Chapter 2: Who do you call a BIRDY?

Should we really be in love?


Chapter 2

“Okay, so all of us have gathered here. Wait, there somebody’s missing.” Jung Kyung Lim, Sulli and Victoria’s mother, eyed for everyone in the room to look for the missing person.

“Omma, it’s Nichkhun. He went to the gent.” Victoria claimed, suddenly.

“Okay, let’s wait for him.”

“No. He told me to tell you to just proceed.” She grinned while talking. She knew every pair of eyes in the room was being fixed on her. Then, Sulli elbowed her hand. Apparently, Nichkhun was walking into the room while wiping his wet hands nonchalantly against his jeans. He then sat beside Victoria on the floor.

“Okay, so everyone is gathered. Here, I have one important thing to inform to you. Very important for all Jung family members.” Unnoticeably, Nichkhun smiled to himself after feeling proud that he is actually being accepted to be one of the family members, even though he is not yet married to Victoria.

“First of all, I would like to express a warm greeting to Nichkhun as this is his first meeting with the family. Stand up, young man.” Ordered Kyung Lim and so Nichkhun stood up hastily. He bowed and waved in an adorable awkwardness, Victoria thought so.

“Okay, thank you. So, let’s proceed. Actually, …


*****Should we really be in love*****


Later, in Myeongsoo’s, Woohyun’s and Seungyeol’s room,

“Hyung-ah, couldn’t you just please sit properly and listen to what I am trying to say?” Myeongsoo pleaded to Woohyun who was threatening him to shut up or he will leave the room to sleep at the living room.

“Ah jinjja! Why are you keeping on forcing me? I’m not gonna join you gossiping, okay? I’m leaving.” Before Woohyun can walk forward to reach the door, Myeongsoo grabbed tightly his both legs.

“Hyung-ah.. Kajima. I have no one else besides you. Please treat me well, nae?” Myeongsoo’s weird confession had just put Woohyun in doubt to leave or not. Soon after, Seungyeol entered. He was so surprised when he looked at Myeongsoo’s and Woohyun’s pose.

“Wa! You guys surprised me! What’s up? And, ow! I played Dota with SungGyu Hyung just now. Aish, it was so frustrating because I lost in the end. But, whatever. I can try again next time.” Seungyeol said while preparing himself to sleep. He just acted like nothing had happened between his other two roommates.  Woohyun and Myeongsoo were still in the same position just like before Seungyeol entered the room. They observed Seungyeol bewilderingly while he was just wearing his eyes cover and beginning to nap.


“Good night, sleep tight!” Seungyeol murmured, half-sleeping. A few moments later, his snore can be heard and that was proving he had already in the middle of his ‘not-awakable’ sleep. And so, Myeongsoo continuously pleading that made Woohyun grunting ceaselessly. Imperceptibly, they had produced some noises that might awaken Seungyeol from his sleep.

“Hyung-ah. Jebal!” his both eyes were shining while he begged to Woohyun.

“Ugh, don’t do that!” he shrugged. All of a sudden, Seungyeol woke up from his bed while his eyes cover was still placed on his eyes; he brought his green favourite pillow along and went straight out from the room.

“Where’s he going?”

“To the living room, perhaps?”

“Hyung-ah. The couch at the living room has been occupied. So, there’s no other place for you to sleep anymore. Please stay.” Silent tickled them for a while. Looked like Woohyun was considering the things that Myeongsoo had just said.

“Okay.” Woohyun said helplessly, in the end.

“YAY! Come, please sit here. I have lots of things to share, you know. I don’t care if I have to spend this whole night to tell you all of it.”

“Yah! Consider a bit, okay? We got a live performance tomorrow.”

“Ouwkayy..” muttered Myeongsoo while pouting his mouth.

“Here’s the story. Yesterday…” and his story-telling section lasted till the quarter midnight.


*****Should we really be in love*****


“You shouldn’t come here, I guess. I’m feeling okay already.” Ayu claimed.

“Jeongmallyeo? That’s good.” Since yesterday, Wooyoung was so determined to visit Ayu at this private hospital no matter what. Luckily, he didn’t bump into Woohyun. He took of his leather jacket and hung it at the chair backbone.

“Ouh, before I forgot. All 2PM members are sending you their regards. They want you to rest well so that you will be recovered fully.”

“Really? Thank you.” An awkward silence bothered them. Ayu kept nodding to Wooyoung since she was feeling quite nervous when talking to him. DUP! DAP, her heart said. Suddenly, Wooyoung’s phone vibrated. He had received a message from someone.

The message was written,

Wooyoung-ah, please turn on the television no matter where you are right now. SBS Channel. Thanks.

“Boa?!” He muttered under his breath. Ayu watched him taciturnly. Wooyoung then the television in the room and switch on SBS Channel. Ayu and Wooyoung, both gasped.

“It’s Jiyeon. What pictures?”

“I have no idea.”


*****Should we really be in love*****

Jiyeon during the press conference

Jiyeon during the press conference


“I’m aware that everybody has being assured that the kid in the pictures is me. Apparently, it’s not. I have many evidences to prove that that girl is really not me.”

“The publics had compared all your present birthmarks to the girl in the pictures had. And, they confirmed that the birthmarks are identical. What can you say about this?”

“Nothing is impossible through these nowadays technologies. The kid’s pictures maybe had been photoshopped. Plus, the original source of the pictures has not being detected. Again, I strongly deny the girl in the pictures is not me.”

 “What’s going on, oppa? What pictures? Why are they so serious?” Ayu asked Wooyoung.

“I don’t know for my own. I’ll call this person who’d messaged me.” Ayu nodded. Wooyoung dialled the number. A few seconds later, the person picked up.

