Turtle Love

Turtle Love


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Previous Chapter

“Night Ddangkoma. Sleep well.” I said and went to my bed as well. But before that, I took two frames from the bedside table and look at it. The first one is me with Jaejoong and Donghae at sport festival in our first year. The second one is Siwon and I in the park near my house. I still remember clearly the way he court me. (Author: Impressive. You know what courting is. – Yesung: Jae told me. – Author: *sighed deeply*) and confess to me. If I count correctly, it’s about two months he’s doing all that for me. (Siwon: You count right, baby. – Yesung: I did?! Yee..!) I also can still remember his confession and my reaction to that. It’s soclear as id it’s just happen yesterday.

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Flashback – Yesung P.O.V


I heard the sound of my house bell and peek from behind a vase that big enough to hide me. I saw my butler open the door and show Siwon standing in front of the door. He smiles at my butler and bow down. Siwon is really polite to others.

“Ah young master Choi. Nice to have you here again. Looking for young lady Yesung?” My butler bow down as well and let Siwon into my house because he often comes here for this past few weeks. He sometimes takes me home from school. That’s why every person in my house know Siwon, exclude appa because he rarely at home because of works and umma because when Siwon is here, umma are at her office.

“Hello Sebastian (Author: Can’t help it.. ^^v), how are you? And yes, I am looking for Yesung. Is she home already? I looked for her at school, but she wasn’t there.” Siwon greet and ask at the same time to Sebastian, my butler, respectfully. Siwon is really the nicest guy I’ve ever met. I like him. Sebastian only nod while close the door. Meanwhile Siwon takes his coat and Sebastian took it from him.  

“I’m good. Thank you for asking, young master. Young lady is already home because she was picked up by our driver for some family occasion. She is currently playing hide and seek with our maids. Please wait in the living room, young master. I will let you know, if young lady wish to see you.” Sebastian told Siwon while he put Siwon’s coat on the closet.

“Thank you, Sebastian.”

“You’re very welcome. Right this way young master.” Sebastian show the way to the living room. But, before they could step their feet, I instantly come out of my hiding place behind the big vase.

“Wait. I’m here. Hi, Siwon.” I greet him with a smile planted on my face. He stares at me for quite long. I tilt my head to my left and look closer to Siwon, to make sure he’s alright. But, I think he’s sick, because his face turned red. He’s always like this when I stare at him close enough.

“Oh, Hh..Hi, Yesung.” He stammered a bit. Hm, what cause him to do that? He’s usually steady and stand strong when meet other people.

“Are you okay, Siwon? Your face is red.” I said with putting my hand in his forehead, measuring his temperature.

“I’m fine.” He said while taking my hand but never let go, just holding it. For a moment I feel my heart beating a little bit faster than usual. Am I the one who sick? I feel hot all of a sudden.

“Then I’ll take my leave. Is there anything you need young lady?” Sebastian voice startled Siwon and I. We turned our head toward Sebastian. I notice Siwon hasn’t let go my hand yet, but I ignore it all together. Instead I answer Sebastian question.  

“Ah, I want that lovely pudding of yours. Can you make it for me and Ddangkoma? Ah and also for Siwon. You’ll be staying long don’t you?”

“Actually, I would like to ask you to the park as usual. But, if you want to stay home and eat that pudding, I don’t mind.”

“What pudding?”

“Huh? But you just said you wan…”

“There’s no such thing as pudding young master. Please don’t confuse the young lady. Looks like you’re going to the park; I’ll prepare your coat.”

