

It was late you looked at the clock and it was already one o'clock in the morning. You knew that because you were dating an idol he wasn't going to be home as often as you would have liked. You often got very lonely and sad.

You heard the door unlock and your boyfriend Minho stepped in.

"Hi jagi~ how was your day?" you asked as he walked into the kitchen.

"It was fine just like always" he replied coldly.

You tilted your head in confusion.

"Are you okay?" you asked walking over to him and you placed your hand in his shoulder.trans.gif

He brushed your hand away and walked to the living room and the tv.


Your eyes widened, you could not believe that he just yelled at you like that. He never did that before.

"I was just-" you whispered.

Tears filled your eyes, "Can't I ask how my BOYFRIEND'S day was I never see you anymore?!"

"You ask the same thing everyday! And everyday the answer is the same! Can't you just leave so I can watch dream team in peace?!"
"You want me to leave?!"
"Yes I do! Now get out!"
"You want me to leave them I'll leave!" you screamed as you stomped down the hallway to your bedroom.

You grabbed out your suitcase from the closet and threw it on the bed. From the living room Minho could hear a bunch of drawers and doors being slammed shut. He stood up and walked down the hallway to see you packing your suitcase.

"What are you doing?!"
"You said you wanted me to leave so I'm leaving!" you screamed as you pushed past him with your suitcase.

"I'm sick of this! You're never here and when you are here you come home late! When you get home all I want to do is spend time with you! And tonight you scream at me when I ask you a simple little question!"
"Well you knew what you were getting into when we first started dating!"
"Well now I'm sick of this! All I ever did was stand by your side and you never appreciate it! You can't even spend  a little time with me when you get home! I can't handle this anymore!" you screamed then walked out the door leaving Minho there speechless.

You arrived at your friend's house with tears rolling down your face.

"____?! What happened?!" your friend asked.

You entered her house and the two of you sat down on the couch. You explained to her the whole story.

"It's okay sweetie~"she said hugging you.
"Nana~ I want to go back home..." you said hugging her back.
"You want to go home?"
"Yes that's the only way I will be able to get away from Minho. Here in Seoul he's everywhere... He's even on tv! I just can't see him anymore...."

She patted your back.
"Can I use your computer so I can book myself a flight for tomorrow?"
"Sure..." she said sadly.
"Nana-shi~ don't be sad I promise to come back and visit you~"
"I know~" she said smiling slightly.

The next day you headed out to the airport.

Ring. Ring. Ring~!

Nana looked over at her house phone.

"Nana? Is _____ there? Can you please put her on phone?" he said, from the sound of his voice it sounded like he didn't sleep at all.

"Nana please put her on the phone I have to tell her something."
"But she's not here..."
"Where is she?!"
"She just left for the airport."
"The airport?!"
"Yeah she wanted to go back home... to get away from you..."
"What time does her flight leave?"
"Why should I tell you?"
"Because I screwed up really bad and I need to tell her I love her and that I'm sorry."
"It leaves in about an hour. You better treat her right Minho."
"I know, and thank you."

He immediately got in his car and drove to the airport.

'Please don't leave yet...' he chanted in his mind as he drove glancing at the clock every so often.

He finally arrived at the airport. He ran inside and looked around trying to find you.

"Flight 341 for the United States will be boarding now" the lady over the intercom spoke.

You stood up and walked towards the gate and stood in line. Minho ran around the airport like a mad man trying to find you. Once he heard the lady over the intercom he ran towards the gate. He saw a girl with long brown hair walking into the gate he ran as fast as he could.

"______!!! Wait!" he shouted as he ran towards the gate.

"I'm sorry sir you can't come in here without a ticket."
"But I'm trying to apologize to the love of my life who decided to fly back home. I was such an idiot and I didn't treat her like I should have. Can you please let me in so I can tell her I love her and that I'm so sorry and beg her not to leave me?"
"I'm sorry sir I can't let you in. It's the rules, no ticket, no entry."

Tears filled his eyes as he turned around staring at the ground. But when he turned around he saw a pair of feet, he looked up to see who it belonged to.

"Did you mean what you said?"
"Did you mean what you just said?"
"Yes I did, you mean so much to me ____. I was such a pabo for yelling at you and treating you that way last night. I was just so exhausted from practice for the past week that I just wanted to relax. Please forgive me... I promise to love you and appreciate you. Please don't leave me..." he said as a tear rolled down his face.

You wiped away his tear and hugged him. He immediately hugged you back.

"I'm so so so sorry ____" he whispered.
"I forgive you Minho. Let's go home."
"I never thought I would hear you say those words ever again. But I want you to know that I love you."
"I love you too."

The two of you walked away hand in hand and headed home

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Mag354 #1
Aww that was so sweet! Great job
Atleast he figured out in the end that he couldn't live without her.
darkangel11421 #3
nawwww.... so sweet~~ ^^
JensuXP #4
Dats a really good oneshot. Men really don't realize wat they hav until its gone..