Chapter 2

Of Being Gentlemen and Lovers


In which Kangin could not escape (the thralls of) a certain gentleman.

The universe, Kangin reflected grimly, clearly possessed a sense of humour—a twisted one, that was.

For after running into each other four times in the mere span of one week, Kangin would be inclined to think that he had been sufficiently punished by every higher power presiding over the fates of puny mortals such as himself. After all, their disastrous first meeting had occurred in a place as unflattering as a prison cell—with him being in the wrong side of the bars, no less.

But no, of course not. Upon entering the brightly-lit, luxurious foyer of the Royal Opera House, Kangin quickly discovered that a fifth encounter was imminent. The man who had been haunting the many chambers of his mind with such alarming persistence could now be seen standing near the centre of the room with two other gentlemen whom Kangin did not recognise. He was immaculately dressed, as always, and gracing his face was a bright smile which had never appeared in Kangin's presence before.

And to complete this portrait of his misery with a gilded frame, he soon found himself being pulled to the man's direction by a lady cousin of his. Kim Taeyeon’s deceptively smaller and thinner arm was a firm anchor around his, and Kangin could only stand by her side in complete silence as she introduced the gentleman in question as a certain Mr Park Jungsoo.

“Mr Park,” he murmured, trying to ignore a sudden wave of utterly irrational satisfaction at finally learning the other man’s name.

“Mr Kim,” was the scrupulously polite return, with a strictly correct bow and a perfectly indifferent smile. Kangin was forced to swallow a grimace of disappointment.

In the past, a stiff bow and a frosty smile had been all the exchange they had deemed necessary before quickly parting ways once more, but current circumstances dictated otherwise. Taeyeon was smiling, clearly determined to make them better acquainted with each other—especially if the nails digging into the flesh of his arm were any indication. Kangin would have wondered at that, if not for the fact that most of his intellectual capacity was currently employed elsewhere (‘elsewhere’ being an attempt to determine why this gentleman had such a tremendous effect on him, although admittedly in a manner quite different from that of his diabolical cousin).

One possibility was quick to suggest itself to his mind, which Kangin immediately dismissed on the grounds of sheer common sense. He did not believe in love at first sight. (He was, after all, not the hopelessly romantic Choi Siwon.) Besides, the suggestion itself was already too ridiculous to merit even a passing glance, let alone a full contemplation.

Which did not actually explain why he felt the need to underline the point by being particularly nasty—but he did.

“So you enjoy opera, don’t you?” Kangin asked when Taeyeon had turned her attention to the other two gentlemen in their little group.

“Alas, I am still learning,” was the modest answer.

“And your cousin?”

The other man stiffened slightly, but his reply remained in the region of cautious and mannerly. “He is not a connoisseur, no.”

Kangin’s lips curled into a mocking smile. “No wonder. Card, I believe, is his penchant?”

“As is yours, I believe.” There, at last, a trickle of sharpness. Kangin felt his smile widen.

“Not so much that I have no time for a more sophisticated form of entertainment. But I must say that I am relieved to avoid a meeting.”

“I dare say he feels the same.”

Kangin almost paused, but he was quick enough to master his surprise and nod. “Quite. After all, manners are paramount in polite society.”

“I do not think, Mr Kim,” (and there was something here—perhaps in the way Park Jungsoo tilted his head up slightly, or the way his voice suddenly fell into a soft, almost dangerous region of a murmur—that rang a warning bell in Kangin’s head), “that you are the best authority to speak on the subject of manners.”

“Are you saying that my manners are bad?” he demanded, eyes narrowed.

“’Bad’ is a fairly mild and often ambiguous term,” the other man replied, meeting his gaze steadily. “In this case, perhaps ’atrocious’ would have been more suitable.”

This time, Kangin did succumb to a pause. He did not expect the slight—not from this man—and yet here he was, the unmoving target of a volley of sarcasm.

“I see that your cousin is not the only one with a sharp wit and a quick tongue,” he said when he finally found his voice. Jungsoo bowed his head slightly, a gesture of gratitude which conveyed anything but gratitude.

“You compliment me.”

Kangin snorted as a scowl began to gather on his brow. “Certainly, if you consider being put on the same level as someone like him a compliment.”

“Yes, I do,” was Jungsoo’s cold reply.

“How very disappointing.”

“It has become quite obvious by now, Mr Kim, that we have a very different understanding on what is to be considered ‘disappointing’.”