“Oh yeah. Like my usual strolling in the park with Siwon. Thanks for reminding me Sebastian.  Shall we go Siwon?” I said while taking a coat from Sebastian, where he retrieves it from the closet, and putting it on. I look at Siwon who still stand there, doing nothing with this preposterous face I have ever seen of his. I couldn’t hold back my laughter because he looks likes Ddangkoma when he’s bored listening to my stories. (Author: Yesung, turtle always look the same. – Yesung: No, they’re not. They have different expression. You should try look at them face. – Author: No, thank you. – Yesung: You’re lost. – Author: No, I’m not – Yesung: *had teary eyes* - Everyone: Don’t you bully Yesung!! – Author: *already run and hide*)

“You look funny. Come on. Let’s go.” I said enthusiastically. I’ll always love these new habits of mind whether going to the park with Siwon or just leisure in my house while I get Ddangkoma to play with us. Either way, Siwon is a great person. He’s fun and never question or judge the way I behave myself. I love being with him, somehow him makes my heart beating faster than it should be, like he just did when he hold my hand which he’s still holding until now. He makes me happy when he’s giving me his smile, his laugh, his kind words, his gentle touch, and etcetera, etcetera. If I think back, I think Siwon gave me his everything and I could never thank him enough.

At the Park

Siwon and I stroll around the park, looking at children play around with their parents or their friends. I giggled the whole time I’m with Siwon. It’s so relaxing to be able to walk beside Siwon like this. When I feel that my feet is kind of tired, I told Siwon and heading to a nearby bench in the park. Siwon follow suit and sit beside me on the bench.

We talk various things and sometimes play my word game that Siwon exceed it perfectly. I’m really impressed with him. He really is a nice guy and a smart guy as well. Then, I notice Siwon is kind of nervous. I looked closer at him and I see his checks is kind of red. Is he really okay? Because I often see him red like this.

“Siwon, are you okay? You look red.” I asked him and he just replied me with shaking his head and staring intently at me.

“I’m fine Yesung. I’m just nervous about something.”

“What are you so nervous about?” I asked again. This time Siwon look determined about something. I tilt my head to the side confused.



“Please don’t be mad at me because of what I’m going to say to you.” When I heard he said that, I almost laugh at him. Fortunately I’m able to tone it down by a simple giggle. Why is he said something like that to me. I will never get mad at him. No matter what happen. Siwon is too nice to do something bad or intentionally make me mad.

“How can I be mad at you Siwon? You’re my friend and I like you. You’re so nice to me. I won’t get mad at you over anything. Except if you take away Ddangkoma from me. You wouldn’t do that, won’t you?!”

“Of course not. It’s something else.”

“Then, I won’t be mad at you.”

“Thank you, Yesung. Okay… Here goes..” He takes a deep breath before say something.

“Yesung, I like you.” I know that. Is this what makes him so nervous? I replied him with a smile in my face.

“I like you too Siwon.”

“No, let me finish first, alright Yesung.” Oh, he wasn’t finish. I nodded my head, signaling him to continue his speech or whatever he’s going to tell me.

“I like you. Not just as a friend, or a brother if you think like that, but so much more. I really like you. I love you.” That last sentence really took me off. Siwon loves me? Like a lovers do? I looked at him trying to find some answer and when I see how unwavering Siwon is, I know that his love for me is the type that lovers have. I maybe clueless sometimes, but I know when a person tell me their love me in a lovers way.

“I think I’ve been in love with you since we first meet at the teacher room. I didn’t realize yet, but when I saw you again in my classroom after that with your friend, I know for sure that my heart beat faster because of you. You make me want you just for myself, make you mine. I couldn’t see any girls beside you, Yesung. I know you’re the one for me. I know you’re the one I need.” Oh, Siwon. You’re so sweet. I really am speechless now.


“So, I asked you this. Would you be my girlfriend? Be mine?” He asked me to be his girlfriend? Me? The turtle girl? The weird, clueless girl? Is it even possible?

“I..” I seem got tongue tied. I don’t know what to say.

“I can’t Siwon.” When I said that, Siwon face paled at once. I mean really pale. Oh, Siwon, forgive me. I have my own reason why I can’t be your girlfriend.

