I Already Know

Out Of His League

Krystal's POV

"Goodmorning," He greeted my with an adorable smile.
"Uh-hey," I said awkwardly.
"What's with all the racket about?" He asked as the two still haven't noticed that their other friend was already awake.
"Their arguing about the fact or a lie if I am Minho's fiance." He suddenly straightened up his look at me.
"Are you really? Not that I'm-you know something, but I'm just curious and all." He stopped, then blushed.
"Nope," I was giggling at him and shaking my head then smiled. "Minho has this theory that I'll be his future wife."
"And you agreed to him?" When he asked me the look on his face was full of seriousness. I was taken aback from his sudden change of attitude.
"Why what?" He tilted his head.
"Why're you aksing me, stupid questions?" I stood up and walked inside the kitchen to fix myself a coffee, since Minho and Key oppa seems busy with their theoretical debate.
"I'm just asking you, is something wrong with that?" He followed me.
"It's none of a big deal, because it's a hoax anyway."
"Oh," he nodded.
'Why're he asking me this questions?"
"Your name," I looked up at him.
"What about it?"
"You haven't told me what your name is."
"Really?" He gulped the coffee that was already set on the counter table. He was nervous I can tell.
"I asked you didn't I?" He shrugged his shoulders.
"Okay then," he breathed and reached for my hand. "My name's Lee Taemin."
"A Lee," I murmured with disappointment.
"Yeah, I guess you know."
"No, but I certainly guessed."
"Are you going to change too?"
"If you mean because of the fact that Lee Soo Man's relative-"
"He's my father actually," he cut me off.
"Okay," I rolled my eyes.
'Wow! He's the son of a famous CEO.'
"People changed when they meet me. The only people who didn't were Minho hyung and the others."
"Don't worry we only met today, tomorrow I might be going away for some time again."
"Away, where exactly?"
"I travel, a lot. Mostly it comes to remoted areas and try to live what tribes to. Although, I try to stay out in school, where Minho wants me safe, but I just coudn't. I've been away for two years because people left and my sister's not that-you know, well. I know that I shouldn't be telling you this bit it's not what you think, I don't want your pity so it's best if you wipe that out of your face in front of me. I just think that you can be trusted and sorta don't care about it."
"You're like a what?" He stared at me with fascination.
'So he's actually listening?'
"I'm a what?"
"You know, you travel and that's really cool. Is it a job or something?" He was twirling his hands while talking to me.
'Weird habit.'
"It's an organization, we're all scholar-I mean those who're part of the organization are scholars of the school. So, if we can't be active all the time they might take away my scholarship and also I get to have a salary."
"Wow, you're parents must me proud of you."
"Uh-yeah," I stirred my coffee. "I get to spend more time outside of Korea than here itself. Living here isn't that bad, but I'd rather leave and go on with my life. I guess that's how people knows it."
"When are you leaving?"
"Um-maybe...well, I was actually thinking of reasting for a bit. Minho found out last year that I almost drowned while crossing a stormy sea." I was true actually, the other crew members almost sand on their own ride, while on the otherhand on my boat it was already sinking. The school I'm attending told me to take the leave for a while, but I just couldn't I needed the money. Minho got furious that time, he found me on the hospital being wired all over my body, it was painful when I woke up, and he did all of his best to take all that away. What I think about Minho is like a brother and I can't think of anything that'll make him my fiance, which was completely absurd. Since I was a kid, Minho was there, when everybody left, he stayed behind. Many people left me and now I go to different places on my own, because the fact the people left I'm also leaving.
"Soojung," I looked at the door. Minho was leaning in the frame. Taemin looked at me, waiting for me to continue but I didn't "Am I disturbing you two?" Minho's face became sour upon seeing the two of us alone together.
"It's nothing, we were just talking about her traveling." Taemin stood up, gave me a nod then faced Minho, although I can't see his face I can see that Minho's face means, 'I'm warning you'.
Minho looked at me and sat in front of me. He took my hands and caressed them, which I finally find it now relaxing.
"You know that those kind of people usually don't care about people like us. A sudden pang was sent to my heart because of what Minho said and also it was true. I have no attractive appearance for anyone to fit their standard towards me. It's funny that I'm not really interested with anyone right now.
'Why would Minho think like that to Taemin. Even though I just met him, so I think there's point in doing this.'
"Minho, I'm not interested with Taemin. It's not what you think," I sighed and drank my coffee. "Taemin's just asking me stuffes that you already know about, so there's no need to interrogate me any further."
Minho's expression suddenly changed and it seems ike he's stiffling a laugh.
"What's funny?" I exclaimed.
"You," he pointed at me smiling like a child. "There's no need to react violently, I already know you won't replace me to him."
"Really? I won't?" I raised my eyebrow. "Confident now are we?"
Minho leaned forward that our noses were already touching. It was already common for the both of us to do skinship, so there's no need for any malice.

Taemin's POV

Minho hyung's face was the mosy scariest thing I've had ever seen than the time we got a fight with a guy that stole his date. He's also not like this with his other girlfriends or with his playmates.
'Does Krystal know? Surely, she knows but the way he treats her feels like-oh crap. Why am I even bothered?'

The next day, dad called me and said to visit sometime around8 in the evening to have a little chitchat about "my" bright future which apparently he decide for myself.
Once I've entered the house as always the maid would tell me that dad's going to be late and I'll have to wait. My dad would call people on an alotted time to make them come and make sure that if ever they are late, then it'll be in vice versa 'cause he's the one setting his alarm to make sure he didn't have to wait. My dad's a cool dude, despite the fact that he's divorced because my mom was ceating on him. My older sister's now living with my mom, because she wants to, so dad accpeted it so ever since it's just me and him. I was thinking of growing up with him, but I know that dad wouldn't like that. He wants me to be independent and confident all the time. When I told him I wanted to be a trainee in his company, then he told me to back off and build another life on my own, but my passion has been dancing ever since I was a child until now. We both made a condition that if I pass Seoul Performing Arts, I'll be a trainee and he'll let me audition provided I should pass but if I don't, I'll have to walk and make a different path. Now, I'm here an idol-in-training to be the next hallyu wave.
"Son," I looked back and saw dad. He smiled at me like always and spread his arms out for a hug. As I hesitatedly hug him, he's not alone, a fair and beautiful tall girl was behind him that was actually giving me an angelic smiel. I pulled out and smiled at dad, as he gesture me the girl, she then walk forward. "Son, this is Bae Suzy, and you're fiance."
"Hello," she bowed with a smile to me.
For me, it was all so fast that I couldn't  think of anyhing. A fiance is the worst plan in my life, especially when I'm already confused with unfamilair feelings sprouting inside me everywhere, this makes me want to throw up.

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KaiserKawaii 11 streak #1
update soon~~~~
sounds interesting!