

I just can't get get over pairing them together. :)

Sometimes, as in seven days out of the week and twenty-four hours out of a single day, people wondered why Sungyeol and Kris were a couple, for obvious and possibly mental reasons. Not only were they complete and total opposites, but their faces and body type looked somewhat the same which everyone found strange. Both boys had long, stretching legs and well built torsos, though Sungyeol held more plush and it showed in his cheeks. Kris was quiet almost to the point where he was thought to be a mute and he always held the same stoic expression of poor boredom, but Sungyeol was different. Sungyeol was loud and vibrant, screaming out in excitement, pouting when he doesn't have his way or if he's being ignored. Sungyeol was referred to as the 'Choding' because of his eccentric child-like behavior and it was a shock that his lover was Kris of all people, they never really hung out with the same people prior and they just screamed irregular.

The only way people could tell them apart half the time was their hair, Kris working a vibrant honey blonde that glowed in the sunlight and made him look even more beautiful while Sungeol's hair was a burgundy hue stuck between black and red. It was a shaggy mess that he had to push out of his eyes repeatedly but Kris found it beyond adorable. A lot of onlookers thought they were brothers at first glance, but at the way their hands clasped tightly together and how Sungyeol's cheeks refused to lose their pinkened color, there had to be something going on. There were always questions of why, why be with someone who is nothing like you, but your face is partially similar? Isn't it weird? Do you feel like your kissing yourself?

Kris ignored it, it was nobody's business but his own how he felt about Sungyeol, the boy he had fallen in love with purely by accident. In that time, no one had expected him to open up his heart and it was hard work being with someone so loud, but Kris wouldn't have it any other way. Sungyeol makes Kris feel abnormal in a way, a paradox of feeling that he can't explain. He can go through an entire day feeling as if he's burning internally because Sungyeol isn't by his side, but then he can feel a breath of fresh air because Sungyeol is a handful and he can't always take it. Sungyeol hates being judged for who he's with, why he's with him, and why Kris accepted him as a lover. He despises all of the insistent chatter about how they are just too different. He's too loud. Kris is too quiet. He's too annoying. Kris is too boring. Sungyeol hates feeling like a burden that Kris is too nice to dump on someone else.

"Sungyeol?" Said boy blinked and looked across the picnic table to his boyfriend Kris.

"Uh, Yeah?" They were sitting outside during their free block, studying for their upcoming AP Test at one of the clothed tables off to the side, red and white checkerboard everywhere. Books lay splashed out, ranging from acute psychological theories to immunity deficiency diseases to Calculus  and Algorithms. 

"Is something wrong?" Sungyeol looked back to his open book, he had been pretending to study Log Equations for the last five minutes and Kris had probably caught on long ago, but he wanted to give Sungyeol his thinking time. Knowing the inner workings of the human brain did come in handy sometimes, Kris notes to himself.

"No, I'm just tired I guess." It was a lie before it even had a chance to be fully released from Sungyeol's mouth. Kris knew for a fact that his cuddle loving boyfriend had consumed his morning Americano and would have energy all day; there had to be a problem for Sungyeol to be acting so quiet, so much like him. Kris disliked it, where was the yelping boy with the gummy smile he had fallen for? He didn't want to push, Kris would never force anything out of Sungyeol, and so he nodded his head with a tiny hint of a smile, drawing their connected hands from under the table and out into the open. 

"Do you want to stop here?" Sungyeol nodded his head instead of his usual yelp of excitement and pulled his hand away to gather his things. Kris felt a freezing wind embrace him, drowning him in cold, Sungyeol's warmth nowhere to be felt but craved for so badly. Kris watched his boyfriend boy his head as he shoved his notebooks and textbooks into his messy bag and instantly felt unnerved. Was he the reason Sungyeol seemed so weird? Sungyeol quickly zipped up his bag and stood on weak knees, feeling under a scope when it was just Kris gazing at him with that look in his eyes. He turned his back to that empty face and squeezed his eyelids against eachother. 

