Chapter 3

6th of JUNE

Hyuna POV


Today is the 5th of June. So, tomorrow is the 6th of June. The day when I should not have been born. Hhhhh ........ I sighed heavily. Tomorrow will be a day where I wanted to die. Why the birthday should be celebrated? Are they happy with it? Pppfftt ...... what the hell!
Tonight I decided to not go anywhere. Because I know, my mother would take me out to celebrate my birthday. Gaaahhh .... I do not want to! Birthdays are a terrible day.
Uh, I forgot something. This morning he gave me a letter that looks like ..... dangerous.
I stepped toward my desk. Take the bags and immediately opened. Finding a letter this morning I put into this bag.
"Hmmm .. where is the letter?" I was still searching.
"Haiiisshh ..... maybe falling or .. wasted? Dunno ..."
I threw my bag on the bed, and guess what ...... red paper it was still there! Earlier I did not find it, but now ..... paper was suddenly there!

GOD! It's scary, it's a mysterious letter.
I took it slowly, and opened it slowly.
"What the ...."
I unfolded the letter that first .....


and that the second ....
What's this???? What kind of letter?! Is he kidding me?


then I unfolded the third ....

~Aaahhh, you still reading this? GOD! YOU ARE SO SMART!
Kkkkkk ...... you know why I'm writing this letter? And give it to you? Guess what the reason I'm writing this? Don’t know? Ahahaha, me too(?) - -‘ ………..~


Yaaaaa, what is this?! YOU PABO!


I continued read the letter…

~……….. As we know, today is the 5th of June, tomorrow is the 6th of June, so I intentionally did not celebrate my birthday this year.
Somehow it seems my birthday this year was different and gave the impression that ..... wow ... very different: D I’m just…………….…forget it……..
You know what? I've wanted to ask you to go out together. So .... I'm just saying, what if tomorrow we go along the way? Do not tell me you can not. I want to show you something. But promise me to come, I would be happy if you come ^ ^
Tomorrow, 7 pm, go to the park near the town square, I'll be there, come with a feminine style: P kkkkkkk .... Do not forget to note the socks, haha I'm kidding.
So, do not forget to tomorrow night: * chu ~

From: SDW who always cool and handsome as usual B)

And this is my phone number ************* ;)


Gaahh… who is need his phone number? You stupid nerd! -____-

I know you just want to set me up with this letter, is not it? Huh, you can not fool me with it. I will not come tomorrow night. kkkkkk .... stupid nerd!
Hahahaha, anyway, which I believe in this letter, you deliberately write it? To invite me? : P I know this is your alibi, aha! Gotcha!
I do not need it! Please just go celebrate your birthday with as you please. I better sleep all day in a room without having to leave the house.
Ahah! So I can live in peace without any disturbance!

I immediately change clothes to sleep, now almost 11 pm. Pathetic ... 1 more hour to the day where most days I hate. UUUGGGGHHHH!!!!!
"GOD! Kill me!" I cried hard.
I do not know what made me hate my birthday?! I hate it, god! I hate it!
Since the incident, I no longer want to celebrate my birthday.


7 years ago, my father, he died……. right on the day of my birthday. From the day I hate my birthday, which is supposed to be an enjoyable day even make a day of it being painful. None of my friends know that my father had died, so I keep it all. They just saw me as a girl who exaggerated, but in reality, I hate something I do not like because there is a reason.
I change everything myself, it's because I want to forget everything that happened on that painful day.
Birthday or whatever it is, I do not like! I better not have been born.
My father's life better, and I were to disappear from this world.
I could not stem the tears that had gathered in the corners of my eyes. So I remove it, and cried softly, afraid of my mother heard my cries.
Since 7 years ago .....

* Flashback *

"Hyuna-aahh ..... Which cake do you like? Flavors were strawberry or chocolate?" Hyuna mother asked with a smile.
"Hyuna want that one, taste the cheese."
"jinja? cheese? why not a chocolate?"
"Shireo .... Hyuna just like that one, daddy also love the cheese, Hyuna was well liked." Hyuna replied with innocent face.
"Geurae .. then we bought the cheese okay?"
"neeeee!" Hyuna said pleased.
Her mother went to book and immediately ordered the cake candles, and all and all the supplies for a birthday cake. Suddenly her phone rang. And immediately picked it up.
"It's me, your husband."
"Ne .. what is it dear? Are you ready to celebrate the birthday of Hyuna?"

“Ne….. but I seem a little late, tell Hyuna, I'm a little late."

"Well dear, be careful on the way home okay?"
"neh .... bye."
He immediately turned off the phone and his mother had finished ordering everything. Then they go home.

@home ...
"Mom, where’s daddy now?" Hyuna said while sitting on the floor.
"Hmmm .. wait a minute Hyuna, he will come, just take it." She said while preparing his birthday cake on the table.
"But, soon 12 o'clock at night, mom." Hyuna said that getting annoyed.
"oh dear, soon, just wait a minute .... neh?"
"Huufft ...." HyunA says sulkily.
"Do not frown Hyuna, then your face will be ugly. Kkkkkk ....."
"Mom ...." Hyuna said plaintively.
Her mother just chukled of hyuna’s expression. 2 minutes later, her phone rang. Signs a call.
"Annyeong ...  is this Mrs. Kim?" he asked on the other side there.
"Ne ... what is it?"

“ I’m Secretary Lee. I want to tell you something, your husband, Mr. Kim had just had an accident one a trip. Fork in the road he was hit by a truck. and .... I'm sorry mrs. Kim, he just died.”