“I can’t because I’ll already have Ddangkoma. It’s like I’m betray him. I couldn’t possible love two different guys.” (JaeHae: AUTHOR!!! ARE YOU CRAZY!! – Author: *run away* - Siwon: It really gives me a shock. – Jae: Sungie, Ddangkoma isn’t a guy, honey. So you wouldn’t betray anyone. – Yesung: Oh, yeah. I kind of forget about that. Sorry, Wonnie. – Siwon: Its fine, baby. You’re mine now. – JaeHae: *sweat dropped*) Yes, I already have Ddangkoma. He’s my first one. I mean I like Siwon, but I don’t know if I love him. His symptom of love is the exactly the same as I feel to him, but sometimes I feel that too when I’m close to Ddangkoma as well. I know that when you feel love, you could only love one person and I couldn’t possibly divide my love between Siwon and Ddangkoma.

“Oh my God, Yesung. You almost gave me a heart attack. Why are you so adorable? You aren’t going to betray Ddangkoma. I love him too. He’s like a son to me, the same as him to you, right?!” (Author: Nice one, Siwon. – Siwon: I know.) I notice there is some kind of reliefs in his face.

“Oh right. He is.” That’s right. Jaejoong also said the same thing to me. She said that Ddangkoma is like my baby and I’m his mommy. So, if that the case, maybe I should say yes to Siwon question. However, the minute I think about that, I get an image of something else. Something that prevent me to agreeing to Siwon proposal.

“See. So what’s your answer Yesung? Would you be my girlfriend?”

“I can’t Siwon.” And Siwon once again gave me his shock but sad face. Oh my God, why I’m being cruel to him? But, I will feel much crueler if I said yes to him. I keep silent when he’s expecting me to give any reason behind my rejection. Seeing me avert my sight from him is making Siwon anxious for a moment although he manages to be calm again and asked me.

“Why?” I have my own reason and I think I need some time too really think about this. I know I have the same feeling as Siwon did, but I also know if I’ve become his girlfriend then what I’m afraid of will happen to us and I don’t want that.

“I just can’t. I’m really sorry Siwon. Um.. I think I have to go home now. We’ll still be friends right?!” Siwon sighed deeply before replied to me. I know his so sad right now. But I really can’t be his girlfriend.

“Of course, Yesung.” He answers me with a forced smile. I still could see his twin dimple that I love so much. Although this time I don’t like his tone when he said that. It’s so depressing.

“Okay then. See you.” I said while turned around and heading to my house. However, not before I could walk 3 steps, Siwon hold my arms and turning me around to face him again.

“Wait Yesung.”


“Will you consider again? I mean I’m not going to give up just like that. I’m going to ask the same question every day until you said yes or at least tell me why you reject me. Could I do that?” I nodded to his request. I simply couldn’t say no to his request. I mean, I already reject the first one, it’s the least I could do to lessen his desolation.

“Thank you. I’ll take you home Yesung.”

“No, you don’t have to.”

“I insist. I’ll take you here; it’s only fair if I’ll take you back.” I once again couldn’t say no to that. So I let him take me to my house, although the situation is very awkward. Well, I hope Siwon is true to his word of still seeing me and still become my friend after this.

End Flashback

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

And Siwon did true to his word. Three weeks after he confessed to me, he still seeing me and does our routine of walking to the park or playing with Ddangkoma. I’m really happy but at the same time feel guilty because I couldn’t accept him to be my boyfriend although I wanted to. It would be the same situation if I don’t gather my courage and talk to my umma about this.

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Knock… Knock…

“Come in.” I heard umma voice for inside. I peek out and enter her room and stroll to her. I choose to sit on her bed when I saw her putting her makeup off in front of her mirror. She smiled at me, noticing the uneasiness I felt right now.

“What’s wrong Sungie? You look trouble.” She asked me while moving from the mirror to next to me.

“Em.. Can’t I ask something umma?” I started softly a little bit nervous. Umma looked at me with care and brushing my hair lightly.

“Sure. What is it?”

