Bestfriends With The Player



Taemin and Aeri had been friends ever since they were kids. Their parents had known each other before they were born and the two families had always been next door neighbours.

The two were inseparable, they did everything together and have never lasted a day without talking to one another. But as they both grow up and enter high school, the two had changed a lot since they were kids.

Taemin had grown taller than Aeri, and he’s good looks had been acknowledged by their whole year. Both girls and guys flocked around him, wanting to be his best friend, wanting to be his girlfriend. He had easily made his way into the popular group.

Aeri on the other hand, was still the little tomboy that she was. She grew up around Taemin, playing video games and sports definitely didn’t help once she moved onto high school. Everyone focused on looks, parties, relationships and gossips.

Taemin being handsome and popular with girls flying to his feet had already got the title as the school’s playboy. 


Kang Aeri


Lee Taemin

^ HOLY! He's so hot!!


This story will containt chapters that are rated M for coarse language and may contain mild intimate scenes and violence.



“Aeri! Look how beautiful the stars are tonight!” Taemin pointed up towards the sky.

Tonight was a clear sky, no clouds hiding the moon or stars. The dark night sky was filled with bright stars, twinkling with the bright crescent moon not far from it.

“It’s so pretty!” I smiled brightly up at the sky as our feet were both dipped into his pool while we laid on the grass.

Taemin my best friend was only two months older than me we’ve been friends ever since I remember. His birthday is on July the 18 while mine is on September the 18. We were both born at the same time, we spend every day together, I don’t remember not seeing or talking to him for a day. It’s my birthday in a week, I’ll be turning ten, but Taemin is already ten.

“Can you see that star over there?” he asked me as he pointed up at the sky.

“Which one? That one?” I raised my finger up to point up at the sky as well. There were far too many stars, but I was sure he was talking about the two stars next to each other but surrounded by all the other stars.

“The two there, in the middle of all the other stars but by themselves!” he chirped in his cheery voice.

“I see it!” I smiled brightly as I pointed up to it.

“That’s me and you! Together forever” he turned to look at me with a big smile.

I turned as well with a smile, his cheeks were so chubby I couldn’t help but pinch it. I laughed as he pouted at me.

“Don’t do that!” he frowned.

“But you have really chubby cheeks!” I laughed some more.

“That’s because I’m ten! Dad said my cheeks are baby fat, and they’ll disappear when I grow up! Then I’ll be even taller than you!” he stated firmly, his smile was so wide I was waiting for his face to split into two.

“Well mum told me that when I grow up I can have a boyfriend!” I poked my tongue out at him.

“I’m your boyfriend aren’t I?!” He sat up and frowned at me.

“But mummy said that boyfriends are like her and daddy and your mummy and daddy!” I sat up as well to explain.

“Well me and you can be mummy and daddy” he held my hand.

“Yay!” I smiled brightly at him as I cheered.

Taemin then looked towards the back door and leaned into me, cupping my ear with both hands as he whispered “Do you know what my mummy and daddy say to each other all the time?”

I shook my head as I waited for him to tell me.

“I love you” he blushed as he said that.

I’ve heard my mummy and daddy say that to each other too, “I love you too” my cheeks went rosy red as I said it back to my best friend, Taemin.


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hyegun #1
Chapter 7: Update soon
Bluecometx #2
Chapter 7: This is so interesting please update ^^
noomin #3
plzzzzzzzzzz update soon i love love love it really plzzzzzzzzz
Icyminnie #4
This is really hood.. Please update it soon.. <3
Omo please update soon! I'm in love with this story ♥
Chapter 7: Rereading because its soo good T~T
I hope you update soon
I'll be waiting~
dm_robot #7
Chapter 7: Good chapter :) i hope they come togheter again XD update soon
Chapter 7: psssshhh I thought that they were actually going to do it :P I don't quite get the last part but good job :D it's a coincidence though since we also had our exams...but anyway good luck~