“Who’s speaking?” the anonymous asked.

“It’s Wooyoung.” Wooyoung answered casually. Abruptly, a loud scream can be heard. Even Ayu was being able to hear the scream although the phone was not in the loud speaker mode.

“Woo.. who’s that, oppa?” asked Ayu. Wooyoung raised his both shoulder.

“Hello, can you hear me? Who’s this?”

“We’re Wooyoungsters!!” loudly. Ayu and Wooyoung wowed in amazement. Then, various voices can be heard were saying like, is that the real Wooyoung oppa? Is he calling us? Wow. We’ve got the right number. Ayu whispered to Wooyoung while putting the phone away from them.

“Oppa, that’s your fans. You can either ask about Jiyeon or hang up the call.” Ayu gave some suggestions to the doomed Wooyoung.

“Err.. why don’t I try to ask them?”

“Uhm, ouwkay.” Answered Ayu.   

“Uhum. Hello, you guys. I appreciate everything you’d done to stalk me.  And I…” Wooyoung’s voice was eventually overlapped by the extremely loud fans. Until Ayu shushed them, they appeared to be a little quiet.

“Okay, thank you, Ayu. So, I would like to ask you guys about something. Who did send me a message regarding Park Jiyeon’s press conference. Who did it?” nobody answered.

“Hello? Nobody? About T-Ara’s Jiyeon. No? Okay, thank you.” And so, he hung up the phone. He and Ayu exchanged a glance. Then, Ayu shook her head in disappointment.


*****Should we really be in love*****


At the same time, at the hotel, you and some other Wooyoungsters were joining a fan celebration and contribution for Wooyoung’s success for his solo, y Lady. You were so busy decorating a handmade card for Wooyoung at a provided section. Out of the blue, whistling sound of the microphone can be heard.

“Attention, Wooyoungsters.” You abruptly halted your doings and hastily walked to the main stage location.

“For your information, just now, Wooyoung had just called us!!!!” the MC cheered excitedly followed by others in the private hotel room. You can hear different people muttering different questions simultaneously like, where did they get the number or Wow, these guys were really expert in stalking the idols and many more.

“But, unfortunately, the conversation was just lasted for about 3 minutes and 43 seconds. And, you know what, he’d been asking us this question.” Everybody silent.

“He asked, who did send him a message regarding T-Ara’s Park JiYeon’s press conference?” everyone was seemed to murmur something. And your heart felt different. Then you gasped as like someone had stabbed a dagger at your back. Two girls beside you turned to you.

“Are you okay, Wooyoungster?” one of them asked.

“I sent that message.” You confessed that in front of the girls slowly. Now, their turn to gasp and everyone in the room looked at your direction. Suddenly, you felt nervous.

“Amy!! Here’s the girl that he’s been looking for. She sent that message!” Another girl yelled to the MC on the stage. Everyone gasped. Amy, the MC hurriedly walked down from the stage and then directly to your location.

“Who’s it? Is it you? Or you?” Amy asked while pointed to the both girls instead of you. You felt just like an outcast at that moment. Then, one of the girls pointed confidently to you.

“Neither of us. It’s her!” she shouted ecstatically. Amy turned slowly to you and studied you from toe to head. You felt quite uneasy with her action. Then, she walked around you as if you were an outlaw that was being interrogated.

“You’re the girl?” she suddenly burst into a mean laughter. Luckily, nobody was joining her. More or less, you didn’t feel that you were being humiliated.

“Why on earth are you laughing for? Nothing’s fishy here, DUH~” a girl appeared from nowhere asked. You loved how she said the ‘DUH’ word slowly and you think, very in style. Amy eyed her curiously.

“Who are you to say that type of words to me? HUH?!” Her voice was getting increased each word. She turned her head to you. The girl clicked her tongue and muttered ‘whatever’ in a mean and annoying way in front of Amy, ignoring Amy’s warning.

“I’m sorry, nerdie. I mean, pretty birdy. I’m not trying to humiliate you, you have to know that. So, tell me. Where did you get his phone number?”

“From a buddy.”

“A buddy, birdy? Who?”

“A Korean buddy. A guy, who loves to play guitar.” Everyone was trying to figure out the answer.

“Just tell me directly, honey birdy.”

“Just STOP calling me birdy, okay. Could you?” Suddenly, your anger burst. Perhaps, you’d spitted to the female’s face unintentionally. Amy’s jaw dropped.

“Okay, sorry. Uhum, your name?” She cleared .

“It’s Stephanie. Just call me Stephy.” You introduced yourself in the middle of the crowd proudly.

“Okay., Stephy. So, who’s the guitarist guy?”

“Someone should’ve known him. He’s popular! Especially, on YouTube!” you gave more clues hoping that somebody would answer.

“I know that guy. I subscribed him on YouTube. I just seem to forget his name. What is it?” a girl claimed while plucking her right hand fingers. You saw she mumbled something like ‘come on, what’s his name’ under her breath.

“Stop with the quizzing, could you?. I’m sick of this. Just tell me his name. His. Name.” Amy just cannot stand any longer. Suddenly, the girl that was saying he knew the guy requested to ‘wait for a sec’. Amy can’t stop forcing you to shout the guy’s name so, there you are.

“It’s SungHa Jung!” You and the girl shouted simultaneously. Everyone in the room began to applause. It seemed that there were two spotlights highlighting both of you right now. You, again, began to feel proud. You exchanged your look with the girl. She grinned at you and so you smiled back at her.   




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angelVSdevil #1
Great chapter hope you will get more subscribers^^
angelVSdevil #2
Maybe if you add some tags you will have more viewers and subscribers, because it sounds interesting to me^^