“Um.. There is a boy who said he loves me and want me to become his girlfriend.” I told her slowly while fidgeting. I’m really nervous to tell her; afraid she would be mad at me.


“And I kind of like him too, no, I mean I love him, no I mean like him. I..” My nerves get the best of me when I can’t even make up my mind. Umma just laugh a little and take me to her arms. She holds me tenderly making me feel calm.

“Hahaha… Calm down, Sungie. Slow down. Now, tell umma the truth, do you love this boy?” I hesitant for awhile, but when I’m remembering Siwon sweet smile with his twin dimples, I know that I love him. I nodded my head to answer her.

“Okay, so what’s the problem?”

“I don’t like the term of girlfriend.” I state my objection toward that name. Umma looked confused but then she smile and asked me the reason.

“And why is that?”

“Because I don’t want to be like Hae and his boyfriend.”

“Donghae has a boyfriend?”

“All of my friends in school always said that Hae and this boy named Hyukjae are boyfriend and girlfriend. But they always fight umma. I don’t want to be Siwon girlfriend if all we do is fighting like Hae and that boy. I’m worry if Siwon is going to hate me. I don’t want Siwon to hate me.” Umma looked at me with amusement in her eyes. Then out of nowhere, she laughs out loud. I looked at her in annoyance. I’m being serious here, and she has to laugh at me. Why people always do that?

“Oh my baby girl. Why are you this naive? Come here dear. Let me tell you something. What your friend means by boyfriend and girlfriend to Hae and that boy is just a simple teasing. It’s not going to happen to you dear. Look at umma and appa or at your cousin Ryeowook and her boyfriend Kyuhyun. They’re look like a couple come out form a romance novel. So loving to each other. So umma thinks, it’s okay if you want to be someone girlfriend.”

“Is that true umma? I could be with Siwon? He won’t hate me?” I asked umma enthusiastically. Somehow hearing umma told me that I could be someone girlfriend make me feel so relief. Umma won’t tell a lie to me. I could accept Siwon as my boyfriend and he would be happy. I would be happy because I could have Siwon just for myself. Like Ddangkoma, only bigger and more handsome. This is so awesome.

“Oh honey, although umma never see his face, since you mention him every day, I know how he loves you. Well, sometimes Sebastian report to me how the boy act, nevertheless dear, it’s your feelings that matter. Do you love him?” she asked me and this time I didn’t hesitant to answer her.

“I do umma.” She smiles hearing my answer. She ruffled my hair in affection and kisses my forehead.

“Then, don’t let yourself confuse over something that so obvious honey. Go to him and say that you also love him, okay.” I nodded again and hug umma so tightly. I love her so much. I don’t know what I’ll do if she never beside me and help me, because I really don’t know how to handle sophisticated matter like this. Then, unexpectedly umma start crying. I let go my hold and stare at her mystified.

“What’s wrong umma? Why are you crying?”

“It’s nothing dear. I’m just happy and sad because my baby girl is all grown up. My Yesung… Huwaa… Don’t leave us so fast Sungie. Umma don’t want to let you go.” Seeing umma crying like that, makes me cry as well. We cry out loud that makes Sebastian and some maid come running to umma room. There were knocking and calling from Sebastian and the maids but we couldn’t care less because we clutching to each other like there’s no tomorrow.

Sebastian P.O.V

“Madam, Young lady, what happen? Are you alright?” I called the both of them because I heard loud wailing coming inside Madam’s room. I have to know what’s wrong. It’s my duty to take care of them and since Master isn’t here, my worry doubles with the both of them crying like this.

“Huwa…Hikss..hikss..” I getting worried when all I could hear is more wailing and sob coming from inside the room. I tried to call again but I get the same response.

“Sebastian, what should we do?” one of the maids asked me. I could just open the door with my keys but it’s so inappropriate to do that. However, listening to them howling like that makes me do what I have to do. But first, I have to ask permission.