She was shocked and covered . Granules tears almost fell, she sobbed quietly, afraid Hyuna hear her sobbing.
Hyuna is confused to see her mother, decided to approach her​​.
"mom?" Hyuna asked while touching her arm.
Her mother immediately wipe tears that have flowed as she turned off the phone. And facing towards Hyuna.
"neh?" she asked softly.
"Mom why? Something wrong?" asked Hyuna.
Her mother hugged Hyuna, and dropped back tears. She sniffled a bit loud, so make Hyuna come to feel sad and dropping tears.
"Wae mom? What happen? Why are you crying?" Hyuna also said that dropping tears.
"Sorry Hyuna, I'm sorry, sorry, we both can not occupy the promise." Hyuna getting hugged her mother tightly.
"But ... why, what happened?"
"Your father ..... just an accident ...... and .........”

They both hugged each other, dropping tears, sobbing loudly, the room filled with their sobs.
Hyuna was still a child, but his heart says, that his father had died.


*Flashback end*


Dongwoon POV



“Hhhhh……which one should I wear? Should this one? Or that one?” I asked to my self. And shook my head frustrated. What should I wear? At least I don’t have new any clothes. Yaaa! Stupid dongwoon! Why didn’t you buy some? Aaarrrggghhhh….tommorow. She will come, how about me? I should wear perfect clothes in front of her. So I will make she impressed.

But…….WHAT CLOTHES ?????????? -_____-

Kim Hyuna! Why did you make me crazy?
I have to look good in front of you tomorrow! Must!
And you also must!
But wait ....
"It does not matter if I'm wearing any clothes. She's indifferent, and not much commentary, right? Kkkkkk ......"
I said, looking at the clothes I already glimpse mess on the bed. ! Why should a mess like this?
I had to call the maid. But .... did I have a maid? I scratched my head. Confused about whether my clothes.
"I dont care. Importantly tomorrow night I have to look good in front of Hyuna? Just need a lot of perfume sprayed all over my body and ... celebrate my birthday with her, kkkkkk ... and also do not forget to give a gift, and something special. "I said with a smile. A very charming smile. Juat wait for tommorow dongwoon….. : )


Author POV


Sunny morning, as usual Dongwoon got up and immediately went to take a shower. He was very excited today. A smile always on his face. Even though he slipped on the floor, he was still smiling. -__-
While Hyuna were still fast asleep on her bed. Hyuna deliberately to not go to school today. It often she skipped every 6th of June.
She knew this day was going to make damn sure if she went out of the house. So she had often done this.
Back again to Dongwoon, he now ready to go to school by bike. As usual, he always said good-bye to his mother.
Dongwoon started pedaling, but there he had forgotten, he immediately turn around and pedaled faster. Kim Hyuna. He decided to go to Hyuna's house, because he knew this day Hyuna certainly not going to school.
10 minutes later, Dongwoon up in front of Hyuna's house. He get off his bike, and immediately opened the fence Hyuna’s house. And walked toward the door hyuna’s house. Thought for a moment before pressing the doorbell. But the next moment, his hand accidentally pressed the bell.
"Oh god ..." Dongwoon surprised.
Dongwoon just wanted to turn around, when Hyuna's mother opened the door of the house and get Dongwoon reversing his body.
"Who?" Hyuna mother said.
Dongwoon paused, then reversed his body again to face her.
"Annyeong ..." Dongwoon greeted softly and bow to her.
"Oh annyeong. Who are you?"

“Emm…I’m…Son..Son Dongwoon. Hyuna classmates.”  Dongwoon replied haltingly.

"Oh, Hyuna classmates. what's it?" she asked with a smile.
"Emm .. is there hyuna?"
"Yes, but today she permit to not go to school."
"I see, please just tell her, do not forget to come to the park tonight,hehe." Dongwoon said as he bowed his head slightly.
"Well then, I'll tell her. Anything else?" She asked, smiling mischievously.
"Ah .. ani ... kamsahamnida ...." Dongwoon said doubtfully.
"it's okay, you're welcome."

“Neh…. Once again, thank you ahjumma…I have to leave now, bye…” Dongwoon bowed again before leave her. And  he went to the front yard to pick up his bike.

Hyuna's mother just smiled and nodded slowly. They both do not know that from last Hyuna was watching them talk through her bedroom window.

“I’ll not come Son.Dongwoon.Mr.Who.Always.Celebrate.His.Birthday.Every.Year.” Hyuna muttered with death glare.

Dongwoon was about to leaving, but then he accidentally looked at the window of the room that hyuna was standing. Dongwoon smiled at her, and said to himself confidently. “ You will come, it will!”



Hehehehe, hey hey hey!

I'm back and bring this chapter for you all xDDDDD

I dont know, but this is still chapter(?)

Wait for the next will be a final.

So this is the last chapter, and the next is FINAL! YEY!

^^ Just keep reading if you wont comment chu~

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maechan014 #1
Chapter 3: i love this!! PLEASE UPDATE!
It's Dongwoon and Hyuna I LOVE ITTTT!
Cihaeci #3
thank you neko, thanks for comment this story *bow* xD
Okay, i'll update soon ^o^
Lol dongwoon making sure hyuna will read
please update soon!
Cihaeci #5
Aaaaaa xD
thank you so much for comment, thank you *BOW*
Okay, i'll update soon ^^
yulnvn #6
It's not bad. Update soon. I want to know what is in the letter