“Your cousin is a jerk,” Kangin declared, the earlier stirring of irritation suddenly burning bright and hot in his chest. He did not miss the way Jungsoo’s eyes narrowed, how his jaw clenched in anger—and there was a moment of childish, blinding triumph before a sharp pain exploded in his right foot.

“Please refrain from calling my cousin names in my vicinity.”

When he looked back on this exchange later that night, Kangin would berate himself for failing to remember that this man was a relative of that boy and therefore could be just equally dangerous. At the moment, however, the politely delivered warning only managed to evoke a stream of muttered curses from Kangin’s mouth as he strived to remain on his feet without an undignified limp. Two or three ladies, including Taeyeon, turned to his direction in surprise, but through the haze of pain Kangin could only remember the look in Jungsoo’s face, how those lips curled in distaste and those eyes shone with scorn.

The sight bred a thick coil of shame in his chest. The sensation was something he had almost forgotten and he couldn’t say that he liked it in the slightest—but before Kangin could do anything about it, a bell signalled the opening of the door and the other man quickly inclined his head.

“If you’ll excuse me, Mr Kim.”

Kangin spent the entire four acts of Aida cursing everything from the universe to the sturdiness of Park Jungsoo’s silver-studded cane.




In which Kangin realised that the universe truly hated him.

“So who is this man again?”

Siwon began his explanation as they left the hustle and bustle of Piccadilly and turned toward Hyde Park, joining the slow current of afternoon strollers. “A gentleman who has just returned from abroad. His family owns a large tea plantation in India, and until recently, he has been conducting business with an importing company based in Bristol. Everything had been satisfactory until six months ago, when it was discovered that this company had actually been involved in a series of suspect, if not exactly illegal, dealings.”

Kangin’s lips quirked upward. “But this gentleman, of course, deems that further business affiliation is now both undesirable and unwise, especially with a company which had fallen into such disrepute.”

Siwon nodded. “The reason why he came to town was to look for a possible substitute. We met at a party and I happened to mention that I could introduce him to a friend of mine who owned a business in a similar line.”

“First thing first,” Kangin interrupted, “how do you know whether he is trustworthy or not? And what about the current state of his business?”

A faint shadow of discomfort came to his friend’s face. “I have taken the liberty to hire a private investigator prior to informing you. I hope you don’t mind.”

Kangin raised an eyebrow, surprised and suspicious both. “Why, Siwon, I certainly didn’t expect you to go that far for me.”

“It was only prudent,” the taller man said evasively. “But you have no reason to be anxious. With the exception of this unpleasant business with the company in Bristol, they are completely above reproach.”

Kangin said nothing for some time as Siwon turned to greet and smile at several acquaintances of his—most of whom were, predictably, ladies of different ranges of age, including but not limited to a number of eager mothers who clearly had their eyes set on him for their young, unmarried daughters. As he was being introduced, Kangin amused himself with the idea of informing them of the ultimate futility of their effort, but in the end, refrained out of sheer compassion. After all, it was none of his business if his best friend decided to break every heart in London simply by playing the part of a perfect gentleman.

Siwon, however, noticed the small smirk he had not been able to completely suppress, and frowned. “I was merely being polite,” he pointed out as they once more resumed their walk.

“Oh, I know,” Kangin replied calmly. “But the question is, do they?”

Siwon's countenance darkened, but he refused to fall into Kangin’s trap. “To continue our discussion,” he said instead, “I think this is an excellent business opportunity. But we’re about to meet him, so you don’t have to come to a decision right now.”

Kangin shrugged his shoulders. “I certainly won't say yes unless I like the look of him.”

Siwon blinked, then grinned. “Well, he is quite handsome if that is what you’re asking.”

“No, it isn't,” Kangin growled, giving his friend a sour look. “And I'd appreciate it if you didn't twist my words.”

“Are you sure? Because he really is–”

“It still doesn't explain one thing," Kangin interrupted, raising his voice a little. "What’s in this for you?”

The question successfully wiped the grin off Siwon's face and earned him a wary glance. “What do you mean?”

“Do you honestly expect me to believe that you went through all this trouble out of the goodness of your heart?”

“There is nothing wrong with doing something for a friend out of the goodness of one’s heart,” was Siwon’s stiff reply.

“No, indeed, except I don’t believe that it is the case here," Kangin pointed out triumphantly. "Spill it out, man.”