“Madam, I’m sorry, but I have to open this door. Excuse my insolence.” When I’m about to open the door, I heard that the wailing stop instantly. I get nervous and scared because something bad could happen to them. I hurried myself up with the keys to open it. However, I heard a clicking noise came from inside signaling us that the door was open from the inside. Then, come out Madam Kim by herself with red eyes and puffy checks.

“Madam. Thank God. We’re so worried.”

“Sshh. Quite Sebastian. Yesung is sleeping.” She putting her index finger and signaling us to be quite. The maids all clamp their mouth to prevent any sound come out from them.

“But, we heard crying and you’re not answering our call, and..” I tried to found some answer to enlighten my worry, but Madam only do the finger thing again and smile at all of us.

“Hush. We’re fine. It’s just a mother and daughter time. You can all back to your places now.”

“Yes, Madam.” All of the maids storm out quietly while I stay for awhile to make sure that they’re all back to their places. Then, I excuse myself to go to my places. But Madam holds me back.

“Wait Sebastian.”

“Yes, My lady.” I turned my body and bow a little before face her completely. She seems to think about something for awhile before look at me with her sharp eyes. Uhuh.. This is the look of the mogul business woman that we have to be aware of.

“You do know this young boy who gets close to Yesung right?!” She asked me again. Ah, she was talking about young master Choi. I always make report about him to Madam. Frankly without her order, I would keep an eye of that boy. I also care for the young lady so much.

“Yes. As you are ordering me, I’ll check upon him every time he visit young lady and I’ll always gave my report to you.” She nodded at my response and continues speaking.

“Very well. So then, I need one more favor to ask you.”

“Anything, my lady.”

“Go background check on that boy. If he is in our social circle, inform us to his parent. I want a dinner with them. I want to know if his family snobbish or not. And if he is not from our circle, I want you to make sure that he is not taking advantages of Yesung. I don’t want my daughter to get hurt. Understand?” She orders me to take the same action I did back then, to young master Choi. That’s easy.

“Perfectly. You want me to do it like when I background check on Young lady Kim and Young lady Lee.”

“Exactly. Oh, speaking of those two lovely girls, I need to make them another dress for the upcoming party and for Sungie too.” She turned herself to a mother and a freaking fan girl over young lady Yesung and her friends. I’m kind of used to it when Madam changes personality this quickly. I mean I’ve been working with this family since long time ago. Although this family is quite bizarre, but they’re really respect their subordinates and treat us as equal. Speaking of party that she had mention, I kind of don’t know about it.

“What party are we speaking of my lady?” I asked to confirm is this an important party or not.

“A party to celebrate Yesung’s awareness of love, of course. She’s all grown up now. I can’t wait to tell Kanginie.” It’s an unimportant party as usual. I sweat drooped with what she has told me about. The young lady parents always held a party if the young lady experience something new. Oh well, they love her too much I guess. They really pampered the young lady to the fullest. Besides having that kind of wealthy is sometimes make parent go all crazy especially if they only have one child.

Getting all exited to herself, she didn’t notice that I bow down to her and leave her. She still giggling and muttering to herself about some dress and party for her girls. Well, like I said before, although this family is bizarre, we, as me and the entire servant are care so much for them and we will do anything for them, even preparing a non important party like Madam talking about. When I go to the maids’ room to tell them about the upcoming party, I still could hear Madam squealing while she just have told us to be quite because young lady is sleeping. So much of being quite.

End Sebastian P.O.V and Flashback

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

After the mother-daughter episode when Sebastian calling us to no end I’m determined to tell Siwon about my feeling and my decision to accept him. But I don’t know how. Should I just tell him like that or wait until he asked me again? I mean Siwon always asked me the same question everyday when he visit me, and like every other day, that day he’s taking me to the park.  It’s still clear in my mind when we’re taking a stroll at the park and when he gave me the huge turtle plushy I’ve ever seen. It was the day when I decide I have to be true to myself and not being the dense Yesung.