"Where are you going?" Kris was upset, again, and Sungyeol flinched at the commanding in his tone. He always became this way when Sungyeol decided to go off on his own without telling him where and with who. It was one of the few ways Sungyeol knew he cared.

"J-Just to talk to Sunggyu." More or less it was the truth; he was actually planning to have a talk with Sunggyu while around everyone since Suho and Sunggyu liked to gather everyone together, which includes Myungsoo, but if Kris knew he would make sure Sungyeol didn't go.

"Okay." Kris held his distaste inside as he watched Sungyeol walk away and enter the school building. Why is my Yeol acting like this, he wondered.


Sungyeol walked down the hall and turned the corner, pausing in his long stride to press his back to the white wall. He felt nauseous. After taking a deep breath to help calm his frazzled nerves, Sungyeol pushed off from the wall and continued down the empty hall until he met a door full of yelling inside. Figures they would be partying during their free time. The tall burgundy haired boy opened the door and rolled his eyes at the sight. Sunggyu ran back and forth trying to stop Dongwoo from chalk off of his hands while Suho dealt with Kai writing profanity all over the white board and Chanyeol laughing over everyone's voices. Ever since becoming a couple, Sungyeol and Kris had somehow brought their friends together in one gigantic condensed group, though usually not as full as this.

"Hey, where's Kris?" Woohyun, a pretty male with beautiful alabaster skin and dark raven hair asked from his perch on a desk. It was the only way he could watch Sunggyu running around from a comfortable view.

"He's still studying. I came to talk to Sunggyu." Woohyun hummed in reply and pointed to where the male stood talking with Suho and Lay, the trio finally convincing Luhan that Santa Claus did indeed exist and he would get his chance to meet Donald Duck if he was a good boy and played legos with Sehun. Sungyeol greeted each of his friends, dodging Kai's paperball and sidestepping Myungsoo's sultry gaze to tug at Sunggyu's sleeve. 

"Hoya, don't give Tao that chocolate," Suho called frantically, rushing over with Lay holding onto his arm. Xiumin sat against Chen's lap in the desk nearest to the back, ignoring everything and everyone while Baekhyun sat with a small compact, reapplying the eyeliner Chanyeol had somehow ruined. 

"Gyu, can I talk to you about something?" Sunggyu noticed Sungyeol's kicked puppy expression and nodded his head. He saw that Kris was nowhere in sight and knew the blond had to have had a hand in Sungyeol's sad countenance. Sunggyu took Sungyeol's hand and pulled him over to a corner in the room, where Sunjong had decided to nap to his hearts content with all the noise around him.

"What's up," Sunggyu asked, sitting in a desk. Sungyeol sat as well, dropping his bag to lay by his feet.

"Do you find . . . Me and Kris together . . . Weird?"

"Yes," Sungyeol felt his lips instantly tremble,"But that's what makes the both of you perfect. If you weren't weird, it wouldn't work." Both males saw Kai dash across the expanse of the classroom, after having dropped his piece of chalk to run away from his Kyungsoo's yelling.


"B-But, it doesn't disgust you? We look alike and everyone thinks its or something and I hate feeling like I'm this great big problem."

"You don't look alike, well sortof, but even if it was , none of us here would judge you. You're happy when your with Kris, a lot more hyper than before you met him, and even Suho thinks Kris has been better because he met you. He loves you, you know that right? He loves you more than Myungsoo was ever capable of." Sungyeol sat back, stunned. He knew that Kris cared about him a lot, they were together afterall, but he never thought Kris loved him.

He had only been in love once before, with Myungsoo. It was a year of kept secrets and regret and pain and the harsh reality that Sungyeol was being lied to. Myungsoo had claimed to love him, claimed it was all a mistake, yet the truth was set in stone. They had been pretending, pretending to love. 

But with Kris, Sungyeol feels full and found, his gummy smile released every moment they're together. He likes the way that they are, the way Kris will walk him home and wait for him to be safely inside before leaving, how when they are alone Kris drops his mask and smiles and laughs and they talk about any and everything until the sun is basking their side of the world with rays of light again. Sungyeol just . . . He just loves Kris. 