Siwon visibly struggled with himself for a few seconds, before finally relenting with a sigh. “I am not without a personal interest in the matter,” he admitted in a low voice.

“That much is obvious to me,” Kangin said dryly. “But what is this so-called personal interest exactly?”

The uncomfortable look in Siwon's face grew in direct proportion of his voice falling even lower. “It is my sincerest hope,” he was practically whispering by now, “that perhaps through you, I might be able to become more closely acquainted with his family.”

“This has something to do with your infatuation, doesn’t it?” Kangin accused.

“For the hundredth time, it isn’t an infatuation,” Siwon said indignantly. “I am in love.”

“The fact that you can say it out loud in broad daylight while being sober—and in a public place no less—really disturbs me,” Kangin declared.

He will also be there today. I cannot afford to blend in with the masses if I wish to capture his attention,” was Siwon’s solemn defence.

“Believe me, my friend, you have many estimable fortes, but blending in is so not one of them,” he pointed out, rolling his eyes. They were leaving the park area and their destination could now be seen looming in the distance, a grand edifice of neo-classical style that wore its ostentatious golden glory with as much vanity as its owner. Kangin sighed. “Fine, I will be your alibi—or a cog in your nefarious scheme, as it were.”

He was rewarded with a smile so wide and bright it was a wonder that the sun had not actually fallen from the sky and stood in front of him. “You won’t regret this.”

“I already have, actually,” Kangin muttered under his breath. Still, he could not deny that he was curious. So far, he had yet to earn a glimpse of the infamous young man who had captured Choi Siwon’s heart, and this might just be the opportunity. And no, it did not come out of any desire to make fun of his friend.

At least not entirely.

They arrived with some time to spare. The tea party had yet to begin, but most of the guests had already crowded the garden behind the house and a low murmur was now ading the open space. Unused to this sort of setting, Kangin hid his discomfort behind an expressionless mask as they made their way to pay respect to their hostess.

Lady Kwon Yuri, young, beautiful, and recently wedded to the new—and regrettably vain—Duke of Argyll had been the belle of society since the moment of her debut. Her marriage to one of the most powerful noblemen in England only strengthened her position as a lady of distinction, but it did not dim the warmth of her smile as she watched their approach from a corner where she held court among the more distinguished personas of her guests.

“Mr Choi, Mr Kim,” her low, musical voice greeted them pleasantly. “And here I was wondering if my invitation had been rebuffed.”

“To rebuff the invitation from such a beautiful lady is a crime most appalling,” Siwon replied smoothly, his lips lightly brushing the back of her hand. Kangin resisted an urge to roll his eyes, mostly for the lady’s sake.

After performing the gesture himself, he gladly let his friend take care of the exchange of pleasantries. Small talks were a waste of time in Kangin’s opinion—and in any case, he preferred the more straightforward company of men to the layered subtleties which marked the ladies’ conversational style. Siwon, on the other hand, had practically been brought up from one social party to another. This was where he thrived, under so many pairs of eyes and shining all the more brightly for it.

They only excused themselves from Lady Kwon’s presence when more guests arrived. Kangin had just allowed himself to enjoy a long sigh of relief when Siwon suddenly hissed in front of his ear.

“There they are.”

“They?” he repeated blankly. Siwon made no answer, but his grip on Kangin’s arm gave the older man no choice but to follow him—to the direction of two men who were standing near the bushes of white roses, a little apart from the other guests.

They looked decidedly familiar. Kangin could feel a vague sensation of nausea starting to crawl in his stomach.

“Mr Park, Mr Cho,” he heard his friend say once they were close enough, “may I introduce you to my close friend and business associate, Mr Kim?”

The two men turned around, and Kangin discovered that the universe was indeed laughing in his face.




In which Kangin discovered that he might have been infected as well.

That they were currently in the house of a very distinguished lady was the only reason why Kangin had not dragged his friend outside and screamed at him.

Park Jungsoo, at least, had the decency to act as if no embarrassing prior meeting had taken place between any of them. The same, however, could not be said about his cousin. As recognition dawned, his expression turned into the most horrified disbelief, followed by a scowl so deep and hostile that Kangin had to suppress an urge to mimic it.

And then he realised, in horror, that it was this boy who was the love of Siwon’s life.

Again, Kangin had to cling to his every sense of dignity and decorum not to break down screaming at his friend. True, he was a fervent believer of the laissez-faire dogma, that one man must not judge another for there could never be any reckoning of taste—but this was beyond ridiculous.

