*~Love Bound Minfic~*



MiniFic To My Story

Love Bound

Couple: 2min

This is kinda like a oneshot.

But, It's gonna be a part I didn't included in the story.

This is actually like a flash back or something.

I advise you to read the whole story if you already haven't.

You will understand what's going on clearly.


Not trying to praise myself.

But it's really good. :DD


They sat on a bench under a bus waiting area as the rain came down hard.

Taeyeon's head was leaning on Minho's shoulder.

As he listen to music she stared out into the rain with a sweet smile.

She started to think about about her being just like this.

With Minho forever.

Never wanting to leave his side.

She softly place her hand over Minho's.

He looked down at her and took off his earphones.


Minho: "Taeyeon, Are you okay?" he said softly as he lifted her chin to see her face.


For those who don't understand Taeyeon is Taemin.

Just the girl him.

This story is a minific to Love Bound.

I promised my readers a oneshot.

So here it is.

Please Comment!

The FINAL will be up soon.



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