Show with the Black Roses

[HAITUS] I'm a Different in a School of Supernatural Creatures?!?!!

so.... im back again. atleast wen the chs r short i can update more. each ch is from kne persons pov. i have one more week of sweet sweet sweet freedom..... then.....(dun dun duuuuuun) school starts and this will be my face T_T lol enjoy! 

Aron's P.O.V.

"What?" I burst out. "You're actually going to bother to get her?" 

"You saw Old Man Lee," JR nodded. "He's going to give us ANOTHER detention if we don't." 

"I guess JR's right," Ren dragged himself out of bed. 

"I hate that girl!" JR snarled as we walked to her room--412. "She thinks she's so much better than us! And she's so annoying!" 

"Well I'm gonna make her mine." Minhyun said determinedly. "She's going to fall for me." 

"Wanna bet?" Baekho asked me. 

"Sure... Minhyun won't succeed. 30,000 won." I answered. 

"Fine. I have faith in him though. 40,000 won." Baekho stuck his tongue out at me. 

"Okay Mohawk Puppy." I teased as I walked farther away from him. 

We came to a stop as we saw her door. 

"You're the oldest hyung. You knock." Ren pushed me foward. 

Right as I raised my hand, Eun-Kyung opened the door and stepped out shutting it behind her. She was wearing ripped jeans, combat boots and sweater. 

"What?" She didn't sound happy. 

"We're here to you to your class hon." Minhyun slung an arm around her shoulder. 

"Get your arm off of me player boy." Eun-Kyung slid out from under his arm. Her eyes were a strange reflecting silver color. 

"Fine." Eun-kyung's eyes turned completely silver for a second. "Ugh math is first... I hate math. Bye." 

She walked past us while Baekho yelled after her, "We are the kingkas! Show respect!" 

"Wow! She is conceited." I said as she turned the corner.  

"And that's why I hate her." JR sighed as we started going the same way as her. 

"How does she even know where math class is?"  wondered Ren. 

"I don't know Rennie." I answered earning a slap from him. 

"Let's just go. I seriously don't want a detentiom...and I want to get there before all the girls are in the hallways." JR decided. 

"What's that?" Baekho's hearing was exceptional. "Look over there." 

Ugh, Hye Min and her goons surronded Eun-Kyung who didn't seem scared just really annoyed. God... they were worse than her when it comes to most conceited. Way past annoying--Eun-Kyung was annoying but it was kinda cute. Wait! What was I thinking?

"I will burn you all if you don't move." Eun-Kyung's voice was calm which made it scarier. "I know every single thing that goes through your little mind...I'm surprised you even know what that word means." 

"Are you calling me stupid?" Hye Min looked pissed. "Is that what you're saying to the Queenka of Were-vamps?" 

We stood off to the side watching the two of them. 

"This will be fun to watch." JR looked at them. 

Ren made a motion with his hands and pretty soon there were five chairs made out of the snow on the ground. 

"No of course not!" Eun-Kyung actually looked sorry--were her eyes turning red? She was vampire so this wasn't a surprise. "That would be an insult to stupid people!" 

"You will regret this new girl." Hye Min snarled. "I will make your life a living hell." 

Eun-Kyung just laughed. "Like my life wasn't that already. Besides, I'm not a defenseless little girl." A small phoenix made out of bloodred flame appeared in her palm. She flicked it lightly out and it started bigger. "Meet Jeonsa." 

"Jeonsa?" Hye Min laughed. "That's lame." 

"No it's not. A perfect name for a perfect assassin because to be one... you need to be a strong warrior." Eun-Kyung smiled sinisterly. "And warrior don't show mercy to their true enemies..." The phoenix was as big as Eun-Kyung now. "Still think he's nothing special?" 

"You can't hurt me!" Hye Min looked sort of scared now. JR was the only one who could make a phoenix out of fire--you needed to be insanely strong and well trained--this girl could do it. This new girl. "You're outnumbered! You'd be stupid to attack!" 

"But I'm not attacking," Eun-Kyung laughed at her. "I'm defending. I may be outnumbered but I'm not out matched." She looked directly at where we were sitting and her eyes turned completely silver and she closed her eyes for a second. "Goodbye Black your backs." She did the same weird dissappearing trick as before. 

"That was fun to watch." Baekho seemed pleased as the Black Roses stormed off to their classes. 

JR chuckled. "The Black Roses seem so mad at her!" 

"She's definitely mine now." Minhyun looked  pleased to have chosen her as his next target. 

"Can we go to math class now?" asked Ren. 

"Yeah. Let's go." JR led the way to math class.

That was an interesting show with the Black Roses. 

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lucky9606 #1
Chapter 19: Please update soon
this is totally cute ^^
Update soon play!:^)
Chapter 16: Update soon please author nim *pout*
anilim01 #4
Chapter 16: UPDATE SOON PLEASE!!!!! I wanna keep reading!
ValerieInTheNight #5
Chapter 16: please update soon!!!!
sonesn #6
Chapter 15: update soon!
awesome story! ^^
It's disfruten... If you need help with Spanish I can help you^^
Btw I love how she and JR have their talks. So cute.
Ummm... Why is there a big gap in ch12?