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Siwon and I were taking a nice strolling the park when we decide to stop for a moment for some milkshake which Siwon is buying right now. While I’m too engrossed in waiting for Siwon and thinking about how to tell Siwon, I didn’t realize that Siwon is already in front of me shaking his hand that holding a vanilla milkshake. I jolt back when I feel a slight breeze in my check. I look up and have my face is only centimeters apart from Siwon face. We face each other closely, never blink our eyes for a couple of second until Siwon avert his face to the side and do the fake coughing. I don’t know why, but when I see Siwon face that close, I feel like I couldn’t breathe and feeling so hot. I think my face is red right now. Siwon is so gorgeous up close, not that he doesn’t gorgeous from far away, but I really adore his gentle face. I think umma is right. I’m confusing myself for something that so obvious. I love Siwon and nothing will tell me otherwise.

I turned my stare to him once again. I see him put down the milkshake on the bench beside him and looked at me. We staring at each other once more, but this time I give him my sweetest smile. He looks shy because I suddenly smile like that to him but he overcome it and gives me his famous smile. All of a sudden, Siwon stand up and run to the other side of the park where a lot of stores are displaying its product. I kind of sad he leaves just like that. Siwon never leave me without telling me where he’s going. Is he mad at me or something? But he just smile at me, so why he dash of like that.

Although I’m feeling really gloomy and want to go home, I patiently waiting for him. In fifteen minutes since he left, he came back with a huge turtle plushy in his hands. He jogs to me and in a minute he’s already standing in front of me. I instantly stand up and look at him and the plushy in his hands. He notice my stare at the plushy and he smile while handing me the plushy.

“Here, this is for you.”


“I said this is for you. I notice this plushy ever since I step off from the milkshake shop. I want to buy it there, but my hands are full with milkshake. So I have to take the milkshake to you first and then run to the shop over there before this plushy get in someone hand.” He explains why he has to run and leaving behind. He’s buying this lovely plushy. This lovely turtle plushy which is so cute and amazingly awesome.

“You bought this for me?”

“Of course. I like to give you something. And this time, it’s this plushy. It’s kind of reminding me of your pet.” Siwon remember Ddangkoma. No one ever remember Ddangkoma beside Jaejoong and Donghae and also my parents. I’m so moved with Siwon attention toward me and also Ddangkoma. I look at his face and at the plushy again then take the plushy from his hands.

“This is really for me?” I asked one more time. Oh, God. I really almost made a stupid mistake in my 16 years of life. I’m not going to lose this wonderful guy to my denseness. 

“Yes, Yesung. And like always, Yesung..” He’s going to ask the same question again and this time Siwon, I will put that lovely smile with those twin dimples on your face because you always put a smile on my face every time I’m with you.


“Would you be my girlfriend?” When he asked that, I squealing and hugs him tightly while forgetting for awhile about the turtle plushy that I just drop on the bench. Siwon looked surprised with my unexpected attitude but he instantly circle his strong arms in my waist and hugs me back tightly.

“Siwon.” My whisper is muffled because I hide my face in his neck, but he hears me loud and clear.



“Yes? To what?” he sound confused but he only tighten his hold on me. I smile through his neck.

“And people always called me dense. I just said yes to your question.”

“So that’s mean?” He let go his hold but not far enough, only to be able to see my face for a confirmation. I smile again and brace myself and kiss his nose. He looks stun and couldn’t believe I just did that.

“Yes. I’m your girlfriend now.” And I was right. He smiles more beautiful when I decide to accept him as my boyfriend. Swiftly, Siwon pick me up from the ground, hold me tightly and swing me around while he’s laughing and shouting like he’s the happiest man on earth.

