Just once


        Yesung stood in the centre of the stage while the other members walked around the stage freely.His eyes wandered over the blue ocean .Lights illuminated and screams cheered them on.He smiled,in South Korea,it was just minutes away till the start of his special day.His smile slowly faded as memories of his family and friends soon flashed through his mind.It was peaceful smiles and laughing faces when his mind suddenly recalled a threat from an anti-fan.Instantly,a tear flowed down.Yesung quickly rubbed away his tear in panic as he looked around to see if anyone had noticed.Probably not.He felt relieved and yet sad.They were all singing joyfully and expressing their love towards the fans.He quickly turned his back,determined to hide in a dark corner where no one would notice him cry.Maybe they wouldn't even notice he was gone..


Yesung slowly strolled down the deserted lane back to their dorm.The lamposts above him blinked brightly,enough to shine on him on some parts of the way.He was calmly singing when he was suddenly tugged and being strangled from the back.His tiny hands tried to find way to the arm covering his throat as he desperately tried breathe.

"Pathetic.."A voice whispered just next to Yesung's left ear as he continued to struggle.

"You're worthless you know that.All smiles and thinking you actually belong with them.But you're wrong!Anyone could actually replace you and no one will remember you.No one will..Even when you cry out for them and beg desperately,do you think they'll still want you?"

"Ofcourse..t-they wil-"The raven-haired male managed to choke out.A deep chuckle was heard and Yesung paled,"Wrong.Do you really want to know what will happen?If I take your life now,everything will be revealed and you can watch how they will just replace you and erase every memory they have of you.But ofcourse,being the sympathetic person I am,this is only a warning but remember this.They don't need you and they never will.Get lost from the group,you're only a burden.They don't tell you because they pity you.One more time and you'll be gone!"

And with that,the arm released him and Yesung fell onto the ground,gasping for air.Once he managed to,he ly to find thin air.His hands touched his neck,where the strong grip was once at and slowly,he cried.

He came home that night to a silent dorm.The living room was empty and there was no sound.The words the mysterious man had spoken earlier echoed in his mind and he dragged himself to the couch before hitting and crying himself to sleep.

'Nobody loves me.'

Flashback End....

He sits at the edge.Tears flowing freely even if he desperately tried to stop them.He's waiting.He's waiting for something to happen.Ten minutes passed and Yesung was sure it was already passed midnight in Seoul.He looks up.Nobody makes an attempt to walk to him and wish him a happy birthday.'They didn't remember,'he thought sadly.All he received were a few stares from some ELFs who had seen him crying.He saw worry etched on their faces and so he gave them a soft,reassuring smile.

Suddenly,the lights went off and he stood up in a rushed manner.'What's going on?'

There was no sound,no screams,no singing and the figures of the rest of s disappeared.He felt as if he was suddenly thrown into a black hole where he would disappear from reality.His whole body shook.The fear threatened to scare him to death.Suddenly,colourful lights of blue,green and yellow shined across the walls of the stadium and screams were heard again.The lights finally stopped and an-outline of figures began to shine.

"Happy Birthday to you~"Everyone sang in korean.Yesung cupped his face in his hands and kneeled down,sobbing.The bright,shining lights projected the words happy birthday Jongwoon,on the wall across him,above the heads of fans,touched him.The members smiled and sang along.It was just a few seconds later when Yesung felt many hands tapping his shoulder and sides.

"We'll always be by your side,Jongwoon.We love you,"

He looked up into Leeteuk's eyes before hugging the leader tightly.

'They were always there for me,'


A/N: HAPPY BIRTHDAY YESUNG-OPPA! This fic specially made on yesung's birthday.Subscribers for 'the meaning of mysterious' I'll be updating it this Sunday.As for 'sin to be too beautiful' I will probably take a few more weeks.Sorry for the long wait!

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