"Why are you asking all of a sudden? Does it actually bother you?" Sungyeol blinked away his tears and smiled, his gums and pearly white teeth showing. 

No, it didn't bother him.

Kris didn't like being alone. He detested the lonliness it brought when he should have Sungyeol by his side or in his arms. He sat planted to the same picnic table for over an hour, his feet refusing to move to find his choding. I shouldn't be feeling so abandoned, Kris thought as he tried to concentrate on the construction of the brain, It's not like he's going to leave me. It was the worst thought he had thought up so far and Kris sighed. He couldn't think properly due to the aching pain in his chest. He missed Sungyeol already. He felt jealousy suddenly brim in his stomach as he thought of his Yeollie talking to Sunggyu, smiling with that stupid human hamster, that precious gummy smile he didn't want his Yeol to give to anyone else but him.

Call him selfish, call him obsessive, but Kris had decided that when he gave his heart to Sungyeol, he wouldn't stop until he had the other's in return. He wouldn't stop until he had all of Sungyeol: his heart, his love, his attention, all of the ditzy choding under his grasp. Kris needed an outlet so he decided that slamming his book shut would suffice. He shoved his books into his bag much like Sungyeol would, crushing paper and unorganizing everything, but he was just too upset to care. Sungyeol may have been addicted to coffee, but Kris was addicted to him. The bell rang for the last block of the day and Kris tossed his bag on and walked inside, his face smooth with passive intent. He could hear things being mumbled about him but he didn't care enough to listen. 

Stupid Yeollie.  


"KRIS!" Kris turned his head in the sea of students racing towards the school entrance and spotted the unruly head of glowing red locks first before he saw that gummy smile only Sungyeol could pull off so beautifully, his cheeks puffing up with the action. He smiled a true smile unconsciously, ecstatic he could finally be with his elementary schooler again. The tall blonde waited for his clumsy boyfriend to catch up to him, nearly toppling over when Sungyeol threw his arms around the boy and jumped against him in a koala hold.

"Krissy," Sungyeol cooed,"I missed you."

"It didn't seem that way to me," Kris muttered, beginning to silently sulk as Sungyeol crushed him with his entire body.

"Aw, is my Krissy mad with me? Don't worry! I have something to tell you!" He's back. Kris felt relieved as he set Sungyeol on his feet and took his hand. Sungyeol looked down at their hands, how perfect it felt, how warm Kris' had was over his.

"Kris, I love you, Kay? So don't be mad at me anymore because I won't like it." Kris froze, his eyes stuck on Sungyeol's face as he nervously looked at any surface but his face.

"Hey," Kris said lightly, catching the boy's attention as he lightly ruffled Sungyeol's red locks,"I love you too . . . Yeollie. I always will." Sungyeol erupted into childish giggles and sloppily kissed Kris' lips in his excitement, tugging on Kris' hand as he began to run. He had no clue how serious Kris really was, that he would never feel hurt again, never have to be alone again, not as long as Kris is by his side.

Kris is Sungyeol's inverse.

Sungyeol is Kris' opposite.

But somehow,

It made sense.


"Come on Kris, I want more Americano!" Kris groaned and rolled his eyes; his Yeollie could never have too much coffee.

"Only one."

"B-But Krissy!"






The End .






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This story is cute..!!
I hope you can write more story like this...^^
i totally understand how you could come up with this in math class c:
we're learning about inverses too LOL
HoJongDrabbler #3
Wow.... While I was reading I thought I'd find it awkward to read about such an odd pairing but this is so cute ;___; if you write more about them I will definitely read! you're such a good writer<3
HoJongDrabbler #4
Wow.... While I was reading I thought I'd find it awkward to write about such an odd pairing but this is so cute ;___; if you write more about them I will definitely read! you're such a good writer<3
LadySyndromeChae #5
Well I'm learning about inverses and opposites too and how come it's the same thang for humans and different for that numbers I hate but anyway this was so cute and fluffy :3 Me likey~
akaonim #6
haha omg i never thought of this pair but i like it was so cute!!!