“WOHOO!! YES!!” I giggled at his childish attitude. Not every day you see Siwon this loud and happy. After a few swing, he put me down but never let me go far from him. He keeps embrace me even until we decide to leave the park and reached my house. When we’re at my front door, Siwon finally let me loose although his hands still holding my hands. Then he gives me the plushy he was carrying for me. I took it from him and put it on the pavement near the door. Siwon kiss my hand and pull me slightly and kiss both of my checks, my nose and lastly my forehead. I smile at that and done the same thing for him. I don’t know why, but all the touches now seem like usual things to do. And we both content with that.

“Thank you for today Yesung. You make me the happiest man alive.”

“I’m also happy Siwon.”

“Yesung..” Siwon call me softly while lifting my chin up so I could see his face. I stare at his face, most likely his black eyes.

“Hm?” I replied as softly as it can be. Siwon brush my bang gently and cup my face. I enjoy his touch in my face. It makes me all tingly.

“I love you.” He said that three word while collide our forehead together.

“I know.” I reply while moving my body closer and hug him and he also hugs me back. We hug each other for a very long time, until I hear appa voice come out from the front door.

“Sungie? You’re home honey?” We let go our hold and face appa who already stand in front of the door. He look shocked finding me with a boy which stand quite close to each other.

“Oh, you have a friend? Why don’t you take him inside Sungie?”

“Oh, its okay, Mr. Kim. I’ll be going anyway. I’m just taking Yesung home.”

“Okay then. Yesung say goodbye to your friend.”

“He’s not my friend appa. He’s my boyfriend. Here, let me introduce you two. Siwon, this is Kim Kangin, my appa. Appa, this is Choi Siwon my boyfriend.” When I finished introduce both of them to each other, I notice that something wrong is happening with these two guys. Siwon looks so nervous even kind of afraid, while appa looks so scary and fuming. I’m bemused. Did I do something wrong? (Everyone: You sure did!! Poor Siwon.)

End Flashback

( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )

Since then, Siwon and appa are always in a tense atmosphere. I don’t understand why appa doesn’t like Siwon. I mean umma so fond of him. Maybe appa is jealous because when Siwon around, umma will always indulge him in any way possible. Maybe I should tell umma to lessen her attention toward Siwon. (Everyone: That’s not the reason why your appa dislike Siwon, Yesung. – Kangin: *look at Siwon with distaste* What are you doing here? – Siwon: Looking at Yesung, appa. – Kangin: Don’t call me appa. – Siwon: But why? Soon you’re going to be one. – Kangin: You sneaky brat!! – Leeteuk: Yeobo!! Don’t hurt Siwon, or else.. – Kangin: Yes yeobo. *grumble in the back* - Siwon: *smile smugly*)

I put the two frames back to its place. Then I get to my bed and put myself inside the blanket. I don’t forget take my turtle plushy to my side. I looked at the turtle plushy and smile to myself, remembering all that was happen to me. I love the fact that every step in my life is always involved with a turtle, like my first friend is Ddangkoma and now my first boyfriends and hope to be last is brought by a turtle plushy. So, all the love I have in this world is brought by turtle. Its turtle love indeed. Well, good night. See you. *switching off the light*


( 。・_・。)(。・_・。 )


Notes : Finally!! Second part!! Happy B’day to Yesung. It’s a gift for you and all the amazing readers.

Hope you’ll like it and don’t forget to leave a trace of your visit.

Luv u.

Sankyu and peace.



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KcuLL22 #1
Ohh this is so adorable XD
I love it soo much!
cloudy_28 #2
Ohh..so sweet. Yesung..she's so damn cute n adorable n siwon coukndt handle it ahahahaha. that's why he want yesung to be his only. Cute !!
cloudykuro #3
cute ^^
happy bday yesung-ah~!!!
KcuLL22 #4
Woaa yesung looks so normal here lol
cloudy_28 #5
Oh..this's the side story of "Gilrs". Cute!! The Kim's family realy cute n funny,lucky Yesung to have a dad like Kangin n mom like Teuki,perfect couple.
I like this..