sweet kiss on her left cheek. Katie’s face heated up as it came in contact with Kyungsoo’s soft, warm lips. The kiss only lasted a second or so but it had managed to sweep Katie off of her feet. She smiled shyly as he pulled away from her face and turned to stare at the ground once again.


“Well…um” He said after a while. “I guess I should leave you now.” Katie just looked up at him (still not able to stop smiling) and she nodded.


“Okay” He smiled. “I’ll see you around then?”


Katie nodded again; not really able to talk, only able to smile. She waved at him as he drove off in his car (and then stopped his car about twelve houses further).


Even though Katie was really tired, she managed to dance around in her apartment for a good half hour before collapsing in bed.


Today was a good day.




That's it! ^^

Kyungsoo is the cutest thing to walk the planet!

Anyways, hope you liked it!

BYE! ^^

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senpaimitsuji #1
Chapter 1: He's so cute ;-;

I need more!!!!
little_tea_pot #2
Chapter 1: THIS. WAS. ADOOOORABLE~~~ Me gusta!! ;D
The wiggle... xD /dead
Aww.. Cute~