While his entire concentration was engaged in this mental process, introductions and small talks, mostly conducted by Siwon and Jungsoo, had appropriately been made. The conversation now took a turn to a more professional nature, and Kangin realised that he had to begin making a more substantial contribution since it was his business which was at stake.

“Mr Kim has an unimpeachable reputation as a man of business,” he heard his friend say—and from the corner of his eyes, he could see the boy making a decidedly rude expression after hearing this bit of praise. “I believe you would find that there could be no danger of his company being involved in any unpleasant scandal, illegal or otherwise.”

Still wearing a smile that carved a faint shadow of a dimple under the left corner of his lips (which Kangin could not help but notice), Park Jungsoo met his gaze warily. “I certainly would like to discuss this matter further, if the gentleman does not mind,” was his polite answer.

“Then I shall leave you two,” Siwon concluded—much too eagerly, in Kangin’s opinion. He threw a glare at his friend’s direction, but the other man did not seem to notice, already absorbed in his campaign to earn something other than a scowl from the love of his life. His grin, Kangin thought viciously, looked positively daft, not to mention disturbing.

With a sigh, he returned to his present company. “You do not have to humour him, you know,” he said stiffly.

The other man gave him a look which successfully made him feel like an idiot. “Your friend, Mr Kim,” Jungsoo said flatly, “is a very powerful man, and the last thing I want to do is to offend him in any way.”

Kangin simply had to smirk at that. “I don’t believe you have anything to worry about on that score. In case you haven't noticed, he is too far gone to be offended by what you—or your cousin, for that matter—might say or do.”

Jungsoo glanced at the direction of the pair who, Kangin noticed with barely concealed glee, looked anything but comfortable with each other. At the moment, the boy looked downright intimidated by the handsome man who was still generously pouring every bit of heartfelt attention upon his person—and the only thing that prevented Kangin from giggling like a madman was the reminder that he was, in fact, a part of this miserable charade.

“It does not change the fact that our problem is not yet solved,” Jungsoo suddenly spoke again, pulling him out of his world of private amusement. “To speak frankly, Mr Kim, it is to our best interest to find a suitable alternative as soon as possible, so if your company can provide the ships and insurance we need, then I am not at all adverse to the idea of forming a partnership, regardless of our opinions of each other.”

Kangin found himself staring at the other man, torn between uncertainty and amazement. It would seem that his interest in Park Jungsoo had not been misplaced after all.

“Opinions are very rarely set in stone, Mr Park,” he finally said, careful to keep his voice neutral. “In fact, mine are still very much subject to change.”

It was the other man’s turn to stare at him, his expression surprised if not exactly friendly. Kangin did not realise that he was holding his breath until Jungsoo opened his mouth to reply. “Well then, I suppose I can begin with a more extensive explanation of our business.”

Kangin could feel the beginning of a grin on his lips (but at least he didn't look as idiotic as his friend.)

End Chapter 2


Note: Sorry, the chapter's shorter this time... But thank you for reading! Comments will be very much appreciated :)


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SarangHaeya #1
Chapter 4: This story is really interesting and enjoyable. The characters and the interaction between then are well structured and desribed. I especially enjoy the interaction between Hyukjae and Kangin -so funny! There is a constant smile on my face while reading :D First, I thought that this story is finished because it is marked as "completed". But this story is not complete, right? On LJ there are also only 4 chapters. Will you continue it? I know it's a long time since your last update but I hope you'll find the will to continue this story. It's really good (in language and content)!
simrore #2
Chapter 3: I really like this story! Poor lovestruck Siwon, Kyu'll come around...I hope...
Please please PLEASE update!? ^^
lizzie43 #3
Chapter 3: It's a wonderful job and I hope you continue with this story at some point, it's simply amazing! :)
Chapter 3: I freaking love this story!!!! you got me hanging at my laptop with every word. I laugh so much with this, its amazing! please, please update soon. I cant wait for more!!!!
Chapter 3: aish. I'm wondering when Kyuhyun will vocalize his feelings for Siwon.

ahahaha. but I see that they are also a whisper couple here. ^____________________^
drazen08 #7
Chapter 3: pffft why is Kyuhyun so bratty? i want to smack him. His giving Siwon a hard time, bet that's his way of hiding the fact his head over heels inlove with him too :) hmmm what's make Jungsoo sad? longing for a lover? But Kang in's there lol

And you already knew i always love your update so keep it coming.......